Sony Breaks Free of the Marvel Studios Deal
If ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Doesn’t Make a Billion Dollars
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>In a recent edition of journalist Richard Rushfield’s entertainment industry newsletter The Ankler, Rushfield peels back the secretive curtain of the deal that was signed between Sony and Marvel Studios back in 2015 to share the character. “The original Sony/Marvel/Spidey deal to co-produce these movies stipulated that if this Spidey cleared a billion, Marvel would get to oversee a third. If it hadn’t, full control would have reverted back to Sony,” he writes.
That deal sounds stupid
If Sony tries to make a spider-man movie without the MCU brand then the execs should commit hara-kiri
Now I undertand why Sony choose this MJ
They also made a similar deal with Paramount over Captain America to get the First Avenger made. If the flick did clear enough cash, Paramount would get the rights to the character
That would be retarded
>Speaking at the CinemaCon theater-owners event in Las Vegas, [Amy Pascal] explained:
>“One of the things that I think is so amazing about this experience is that you don’t have studios deciding to work together to make a film very often. In fact it may never happen again, after we do the sequel [to Spider-Man: Homecoming]."
This also explains why she did not appear
please bomb please bomb please bomb
Marvel Studios is in charge of the creative decisions, though. Sony just handles marketing and distribution.
It will make a billion dollars EASY
They just seem like gamblers at this point.
Who was mainly responsibke for Spiderverse? Sony?
Very competent and rebellious directors/writers
This feels like the plot of a bad Adam Sandler/Kevin James comedy
Well, this seems like an obviously skewed deal, where's the loophole
>if this Spidey clears a billion
>this Spidey
>not this Spiderman film
>This Spidey
Wait, what? I'm seeing a very obvious flaw here. "This Spidey" has a multitude of films including
>Civil War
>Avengers Infinity War
>Avengers Endgame
>Spider man, far from home
Making a billion dollars across five films, two of which have done it independently? Yeah, easily. Even across two of the standalones that's a doozy of a deal.
Is this journalist just extremely poor at getting his point across, or did Sony of America fuck themselves over again?
You say that but none of the films have broke 1 billion
Well, it was good, but it wasn't great. Plus, Far From Home's ending is a perfect out if this is legit, because you could always write Peter out by saying that he's gone into hiding after his identity was found out.
This is bullshit Sony, it's still gonna make a billion but wow what bullshit
Tell that to Spiderverse
>Amy-chan already said she wishes to go on with the deal
>Holland claimed there were plans for a third movie long ago
This title's using stupid fanboy logic to get clicks, don't bother.
Worked pretty well last time they tried.
The animation studio made that, Sony themselves can't make LIVE ACTION Spider-Man for shit
Even if the deal was poorly worded, Sony still has final say in the interpretation because they still own the rights. Disney can risk everything going into a fight and lose any good fate with Sony, millions of dollars in legal fees, and any chance of ever making a Spider-Man movie after a hypotetical third; or play theri hand and make sure this movie gets the billion
Otherwise Sony can just continue their universe. Venom was a succes after all. Not MCU levels but they at least got to keep all the profit.
>Holland claimed there were plans for a third movie long ago
There would be a third movie either way.
yes, please, I want to see more Venom and Amazing Spiderman 2, those were such good movies
Who was the imbecile who accepted such deal?! Well, it's just one week and they already have more than half of it. I really hope they can achieve the limit.
The same fucker who wrote this said Kathleen Kennedy got fired in 2018, it's all bullshit
Sony won’t kill their deal with Marvel Studios.
They already got huge backlash when Amy Pascal that Spidey may leave the MCU. If they took Spidey back and tried to make their live-action Spider-Man movies, literally everyone would turn on Sony. Every single Critic would give them bad reviews out of spite and audiences would boycott.
Plus, Sony is already happy with Venom (which made money) and Spiderverse (which won an Oscar and is critically praised).
I fucking DARE Sony take back Spider-Man from the MCU. The chaos would be hilarious!
please bomb please bomb please bomb
>Already crossed the 500 million mark and still going
Good thing that's literally impossible then
Cut out the other spiders and see if miles can carry his own film.
It made $600 million in 10 days
It's happening get the fuck over it dumbass
>If they took Spidey back and tried to make their live-action Spider-Man movies, literally everyone would turn on Sony. Every single Critic would give them bad reviews out of spite and audiences would boycott.
If don't seriously believe that, do you?
Just like Endgame beating Avatar ay?
>cartoon movie
>ignoring raimishit and garfieldshit
yeah, audiences are clamoring for an isolated spider verse. zzzzzzz
how long does it have to break a billion?
