Posting excerpts from every unproduced SPIDER-MAN movie script

Starting with Cannon Pictures' 1985 draft.


>THE CYCLOTRON ROOM is in an old basement full of peeling paint and plumbing wrapped with TAPE. Leaks are here and there. COBWEBS are all around.

>DOCTOR OTTO OCTAVIUS (OCK) is a strong but strange-featured man in his mid-fifties. His assistant, WEINER, hovers nearby looking on. He's open-mouthed with a mindless kind of curiosity. WEINER is a local, small-time hood hired by OCK to circumvent the school administration and to "procure" whatever OCK needs for his experiments. He shades his eyes against a searing BLUE-WHITE BEAM that erupts from the WINDOW. THE ROOM IS DIVIDED INTO A CONTROL ROOM AND THE EXPERIMENT CHAMBERS.

WEINER: Whoa, whoa, whoa... what's that?

>With a WHOOSH, the WINDOW EXPLODES, showering the TWO with shards of GLASS, and throwing them to the floor.

OCK (rising): We begin again... let's kick in that new transducer. See if we can double the power output.

WEINER (rising more slowly): Whoa, Doc... wait a minute...

>But OCK is already at the THROTTLE. The cyclotron whirls up. The lights go on. Louder, brighter than before. OCK looks through the broken WINDOW into the EXPERIMENTAL CHAMBER. The POWER DIAL inches upward, "eight, nine...". the BLUE-WHITE LIGHT is blinding now. The WHINE pitch is shattering.


OCK: Okey... dokey!

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OCK: The anti-force experiment has now reached the limit of electronic overload safety. Therefore, Weiner, you will disconnect the overload safety device...

>FOUR WALDOS (three-fingered, snake-like mechanical arms) suddenly THRUST themselves into the CHAMBER and begin working, each at a different task. OCK is an acknowledged master at manipulating these WALDOS.

>He flicks a switch and a searing BLUE-WHITE BEAM lances down from a FOCUSING CONE and strikes a GRAM WEIGHT marked, "1,000,000"), illuminating it and filling our ears with a splitting BUZZ TONE.

>The knock on the door grows louder. WEINER comes up behind OCK.

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I've heard some weird shit about the one they were gonna do in the 90s, like some strange sexual shit

>THORKEL steams out and bangs shut the DOOR.

OCK: I now believe its possible that these counter-forces can be... collected... the way the magnifying glass collects the sunlight... and focused into a hard beam that I call... Weiner!

>WEINER backs away from the BLACKBOARD to reveal a word that OCK has scrawled in large letters. It says "Anti-Force."

OCK: I call it, the Anti-Force!

Oh, that's coming later. And it will be beautiful.

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>WEINER (rising more slowly)

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>KIM NICKSON comes by and leans seductively by her LOCKER. KIM is a ripe one and hot-hot-hot!

KIM (teasing): Hey, Flash... I'm scalping a pair of the Midnight Madness Wrestling Match tomorrow night.

FLASH: The Slammies??? I'd kill for that!!!

KIM: Would you pay $125?

FLASH: Well, uh, I... gee... if... can I tell you tomorrow?

KIM (moving on): You snooze, you lose. Hiya, Liz...

LIZ: Kim, you know Peter and Harry? This is my new roommate... Kim Nickson.

>KIM is pulling her pet, a FOOT-LONG SALAMANDER, out of her LOCKER. She wraps it around her neck and turns to the boys. They go bug-eyed!

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>PETER enters wide-eyed behind WEINER.
This place is a far cry from the experiment in the LAB ROOM. It's a fantastic netherworld to which no undergrad gains entrance. No one but PETER.

>OCK is sitting in a swivel CHAIR with his back to PETER. He has the look of Captain Nemo in his Nautilus. This is OCK'S domain.

PETER: Hello, Professor Octavius. (no response) I really admired your experiment.

OCK (back to Peter): We have a lot of interests in common, Peter. Perhaps we should put our heads together, if you know what I mean...

PETER (flattered): That would be... great...

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>OCK turns sweet again. He smiles too broadly.

