

Attached: 1562715576164.jpg (664x677, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-cut-scenes-gay-films-have-a-real-hard-time-in-china

well, that is unfortunate. But par for the course when it comes to comic canon with this movie.

alright, dude.

Oh god I know what happened. They saw the gimp mask Black Mask design and ran with it....

Attached: Black Mask and his fetish.jpg (600x488, 102K)

>Guys, Osborn confirmed in FFH!
Stupid jewtuber only good for her sex appeal

Sounds like a hell of a ride if he is still the sadistic fucker of the comics. Might actually watch depending on the trailers and acting.

Okay, but the movie being centered around getting dick pics back sounds kinda funny

All "scoopers" claimed Osborn was in. It is actually quite entertaining seeing them backtrack on it now.

>We only want equal marriage rights!

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Can we get this news from any one credible?

No because no one credible is repeating this rumor.

>second source confirmed this
She's probably talking about the advocate which uses as a source while has no sources.

Literally, why?




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Honestly I'd be more afraid of them making him a hamfisted misogynist.

We were, then WB fired Johns

>Tfw i am only one of 6 people here who like Black Mask here
>They do this shit

On par with the Arkham Origins bait and switch

Attached: +_379fd16d12ef51e7535372dbf59d2427.jpg (326x256, 17K)

All legit scoopers are furious at her for spoiling it

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>falling for clickbait

Hi ladderbro

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It's incredible how people believe that site, even though it hasn't had any hits or true to their articles. Their "sources" don't exist.

$50 says he's banging Zsasz

Attached: 1280-birds-of-prey-zsasz-1553630963030_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>legit scoopers
No such thing.

But aren't flamboyant gay villains terrible stereotypes? Like the red monster thing from Power Puff Girls?

Except it's actually true they've screened the movie several times

Well it's not like people can hate DC more than they already do

Enjoy your dick pic villain

Of course the male villains against females has to be gay in the most ridiculous way. Wow so originality. This is why female superheroes can’t be take srs

Because it doesn't matter if it's true or not, what matters is content.

It totally does

>Scoopers are mad at somebody posting a scoop
Yeah, OK buddy. You posted this on Yea Forums as well

Yep. They should have at least made him bisexual. There is very little bis in fiction anyway.

And WBs just lets them go on twitter and spoil the movie before the offical trailer is even out?

>Except it's actually true they've screened the movie several times
But is bizgamer9 one of those screeners?

>the gay character is rightfully the deranged sadistic villain
Now this is the type of gay pandering I like to see. Based.

You guys were crying two days ago about the villians being straight white men. This is nothing but funny to me

They're mad at her for spoiling the movie you fucking moron

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Yeah fuck that, but is Montoya a major character?

Attached: Question.jpg (400x600, 40K)

I’m a sjw you dumbshit. I’m saying this looks bad on female superheroes.

>But aren't flamboyant gay villains terrible stereotypes?
Yeah sure, better subscribe to her videos for more juicy news about the outrage.

It sounds like she's full of shit

They're mad at her because they didn't think of spreading this bullshit first.

How is she saying Far From Home is a huge flop? She's a massive brainlet with shit taste so I wouldn't be surprised if she actually believes it

If this is true then she saved me money. If it’s false then who cares.

At first I laughed a DCucks and their desperation, always trying to insist that their characters were relevant and that their brand wasn't dying
Now I just feel bad for you guys, it's like you were just hit by a car, legs and arms broken, and as you struggle vainly to crawl off the hot burning pavement God almighty himself descends from the heavens not to help you but to piss on you and tell you that when you die you're going to hell
I'm sorry everything turned out so wrong for you guys


And she's 60

Attached: Rosie-Perez-Renee-Montoya-Birds-of-Prey.png (618x412, 435K)

>Black Mask is a sadistic flamboyant gay

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>it's legit because they're mad at her and they're mad at her because it's legit
But instead of posting these randos how about some reactions from the cast and crew of BoP? Because that's would actually prove legitimacy.

All DC spoilers sound like the poster is full of shit but they're always true

You'll find out when Maxwell Lord has the power to grant wishes in WW2

Imagine actually thinking a gay villain will be made in CURRENT YEAR

>If it’s false then who cares.
I do because this bitch is making bank on pretending she has inside scoops.