That's happening too, it only needs 14M to do it and the rerelease is going strong
Movies are usually in theaters for about 3 months so another 2
I hate Disney stans and MCUniggers so much I actually want this to happen
Imagining ladderbro's damage control makes me laugh
I don’t believe it I know it.
There would be tons of YouTube videos by youtubers (like Moviebob) calling for a boycott. We had videoed when Amy said the Sony/MCU deal wasn’t going to last.
Critics aren’t going to give a shit about Holland Spider-Man movies not made by Disney. And considering the quality of Sony movies (cough Amazing Spider-Man 2 cough Venom) they will hate the movies.
It would be a bigger disaster than Female Ghostbusters (only Sony can’t use politics to get Critics to suck their dicks)
not him but, yeah, especially Venom
Too bad it's not happening, seethe harder
Starting already, ladderspic?
the lion king comes out next week. There goes far from homes legs
>wanting yet another reboot
Captain Faminism broke a billion this will break a billion
Seethe harder comicfags
maybe if they reboot it again they can have an actual Spider-Man and not Iron Boy Jr
That's not Ladderbro, Ladderbro is too busy laughing about how Black Mask is a MASSIVE FAGGOT in BoP
They probably don't fucking care. They got him to have his moments with Ironman and that's probably all they wanted.
They seem more concerned with making sure Endgame makes more money than God than the future of the MCU
>Sony still has final say in the interpretation because they still own the rights
That's called fraud, and tends to lose people IPs when they try that.
>losing good face with sony
Sony of America. Sony of Japan would never have been this incompetent, it's like the reverse Sega problem.
>millions of dollars in legal fees
*laughs in Disneybucks*
Sure just like how Toy Story killed Aladdin's legs
Based Marvel will probably never have a movie that DOESN'T make a billion at this point. Hell the fact that Ant Man 2 didn't is probably why no one has heard anything about Ant Man 3
Oh no no no
The only good thing that can come out of this is a spectacular spiderman reboot right?
>>Next Avengers film.
>>Maria Hill "WELL PETER PARKER IS DEAD!! They slit his and his aunts throats from ear to ear!"
>>Fury "Hey, I'm eating here."
Paul Rudd said Ant Man 3 might not happen, and that fans should make their voices heard if they do...poor ANTS
jesus christ
i swear to god if i see another fucking half-baked spidey reboot in the next 5 years im gonna burn down sony hq
It doesn’t matter if it does or does not make a billion.
Sony is not stupid enough to make everyone angry and take Spider-Man away from Marvel Studios. Especially since they are happy with SUMC and Spiderverse.
it's not happening because it's a bullshit rumor, Sony are not doing anything because these are still Sony movies produced by Pascal and Feige
but if it does happen it'd be pretty funny
Endgame still made 2 billions, twice as required to clear a deal like this
See this?
And this? This is why Sony will take away Spider-Man from the MCU. Especially now that Far From Home ended on a huge stinger.
The most I see is Sony starting their own live action Peter if Marvel Studios decide to kill off Peter and bring in Miles. And that probably won’t be for awhile.
It would be good if they make SpideRaimi 4
I love Raimi Spider-Man but you need to let it go, user. It had it’s time.
Better not fucking happen.
I want a Spider-Man that lasts longer than 3 movies for fucks sake.
and it's never happening since Tobey Maguire is blacklisted and Raimi is happily producing horror movies and has no interest in capeshit
What did Maguire do?
Molly's Game came out and there's a character in that movie that's basically him, played by Michael Cera, who's involved in illegal gambling and he's a big asshole, btw he's always been an asshole and everyone hated him on the set of Spider Man
oh boy i cant wait for the night monkey movie
Tom has been featured in 5 movies.
I think pretty much every movie with a comparable or larger opening weekend than FFH made over a billion with the exception of Deadpool 2, which ran afoul of Chinese censors.
seems like bullshit
It is
current Felicia is too good for peters' lame cock anyway
I have a feeling that Tom Holland's Spider-Man will have 6 movies to set up the Sinister Six.
No matter how much people hate him, Tom Holland will stay as Spider Man until they kill him off when he reaches 50 years old, that is if the MCU keeps going forever and all signs are pointing towards yes
Are you guys really happy with what Disney is doing with Spider-Man right now? What the fuck?
Fact : If Marvel doesn't make Ant-Man 3 then is no longer based
what are they doing?
we are winning
Making him a literal joke.
Amazingly Hollywood gossip proves to be even less reliable than Rich Johnston.
Spider Man is a joke
Capeshit movies have been garbage for years.
