>Peter & his class go on a school trip(s) which ends up turning for the worst, and due to this, puts his friends lives in danger, thus having Peter needing to become Spider-Man in order to save the day.
>Peter also attempts to pursue a relationship with a girl he likes without any character chemistry or romantic buildup prior. While Peter does have interesting interactions w/ them, we're never SHOWN WHY he likes either Liz or MJ, only TOLD, which isn't as emotional or impactful.
>As for the villains, Vulture & Mysterio BOTH have a personal vendetta against Tony Stark for putting them out of a job (even tying their origins directly to Iron Man), & only view Spider-Man as a mere inconvenience within their grand plans, instead of seeing him as a true enemy.
>Alongside of this, BOTH Adrian & Quentin attempt to steal Stark tech (Avengers Gear & EDITH) to boost their own personal agendas (profit & reputation/recognition). And, as a gag, they also threaten to kill or ACTUALLY KILL their own henchmen working for them as they see fit.
>And finally, Peter (supposedly) learns by the end of both films that he doesn't need to live up to what Tony Stark has set before him, but instead needs to be his own hero, hence why they imply Peter has "earned" the tech Tony has given him, after misusing it beforehand.
>Also, people find out that Peter is Spider-Man by the end of both films... only to play if off as a joke... Given that Aunt May was joking 24/7 with Peter AS Spidey in FFH, I have a feeling they'll do something similar in the third film... I hope not tho...
Weird how I despise Homecoming but unironically loved Far From Home
Ryan Moore
>people find out that Peter is Spider-Man by the end of both films... only to play if off as a joke You clearly didn't watch the same film I did, that clip on the bridge was played to millions of people with his name and face on the cover. What part of that end credits scene came off as a joke to you? That JJJ is the one announcing it?
>What part of that end credits scene came off as a joke to you? The part where Spider-Man shouts "WHAT THE FU-" and it cuts to rocking credits, just like the first film. Like, I wouldn't be shocked if the next film just starts with people fine with Peter being Spider-Man. Can you imagine Sony putting out a MCU Spider-Man trailer that wasn't "FUN SILLY WHACKY TIMES!"
Zachary Jenkins
This is super generalized compared to actual key plot elements to the MCU Spider-Man though. You can literally say that for any superhero story. Comparing both of them Raimi actually has some real character development. Try harder.
David Smith
I don't think you're a real person.
Asher Cox
Figures the twitter responder would use the lesbian of Stranger Things as their avatar.
Joseph Reed
>it's totally not a spoiler, guise, it's a talking point.
Christian Wright
Uhm, try again sweetie. Wait until Season 4 she's going to fuck the brains out of Stevens.
Lucas Robinson
Structure of the films is similar, but Peter's goals are different. In Homecoming, Peter wants to be liked by Iron Man and given real superhero shit to do. In Far from Home, he just wants to be a normal kid. It makes a difference in the story being told.
Colton Campbell
Vulture and Mysterio are in no way similar though. Like at all.
Sebastian Foster
>three-arc structured stories resemble one another when stripped of all nuance WHAT??
Xavier King
ah bloo bloo
Anthony Reed
Hahahah don’t be silly, user. I certainly am real.
Jaxson Lopez
>homecoming, wants to prove he can handle the big league shit after sorta going 1v1 against cap under handicap settings >Far from home, wants to take it down a notch after dying, fury wont let him put the genie back in the bottle tho
his story in the mcu is about wanting to be an adult, with actual responsibilities beyond saving cats from trees n shit, and then seeing what that truly entails. its relatable, wanting to be seen as grown up, and then regretting it and wanting one more day ( :^) ) of relaxation
Adrian Butler
It is even worse. Peter being a retard and trusting Mysterio with such powerful technology (especially since it was given to him by basically his father) is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in a superhero movie.
Luis Russell
These movies don't feel like movies, they feel like long episodes of a TV series
Anthony Campbell
"Sad and falls in love with MJ" matters a lot more than the minutia they're comparing between HC and FFH.
Jacob Hughes
Ackchyually >long shots of spiderman swinging through new york over orchestral music >random civilians saying a one off lines that the executives thought was funny >montage of peter doing something science to remind you he's smart >commentary from news heads about spiderman and spiderman alone because he's the only hero in the city >garbage set up for the sinister six >doc ock is the only antagonist they ever nail >peter inexplicably taking off his mask all the time, even for small talk >a shot of the american flag >spiderman stops a large, moving object
Levi Murphy
in b4 someone says, "but p-peter is just a teenager!!!11" yea but peter is a genius he should know better. especially how he's knowledgeable in science and was on the fucking avengers team.
