Spent over 900 hours writing fanfiction than original content

>Spent over 900 hours writing fanfiction than original content

ITT:Post reasons why you're never gonna make it into the industry

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I don't see it as a viable career choice
Also can't draw there's that

The industry will kill you as a person, both physically and mentally.

>have family and friends in the industry
>could be in it because of nepotism but chose not to since art and animation is literal shit tier for degrees and work

Are you that talentless fag who wanna do shit but refuse to put any money or effort in it?

"CTRL+F replace phrase" to change all the names. I heard that's what the author of 50 Shades of Grey did because it was Twilight fanfiction.

I don’t really want to

as long as you enjoy it who the fuck cares, the industry's a dumpster fire anyways

you're unironically better off writting smut fanfiction than trying to break as a writer in the comics or animation industry.

these. doing something professionally and for fun is very different. I prefer for fun.

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>Spending years working on your high school magnum opus
We're all gonna make it. Fuck me I can't draw though. Things would be easier if I could draw.

If fanfic is good enough it can get published. I am writing my own crossover fanfic because it is fun and coming up with original content is hard.

What fanfics got published?

What are your goals? Just declaring you want to be in the "industry" isn't really a good way to focus your efforts.

Thank the comic book gods for public domain characters, and for those occasional Yea Forums threads on them. It's how I'm putting together my own home-grown Amalgam.

I ain't going through all of this effort just for someone else's benefit.

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I can't draw and I'm super overprotective of my ideas to an autistic degree and don't trust any corporation with my work.

Because I'm more interested in illustrating than actual animating


Thought I was the only one.

as if you can't be successful writing fanfiction.

The entertainment industry is 99% rehashed content and familiar tropes. Most of it might as well be fanfiction.

Your problem is a stumbling block to making something creative and original. You'd probably make a perfect cog in the mainstream machine.

Well, is it be possible to make it as a cartoonist for the city newspaper?

>ITT:Post reasons why you're never gonna make it into the industry
I have no self esteem

Buffy and Angel got a fanfic right after both shows ended which got published. It was years before the comicbooks came.

Being able to draw makes it no easier, because I am never satisfied with my work and always think it should be better

>900 hours writing fanfiction than original content
You can't just say that and not post it.