I'm going to keep posting it until the janny is forced to go to bed by his mom, and then we will finally be able to discuss the comic like mature adults.
I'm going to keep posting it until the janny is forced to go to bed by his mom...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mods are asleep
>Post trannies
>mods are awake
>post trannies
>make it all about you
funny coming from the TTTT
I have never seen these comic before, is the creator like autistic or something?
why would I come to a degeneracy parade?
The creator is a literal fat tranny
Why not? You're not a transphobia, are you?
now I'm not afraid of trannies
I just detest them
Being a tranny isn't a sexuality. So why are you there?
That outfit is kinda cute. Sorta makes me wish the characters in this didn’t all have grotesque giant baby heads.
Sex workers belong in pride now?
You do not want to discuss this comic, you want to discuss the political topics in the comic.
But it's related to the comic
What politics?
Is being a tranny a political party, or something?
Well damn, didn't know these places hosting this event had to change their entire structure just to appease you.
No trans people cant serve in the military because they are mentally unstable, trans athletes do have an unfair advantage when a 60 year old trans man is stomping the shit out of a womans basketball team in their prime.
well, duh.
Oh right.
You do not want to discuss this comic, you want to discuss the sexuality and sexual identity topics in the comic.
Is that more accurate?
It's a really simple answer like this, still don't get why they don't understand it.
Pride isn’t exclusively about sexuality. The gays joined up with the trannies early on because both groups are small minorities and they figured they could accomplish more by banding together. That’s why there’s a T in LGBT.
Anyone who thinks they ever did, thinks they always have.
Objectively false.
Nobody has ever wanted trannies in the movement, and they still don't.
They make the LGB movement look even worse than if they had included pedophiles.
>I'm not a boy I'm a girl! It's the trained medical professionals with doctorates that made a mistake!
Oh I am laffin
Sex work seems like the opposite of pride
it's more like selling your pride for money.
imagine spurging out because someone called you friend the wrong way.
It's JUST a pink jacket, a shirt with constellations and blue jeans. Get some fucking taste user holy shit.
I like simplicity.
Here's a cool trick to try on your trans friends before they commit suicide
And DBZ is related to strips about DBZ, but that discussion would still be about anime, wouldn't it?
holy shit
I feel like the rubber chicken is there specifically to bait me into commenting on it, but I’m gonna do it anyway.
So is this intentional or just awful art?
honestly looks better than the calarts crap I see
Ok well that's a good reason
Why do all the comics feature kids? Why does the artist focus on the gender and sexuality of kids?
That’s cause men that turn themselves into women for benefits want special treatment that the military is not designed to accommodate. And don’t have an unfair advantage over women in sports, they have a natural physiological advantage that has been acquired over millennia of evolution. But I guess I’m using words that are too big for the average person that shortens words as often as possible.
>inb4 perma ban
oh god what why
you have to be retarded to get banned from Yea Forums
Trannies are just men who fetishize porn stereotypes of women, to the point where it consumes their life. This does not deserve anything but pity.
Why is there a lot to unpack there? Does she mean her dick? Because otherwise, according to her logic, he's a boy who likes a "girl" and that's perfectly normal (hetero.)
Someone dosen’t remeber tottaly Kyle.
>unironically posting on Yea Forumsmblr without a proxy
Yea Forums likes trannies, who would've thought?
What rights? They can still own property, vote, etc., can't they? What, the special bathrooms?
>it's natural human instinct to bully trannies
Kek. Trannies are the most strict about gender stereotypes. They're obsessed with the idea that dresses, large breasts, high heels, makeup=woman. They "gender euphoria" (their word for popping erections to the idea of being a woman) when wearing "female" clothing or being in "female" spaces. Their entire fetish would cease to exist without gender stereotypes.
They deserve a beating. Hoover was a crossdresser and he kept it in his office/closet so he managed to live a normal life while doting on his mom and spy on Congress and the president.
I don't remember trannies fighting for stuff. Seems kinda contrived to come in at the last moment and claim that you've fought for the whole time.
I think you'd better check on your brain
It might be burning
(No we like to make fun of trannies, we don't unironically like them)
I have to give the writer some credit, LARPing as a child to get their politics across is something I haven't seen all that often.