OCK: Well, I'm certain something can be worked out. Run along, young man.

>PETER begins to leave.

OCK: Just a minute... how about if I show you my discoveries... something I never showed to any other student... as a matter of fact to anybody at all.

PETER: Well, I am really flattered, I mean I'd love to... but I...

OCK: Very well, shall we say if you come here tonight...

PETER: But, Professor... I don't now if I should...

OCK: Make it eight sharp... I'll be waiting for you... Right here... Alone...

>Peter looks worried then leaves.

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>WEINER is eating a large SANDWICH and a drinking a COKE.

OCK: I'll show them... closing the cyclotron on me... Weiner!

WEINER: Yes, Professor...

OCK: Where is he? It's ten past eight o'clock...


WEINER (with mouth full): That must be him.

>He opens the door.

PETER: Good evening.

OCK: You are late. (to Weiner) Weiner, go outside and get us something to eat. And don't steal it! Just buy it. I'll reimburse you.

WEINER (to Peter): Do you want anything, Parker?

PETER: No, thank you, I just had dinner at my aunt's...

OCK: Piss off, Weiner!

>WEINER leaves. PETER wanders around.

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>He goes into the experimental chamber, he overlooks the SPIDER which is scuttling away and crawls inside the open WINDOW... and into the chamber.

OCK: Okey, dokey, Parker... how would you like to take Weiner's place... I mean, be my assistant?

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PETER: Sorry, Professor, I can't do it. I gave my word to Professor Rosomorf.

>OCK is angry... Ock now sees the SPIDER. He shoots out a WALDO to try and crush it but the SPIDER is too fast. The WALDO slams against the wall of the chamber. He starts to push every button or switch in sight. A deafening whining starts.

>An URGENT WARNING TONE causes OCK to look at the "Relative Gravity" DIAL. It is at "4.999999KG" but suddenly the numbers start to tumble rapidly.

>INSERT: The glowing 5KG WEIGHT.
>INSERT: The POWER DIAL inches toward 50% POWER!

OCK (screaming): 50 percent... anti-force... 50 percent... that's all I'm missing! Parker, we can be rich together!

PETER: Sorry... I'd better go now.

OCK (really angry now): You'll be sorry, Parker.

>PETER leaves.

>Another URGENT WARNING TONE causes OCK to look at the monitor SCREEN. On it, flashing RED, is the word, "OVERLOAD!" OCK pushes the RED POWER THROTTLE forward! The WHINE increases to a PULSE and THROB.


>Incredibly lit, the SPIDER is dropping on it's shimmering WEB-STRAND down toward the 5KG WEIGHT which now GLOWS in time with the THROB and PULSE.


>The MONITOR is flashing "MAXIMUM OVERLOAD - SHUT DOWN!" OCK continues with the experiment. And then he sees the SPIDER!

OCK: You! Get out of there, you creeping...

>He tries to shove the SPIDER with his hand.


>Through the BLUE-WHITE we can barely make out OCK on the other side if the shattered WINDOW. He sends TWO WALDOS after the SPIDER. The SPIDER evades him and jumps onto the PROFESSOR's back. It then climbs onto the PROFESSOR's neck and bites him.


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>PETER pulls out a QUARTER. And enters a phone booth. He dials.

PETER: Hello? Aunt May?

AUNT MAY (V.O.) (filtered): Peter? What time is it? Are you alright?

PETER: Well, no, I mean yeah I'm fine, but listen... Aunti, the craziest thing happened to me tonight.


>As UNCLE BEN stirs fitfully

AUNT MAY (lovingly): Does this have to do with a certain girl we talked about at dinner?

PETER: No, no, look, there was this radioactive experiment... I was poisoned!

AUNT MAY: You were what?

PETER: I was bitten by a bug.

AUNT MAY: Oh! I get it, you mean a love bug.

PETER: No... No... A spider...

AUNT MAY: Peter, did you at least talk to her?

PETER: Aunt May, listen to me. I got bitten on the hand... by a poisonous spider.

AUNT MAY: She bit you?

PETER: No. I was in the bathroom and...

