JSA Storytime: Gen13

Good evening owls,

regime change

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Other urls found in this thread:


We manga now

I, for one, welcome our new Weeb Overlords.

at least we're not more Joe Casey randos

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Hello, Storyteller.

Wow, and suddenly the book is manga as fu-
Oh. Well there's why.

Also, more Legion redesigns. And they all suck. Especially Nura's. GREAT.

Hey OP.
Fuck Bendis.

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>Lee Bermejo
when does Batman rape the joker?


God...I am still just reeling from the pain.

>A Savage Breast
You got my attention

>Matter-Eater Chad

Dreamgirl was unexpected. She might be following the Fire "boys don't know that i'm not naked under the flames" school of costume design

Nu Legion looks fantastic. I fucking love that cover. Who knows about the story. Great art, bad story is kinda a Bendis trait

Daddy Matter Eater Lad I love it

Wowza. Now that is quite the bait and switch cover.
I am confident Warren will steer this back towards the light, wacky fun of the early run.

Seriously. Fuck Bendis.

they're all SO BAD

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They didn't even try with Dawnstar.
They didn't even try.

I've basically been asking Comrade "but why is Nura naked?" since I saw it

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Wait a minute are we not manga no more?

かわい-- ^_^

Seriously how are they still doing the "NA character dresses like they're in an old Western film" thing in 20fucking19

>A Savage Breast
... Oh whatever greater power there may be, give me the strength.

I laughed my ass off at Tenzil "2SWOLE2CONTROL" Kem here. Why is he a goddamn lumberjack daddy with a fuckin' handlebar mustache?

The at this point stereotypical as hell warpaint on Dawnstar makes me wish Shikari would come back.

I'm thinking the designs are intentionally bad,in a desperate attempt to distract from the awful writing that we know is coming....

Well he eats a lot, so clearly he has to be big. Because having the small skinny character be the one to eat anything was too good of a visual

Matter Eater Chad

Yeah, it's not like Dawny isn't a potential minefield, but that's like just doubling down on every single stereotypical marker possible

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Daily reminder i beat up women.

You know why she's naked, OP. You read the Shooter Files. You know why.

Brainwashing pop song?

You’re gonna have to Storytime a weekend or night I’m not working so I can actually engage in Legion y’all op

Well, no one ever claimed Bendis was a wealth of sensitivity and sense about these things.
God, and you know there'll be many who just eat it up.

Ryan Sook sucks at redesigns. His elemental Lad is more a Memelental Lad and what he did to Blok hurts like hell.
Damn, poor Blok.

>Scioli's F4 Grand Design
>X-Statix returns as X-Cellent

If anything, it's like they tried way too hard with her. I think they're trying to lean into her Native roots by having her wear it loud and proud, as it were, but it just comes off tacky as fuck.

>"but why is Nura naked?"
Because she's the hot one, Storyteller. I promise you that's the excuse. Because her sex appeal is an actual part of her character, they got away with redesigning her with a strong dose of bullshit.

... I mean, assuming Brian has enough brain cells to even realize such a thing.

I really hope it's more like his test pages that were posted around last year.

The preview pages were...less inspiring.
Still gonna be fun.

If MEL was a new design for like, Starfinger, it could almost work.

But no, it's Tenzil, and apparently he mostly eats Gains.

>no one ever claimed Bendis was a wealth of sensitivity and sense about these things
The bald fuck does. That's the reason why he created Miles.

I feel like whatever artist ends up on the ongoing is going to HATE having to draw all those tassels in every panel

Adam Warren only did the cover for the issue. Like many other comics, the cover artist isn't always the interior artist.

I haven't paid attention to any comic news this week, and that is really good news

Miles was created because Bendis has good business sense and wanted to make a marketable character for multi-media adaptations

Got a link to them test pages?

On the other side these were announced and they are great news.

From his twitter last year

He created Miles becuase he thought he could get royalties off the Donald Glover Spider-Man movie Twitter wanted instead of Andrew Garfield.

>Having any good sense at all


Kill all women.

No user, artists LOVE drawing extra lines in things, like Jim Lee's universally beloved New52 designs!

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Wait until Bootleg.

>another Hellblazer book
>but it's an AU based off three pages that Gaiman wrote 29 years ago
Then again, every Hellblazer book after #300 sort of has to be an AU

Oh, I see we have some interesting guests tonight

I am here for The X-Cellent because I really never expected to see fucking Zeitgeist again

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Adam 'get the duct tape' Warren?