Are people still pretending MCU trash is good?
no but isnt suffering yet another reboot so soon gonna be fucking horrible?
im a spidey fan myself but god this is getting tiring
Wow, two shitty studios fighting to see who can be the bigger dick.
Stfu Boco
Shut up Boco
>Spidey: But I want to stay here with my family!
>SonySuit1: Nein, Mista Spinne-Mann! Deinnen Mouse has failed! Zey did not give us enough Marks! Now it ist over! No more crossover!
>Spidey: Can’t you give them another chance?! Besides, aren’t there more important things than money?
>Sonysuit1: NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! Money ist all that iz important!! Right, Adolf?
>SonySuit2: Ya, Hans. I kan't vait to make the Venom/Spider-Mann crossover and silver sable movie! Then Maximum Carnage and Trouble!
>SonySuit1: Meinen Schnitzel is so hard!
>SonySuit2: Don't forget the skateboarding und dubstep! Sieg Hiel!!!
Why doesn’t someone do the world a favor and burn Sony to the ground?
You're right, Boco, but shut the fuck up.
Yes sir...
The thing us this fuckers do get all of the profit of the movie, what else could they possibly want.
This the equivalent of a creative kid creating a cool replica of the millennium falcon and the Death Star because you couldn't make it yourself. The kid only gets to play with them whenever the kid doesn't want to. The kid is so garbage that he demands you to contibue making bigger toys for him or else you would never play with the toys again
I couldn’t enjoy that running gag as much as I wanted to because of how much “night monkey” sounds like a racial slur.
This has to be a marketing ploy.
>Taser face
>Night Monkey
How the hell does Marvel come up with such comedic genius?
>In fact it may never happen again
Way too based, we can only hope it's true
And then she backtracked on the statement when people were outraged.
if you wanted Ant Man 3 to happen you shouldn't have let Ant Man and the Wasp make less than $700 million
This but unironically.
Don't know why people want Spider-Man with Sony. This studio gave us such a memorable villain for Venom in Riot remember?
I mean, with the SDCC slate being announced in 11 days, it could make Marvel look really foolish.
Riot was kinda cool >_>
>bad guy is bad because he's bad
>grey shit design
>final fight is CG vomit clashing at night
I did my part for based Ant-Man but the fact remains, no Ant-Man 3, not based.
*Rewatches Venom to see Riot*
Let us not forget the cherry on top.
I swear this argument can be done plenty of times, but what most people can be understandably pissed off is over the Stark thing, which makes sense.
But shit like Flash Thompson not being the blonde chad that will get Venom (especially when Venom is not part of the MCU or in plans for it), Peter being too tech-based (even though the PS4 Spidey does that as well and no one bats an eye) and Zendaya being MJ makes me believe some retards here just complain for the sake of complaining.
>Zendaya being MJ
You're defending this crap?
It won't. Like Thor didn't
Spiderverse was animated user. out of 6 animated films that broke 1 billion, 4 of them are Pixar sequels and Minions. Go figure
Rip. This movie isn't reaching a billion. Finally. I'll take shitty Spider-Man over Iron Lad.
>venom was a success
if sony can keep churning out shit like this then the franchise is as good as dead
It's made 600M already
See Not to mention they are taking the relationship shit for the second movie.
See you in one week lad :)
user that's cruel.
Reminder everyone thougth that for the sequel, Feige will obviously announce a third one in SDCC or that Disney event.
That's for the first week for a movie that released on Tuesday and a public holiday. It'll never reach when capeshit always had massive dropoffs.
Is she confirmed to be Mary Jane Watson still?
Then she might as well be another character, so why are people so mad?
>This shit again
So no argument huh?
barely broke even
well its worked so far in Marvel's favor
you're an idiot. first week. analysts already peg this for $1B+. and the fact people are still talking about this movie a week later (count how many threads just on this board) proves it's got alot of traction. also worth noting this movie set a record for promotional tie-ins with some $290M worth so far.
>Sony is not stupid enough
Oh, they absolutely are.
Flash Thompson is blond white trash whose only chance in life is sports and army, and is a domestic abuse survivor.
PS4 Peter made his suit with technology he co-designed together with his normal non-superpowered elderly mentor figure. He is still a self-made man there.
Fuck off.
This. Sony almost drove the franchise into the ground. Marvel saved their asses. (Unfortunately didn't stop them from making that abomination of a "Venom" movie).
it's the lesser of all evils
After seeing the TASM movies I'd rather have Iron Boy despite hating it
ASM1 is better than both MCU spiderman movies though. Garfield is also the most accurate to Ditko era spidey.