AUNT MAY: Oh, you did it in the bathroom? Peter, this is craziness, why don't you use your bed?

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NURSE: You have a visitor, Doctor...

>She leaves OCK and THORKEL alone.

THORKEL (enjoying this): Octavius, I'm afraid I have bad news for you.

OCK: The cyclotron is damaged...

THORKEL: What used to be the cyclotron was permanently shut down this afternoon.

OCK: But my work!

THORKEL: Your work is a disaster! Look at yourself!

OCK: Myself? I don't matter. Nobody matters anymore. To enter a new dimension we must first destroy our own...

THORKEL: What are you saying?

>OCK gets off his bed throwing away his sheet waving with his 4 WALDOS and 2 arms.

OCK: Destroy life. Life is... insignificant. Bags of sleepy, sluggish flesh. What would you say?

THORKEL: Oh, my God, what are those horrible things sticking from your body?

OCK (gets more and more excited): Thorkel, if I told you that for one moment in time I broke all the laws! For one brief glorious moment, I broke through to the other side. I saw... I felt... I became creation.

THORKEL: What on Earth are you rambling about?

OCK: Destiny!!! My destiny! I see it all so clearly now. Universal destruction, yes. All I need is the power... then I can destroy this illusion you call life. It is my destiny to lead us to the light!

THORKEL: You're a madman.

OCK: And you are a fool. I will end the universe as you know it. And in that final moment... I'll laugh my ass off while you're kissing yours goodbye!

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>CRUSHER COLE is doing a big flexing number and the CROWD is going wild. There are MTV CAMERAS and SIGNS and BANNERS proclaiming the "SLAMMIES" everywhere.

RING ANNOUNCER: And now, a new challenger, for the thousand dollar fight, weighing in at one hundred and fifty pounds... from parts unknown! Here is the Amazing... Mysterious... Incredible Superman...

REISS (snorts from ringside, hating the name): No, not Superman... Spider-Man... SPIDER-MAN!!!

RING ANNOUNCER: ...Spider-Man!!!!!

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>SPIDEY drops from the ceiling and lands in a pose. The CROWD cheers. He does a flip to LIZ and extends a hand. The BAND starts up. LIZ demurs.

FLASH (whispers firmly): Go ahead... go ahead!

>LIZ takes SPIDEY'S hand and they move slowly and sexily onto the dance floor. They do a short simple number. SPIDEY returns LIZ to FLASH.

LIZ (to Flash): Come on... Flash...

>FLASH takes LIZ from PETER (SPIDER-MAN). LIZ and FLASH dance wildly. They finish to big cheers. The real SPIDER-MAN slides to center floor. The crowd backs away as SPIDEY spins out the greatest dance number in film history. He's all over the floor and on the walls and on the ceiling and on the GLITTER BALL. He takes LIZ and flies with her. He breaks the place up. Then drops in a pose. BIG CHEERS.

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>BEN flies in and goes right to the RIFLE on the wall. WE hear WEINER clattering around the house in the background as BEN goes to a drawer and pulls out a BOX of BULLETS. He begins to fight the BULLETS into the RIFLE. WEINER comes flying in and tackles him. They fall to the floor, four hands on the RIFLE. They scuffle.

WEINER: All I want it the kid's computer crap!

BEN: Let go before I blow your brain's out.


>The TRUCK pulls away leaving PETER in a POOL of STREET LAMP LIGHT. He's wearing a FOOTBALL JERSEY and SHORTS and carrying a SPORTS BAG. He begins to run.


>MAY hears a CRASH. She pulls the covers up around her chin in fear.

BEN (V.O.): Let go!

WEINER (V.O.): You let go!


>PETER runs up and hears a SHOT. He runs inside.


>PETER runs in. He sees WEINER standing there with the RIFLE. They face off across the room. The moment hits PETER like a punch in the chest.

PETER: Uncle Ben!

BEN (a wheeze): Peter...

>PETER rushes to BEN.

PETER: Oh my God... Uncle Ben...

>PETER tries to revive BEN, while WEINER runs out.

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>There's a KNOCK at the DOOR.