No it's that Grace is usually wrong. Remember how Osborn was supposed to appear in FFH?

One doesn't exclude the other.

>All DC spoilers sound like the poster is full of shit but they're always true
You only remember the spoilers that are true and even then we're being generous with the label of spoilers. Watching the trailers and using context clues to piece a barebone plot are not spoilers but speculation.

Oh fuck that's right you DCucks are super delusional and refuse to believe literally anything I keep forgetting

>But instead of posting these randos how about some reactions from the cast and crew of BoP?

Because cast and crew never acknowledge leaks, no matter how credible they are. It's called "plausible deniability".


Is making a gay villain something that will bring /pol/ with the sjws? /pol/ will like it because its the cruel character that’s gay and sjws like it because gay representation.

Attached: fuck you dab.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

>I'm mad, someone just spoiled this movie for me
>I would've ignored it if I didn't know it was true beforehand
so he got spoiled... on something he already knew?

Can somebody tell me why this is bad?

lol sucks to be you then cuck

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She has sex appeal?

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So when will you be banned again?

He's trying to warn people away because he knows it's real and that it's going to hurt the movies chances of being as successful as Shazam

>Remember how Osborn was supposed to appear in FFH?

The "reliable" ones like Jeremy Conrad and Daniel Richtman also said he'd be in it.

Spoilers don't actually hurt movies

So I should place my trust in people who use their status as "hollywood insiders" for clout because there is no way they could be lying?

We get to laugh at a fag getting his ass kicked by girls while you're too busy campaigning for Peter Parker to get a boy friend or whatever it is you Mouse Cucks do.

They do when they prove a movie is going to be shit

I mean first of all, total bullshit
Second of all, if it is true, which it isn't but let's just say it is, fucking why?
And lastly, this movie was going to be shit regardless of whether or not the villain is gay and after dick pics or not so if this does turn out to be true (which, again, it won't) it'll at least make the movie something fun to laugh at as opposed to just being another boring shitfest like Suicide Squad was.

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that's the beauty of being "insiders" you can spout whatever bullshit for follows and likes and when the movie doesn't match your predictions, you can just go "well my sources got it wrong, they've been fired tho. "

That's how the game has always been. Nobody is forcing you to play.

Did those guys also say Kevin Feige was stopping Dark Phoenix from being played and that posters were stealthily being taken down before it released?

That's not what he said though and honestly why should he care whether the movie is successful or not?

But how did he know what she said was true when he read it?
Either he already knew it to be true before he read it, which means she didn't spoil anything, or he didn't know about it until it was posted, so he was right that he was spoiled but he has no idea if it's actually true.

Why would Black Mask being gay make the film shit?

Rosie Perez in Montoya? Were all of the hot young latinas busy during auditions?

You are when you treat these rumors as fact because it completely dominates the conversation.

Because it’s a gay villain. Some people are gonna complain about using a psycho to represent homosexuality (which is how Christianity sees homosexuality btw) so it’s anti-gay if you think about it.

But wasn't Him egregiously overpowered to make up for the weird factor?

You're just giving me reasons why a few people would be outraged, nothing about the quality of the film

oh you didn't know? Margot Robbie is producing this. Meaning she had a say on who was casted and who wasn't. This was *her* movie, and she wasn't going to hire another woman that was more attractive than her.

If it's just a game then these people are the losers.

>But aren't flamboyant gay villains terrible stereotypes?
I can't even remember the last time I saw a gay villain

Bruh did you even see the actresses for Black Canary and Huntress?

>Some people are gonna complain about
Okay, and? That doesn't affect the quality of anything in the movie

Then why did she hire MEW?

If the character were trans maybe. Not so much with

Grace is the epitome of over-the-hill wine aunt who was probably cute in high school. And she's not even 40 yet.

only to give her a shitty costume. Margot is suppose to be the eye candy

You know this "Robbie hired women less attractive than her" was also a rumor started by Grace, right?

Then you have other retards complaining about gay representation in general. They made a scenario where the pandering doesn’t work for anyone.