Don't you know that bathroom usage is an existential threat?!
Is it common to be okay with gay people but hate trannies?
well if you ask me you should hate both
but trannies are indeed worse than the gays
I'm pretty sure most people know someone who's gay, but otherwise "normal".
Nobody has ever met a "normal" tranny.
>not going to educate you to dispel your transphobia
>writes an entire webcomic about trans people
I'm fully for people living their lives as they see fit. I even have a trans roommate that I'm good friends with. I still don't think it's fair for trans women to play in women's sports. Their victories and stats alone make that obvious.
based Yea Forums user
Very common. It's the trannies' own fault for being so god damn obnoxious these days. It was okay when they just wanted to quietly transition and be an unconvincing whatever. These days they aggressively want to be something neither boy nor girl and bitch about you not accepting their made up terms.
I pretty much knew I wasn't straight when I was 6, but I wouldn't encourage kids to come out since it's true that they're still developing and relationship stuff at that age is utterly pointless and creepy, gay or straight.
Bulllying kids for acting gay is a meme though.
Does anyone else find the idea of lgbt pride somewhat narcissistic?
Like what it should be is simply remaining resolute in the face of opposition, instead it seems to always come with this expectation for enthusiastic support from everyone and almost comes off as bragging? Like black pride is also a thing but you don't see black people throwing parades to celebrate the unchosen circumstances of their birth.
Pics of him IRL?
Is this comic full of grammatical errors or am I just tired?
>"Come to pride"
Shouldn't that be "Be proud"?
Ok I just asked her and she's against people who went through make puberty competing in women's sports. She thinks children who went through female puberty should be able to compete, but hasn't seen any data on how trans women who go on hormones before puberty do in sports compared to cis women.
poor trannies, why do LGB people associate with mental ratardation, it really bring the whole gay movement dfown
It's probably because society didn't traditionally have them hide the fact that they're black because the bible said to kill them for choosing to be black.
If it's not in Latin America, maybe?
wtf I agree with this
>Not okay with your biological sex so you pretend to be the opposite sex.
>Don't believe in gender roles making dressing "like a girl" a moot point.
I'm getting an aneurysm here.
because they themselves are retarded microwave brainlets
don't be fooled, the gays love trannies
and they're gonna take over
dont worry tho can help you
Assuming others have your opinions is a serious sign of autism.
Examples? Tumblr had a fad of naming all the gender identities and pronouns but it was a fad for the minority of minorities that only got big within certain circles.
>Nobody has ever wanted trannies in the movement, and they still don't.
There were gay and transgender people together as far back as the stonewall riots, you illiterate gayboy.
>come in at the last moment and claim that you've fought for the whole time.
[citation needed]
The squeaky wheel. There's a loud minority. Just like flamboyant obnoxious gays.
I like how this comic unintentionally implies that being LGBT is a disability
>Dude isn't gender neutral
Are you accusing Less than Jake and Kel Mitchell of lying you little shit?
it reminds me of that one Stonetoss comic with hotdogs that unintentionally implied that sucking dick ain't gay
Some people want to cross dress but aren't gay or trans. Do those people blow your mind or something?
Stop assuming boys are boys, Yea Forums
It could also be that those whites are the only ones that fall for this shit.
I can't tell what level of irony you're on.
Gay people aren't brainlets. A lot of them are damaged goods with daddy or mommy issues. But who doesn't have issues nowadays. Gay people don't even compare to the mental handicap of activist trans.
don't make me lamao
It's the old sage question of "is liking traps gay?" The answer is yes it is, because he knows the biological gender and is attracted anyways.
Like, I could understand if a female would be attracted to women in the same way I am, and the opposite for a male. Maybe it's not "natural" but it's not like I made a conscious decision to be straight.
Trannies, from what I understand, if they don't fit into the stereotype of a man or woman then that means they must be the wrong gender? Being sensitive doesn't make you a girl and not liking dolls or dressing up doesn't make you a boy.
At the end of it, now you're a trannie. No one will want to fuck you.
This. The internet likes to mob mentality around the obnoxious examples found on the internet.
It keeps getting worse!
