TIL that in the Rick and Morty fanbase there are people that refer to themselves as "Ricks" and refer to others as...

>TIL that in the Rick and Morty fanbase there are people that refer to themselves as "Ricks" and refer to others as "Morty's" or "Jerry's".
Can anyone explain what this means what these labels represent?

Attached: rick-and-morty.jpg (600x410, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope you get cancer from the autism you radiate

>he thinks I like Rick and Morty
I guess R&M is a "nono" topic on Yea Forums huh?

I thought the first season was pretty funny, the M. Night episode is my favourite.

Sadly the show set land speed records for flanderizing.

And then the Mcdonalds incident happened.

It means their name is Rick, dumbass.

I just don't wanna be a gear person

The topic is not the problem, you are

Attached: !ロビンフッド.jpg (311x375, 21K)

>Marty! We've became trapped in a 4channel thread!
>There's only way out! Marty you need to...










>Can anyone explain what this means what these labels
Same retarded shit /pol/ means, going on about NPCs.

So the Rick and Morty fandom is equivalent to /pol/. Makes sense and explains a lot.

>Geez Doc, I don't know...

Attached: 1505911855-0.jpg (600x450, 31K)

>Come on Marty just one lick to save your life!

Attached: 478142293_750x421.875.jpg (750x421, 19K)

lurk moar faggot.

Or gods forbid you just watch the fucking show and answer the question for yourself instead of wanting bottle fed.

>Or gods forbid you just watch the fucking show
>watching Rick and Morty
no thank you sir.

Wow that is the Rickest thing to say....absolutely, totally, based.

Attached: ricks-rick-and-morty-2-hours-ago-i-have-27494990.png (500x608, 55K)

Attached: s9p7wxvr4epz.jpg (750x1187, 162K)

Idiots that think they're smart has always been an interesting phenomenon. I guess this cartoon just attracts most of them.

Attached: DI13omHVYAAAftu.jpg (750x546, 79K)

lol at the Yea Forums reference..

>Can anyone explain what this means what these labels represent?

Or at least that's what restarted fans who only watch it to feel "smart" and masturbate over Harmon's cock think.

In reality it should be:

Okay, retard.

Sounds pretty self-explanatory