LIZ (crossing to it, wondering): Peter...?

>She is about to open the door when FOUR WALDOS smash through it, obliterating it. OCK stands in the shattered doorway, WALDOS writhing.

LIZ: Doctor Octavius...! You're... You're... (finds the words) You're so weird!... with those... what do you call those...

OCK: Waldos... Did you hear about Spider-Man? (moving Waldos like spider's legs) That's me... the real Spider-Man... now tell me, where is that jerky friend of yours... Parker?

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>OCK grabs LIZ'S HAIR with his WALDOS.

LIZ: What are you doing... let me go! Please... take those things out of my hair!

OCK: My Waldos, you mean.

LIZ: Whatever you call them... please...

>OCK shoots out TWO WALDOS. Simultaneously each grabs a CHAIR from different parts of the room and brings them to the TABLE.

OCK: Sit.

>She does. He does, too, and folds his WALDOS across his chest.

OCK (chatty): He's a nice boy. A little nerdy maybe, but nice, wouldn't you say?

LIZ: Oh, I don't know. Maybe. He's very inexperienced.

>ONE of OCK'S WALDOS rests on the TABLE curled around the COMPUTER. LIZ lets her hand rest on it. OCK warms immediately.

OCK: You know, you're a fascinating young lady...

LIZ: Thank you...

OCK: You're so refreshing. You're so...

LIZ: Shocking...?

OCK (gone to far): Oh, I wouldn't say shocking...

LIZ: I would!

>She sticks his WALDO in the ELECTRIC WALL SOCKET behind the COMPUTER! The CURRENT sizzles through him and he leaps up, WALDOS akimbo, like the "cartoon cat."

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OP, how can you have possibly let the thread go for this long without mentioning that Otto was supposed to be Schwarzenegger?


>The CAR arrives and LIZ jumps out. She's on nothing but a narrow GIRDER! She tightropes on the GIRDER. OCK gets to the top. He looks across at her. She's stuck between two unfastened GIRDERS, at a dead end. He slowly telescopes a WALDO toward her. She's got no place to run, no place to hide. He grabs her by the BLOUSE and lifts her off the GIRDER.

SPIDER-MAN (V.O.): Put her down, Ock.

>OCK looks across the street. There, on the top of a tall building, is SPIDER-MAN.

SPIDER-MAN: I know what's happening to you, Ock. I've been through a lot of changes myself lately. You have to listen to me.

OCK (holding Liz): Who the hell are you?

SPIDER-MAN: Spider-Man.

LIZ (seeing Spidey): Spider-Man...

OCK: That's a lot of crap, clown... I am Spider-Man, not you.

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>SPIDEY THWIPS a beam and swings across toward OCK.

OCK (screams): Hey... you jerk... you phony Spider-Man... Prepare to meet your death, bug.

I'm pretty sure at this point they still had Hoskins in mind.

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>With OCK swinging from his WALDOS like a metal monkey and SPIDEY swinging from his WEBS like, well, like SPIDEY, they clang and bang through the GIRDERS of the CONSTRUCTION SITE.

>SPIDEY avoids WALDO strike after WALDO strike. OCK eludes WEB after WEB. But SPIDEY'S agility soon has him turning circles.

SPIDER-MAN: Over here, Octopus!

OCK: That's Professor Octopus to you, Spider-Jerk!

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Know what script I wanna read? The one where Peter is a man-sized spider monster in Ock's basement, and he kidnaps victims to fight Peter for his own amusement.

>He looks down at the traffic jam. We PAN across the many CARS until we come to a non-descript GREEN CAR.


>OCK is angrily honking the HORN

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Was this made right after the screenwriter learned that word or something?

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>SPIDEY'S peering in from a HOLE in the ROOF.

OCK: Insect! I am going to squash you to death... Once I lay my Waldos on your skinny bones...

>OCK hurls a DRUM at SPIDEY. It erupts in a sizzle of LIQUID and GAS. Then the SIX-ARMED FIEND runs for the door with his SL 270.

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You don't find Waldo, Waldo finds you.