Aaron Fisher
did you not pay attention? his whole image was fabricated to fool peter; >iron man/thor costume design >dr strange effects >rugged Cap beard >dude scifi techno babble lmao >generic tragic backstory with dead wife >Gyllenhaal eyes all play together to let his guard down
Jason Sanders
Spider-Man: No Numbered Sequel
Jeremiah King
Same. You're not alone. I actually had fun during FFH and went to watch it twice.
Chase Ramirez
>sweetie God, I hate you.
Juan Thompson
>Peter & his class go on a school trip(s) which ends up turning for the worst, and due to this, puts his friends lives in danger, thus having Peter needing to become Spider-Man in order to save the day What the fuck, did you expect a movie were nothing goes wrong and Peter doesn't have to become Spider-man? And the school trip wasn't even a main plot point on Homecoming
Wyatt Butler
alright. sorry about that.
Tyler Gonzalez
I´d love to imagine a third movie with Peter being a criminal and having to look for a place to hide or some way to protect friends and family from potential villains and that somehow he doesn´t have Stark magic to help this time so now is about he actually trying to survive and clean his name but then I can´t avoid the feeling that Peter would become a celebrity loved by everyone with the same tension as Tony after he revealed his identity, going to fancy parties, bringing friends to Shield or Stark industries to take selfies or having a bunch of fangirls and that all his so called haters are represented as stupid old farts who just want something to complain about
When did Spider-Man movies basically become Hanna Montana?
Chase Johnson
I'd like to see a Scorpion as a state-sponsored Spider-hunter. Maybe we can get Smythe and some spider-slayers in the mix. Have Peter visit the offices of Nelson & Murdock/Jen Walters to see if he has a case or not.
Landon Russell
kek disney drones think these movies have nuance
Joseph Mitchell
This is mostly true in vague terms about certain elements, but the part I disagree with is >Peter & his class go on a school trip(s) which ends up turning for the worst, and due to this, puts his friends lives in danger, thus having Peter needing to become Spider-Man in order to save the day. This is a minor sequence in Spider-Man Homecoming, while it’s sprinkled throughout the entire plot of Far From Home. The central thrust of the narrative in Homecoming is Peter trying to take on more responsibility than Tony thinks he’d ready for, and address a threat to the neighborhood, while FFH is about Peter feeling the responsibility on his shoulders is too much in Tony’s absence, and trying to hand it off to somebody else. This makes the movies and that vacation setup feel very different: HC had Peter sort of feel like he’d rather be enjoying the DC trip with his friends, but consciously make the choice to go off and track the weapons dealers, while Fury keeps pushing Peter away from the vacation he wants to be on, while Peter is pushing to go back to it. If they seem familiar, it’s not because they’re the same movie, it’s because they’re almost reverse mirror-images of each other. This is surface level criticism at best, that doesn’t analyze the themes at the core of either movie and that’s why it comes to the conclusion that they’re the same, because it doesn’t understand either film on a deep level.
Blake Gonzalez
>SM: Peter is sad, falls in love with MJ already wrong He's not particularly sad and MJ is his crush since he was a kid
Dominic Allen
Being knowledgeable on science doesn't mean he can't be a naive kid.
Matthew Myers
Lol no. And you dont know what minutia means, those are key plot points and motivations you retard.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Howard
Wow, you really are a braindead marvel drone
Liam Roberts
None of that was in the movie, you made up all that reasoning in your head. Never is it established that he picks those costume pieces for those reasons.
Lincoln Peterson
He knew the guy for less than a day Giving full control of a military satellite which can access most electronics on the planet isn't something you do on a whim, especially if you're supposed to be somewhat intelligent
Jacob Nguyen
>only view Spider-Man as a mere inconvenience within their grand plans, instead of seeing him as a true enemy. This is literally how almost every Spidey villain starts until he keeps getting in their way.
Matthew Barnes
>This is super generalized compared to actual key plot elements to the MCU Spider-Man though Yeah sure, specially because Vulture used Avengers gears to fight Spiderman isnt it?
Henry Smith
Fuck off.
Jayden Garcia
>And finally, Peter (supposedly) learns by the end of both films that he doesn't need to live up to what Tony Stark has set before him, but instead needs to be his own hero, hence why they imply Peter has "earned" the tech Tony has given him, after misusing it beforehand. Homecoming was about that, FFH was about Peter becoming the new Tony Stark, pretty much fully. He's not really becoming his own hero, and just adopting the Stark legacy. Which is so much worse than how Homecoming ended.
Owen Myers
Man the entire idea behind EDITH is kind of retarded when you think about it for 2 minutes.
Jaxson Howard
You mean like every Raimi Spider-Man film is the same?
James Butler
Me too!! Go watch it again!!! And don't forget to keep and eye on the bluray!!
Levi James
t. Marvel drone
Hudson Martinez
Goblin was done better than Ock the fuck are you on?