>(Unfortunately didn't stop them from making that abomination of a "Venom" movie).
Which made $855 Million...
>ASM1 is better
Peter never caught Uncle Ben's killer.
That's a huge redflag and a sign that the creators simply didn't understand the character.
Not to mention
>Property of Peter Parker
the movie has the best opening of any spider man movie ever
I want them to break free.
Pls don't make a billion.
That way Sony will have the upperhand and Marvel can't let Sony get away with Spidey now he's too indispensable
No problem
>After it’s first week of worldwide release, the latest chapter in the rebooted Spider-Man film franchise topped $580 million worldwide and will pass $600 million by close of business today. While it’s still far too early to make precise predictions about Spider-Man: Far From Home’s eventual box office totals, it’s already abundantly clear this final installment of Marvel’s Phase Four in their super-shared cinematic universe is likely on course for a $1 billion global cume.
screencapping so I can laugh at you later
Garfield is ugly and has obnoxious hair. And he always looks like he’s high on meth with glazed over eyes
Still a terrible movie regardless. The characterization of brock as the venom symbiotes bumbling Canadian sidekick is ridiculous. And trying to setup the character as venom outside the context of the Spider-Man mythos is pointless. If they wanted to make a sci-fi movie about renegade manmade symbiotic powersuits they should have done that. They didn’t need to add the baggage of the venom franchise to so that
3/4 of which came from international markets. Shitskins and gooks thought they were going to see a (good) Spider-Man movie but got bait and switched with dumb AU fan wank instead
Just got back from taking the kids to Far From Home.
For me, Spider-Man 2=FFH>Spider-Man>Homecoming>ASM>Spider-Man 3>ASM2
Easily as good a villain as has ever been in a Spider-Man movie, top-tier for any franchise really. Spider-Man is the perfect blend of Science and Powers, action is incredible and spider-tastic, supporting cast is charming and excellent.
This literally won’t happen.
In 3 we better get some civil war like spidey
>wanted to impress Stark for a grant
>kept his fucking MASK ON
>said mr stark less than 900 times
>actually referenced uncle Ben
It’s like civil war spider is a different character from homecoming/infinity war
Endgame was a step in the right direction given the fact that he kept his mask on predominantly and had some cool fight scenes
Far from home was damn good too
But he should still grow out of Tony’s shadow in 3
>if Marvel Studios decide to kill off Peter and bring in Miles. And that probably won’t be for awhile.
MCU will never bring in Miles because Peter makes an insane amount of cash through toys for them (Marvel owns the merchandising rights)
Lion King actually looks competently made compared to Toy Story 4 which no one wanted
Lion King also has the power of nostalgiafaggotry going for it
black panther audience
It seems Phase 4 is being built around SM so he’ll have room to grow
And ASM2 was worse than both MCU spiderman movies.
Also, Far from Home gave us Mysterio. Haven't had a villain this fun since the first Goblin and Doc Ock.
they aren't the same.
I've recently started reading Amazing Spider-Man. My biggest issue so far is that Norman already knows that Peter is infected with spider DNA and how much he has changed in high school by breaking Flash's hand and joining the basketball team. Is Amazing decent or is it a shit show?
It gave me that Mysterio Illusion sequence so I'm pretty happy.
Iron Man Jr Pants no consequences lad is pretty bad though.
A) its already hit 600 billion world wide after a week
B) sony would be fucking retarded not to extend this deal
>if Marvel Studios decide to kill off Peter and bring in Miles
nigga MCU Peter is a lot like Miles
>Spider-Man breaks free of Marvel again
>Sony still sells it off
>Justice League 2: The Webbed Warrior
It would be the only superhero movie I would genuinely get excited for.
They've made 8 marvel movies that made at least 1 billion. They're probably feeling pretty good right now.
Wish they would make some riskier movies with all that money cushion they have.
They already set up Miles by introducing his uncle in Homecoming.
Honestly, if they kill off Holland Spidey just to bring in Miles, I'll quit the MCU officially. I'm still interested mainly because I want my Nova movie, and the Eternals could be interesting, but I'm full aware that Phase 4 will begin the adaptation of the 2010s SJW Marvel
Come on 999,999,999 dollars!
How will that work? They literally took Miles' origin and gave it a Peter coloured coat of paint for Homecoming.
You mean like is literally is in the comics? 90% of Spider-Man books are how shit peter’s life is and how doofy he is
They aren't going to kill off Holland. He's being set up to be the new face of the MCU.
