Saves New York all the time

>Saves New York all the time
Honestly if I was Spider-Man I’d either just quit saving people, so they realize it’s better if I’m there, or just start stealing shit because they think I’m a crook anyway.

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That’s because you’re kind of a crappy person

>Staying in New York

>If you don’t take abuse from the people you save you are a bad person
No, fuck off marvel civilian.

That's how it was in the Japanese Spider-Man comics and for most of it he quit being Spider-Man, didn't wear a costume, and just beat up rapists.

Why not move and save people somewhere else or use your brilliant mind to find an income source that isn't supplying the guy with a hateboner for you?

Theyre all faggots.

>caring about what others think
>only saving people so they will be grateful to you
you would have been a shit hero anyways

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I honestly don't see how anyone but infowars tier brainlets will believe it in the next movie anyways.

There's like 20 people who can all almost 100% clear peter's name here, the hologram LITERALLY shorted out in front of everyone with a shit ton of drones, it wasn't tossed into another dimension, and the whole accusation makes no sense.

"Spiderman was jealous so he showed up with a bajillion drones to kill me! Except they were trying to kill him, ignore that!"

If I were Spiderman I would take people on swinging adventures around the city. Really dazzle them for hours. Then I would take them up really high and drop them. Then swing around to get close to them as they're falling just to tell them that I am not going to save them and they are plummeting to their death. Then I would ask them what they are thinking and feeling knowing they are about to die, and ask them whether they grateful to me for the things I showed them. Then I would go find someone else and do it again.

Cringe attentionwhore
Based Superanon

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Why is spiderman in New York in the first place when the entire marvel canon is in New York

And then you'd have the avengers on your ass for being a serial killer.

Wasn't that an entire episode of Ultimate Spider Man?

Kill them all.

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You’re just like the Plutonian

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didn't they put him in a super prison like dumbasses instead of killing him at one point in the story?

Kys Marvel npc. DC civilians know how to treat a hero. Especially the Flash's. God, why can't we be the Flash. He looks so happy and his civies are alwaya happy to see him. Even his rogues are happy to see him!

That's because the flash is one of the nicest heroes around, and actively curries a persona of niceness with his citizens.
Batman by counterexample actively tries to be viewed as an angry scary asshole, and superman is beloved but an illegal alien.

Saving people, not for praise and adoration, but because it's the right thing to do is kind of the point of Spider-Man. Hell, it's even his motto.

>Honestly if I was Spider-Man I’d either just quit saving people, so they realize it’s better if I’m there, or just start stealing shit because they think I’m a crook anyway.
>Honestly, if I had super-powers, I'd be an outlaw.
Makes sense, you are OP and thus a faggot.
And as everyone knows, faggotry is criminal


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Just think, if uncle ben hadn't gone and gotten himself killed, spiderman canonically would probably have ended up being just like that (or booster gold).
One almost things he saw the future and committed suicide by thug just to guilt his nephew into being better

Classic JJJ looks like Hitler Hulk.

>1000.00 dollars
I know inflation and all but... shit, that's still an insultingly small amount of money to offer for a person who can stop a truck with their bare hands and rip metal doors off their hinges.