ITT: Redesigns

Good, Bad, Ugly, post em all.

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That’s actually a really good redesign tbqh

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To be clear i know theres anothe redesign thread but the OP in that one lost his fucking mind and sperged out a storm that completely destroyed it because the mysterio design in the op got crtiicized and he couldnt handle it, so thats why this exists.

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Don't spam threads, just stop sorting out. Don't make a new thread just because you don't like someone OP pic.

Make it happen sony

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I dont know if you know what im talking about but this reminds me of a Toybiz Marvel Legends Wolverine figure from way back in the day, i think it was like a Ninja themed Wolverine or something.

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We already have a thread with this exact same topic:

Best post ITT

The OP of that thread sperged out and ruined it.

He knows, but he had a sperg fit there and made this to show everyone how totally not mad he is.

this? the new redesign reminds me a chef's uniform.

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>The OP of that thread sperged out and ruined it.
Then ignore shit you don't like.

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Yeah that was the one. I think its mainly the red accenting on black that reminded me of it.

Didnt they already get rid of the new black one for the old brown and tan one?

Theres no saving poisoned wells.

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Nobody who posts this can claim to not be the aspie sperg in a situation
Making a new thread is a whole new level though, an abject admission of losing your fucking mind.

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yeah, they already switched back

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Whats the fastest a redesign has been undone? Scarlet Spider was pretty fast i remember that.

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Shut the fuck up you butthurt idiot.


prefer Laura with her tight black pants and black sports bra.

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don't need a new thread, this one is nowhere near image limit.

Her yellow wolverine suit was kind of bad looking but the x-force style one was really good.

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A thread died for this guy to have his episode.

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Yeah I just had a read in both threads, you were definitely the sperg there. Which shocked me cause I originally read your post about Op sperging out and i was hoping to get out a phew keks. But you certainly were in wrong

Why are there 3 different threads of the same thing?

yeah her X-Force look was really good, to bad they never used her mask with the red eyes more often.

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Because user is losing his fucking mind as publicly as possible.

OP is a fag that got scared off by a lone sperg

True. But she's a mom now. In a metaphorical sense

We're trying to have a nice thread here, boys.

No you're not. You're trying to have a tantrum and literally everyone is telling you to fucking stop.

Mods cleanup thread spam when

Keep the arguments to the quarantined shit thread please. I wont be responding to you anymore in this thread. This is for posting redesigns, good, bad, or ugly.

Post here for drama free redesigns

Have we ever gotten anything with Kaine and her? That'd be a nice pairing

I think this thread is going pretty alright so far user, just need to let the OP of the first one burn himself out.

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Did you really need to make a third thread? How fucking triggered do you have to be

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Anyone got some shit redesigns? I want to laugh at something terrible.

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Looks like venture Bros parody of daredevil

Those are some fucking LOW eyes, his nose would be there in reality.

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Actually, considering he doesn't need to see why would he need eye holes?

I always thought if DD were to get a redesign he'd have the eyes be like batman's where they're one way to throw people off that he's actually blind and to prevent them from narrowing his ID down

>rucker park Spider-Man

>PF Changs sniktbub


This. Pathetic.


Well he IS blind.

Here let me give you a play by play because you didnt pass the third grade.

OP posts his post: (OP)

I post a reply, stating i disliked the design being a Mysterio design because i felt it didnt really understand the character:

Faggot immediately jumps to calling the original design a dated reference to try and prove why i'm wrong, claiming its still true to the idea.

I reply:
I ask what he even means by it being dated, a reference, and point out it still works fine today, because it does. I also point out that looking like a stage magicidian doesnt really fit his character, he worked in blockbuster movies as a VFX artist, he wasnt someone who pulled rabbits out of a hat.

He replies, incapable of reading fucking english, with somehow equating what i said to me saying Mysterio dresses like a VFX engineer, and not getting the point i just made.

I point out: That he, again, doesnt do stage magician parlour tricks, his gimmick is much more grandiose and "mystical" than that, and the point of me bringing up him being a VFX engineer

This guy still misses the fucking point: and doesnt understand the difference between Mysterios aesthetic vs a stage magician

Blah blah blah he starts making shit up: , calls him dated again, doesnt really explain what that even means again,

Again, try to point out the idea behind his design and why a stage magician isnt really fitting

Eventually he tries to snipe me having gave up trying to put forward an actual argument, so i type out a long one:
explaining in detail my point

He proceeds to sperg out at having to read more than 10 words in succession, and refuses to read my argument so he can keep shitposting at me:

Oh but poor bitch babies cant handle naughty boo boo words its mean.

So let me get a rundown who is the true sperg?

It's all thanks to Mysterio. All of these posts are illusions

It's the OP of this this thread

Im pretty sure this user is the biggest sperg ever lol

You are fucking LIVID about that holy shit lmao.

I must have broken you, IchiOP.


I aint the one spamming false flags and wojak threads so sorry bud but you outshined the shit out of me.

He got so mad at that post in the first redesign thread he's been spamming it in other threads and even tried false-flagging it into its own thread: He's fucking turbo mad.

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Actually user, while you are a sperg you're right. That mysterio design is absolute dogshit.

And as a fellow sperg I understand it.

dammit war machine you were not kangz

That mysterio is shit though I agree with him. You seem big mad he hates it.

I bet you could talk about trains for hours.

Goooood... Gooood...
Let the hate flow through you...

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No no user you misunderstand, I'M the one who disliked the Mysterio design, the OP of the first redesign thread has been sperging out because of it.

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not him but shut up knuckledragger

Seems like mostly everyone thinks it's you that's the sperg judging from all the other Threads

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I think we are going to need a screen cap compilation to remember this day.

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If only the orange were more tan...

>Jess's colors

The fuck is wrong with everyone's neck?

Its evolution style i think.

Oh, hey. It's one of like 5 good Jan designs.

Giant Man redesign in the 60s Avengers. He wore it for 2 issues and then never again.

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good taste

looks like it could be in the mcu

Not bad

To much Kevin Feige to my taste

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>that Superman S

wheres his dick

Unironically this.
I love love the boobwindow as much as the next guy, but I feel this design works better.

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Also love this style of cape

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Is there a screencap of the events of last night?

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There is, but it leaves out like half of this OPs posts because he's the one who made it and he wants to fake not having a meltdown.

I think the OP of this one was the one that's having a meltdown

looke like beyond suit under scarecrow toxin more than a redesign

Whoops my bad my reading comprehension is shit

That’s awesome

Statue Diana is great. Not sure about Cyborg Moss though.

I never understood the tiger stripes on Wolverine costumes

>Supergirl Faust.jpg
She's cute


I thought that was a Lobo/Wolverine Fusion for a momment.

Is that Zemo + Iron Man?

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Statue Diana and creature MM are genuinely good. The others are shit.

There is only one gender bent GL that works

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The hoodie one just makes me think of school shooters, and the trenchcoat one wouldn't have the same effect if it weren't for the mask

Hulk kind of makes sense with the strange proportions, since he's a weird mutated thing.
Cap's shape reminds me of Kronk, Iron Man is a Battletoad and Thor is Welcome To EB Games

Prefer when we don't have honey badger

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Combine e with the mask of h & it'll be great.

This would make a better Red Hood design than Batman.

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