Apparently Black Mask is flamboyantly gay in the movie, and the Black Diamond that Cassandra Cain steals from him and that he becomes hellbent on retrieving, leading to the Birds of Prey joining forces to protect Cassandra, is actually a flash drive filled with dick pics he was being blackmailed over. The movie is basically a R-rated action-tinted black comedy.

Attached: Black Mask.jpg (497x368, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good i like gay super villains

If you're going to lie, make it believable.

>Blackmailed over dick pics

Gay men pass those out like candy

>evil villain commits the sin of sodomy
it checks out.

It might make sense if he was closeted but if he's so flamboyantly gay why does he care who sees his dick?

Obi Wan in DC. Based.

To be fair, so do straight men

Holy shit I can't believe it. There's going to be a Birds of Prey MOVIE?


Attached: Black Mask and his fetish.jpg (600x488, 102K)


It's a Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn vehicle with the Birds of Prey name slapped on it

Wtf is birds of prey?
I’ve literally never heard of this

Because female writers don't understand gay men. At all. Even a speck. They think they know them best, but women also think they can be President.

Read one comic

>read one comic
Sorry, I’m too busy having sex

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Hello there...

Ewan peaked with Moulin Rouge

Is it Roman Sionis or Jeremiah BM? Yes this is important because only one of them has tension with Bruce

>Though his sexuality is never explicitly stated, multiple sources have told We Got This Covered that the sexual tension between him and fellow villain Victor Zsasz will be palpable and the way he acts in general makes it pretty clear that he’s gay.

Shitty DC movie so I guess just a DC movie

>We Got This Covered

Try again.

What's your source?

Nobody has been able to explain to me yet why this is bad

"We Got This Covered"? Now I don't believe in it.

Early this year they said that Kevin Feige was fighting tooth and nails for a MCU Blade movie, starring Wesley Snipes.

It's not bad, just different and silly.

I think BoP is going for R rated silliness. It seems like they're taking a lot from Harley's New 52 run. She even has that stuffed beaver


I see nothing about dick pics in either of those

It doesn't seem like we've reached a high enough level of degeneracy to make a movie like this in WB's struggling superhero movie franchise. However if it is true, then Black Mask will go to Hell when he dies.

>J-Joker's tattoos are just for the anniversary photo
>H-He becomes the Batman we know later on
>H-He becomes the Superman we know later on
>F-Flash gets a second suit later in the movie
>B-Batman is really Deathstroke
>B-Black Mask isn't gay
every fucking time with you DC dumbasses

>>H-He becomes the Batman we know later on
>>H-He becomes the Superman we know later on
Both of these happened in Justice League

>>F-Flash gets a second suit later in the movie

Then Whedon happened

>the movie will revolve around dick picks
the absolute state of dc

Attached: 1552921982045.jpg (428x424, 16K)

Attached: 1562716052542.jpg (664x677, 245K)

>Grace Randolph

Oh yeah because she was oh so accurate about Osborn debuting in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Or, oooh how Kevin Feige is fighting tooth and nail for a Wesley Snipes Blade Film

>"too busy having sex"
>posting on Yea Forums

some camp villaijns can be fucking great
pagan min is great and so is the corinthian

>Early this year they said that Kevin Feige was fighting tooth and nails for a MCU Blade movie, starring Wesley Snipes.
Why couldn't this be true? They hired JK Simmons to come back as JJJ after all. And Marvel has said they may do R-rated things as long as it's clearly marketed as such.

>Black Mask is flamboyantly gay in the movie, and the Black Diamond that Cassandra Cain steals from him and that he becomes hellbent on retrieving, leading to the Birds of Prey joining forces to protect Cassandra, is actually a flash drive filled with dick pics he was being blackmailed over
Dick pics? So Dick Grayson is his lover and he's trying to protect him?

Imagine the doujins

Attached: 1553120337722.png (720x716, 556K)

>So Dick Grayson is his lover and he's trying to protect him?
You shut your whore mouth, don't even joke about that.

Attached: 1560390041800.png (852x854, 1.14M)

The Superman one is patently false, because Joss Whendon just slapped a really blatantly fake band-aid over the cancerous Snyder script to make Superman suddenly happy and cheery and heroic when he'd died a dismal, dour and un-Superman mute just one movie prior.