There's no hiding how hot MEW is by a shitty costume, get outta here with your bullshit grace.


Shit plot and decisions makes for a sit movie. Get rekt DCuck

>Implying they won´t try to justify him with some bullshit backstory full of gayness or make him a hate women homo who will get his ass beaten by the birds

It doesn't but you're supposed to act like this is a huge social faux pas and treat the movie as "CANCELLED"

You still haven't explained why it's shit

>If this is true then she saved me money.
You should have dropped the movie after they put Harley Quinn's name in front of the Birds of Prey. You should have dropped it when they cast a negrina as Black Canary. You should have dropped it after Margot Robbie said the film would be "less male gazey".

>They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.

She added the dick pic detail herself.

Nope. I had zero problems with those directions. Also how you not like Harley you faggot.

And the second source
Which just links back to the article on the first site.

I think you mistook this site for twitter just because of the OP's image.

>Though his sexuality is never explicitly stated, multiple sources have told We Got This Covered that the sexual tension between him and fellow villain Victor Zsasz will be palpable and the way he acts in general makes it pretty clear that he’s gay.

aw and you DC dipshits were trying so hard to deny it too

Attached: It's true.png (640x944, 612K)

>The movie wont be 'STRAIGHT WHITE MEN BAD"
>The villain can't be seduced by a bunch of thots because he's a massive queer
What's the problem?

You keep on using random nobodies on twitter as proof.

It's probably true
We're going to pretend that the MCU never changed a villain though

>it's probably true
Based on what?

She never said that. She's saying its not making waves, that no one's talking about it and what it means for future marvel movies like they usually do. And she's right.

God fucking damnit.

>Not Deathstroke
>Not Penguin
>Not Jason Todd
>Not Bruce Wayne
>Not someone he had tension with in comics

So this is an OC?

>And she's right.
It's already made 588mil. She's wrong

She's 30s hot. I'm 33 and would impregnate her immediately and with extreme prejudice

>DC dipshits were trying so hard to deny it
They can't outrun teh gay, bro. This is known.

Attached: run faggot run.webm (428x352, 862K)

>She's 30s hot.
Is that like being a 'Baghdad 9?'

They're following the MCU playbook.

That's Zsasz? The fuckers couldn't even be bothered to make him bald. This is just a Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn vehicle with the Birds of Prey name slapped on it anyway.

That's because Maxwell Lord is Hades

>a literall who

I'm OK with all villains being "diverse".

Are we in an alternate reality where this chunky bitch doesn't make up lies every week for clicks or should I look out for Kathleen Kennedy getting fired and Norman in the new Spider-Man?

Blonde Zsasz is actually accurate though I prefer him bald

Attached: 2127226-zsasz__1_.jpg (557x640, 48K)

Black Mask is a violent asshole who forces people to cannibalize their spouses.
But now that he's gay he suddenly can't do that anymore and I hate it!


>This is the movie that debuts Cassandra in a major production outside of a comic.
Every time things start looking up they find a way to FUCK ME.

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If you have a penis yes.

That's kinda my shit though. I pray she has a sextape leak.


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She was in that one video game on PS2

Tell me why it's good.

user do you really think only user has ever said that? Are you retarded?

Are you implying they'll actually allow the next attempt at an "Out & Proud Icon" to actually act in an evil manner that is in ANYWAY not played for laughs?

>Dark Tomorrow.
>Pre-Arkham Batman game where Cass' PS2 model silently dashes across the screen for all of five seconds.
>Major production.

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Someone post that fucking "Male gaze vs. female gaze" screencap, I want to scream.

I mean you could be a Stephfag where DC just outright hates us.

>Black Mask finally has a shot at mainstream attention
>Doesn't wear a mask
>Takes it up the ass

Attached: batlaugh.png (295x517, 303K)

Zsasz looks like the one on the bottom tb h.

>Casting a Top
>Cast Ewan McGregor
lol no

I’m a purist when it comes to adaptations of any kind, but this is so absurdly stupid I might just down for it.