Fuck off jsaass

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Y’all are gonna make me love Bendis Legion out of spite. Matter Eater Lad should be thin Gtfo like all those Silver Age designs aren’t the same bodies with different painted designs on them

Also I’m fine with Dreamys whole body being the silver suit stuff she wears.

I’m so happy they finally look like aliens and not a 1950s glee club

Yes, although at this point he was mostly known for his pseudo legal Dirty Pair comics.

Support your local NPR station!

Mine runs the best music in town and sends me grackle-related merchandise

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Aside from Michelle Fiffe on Spidey, what other Grand Designs could Marvel do? I'm thinking Wagner could do something but maybe he's not indie enough for it

>poor Blok
I hate how lumpy he looks. Blok is a kind, dignified fellow with a sense of quiet wisdom, and they made him look like some kind of generic video game enemy that acts like a dopey idiot in cutscenes for a cheap laugh.

I dread what they'll do to my girl Mysa. They already fucked up her sister.

Seriously, this is why most cartoons stick with simplified designs. Not only are they easier to work with, they often straight up look better than over-complicated crap.

Roxy really needs a better boyfriend.

Fiffe gonna pull a swerve and do Mark Gruenwald Grand Design turning Squadron Supreme, Captain America, and Quasar into a single narrative

>I’m so happy they finally look like aliens and not a 1950s glee club
What the fuck are you talking about? They look like a bunch of hipsters cosplaying as the LoSH members. Also, Dreamgirl is Wetdreamgirl now for some reason.

I am totally here for this

Colleen Doran was basically D: D: D: at the Jan design, at least from my reading of her posts

I'd buy that

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My local NPR is the Mother Corp, and is not in need of constant overpriced tote sales. (Although it is chronically underfunded thanks to decades of government austerity)

>they finally look like aliens
>tfw you know it's bait, but feel compelled to bite anyway

yay I didn't miss it

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>seeing everyone freaking out with whyboners in that Pleakley thread
>more amused at the newfriends who are just now discovering it
Oh my sweet summer children. Wait till you find out about Secret Squirrel.

I dunno, Blok's little ._. face is pretty cute


Caitlin BTFO


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I will beat u up!

Bunch of hipsters cosplaying Superheroes is a perfect description of the Legion so I don’t see a problem

Not surprised. Jan was her favorite

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anything good coming out tomrrow besides X-statix?

I couldn’t land on a read there cause it seemed a little (self admitted) feeling left out too. I don’t know why you wouldn’t get here for a variant down the line. I didn’t like the design sheet of him but on the cover I got a chill vibe I like

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Oh shit, Warren predicted modern international relations!
I think this might be verbatim from the insults hurled at the British Ambasador.

Warren's actually pretty smart and funny

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>I don’t know why you wouldn’t get here for a variant down the line
Because it's bendis. He wants the biggest names of today

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Are you retarded or something? Can't you not see the fucking difference between how they use to look and how Sook redesigned them?

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this is both funny and a great portrayal of a spiral into insanity via pop detritus

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The Jan design makes me want to die

Warren for LOSH? I'll take weeb Legion over the current nightmare.

I know I stopped listening to the local pop station the summer Paris Hilton bought a hit song.

Adam Warren would write a great Legion.

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Caitlin continues to be best girl.

>Oh Behave
... So has it become acceptable to admit that Austin Powers was kinda shit?

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THe Silver Age stuff looked like someone had a sheet with a bunch of the same bodies and different outfits colored on.

I honestly don’t get the rage and feel like 80% is Bendis Name.

Austin Powers is great, ur kinda shit

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>So has it become acceptable to admit that Austin Powers was kinda shit?
I think that was something common since those movies were released? Also kinda semi related, wasn't Campbell working on an Austin Powers series?

>THe Silver Age stuff looked like someone had a sheet with a bunch of the same bodies and different outfits colored on.
That's basically what all superheroes look like though. That's what superheroes are, they're people in colored outfits.

It was really stupid but in a fun way, like Airplane and Naked Gun.
Not stupid in a stupid way, like Tom Green.

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>Not stupid in a stupid way, like Tom Green
Should I ask?

>asks if the car is properly insured before jacking it
Kat, pls.