>Free speech isnt a concept, it's only government regulations
Oh I think you can tell when somebody is trans or not
The more I learn about trannies the more I see that they really don't add anything to society. All they ever do is complain and try to obtain special rights. Listen nobody gives a fuck what you call yourself, nobody cares who you fuck as long as its a consenting adult, literally nobody cares about you or your "problems". Also take a moment to realize that people hating you isnt always connected to the fact your a faggot or trans and that you just might be genuinely unlikable.
Here let me give you a play by play because you didnt pass the third grade.
OP posts his post: (OP)
I post a reply, stating i disliked the design being a Mysterio design because i felt it didnt really understand the character:
Faggot immediately jumps to calling the original design a dated reference to try and prove why i'm wrong, claiming its still true to the idea.
I reply:
I ask what he even means by it being dated, a reference, and point out it still works fine today, because it does. I also point out that looking like a stage magicidian doesnt really fit his character, he worked in blockbuster movies as a VFX artist, he wasnt someone who pulled rabbits out of a hat.
He replies, incapable of reading fucking english, with somehow equating what i said to me saying Mysterio dresses like a VFX engineer, and not getting the point i just made.
I point out: That he, again, doesnt do stage magician parlour tricks, his gimmick is much more grandiose and "mystical" than that, and the point of me bringing up him being a VFX engineer
This guy still misses the fucking point: and doesnt understand the difference between Mysterios aesthetic vs a stage magician
Blah blah blah he starts making shit up: , calls him dated again, doesnt really explain what that even means again,
Again, try to point out the idea behind his design and why a stage magician isnt really fitting
Eventually he tries to snipe me having gave up trying to put forward an actual argument, so i type out a long one:
explaining in detail my point
He proceeds to sperg out at having to read more than 10 words in succession, and refuses to read my argument so he can keep shitposting at me:
Oh but poor bitch babies cant handle naughty boo boo words its mean.
Okay I get that but at the same time why should being "proud" entail anything other than living your life in spite of prejudice and refusing to hide your sexuality?
Why is it that any lbgt pride event always seems to revel in being as lewd and inappropriate as possible? Why is it that being a proud lbgt person apparently requires not only the tolerance of the majority but specifically their tacit approval?
Somewhat related what's the deal with all the various flags associated with lbgt groups? Wasn't the entire point of the rainbow flag that encompasses all groups of people? Why is it now treated as representing only specifically homosexual people? it seems like trying to subdivide everyone into specific subgroups utterly misses the point of the pride movement.
But that's true. "Free speech" is often meant to say "I must be guaranteed a platform someone else privately owns and free from any sort of consequence".
>one thread spamming autist meets another.
Just when I thought this couldn't get any crazier.
>Has cookie cat helmet
ohhhh shes a feminist alright
I dont get it? Why doesnt that faggot want cops at a parade? Why go to a "party" knowing it is gonna loud as fuck
I guess the author will have no issue with people beating them for their ideas as long as they don't work for the government right?
Some people use free speech like it's a license to be an asshole.
If you use this website you should know some people aren't worth listening too.
Imagine being this mad about this post that you spam it everywhere to try and false-flag that the person who made it is a bigger sperg than you.
>pride is sensory overlord
Oh, this person isn't crazy because they're trans, they're just chris-chan level autistic.
It all begins to make sense
>free from any sort of consequence
This right here gets me just a little annoyed because people use it to justify violence against someone who offended them specifically for offending them with what they said.
>Why is it that any lbgt pride event always seems to revel in being as lewd and inappropriate as possible? Why is it that being a proud lbgt person apparently requires not only the tolerance of the majority but specifically their tacit approval?
To be fair, there is a world of difference between people who merely happen to be gay or lesbian, and the kind of degenerates who unironically have sex with each other in BDSM clothes in front of children at "pride" parades.
The former tend to hate the latter, because it's changed from "we're here and we're queer, but otherwise just like you" to "we're here and oh jesus fucking christ what the hell are they doing?!"
Why muricans use fireworks to celebrate their indepebdence day?. It's a fucking tradition that's all.
Anyone have the assigned white comic?
What did trans people do in the fight for legalizing gay marriage, user?
What was the meant to be a response to?
Only one of them.
Thanks user
The pride event.
Where's the joke?
A trannie literally threw the first brick at stonewall.
>Trannies, from what I understand, if they don't fit into the stereotype of a man or woman then that means they must be the wrong gender?