>Believing Grace Randolph

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Fuck you, Ray was alpha as fuck

I just don’t understand why these motherfucker won’t leave the characters alone.
You don’t need comic readers, the best selling comics sell 100.000 copies, and that’s only Batman and Spider-Man regularly. If you want the brand just fucking put “birds of prey” on the title and write the story you want with the characters you want inspired by the original, I don’t understand why they have to bastardize established characters as if comic readers will applaud that you put a name there.
Why not create an original flamboyant villain, how many people are going to the movies because black mask is in it? Just call him dark mask and do a completely different character, you already Have the branding in the title, leave the characters alone.
I honestly have more respect for a movie like Catwoman because it doesn’t even touch Selina Kyle. It’s just a movie about a woman with cat powers it doesn’t bastardize Selina, it doesn’t twist her motivations or character, it’s a completely unrelated story.
I don’t understand, just leave my comics alone, please.

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It's too late. Black Mask will become a fag anti-hero in the comics.

These films change the villians all the time. Thanos had his entire character and motivation changed

>and that’s only Batman and Spider-Man regularly.
Spider-Man hasn't sold in the 100k's regularly for years and Batman doesn't now either.

Nah closer to an LA 3

Cry harder, breeder, we're gonna take it all from you.

This puts his torture of Stephanie Brown in a whole new light.

Attached: spoiler torture 1.jpg (663x1037, 126K)


You didn't actually think this Birds of Prey horseshit ever had a chance of being good, did you? Oh, you sad little monkey.

>make shitty decisions regarding female heroines
>movies bombs and fails
>company never makes a female lead movie again

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>If you have a penis yes.
Prove it.

Last year Spider-Man titles broke 100.000 units at least 7 times (8 if you count Spider-Geddon)
Last May they sold 92k
Batman passed 100k 16 times last year.
Last May Batman who laughs and Batman Last Knight on Earth both surpassed 100k while his regular title was around 80k.
Pretty fucking regular to me mate

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I wish we could go back to pre-outrageculture. I want to go back.

>literally a "GURL POWAH" movie
>the villain is a gay man
What did they meme by this?

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yes and when there's nobody left to reproduce the human race can finally die. Godspeed!

Then finally the Gay Agenda will be fulfilled, and we will be rewarded by Satan.

White women are coming for gays next.

Honestly if these things didn’t affect my comics I wouldn’t even care, but you just know whatever story they’ve got planned is gonna be derailed by a movie with those characters coming out, or they might even incorporate shit from the movies. I can only hope it’s bearable like white Nick Fury going to do something else so they can shove in black Nick Fury instead of something retarded like “he was gay all along! We just didn’t say anything!”

Satan is just the warden, he has no real power only clever tongue.

coping tranny

lemme tell you real quick what a clever tongue can do to a supple asshole

This is pretty funny, if it's true. Why is anyone mad at this?

It’s a great decision!

Only retards think there’s a gay agenda, people with actual brains know homosexuals are too retarded to organize anything in a big scale. We just shun you guys because you’re all depressed losers that ruin everything you touch and drag the good people who care about you with you to the bottom of shitville then try to blame others.
You may think shoving gays into movies will bring you some sort of fulfillment but the truth is only when you Learn to be something beyond your sexuality maybe you’ll find happiness. Until then you’ll only self-destruct and I’m not gonna help you do it.

>spoiling plot of movie for upvotes

>the main villain's motivation is getting pictures of his dick back

It's so brave and inspirational!


Honestly, that's a great bait and switch.

re-shoots in 4 .. 3 .. 2 ..

Yeah, he DEFINITELY raped her now since it doesn't matter to him at all now.

>All the girls make fun of it at the end for like 6 minutes before killing him.

Yeah, it's TOTALLY the same kind of shit a guy would write.

It’s not, it’s a shitty marvel type joke that takes away from the drama to make a throw away gag that is only funny momentarily but takes away from the weight of the villain.
Kinda like Hux in the TLJ, he was protected throughout TFA so his character had weight then they threw away all his menace by having Poe make a joke out of him, and proceeded to never recover through the movie.
It happens with Ultron, all other villains and even Loki in Avengers, the only one protected was Thanos and lo and behold he’s the only memorable villain, whole all are forgotten and Loki is a beloved mischievous character.
“Oh my god he didn’t really want the diamonds he wanted the dick pics LOL”

Imagine a gay rapist who only rapes women.