Not really sure why anyone would want to dig up that particular corpse.

Cait sure fuckin hates this song

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Austin Powers 1 was okay, but it was diminishing returns on the sequels.

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that's a great cover

I know several of you need that top panel cropped for your personal use

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Tom Green, post fame and being trolled by Yea Forums was alright.

This cover would be problematic for today standards.

Wool! Vandalism!

What rules is that what’s out of date is that there were copying places

Huh. With the shadowed eyes, Majestic coincidentally looks a bit like All-Might.

Caitlin does like older men...

I still go to one if I need a color copy of something

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I need that SHUT THE FUCK UP BOOMER pic in here now

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Y'know, I normally hate puns, but this one gets a pass due having actual effort put in.

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The fish lips ruin it.

Guy that got popular for like two years in that weird period between like 1999 and 2001 where teens were really into grossout shock comedy about buttholes and horse dicks. Released an infamous cinematic abortion called Freddie Got Fingered.
Really tonight's storytime in particular has been a concentrated dose of 1999 nostalgia, even moreso than this entire series.

I think I worked at this store.

I support this ship.

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Freddie Got Fingered got a second life due in part to Onion AV Club's Nathan Rabin's "My Year of Flops", where he wrote an apologia for the piece

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There's a good one with a rainbow and like a lake landscape, too

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Ellis fucked up not including them in the reboot


fuq Adam Warren made up memes

Woohoo, poorly Xeroxed communist newsletters!

Also, top TWO panels. That Marxist print slogan needs to be included too.

Looks like a plot by the Hacker Known as Yea Forums

and for the opposite side

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>wrote an apologia for the piece
Fucking... "It's totally a dadaist movie, guys!", right? Cause that's always the excuse trotted out by those who for whatever reason don't want to just admit that it's a bad movie made by an idiot who revels in shock "comedy".

>Really tonight's storytime in particular has been a concentrated dose of 1999 nostalgia, even moreso than this entire series.
All we need now is a Digimon reference, and we're golden.

Hey, remember Flint the Time Detective? I do. For some reason.


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Oh, Grunge is taller than Freefall again.

Also, fingernail biting Fairchild is doing this to me.

Tom Green was the white Eric Andre.

Only Eric Andre will never fuck Drew Barrymore.

Man this issue was prescient


>Today's My Year Of Flops entry, the notorious 2001 comedy Freddy Got Fingered has a bifurcated reputation as both one of the worst films ever made and a movie so doggedly, singularly bizarre that it's hard to believe it ever got green-lit.

Basically, "how did this many horse cocks get past the censors who enforce mainstream mediocrity"

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I watched Flint all the time as a kid.
What a ride.

And I don't know about "Dadaist", but as a movie made to just fuck around....it's breezy.

Oh shit, the song is a straight up memetic hazard!

Could've gone with the MGR reference, but fuck it.

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Hello future banner fodder.

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Jesus christ, when did AVClub/Onion get absorbed into whatever hellscape that Jezebel, Kotaku and Gizmodo belong to?

I wish I could buy a Slash Maraud trade.
It is the greatest 80s movie never made.

it fucks, I like it

Rock and Roll never dies

less than three years ago.
It pretty much killed all discussion in comments sections

A while back, and going from Disqus to Kinja murdered the comics discussion threads that used to be lively, F

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And again.

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The Four Horsemen of the Popcalypse.

>Basically, "how did this many horse cocks get past the censors who enforce mainstream mediocrity"
While that is a fair question, that doesn't make the movie less shit. There are much better media out there that prominently features horse cock. And yes, it is exactly what you are immediately thinking of.

>I watched Flint all the time as a kid.
>What a ride.
Fox Kids, and all the other Saturday morning cartoon blocks were the absolute tightest shit.

Adam's Gen13 should get an omnibus


in case you don't know the song, you kids you

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I just prefer Simon's solo stuff.

Little Caitlin is precious and must be protected at all costs.

Like, the term has been around for ages, but it really is a bit uncanny to see the concept come up in pre-mid 2000s media. Others saw it coming, and we didn't listen.

ohmigosh that music video

there's good stuff but come on, is any of it as good as Bridge Over Troubled Waters?

you should go read the John Barnes Meme Wars Quartet, except I usually hesitate to rec KALEIDOSCOPE CENTURY to anyone

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You cant beat him, Caitlyn. You'll have to roll Seduction.

based best boy

Madge really is the best.

