Itt: cosmic level characters

Post em. R8, h8, deb8.

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What are the good pre 2000 cosmic stories?
Ditko Doctor Strange is the best shit.

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What does cosmic mean when it comes to power levels

Idk, but they must be real fucking strong.

I primarily ment post characters who mostly hang out IN SPACE.

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My nigga

The galactus trilogy

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Who's this?

Orion of the New Gods.

Ah, okay.

Good to know

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Don't forget me guys

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Now fight it out.

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>The man who got rused to death

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While not strictly speaking a Cosmic character, Graviton more than has the chops to hang with the big boys. Moonstone too, for that matter.

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my nigga

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By far, Operation: Galactic Storm.
Also good thread, OP. A good place to settle and dump my stuff if there's no clownery going on...
Good, good...
Zero nonsense...
Okay yeah no, fuck this.

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Usually capable of hanging out in space without protection and being capable of flying from planet to planet without a ship on the low end.

Energy manipulation and amazing high level energy powers on the higher end

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God I hated how Johns handled him, especially that brainwashed cult thing.

I miss old Drax, and thanks to the success of the movies, we'll never have him back.

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Same with Star-Lord. Maybe one day, things will swing back, and at least OG Drax has his end if you ignore the stuff that came after

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Molecule Man and Silver Surfer

Too lazy to put a picture here.

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The team was formed from the quantum bands calling out to the most space worthy people on earth

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Anybody read X-Men: King Breaker? It was a pretty fun little space romp.

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What I wouldn’t give to see a big crossover with all these guys...

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One day the Guardians 3000 will make a proud comeback.

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I have not, what is it about?

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It's a prelude to the War of Kings event from a few years back. Havok has teamed up with the Starjammers after Vulcan killed Corsair during Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire and him, Polaris, Rachel and some guy who looks like Zack from FF7 are fighting against Vulcan's tyranical rule.

Along the way, Vulcan assembles a new Imperial Guard from the inmates of a Shi'ar maximum security prison, seen here to hunt them down and kill them.

Like I said, its a fun space adventure and shows off what a badass Havok can be.

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La Orden Negra! Tenebrosos villanos...

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Keko el mago puching out God after He molests Mechita, then gets punded by the cherubs.

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Helo me nama secks

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Based Sinestrochad

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I'm sorry, no it wasn't.

Put your purple pants back on

I can appreciate that. Monica must have been well at home, too.

I like that he ties with Earth-15 now but that Pulsar... don’t think it’ll ever be brought up again.

Also, I can’t believe Volthoom created some major lanterns in DC.


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