“As a psychologist I gotta say all this bravado seems to be an attempt to compensate for something...”
“Oh, believe me Harley, I’ve seen the pics, he’s definitely compensating...”
“What the girls are trying to say is that you have a really small-“
Gets interrupted by Black Mask screaming and lunging at them only to be easily foiled.
Honestly it works for me cause I got and SPH fetish so I hope this happens

It is the kind of shit a guy wrote because you just came up with it.

Note how you immediately went the insecure route where women is making fun of his penis.
Projecting much?

I’m not the same guy as the guy you’re replying to talking about marvel villains.
In regards to the post I actually wrote:
Why else would it be dick related if not to mock him in some way?
I do have a small penis, in fact I say in the post I have a SPH fetish, which stands for Small Penis Humiliation, making fun of my small penis turns me on, so I’m not “projecting an insecurity” I am very secure with my small penis, there are women who are fine with being pleasured in other ways besides penetration, my current gf enjoys oral, and the SPH is mostly just fetish play where she makes fun of it and calls me a loser during sex, it’s very fun for me, and she’s happy as well as far as I can tell.

Oh no, they're taking the drama out of a Harley Quinn movie ! What will we do ?


First off: it’s Birds of Prey you fucking mongoloid.
Second: oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know i was talking to a toddler who thinks Harley’s character is all about being a shitty Deadpool clone. Harley is at her best when there are stakes and drama not shitty comedy, you’d know that if you read a comic besides “Harley Quinn goes to Comic-Con”

Eh this doesn't really offend me if anything. Black Mask is a rich SOB, he can do whatever he wants with his money.

I’m the top reply. I didn’t say they’d make fun of his penis size, the joke is that everyone will think he wants the diamond when SUBVERSION he actually wants the dick pics.
I don’t know if they’ll make fun of his size.

>Orchestrate a giant manhunt, killing dozens in the process
>Over few dick picks

I mean, that is something worth ridiculing you over.

>It’s not, it’s a shitty marvel type joke that takes away from the drama to make a throw away gag that is only funny momentarily but takes away from the weight of the villain.

I don't see that at all. All it does it subvert what you thought was his goal slightly. It wasn't the diamong itself, but what was inside the diamond. It in no way removes gravitas from Black Mask unless you're an underaged moron who giggles every time someone says penis.

I get what you’re saying and you’re right a GOOD writer could make it work and keep the villain strong even with a silly motivation.
But you’re deluding yourself if you think it’s not gonna be used as a LOL ITSA PENIS.
You can laugh with the villain, but if you laugh at the villain He becomes a gag villain

And yet no men could get away with that kind of shit for a movie...makes ya thunk

>but if you laugh at the villain He becomes a gag villain

Not necessarily. If he's a compelling villain, the penis gag just adds a new comedic side to him as a character flaw.

I can't really think of an instance where a woman intentionally has gotten several people murdered over a nude selfie.

>But it's what men would do
Whoa, really turn on that sexism there, doll

I mean that is what motivated some of the most prolific serial killers in America.

This is the same movie that made Black Canary black. Literally the dumbest stereotype shit with a black hero having their race in their codename.
Why is anyone expecting any quality? Suicide Squad at least had slutty Harley going for it, but this has nothing.

No, it's not.

Name one villain that was a Gaga villain that you took seriously as threat.

The one where she kills her boyfriend.
I think it’s Alejandro

Dr. Bong, Mister Mxyzptlk, Toyman...

Just because he's insecure about people seeing his dick doesn't change the fact Black Mask is a deranged torturer.

>Dr. Bong

>Mister Mxyzptlk
Has reality altering powers, is too overpowered, a mafia boss with no powers can’t compare, you could put Mxyzptlk in diapers the fact he could erase you from existence as a gag adds to his menace.