Did I mention Spider-Man only swings ONCE in the entire script, and has to rely on his college professor to drive around for the rest of it?


>Suddenly from OCK'S basement lab a BLUE BEAM of LIGHT breaks through. A WHINE starts, it moves magically out of the WINDOW and PANS around a sleepy NEW YORK which doesn't know that the end is upon it. The dreaded WHINE builds throughout! People stop in their tracks, look up to the strange-looking skyline. Camera comes down to a street where ROZ is DRIVING SPIDER-MAN fast toward the UNIVERSITY.


>ROZ looks out over the skyline of NEW YORK. Lighted buildings FLARE UP and then GO DARK. The LIGHTED SPIRE of the Empire State Building FLARES UP and EXPLODES.

SPIDER-MAN: It's started. Step on it Professor, or we'll never make it!

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Why is Spider-Man swinging out in space?

Since you asked...


>OCK knocks SPIDER-MAN with a real BIG BLOW with his WALDO. OCK is slowly dragging SPIDER-MAN to a HUGE HOLE that's been ripped in the floor by the BEAMS of ELECTRICITY. We see New York a half a mile down through the hole as the building rockets to space. We see SPIDEY being drawn across the HOLE. Then ROZ comes flying in with the FIRE AXE.

>ROZ hacks away at the WALDO and chops it off! The stump withdraws. OCK examines it in pain and fury!

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>OCK drops calmly, beatifically, to the floor of the room. He moves slowly, under his own power, into the LIGHT.

OCK (spaced out): You cut my power... there's too little power... It's so tiny... so tiny... there's only space... for me. But I've done it, Spider-Man. I have broken through... I've broken through!

LIZ: Don't do it, Dr. Octavius!

OCK: Okey... dokey... Now that's what I call an experiment!!!

>As he nears the LIGHT he actually becomes a part of it. He radiates LIGHT. He shimmers and shines. He fills the room with BLINDING LIGHT. And then he's gone in a flash.

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>He swings across and lands on the LEDGE of the DOOR. Then he swings the WEB back to her like a trapeze. LIZ catches the WEB and looks across at SPIDER-MAN, furious.

LIZ (shouting across): What am I supposed to do with this!

SPIDER-MAN (shouting back): Go ahead. It's easier than it looks! We've got to try the fire escape.

>LIZ swings across like TARZAN and SPIDEY gathers her in on the LEDGE. She does a comic "phew" and the LEDGE buckles beneath them but holds. SPIDER-MAN tries to open the door, but it's stuck.

LIZ: The door is stuck.

>SPIDER-MAN bends his back to the task. It take all his strength, but with a comic AAAAARGGHH! He bends the DOOR open.

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>There is a beautiful FULL MOON. PETER and LIZ float down into the frame lit by its wonderful light.

>The AMERICAN FLAG which has turned into a huge parachute. They hold each other tight. They can hear SIRENS below. They begin to laugh with relief. Then they stop. The wind billows LIZ'S skirt and plays with PETER'S hair, and snaps in the AMERICAN FLAG.

LIZ: We have a lot to thank your friend Spider-Man for.

PETER: Somehow, I don't think we've seen the last of him.

LIZ: Peter...! Finders, keepers...

PETER: What...? What is it? Why do you look like that?

LIZ: I think I'm in love.

PETER (even his eyes blush): You are...

LIZ: With your friend...

PETER: Spider-Man? You're in love with Spider-Man?

LIZ: I am... you think we'll see him again?

PETER: We might... you never know.

>He kisses her.

LIZ: Oh. (bittersweet) This may be the end of a beautiful friendship you know?


>They land in the center of the park under the parachute. They stay there and kiss... completely covered by the flag. Camera pulls up to show the building floating away.


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So, wait, is the building just flying into orbit during all of this? What happened to his teacher?

>So, wait, is the building just flying into orbit during all of this?

>What happened to his teacher?
Roz? He dies.

>Perhaps we should put our heads together, if you know what I mean...
No, Peter. Remember what happened with Skip.

Tomorrow we do James Cameron's 1995 script with the weird sex stuff.