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he needs a new title already

I am so in love with this page

>except I usually hesitate to rec KALEIDOSCOPE CENTURY to anyone
One cursory bit of googling later...

Quoth one Jo Walton;
>"Kaleidoscope Century is one of the most unpleasant books I’ve ever read, I can hardly believe I’ve read it again. All the same it's a major work and very nearly a masterpiece... This is the most unsuitable book for children in the history of the universe... But despite making no sense, rape, murder, and a very unpleasant future, it's still an excellently written and vastly ambitious book, with a scope both science fictional and literary. That's what ultimately makes it a good book, though I do not like it."
Well okay then.


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Lots of fireflies out tonight

Only if Maxine gets to be in the cast

Ellis's The Wild Storm would never condone a goody goody like Madge.

That is a very good review of the book, and the comments go into some of what makes Barnes so great--it's very hard to believe the same guy wrote that and One For the Morning GLory

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Just mosqitoes here

Ellis is absolutely the weaker Warren, Adam should've rebooted the universe instead of him

Congrats on being a 6'4" sex goddess, OP.

this art is pretty dope, this is a good book

Okay, I wish. I am definitely not 6'4"

Caitlin is so wonderful here, tho

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I wish I was a Yea Forumstant so I could use that top panel over there

she's a top 5 comic waifu dead or alive

...this could seriously be part of CANDLE

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I fucking love his expression in the bottom panel

The best part is when she says the book makes no sense, but is still excellently written.

The Wild Storm suffers a terminal case of Nothing Fucking Happens Syndrome.

KC has a particular take on time travel that Jo Walton, who is a very particular person about a lot of things (the idea of people writing fic of her books is crippling, for instance), doesn't buy, that's the bulk of it.

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also known as 30 years of alcoholism and pessimism has rotted Ellis' booze soaked sponge of a brain

>localized node of sentience for the musically encoded memetic entity known as the pop song "So Happy to Be Happy"
... Yo, I was fucking joking about this being an SCP object, but that is absolutely the same cadence and typical subject matter, like it's the beginning of an article.

Is Adam Warren a precog? The hell is this?

This is getting Morrison-esque.

So basically half this thread or at least me

lolol this writing is good

>Mungo Jerry didn't create a self aware mind virus

That's sad.

>I am a different and entirely more evolved form of meme
My fucking sides

I found Ivanka or whatever ms steel tit's costume in real life.
Missing Persons music video "Words"

he's just smart
Grant's just a lame druggie

The Wild Storm was just a slow motion easter egg hunt.

I find Warren hits a lot of the same themes as Morrison some times, but with a lot more accessibility in the storytelling.

I'd love to see reactions to The Invisibles.

>The Wild Storm suffers a terminal case of Nothing Fucking Happens Syndrome.
Oh no no, stuff happens. It's just that, far more than stuff happening is people talking up valuable time to TALK about the stuff that happened.

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...this was a legitimately great two-parter, what the hell

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thanks for reading back TOMORROW

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Gen13 is legitimately great

Thanks storyteller. I love you.

I like how they consistently get letters from women
thanks OP

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Caitlin just resisted the influence of a sapient meme, and then nerded out with said entity over theoretical quantum physics. Comic books.

Also, we clearly need to read more Adam Warren stuff, holy shit.

Adam Warren is good.
Gen13 is good.
Reese's Cups equation!

Like, fuck, And It on a throwback to the freeze frame bit? That's great.

Top Ten was so good

Ah shit, Warren was only on for two issues?

Comics in general used to get all kinds of lady letters.

Thanks for running, OP.

>pseudo legal Dirty Pair comics

What do you mean? They were properly licensed from the Japs, in fact it's why he can't reprint 'em nowadays.


at least it will be good now that lobdell is on it

>Also, we clearly need to read more Adam Warren stuff, holy shit.

If I didn't like the comics he draws so much I'd wish he wasn't an artist/writer so he'd put out more volume of stuff

But the man's writing approach is like the opposite of the Marvel method, you can bet somewhere there's a tightly sketched penciled version of this comic in Adam's style that the artist just copied, I can tell from the panelling that it's Adam's work. That's how he did it for the iron man miniseries anyhow

This is what a script from Adam Warren looks like...

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