Used as the butt of the joke everytime he appears, Oh look Toyman built a giant teddy bear lol, Superman immediately beats his ass.
But even if there is a story where he’s taken as a serious villain he has the “power” to back it up (builds mega robots)
Black Mask doesn’t have that, he tortures people, Helena is gonna be kidnapped and say quips during the torture until in the climax she beat him up and laughs at his dick pics.
>“Oh I see what that tough guy act was trying to compensate for.”
At best the gag will be about him having a big dick.

>But even if there is a story where he’s taken as a serious villain he has the “power” to back it up (builds mega robots)

I was actually referring to the fact they made him a child killer.

it's a Harley starring vehicle and a female action driven comedy thing

it fits fine

This was written by the woman who did Bumblebee so I have a bit of hope for it

Let’s imagine ourselves back in Suicide Squad 2016
>Slipknot tries to escape
Waller explodes his head by pressing the button on her phone that would trigger his head bomb
Harley Quinn quips:
>”Now that’s a killer app”
This is what you’re defending mate, remember that.

Harley has always made bad puns

>Black Mask doesn’t have that, he tortures people

And if the movie shows him to be a brutal, psychotic criminal, one dick gag isn't going to take away from him unless he runs away crying.


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This is a fucking nightmare. I wish Margot never got the role.


When you're so woke you stereotype gays as gimps and sluts

There was that BDSM couple in jojo

He was mentioned in the end. The Indian guy which parents weren't at the airport is Harry

How is the MCU CarolJess going? Oh wait...

Can't wait for all the
>Black Mask is a Mincing Cock-Hungry Stereotype: And That's a Good Thing

That was Flash, dude. He's like a secondary character who's there the whole movie.

We've reached the point in woke culture where being gay is actually perpetrating violence against women. Because the worst thing you can do to a woman aside from assaulting her is to not be attracted to her.

I can't wait for all of the "we need more strong women and queer characters in movies" try to bend over backwards and praise this movie about strong women beating up a gay who only wants his precious cock photos.

We're getting to the point where guys fucking guys is seen as a kind of misogyny, so maybe this is just ahead of the cultural curve

Usually one faggot spams it in DCEU threads. That faggot probably being you

Because the idea of taking a sadistic gang boss and turning him into a lisping stereotype who wants to retrieve stolen dick pics sounds like an ill-conceived attempt at SJW pandering at best and an ill-conceived attempt at "HAHA HE'S THE BAD GUY BUT HE'S ALSO A FAGGOT" humor at worst.

Given the direction the rest of it has taken I'm gonna guess the former but wouldn't be shocked if there was a bit of the latter in there as well.

This man speaks the truth.
I expected myself to be pissed at this but I honestly don't think I could care about Birds of Prey if you paid me.

Joker looks promising and I'm all aboard for Gunn's Suicide Squad tho.

>The BoP find the dick pics and realize how damaging that could be to a member of the LGBLTQRSTUV community if they were to get out
>they return them and the film ends with them smashing cis male nazis in MAGA hats while Black Mask gets fucked by his boyfriend

>Tfw Terfs and radfems will start a revolution in the future

Attached: Gtstole+from+me+which+i+stole+from+a+site+which+_0b69f5ceaff9d882ff6ec85288a409ed.png (326x175, 27K)

>it's pretty clear that he's gay from the way he acts
And what's THAT supposed to mean, HMMMMMM?

Imagine the doujins :)
I can't wait for Phausto or Thensfwfandom to make one.

What are you talking about? It's empowering to have your representation be a flamboyant murderer who is killing people over nudes.
That's what real gays like, right? Flaming faggot stereotypes who only care about sex?
Terfs are too busy bitching about transwomen and worshiping the holy vag to start a revolution.

How will Tumblr react to this?

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>a lisping stereotype

Now this is what you call projecting!

>men are so obsessed with their dicks and that's why serial killers happen
It's always hilarious when these types try to explain the male perspective, only to reveal how little they understand.

"MEN HAVE CONSTANT PHALLIC RAPE URGES" is like the femcel equivalent of "if she doesn't want it she can shut it down and prevent pregnancy".

>jokes on you, I ENJOY eating shit!

