Who would win?
Who would win?
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depends on which show the crossover is under
KO even if Steven were to unleash his full emotionless unrestrained diamond form it still wouldn't be powerful enough to take on TKO
Also KO fucking lives to kick ass wheras Steven hates violence
Explain this to me in DBZ super sayain levels.
TKO is like how Naruto used to react when he would summon his one tail form where his power level increases way off the charts but he loses control of his mind and focus and sort of brute forces the enemy to death
TKO if unleashed will either eliminate the problem and not wanna return control to KO or he'll destroy the whole plaza in the process of trying to take down his threat he was trying to stop
They both loose, KO would cry for Enid/Rad/Or his mom, Steven would just have a breakdown and they're both just wailing.
KO has fought plenty of people on his own including Shadowy Figure. That and TKO sure as hell wouldn't run from a fight.
KO wins in a death battle.
Normally Steven could use his empath powers to help KO take control from TKO, but if both want to kill him he’s fucked.
Steven, even his a bitch when he fights hes not strong enough to pass Steven defense not to mention he can heal himself
If KO fights as PKO, then KO, otherwise Steven
Have we ever seen an instance where Steven has used his spit to heal himself? Also I don't think we've ever seen Steven show the same level of strength or speed that KO has. OK KO characters generally outclass gems significantly when it comes to speed feats.
>twist: they're both in an Uncle Grandpa crossover
Steven the kid is OP as shit as the last episode of season 5 where if you kill him he literally becomes stronger.
>All these simps not realizing KO and Steven would just book their own wrestling show so that whoever is billed to go over it's all in good fun
Get a clue Yea Forums
Steven healed hiself when that eyeball Ruby slashed him, they go away with it but have Steven cover it with his hand, which was already with his spit, when he pulled back his hand to look there was no wound. I dont think K.O. is that much faster than steven, even if he is gems are very durable and Steven defense is pretty solid, also hes strong enough to move a bolder that a gem and a fusion couldnt move, I know K.O. is strong but I cant recall any of his feats
Here's a Respect Thread for KO although it's a little dated with KO having more feats since then. OK KO characters have been shown to have FTE movement which I've never really seen SU characters do.
Shit forgot the link.
I still Steven defense can tank KO strenght but we would need some mad lad to do the maths on this one
I think we got ourselves a subject for the next Death Battle here. It ends with neither of them dying and they go out for pizza instead.
It probably comes down to this. KO has significantly better speed and strength feats, but Steven has good defensive abilities and he could use his healing to stay in the game. I'd still give it to KO though because at some point Steven will have to go for the offensive and if KO gets a solid hit in against Steven without a shield it could be all over.
I'd actually watch a crossover between both shows with that premise
>Wrestling show is for charity
>Rad VS Peridot is both of them flinging garbage at eachother with their minds
>Enid and Lapis bonding over apathy and being cool
>Boxbots enter the fray and fight OG crystal gems
>Main event happens
>Ends in a draw since they forgot to book someone to ref all the fights. Cue Ronaldo and skateboard nerd bitching a fit and getting into a fight over whose show is better
>Everyone completely ignores KO and Steven's thing to focus on nerds beating eachother up in a street fight
i feel like it's inevitable that OK KO will do an episode that's just a KO/Steven death battle since they're the OCs of partners who are show creators on CN
Probably not seeing as its on its last season.
I kinda feel like Steven is exactly the kind of character who'd be best for taking on TKO because his entire thing is being peaceful and trying to reach non-violent solutions to interpersonal problems, which KO and TKO's existence is centered around.
Nod reely, perfect ko had this level of power tho
Perfect ko not only can power up a giant mech alone but also give it enough energy to tank hits from a space ship with a gun made specially to erase his specific powers. Not only that, Steven's also a crying little bitch
Steven via hacks and strength
The man could literally one-shot KO.
Steven has such a strength lead that KO couldn't even scratch him
Wouldn't Steven's powers only work if KO and TKO aren't working together? Also I'm pretty sure Steven can only access that power while asleep or unconscious. Although, I would like to see Steven try to enter KO's mind and dispel TKO only to have them both gang up on him. TKO Rules hurt man I just want my boys to make up already.
certainly not the viewer
I'm not talking about Steven using his powers, but just being the kind of guy he is. The reason I'm saying Steven is exactly the kind of character to take on TKO is because, if you remember the episode with Boxman's baby, the way to shut down TKO was to tell him he was loved and appreciated as opposed to any feat or fighting talent. Steven's a guy all about that as-is, and I think KO rather is as well when he gets a chance, whereas TKO is an ass. If Steven and KO would want not-violet solutions, which I'd consider likely concerning their natures, it'd seem very natural in my opinion for Steven to try to help KO as best he could, and thereby 'defeat', but not crush TKO.
Ok, In most communities that keep stats for fictional characters Steven is usually around mountain level, the best OK KO feat is Boxman's sun dipping feat which should put him at best Multi-City Block. Mountain level is around 1,023,120 times stronger than Multi-City Block. This of course is not counting full diamond power Steven.
>Steven is a mountain buster
Horseshit. When at any point has Steven done anything remotely close to mountain busting? Don't trust VS Battle Wiki it's filled with untrustworthy fancalcs that highball ridiculously.
Well he can spare with the crystal gems and garnet was able to do a mountain level feat.
doens mean she punches him with the same power
Yeah but amethyst and Steven have went all out a few times
This is the feat your talking about. Treating it like a straight forward mountain busting feat is disingenuous. Garnet didn't punch a mountain and it exploded. She fought a corrupted gem and the mountain's cave started to cave in during the fight. It's something I guess, but far far from mountain busting.
fine then her best feat is City level, thats still decently in not even being phased by KO's attacks.
How do we even know this is a city level feat? Cave ins aren't entirely uncommon. Miners just digging can cause cave ins. It's a feat that's difficult to properly calculate and city busting pretty much requires nuke tier destructive power which Garnet has never clearly displayed. Probably large building level at best.
at which point tho?
Steven =JOBhan
KO = Memestrong character (Buu, Arale, Neko Majin, etc)