Saves New York all the time

>Saves New York all the time
Honestly if I was Spider-Man I’d either just quit saving people, so they realize it’s better if I’m there, or just start stealing shit because they think I’m a crook anyway.

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That’s because you’re kind of a crappy person

>Staying in New York

>If you don’t take abuse from the people you save you are a bad person
No, fuck off marvel civilian.

That's how it was in the Japanese Spider-Man comics and for most of it he quit being Spider-Man, didn't wear a costume, and just beat up rapists.

Why not move and save people somewhere else or use your brilliant mind to find an income source that isn't supplying the guy with a hateboner for you?

Theyre all faggots.

>caring about what others think
>only saving people so they will be grateful to you
you would have been a shit hero anyways

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I honestly don't see how anyone but infowars tier brainlets will believe it in the next movie anyways.

There's like 20 people who can all almost 100% clear peter's name here, the hologram LITERALLY shorted out in front of everyone with a shit ton of drones, it wasn't tossed into another dimension, and the whole accusation makes no sense.

"Spiderman was jealous so he showed up with a bajillion drones to kill me! Except they were trying to kill him, ignore that!"

If I were Spiderman I would take people on swinging adventures around the city. Really dazzle them for hours. Then I would take them up really high and drop them. Then swing around to get close to them as they're falling just to tell them that I am not going to save them and they are plummeting to their death. Then I would ask them what they are thinking and feeling knowing they are about to die, and ask them whether they grateful to me for the things I showed them. Then I would go find someone else and do it again.