That's the point I'm trying to make. Studio heads view it as
>we put minority in the movie, money is sure to follow
when this is an instance that will likely backfire spectacularly. Because surprise, wealthy Hollywood weirdos are fabulously out of touch with actual human beings, especially any kind of minority. It's the same as how literally every MCU hero is motivated by some kind of tragic loss, but Captain Marvel gets
>boys were mean to her but now she's got GIRL POWER
It's MEANT to be pandering but just comes off as pathetic or inappropriate.

Oh my mistake sweetheart I didn't know they meant a TASTEFUL, RESERVED flamboyant gay stereotype.

I was agreeing with you, but you just know the fakeass queer community will eat this shit up.

>Making your villain a sadistic homosexual is SJW pandering

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Everything is SJW pandering if I don't like it. Them's the rules!

>Doesn't know that post is from twitter which has become the new tumblr since the purge.

>male villain in female-led capeshit is a joke
I can believe it. It's probably bullshit but I can believe it.

Just like in the Arkhamverse...

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This makes me respect Captain Marvel more

>grace being not full of bullshit

>why would having an offensive stereotype in it make a film shit

How are they wrong tho?

I'm fine with flamboyant gay villains, sure, no problem, Him is excellent.

But the whole dickpic thing is just way absurd that pushes it into offensive to me, because it's way too '' comedic '' and like it's poking fun of the villain, and in particular his homosexuality.

DC doesn't do serious any more now that their movies are failing and Based Marvel makes a billion every time they put one out

>All it does it subvert what you thought was his goal slightly.
"Subverting expectations" isn't good writing in and of itself.

Well i went in there expecting a good movie it subverted my expectation.
Can you understand why if not written well subversion just irritates people instead

How the fuck do you think she's hot?

That's because you're extremely desperate

Perhaps the greatest enemy to women in Hollywood is other women.

Whoever is her source is, he is an asshole taking advantage of a senile girl.

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Dick pics don't automatically ruin movie either.

>this is what the capeshit audience craves

Fuck off, it's the same shit as other female-led capeshit.
Villains in female-led capeshit are either losers and jokes or completely forgettable.


Maybe if you have low standards.
Anyone with normal standards wouldn't be able to take him seriously no matter how edgy he is.

>not keeping your dick pics in a diamond
Leave it to Yea Forums to have weak hookup game

Why are americans such immature prudes?

I'm not even an Angloshitter.

Then why are you such a little bitch then?

Why do you have such low standards?

you know it's true when all the women in this film aren't baes at all?

How come villains in female-led capshit always suck?

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China is not gonna allow that.,-cut-scenes-gay-films-have-a-real-hard-time-in-china

Immature is making the primary conflict behind your capeshit film a scramble to get your dick pics back.
The twist in Die Hard when Gruber turned out to be a thief instead of a terrorist was amusing, especially when he took offense to being called common. The movie would have turned into a joke if it turned out that Gruber was just after his stolen dick pics.

>Immature is making the primary conflict behind your capeshit film a scramble to get your dick pics back.
No, immaturity is being unable to cope with that.

but the villain is gay
gay is bad is good propaganda no?

That would never be any actual criminal's motivation because people aren't campy cartoon characters.

They don’t want any type of gay on the screen. Unless DC takes the risk of going without China

Why? Why is it so hard to make a good DC movie?

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Blond Zsasz is fine
I'm more mad they didn't bother to cover him in scars

>he says about capeshit
user, real life gangsters are exactly that kind of petty.

If it was an all male team this twist would have never happened. It's always the all female teams that are treated as a joke

No, they're not. You couldn't even cite a single example.

>Unless DC takes the risk of going without China
They did it with the last Harley Quinn movie and with a $73 million dollar budget they probably don't give a fuck about box office

so this is the power of feminism

Suicide Squad was banned in China

What a naive little user. Do you think gangsters are like those in the films? Cool badasses with honor codes? Grow up.

i thought she was hot back when she was on indy mogul

I’m still mad that this is Cass’s first big screen appearance. Imagine if they made Montoya straight or some other retarded changes to characters.

Montoya started out straight.


IT'S 2019!

What straight relationship did Montoya have before being established as a lesbian?

She had a boyfriend who died during Contagion. Her entry in the BTAS bible mentioned a husband, though he was never actually brought up at all within the show itself.

Rad, why not.