No. Gender dysphoria is the persistent and distressing feeling of being the opposite gender. If you are a man, imagine suddenly having no dick and a pair of tits. If you are a woman, imagine suddenly having a penis. You now understand how gender dysphoria feels.
So you mean the lewd acts are tradition and that they just keep happening because of said tradition?
If that's the case though how did such a tradition even come into being? Who thought it was a good idea and why?
>because they know a cry for help and want to help show him how a strong man reacts to weakness
>knows nothing about Stonewall
Then I was mistaken.
>Okay I get that but what about these entirely unrelated things?
>why should being "proud" entail anything other than living your life in spite of prejudice and refusing to hide your sexuality?
I'm not sure what you're asking. Why does pride have to be anything specific? People are proud to be themselves as opposed to being ashamed of being themselves. Like sexy cheerleaders wearing skimpy outfits on national television as part of traditional sports; their sexuality isn't something to be ashamed of and we know there is more to them than just that.
>Why is it that any lbgt pride event always seems to revel in being as lewd and inappropriate as possible?
That's a minority of people that get the spotlight from cherrypickers. I've been to a big pride event in a city and I could really count the lewd dudes on a single hand.
>Why is it that being a proud lbgt person apparently requires not only the tolerance of the majority but specifically their tacit approval?
What does this even mean?
>Somewhat related what's the deal with all the various flags associated with lbgt groups?
What's the deal with all the letters? It's a catch-all for anyone outside the traditional norms of gender and sexuality. They're unified by being outside those norms, but are still obviously different.
>Wasn't the entire point of the rainbow flag that encompasses all groups of people?
I don't know, why do states have flags when they all have American flags?
Traditions are a weird thing, I'm no antropologist so I can't give you a real answer.
The fact that this comic bitches out about a medical professional asking for what the kids biological gender is when he's taken to the emergency room, and then they STORM OFF due to the indignity of being asked is just beyond retarded.
Medical science doesn't care how you feel about things, and things like drugs and medical issues can be affected by what gender you genetically are, not what you WANT to be.
The noose burn on its neck is a nice touch.
No, but cross-dressers aren't what's being talked about in the comics example.
The "girl" is a trans-girl, and identifies as a girl. But, the girl is arguing that "dressing like a girl" doesn't mean anything. Yet, at the same time, this girl argues that being visibly perceived as male is triggering and also an error, you know, because "she's" "she".
The author just doesn't make sense when arguing in favor of trans issues because they argue that gender is completely arbitrary. If that was the case, why is there even this conflict of gender identity in the first place? If "dressing like a girl" and "dressing like a guy" means nothing, why bother presenting one way or the other, and why get bent out of shape when people "misgender" you?
It just doesn't make sense.
>simply for offending them
It often isn't that simple. The idea of hurting "nazis" is hurting people who are openly conspiring to murder you and your family. It's not as simple as "I didn't like that" as if is "these are the words of people who want to convince the nation to hate and violently remove me".
But no, I don't support violence, I just understand it's not that simple, just like racism isn't simple.
"Pride" is short for the (LGBT) Pride Parade and related events.
>People are proud to be themselves as opposed to being ashamed of being themselves.
Not him, but this is a bit of false dichotomy.
You can be unashamed but without pride.
You don't have to feel one or the other.
Gets me everytime
So, nobody you know, or have ever heard of, or will ever run into so long as you live in a Western country.
It's the 'tism
Assigned Male could be a sonichu comic
Proud to be yourself means proud to love who you love. You're right, but it's called pride because it's the opposite of shame.
>there is not a single person in favor of violently removing people based on race in the west
That's actually impressive.
I always thought that this comic was all sarcasm,
I guess so; I've only seen a few comics, but what I've seen has been beyond retarded.
Like the one where they yell at the grandfather for telling the kid to eat all their food so they can "Grow up big and strong like me!" just seems mental when that's a normal thing for alot of people to tell a little girl.
Like, maybe in an ultra conservative "FEMININE MEANS BEING A TWIG THAT WILL DIE IF FARTED ON" view of what a healthy young girl is, but most families I know want their 8 year old girls to grow up to be healthy and strong and play sports, which eating all your food entails.