Bumblebee? More like Bumblebutt!

Attached: booty.png (939x1079, 732K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Beast Boy somehow convinced Mother Nature to hate her own creation and industrialize the shit out of it
>This episode plays it out as a good thing

I swear I don't work for TTG

What kind of panties is she wearing, Yea Forums?


Is this an edit

It's bubble but

Attached: c4b983eeb084236c40095bba953ed5b3.jpg (329x473, 20K)

This sounds like Murr fetish stuff

Bumbaclot... look at that back

Attached: 253806B6-A0EE-4C1C-883E-722E847EB6D1.jpg (284x284, 14K)

>all these years people have been drawing trash Raven and Starfire instead of BIG BEE BOOTY

so much booty...

Attached: 1556389520648.png (477x541, 398K)

Would she mind if someone grabbed it?

She used to be white...

Attached: Wasp.jpg (693x599, 54K)


Why are butts so amazing, bros?

She used to be a Volkswagen...

Attached: a405f86c670dab9e1d25d20194f6c804.gif (623x480, 1.95M)

Because poop comes from there.




Different character... But okay.

how smelly is it

Attached: coedit1ASS.png (939x1079, 590K)

I feel it needs a line between the cheeks


well exCUSE me

Attached: coedit1ASS.png (939x1079, 591K)


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Attached: bumblebutt.png (1178x662, 234K)

I want to lick honey off dem B's

Looks like I'll do more edits tonight. I'm glad people liked them.

Attached: Bumblebee Edit 1.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

And here we go.

Attached: Bumblebee Edit 7.png (1920x1080, 322K)

Attached: Bumblebee Edit 8.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)


user, can u just stop that. Please.

Attached: images (3).jpg (225x225, 9K)

>No Beast Wars era Bumblebee Maximal that changes into an actual Bumblebee
>All because of rights and copyright

Do you think she fucks white bois?

dude he's goldbug now

Attached: 200px-Goldbugtroop1.jpg (200x367, 25K)


Fuc...oh well. As long as he turns into a golden beetle I'm OK.

Yeah, but he is so cute

Attached: images (2).jpg (480x256, 21K)

Now imagine him a tad smaller and with fluffy elements due to his beast mode parts...so much potential.

>Bees and Wasps are the same
That's Beecistâ„¢

Whats the original look like?


They can't make a live action Bumblebee movie now because of Bumblebee 2018

Get out of here you little shit

Ah yes. The Bumblebee thread.

Attached: 1561043374107.jpg (1171x585, 84K)

>the only wasp has ever looked good

just make an edit thread

Get that disgusting melted face piece of ugly shit away from this holy thread.

>Mom is Asian
>Dad is black
>got called bumblebee all through school

Please stop hurting me like this

Attached: DE40E66D-4888-48B0-ABD4-5F2BA9F21DDF.jpg (500x375, 38K)


Edit threads are always shit. They rarely have good edits and quickly go off the deep end.