You are all scared that the Disney execs love SJW politics. But more than that they love money. And people love Holland's spiderman. They aren't about to kick him out just to have a black spiderman.
nigga MCU Peter is not only being set up as the next manletman hes also getting set up as the new face of Marvel after manletmans death
Captain Marvel is the new Face of the MCU.
Holland Spidey is too young to die, they would never kill a kid. If Miles does come, he'll just be teaming up with him instead and even that wont be for a long, long time
If she was, they probably would have given her more than 5 minutes of screentime in Endgame, during which she has like 5 lines
>sony dabs on disney star wars with jumanji
>sony dabs on disney marvel with favorable deals
The fuck, lmao
If they did love money, Brie would be wearing the goddamn leotard by now. Don't get me wrong, I do think the MCU has some good heads (namely Feige), but I'm full aware that they are also paying attention to the current comics, as well as adapting elements of the old stories he loved.
All they have to do is wait for Holland to be sick of the character, and they can pull that bullshit.
Actually, I don't mind that. Miles could work as a sidekick/team-up character with current Spidey. Aka the Marvel Standard Issue Black Friend, like Falcon and Rhodey. Which is a hell lot better than how Miles was first introduced in the comics.
Holland isn't getting out for a long time unless something really bad happens.
Evans and Hemsworth were ready to get out as fast as they could because of the old guy in charge, but they had to finish their contract. After the old guy got moved out of the film division and Hemsworth had a blast with Ragnarok, he decided to stay but Evans still ended his contract.
She was a fucking cameo in End game. She isn’t shit.
Which is a fucking joke.
>If they did love money, Brie would be wearing the goddamn leotard by now.
Captain Marvel crushed Wonder Woman at the box office. How much money do you think leotard-Carol would have made?
You're just wrong.
This. MCU PP is a remixed miles morales. Morales isn’t coming to MCU.
>They already set up Miles by introducing his uncle in Homecoming.
it was a one off reference that's going to go nowhere
If the MCU wanted money, they would have started at Monica, instead of racistly downgrading her.
>but I'm full aware that Phase 4 will begin the adaptation of the 2010s SJW Marvel
how? I don't recall Shang-Chi or the Eternals being a part of that period
>Amy Pascal may, in fact, be the dumbest executive in America.
It’s on track to soooo...
That was whoever kept Snyder on the DCEU as things snowballed.
And also not true you controversy loving fucker
It’s cleared 600 in a week lol Tracking pretty well. Will likely be the highest grossing Spider-Man movie ever. So. Yeah. No.
>instead of racistly downgrading her.
We have no idea what Monica is up to in the MCU, now that she's grown up. So far she's just a kid in a flashback movie.
the entire point of MCU Spidey is to have his story be told in the long run, and since Tom Holland is young and not 40 years old like RDJ was when he made Iron Man we have a good chance to experience that
Unless he changes his mind and decides he's tired of capeshit and wants to make indie films
This one will
Shang-Chi is Feige's attempt to replicate the success of Black Panther but with Asia and the Eternals is planned to have the first openly gay superhero.
Add in Captain Marvel, and the elements are there. The good thing is that its creeping in slowly
Fair enough, you could be right. But I think it could have made a bit more money with just one leotard shot.
>sony dabs on disney animation with spiderverse
Are they /ourguys/
She came first, she was older than Carol, and her father was active and present on her life. Now, she is:
>Carol's number one fan
>a fraction of Carol's age
>the daughter of a stereotypically deadbeat dad
It doesn't matter that she is older now, they still fucked her up.
What? He’s right you tool
Not gonna lie, Hemsworth's Thor has been my favorite part of the MCU. And I hope that both Holland and Hemsworth stay on - Holland mentioned he wanted to do a team-up movie with Strange. That would be cool.
I am a bit sad Evans is quitting but, understanding his own aspirations, I hope he actually makes it as a director. Makes me wonder if we'll get Steve Rogers again (though Falc Cap can be okay, if done right)
Actually nothing like that. Also EndGame is within 15 mill. It’s the goddamn same shit ultimately.
Does Strange get the Eye back, or is his main gimmick just done after one movie?
>Sony makes a superhero cartoon that can't break 400 million
>Disney makes one that becomes the 5th highest grossing superhero movie, animated or otherwise, of all time
I thought Black Panther's 3 Oscars cured DCfriends of their Oscar-obsession. Oh well.
IIRC, they mentioned that the atoms of the stones did exist. Strange should be able to get the Eye of Agamotto back
>Does Strange get the Eye back, or is his main gimmick just done after one movie?
The MCU Eye was never the "gimmick" from the comics. So what does it matter?
Hemsworth no longer has to be super ripped (hell always be good looking, that parts not an issue) and seems to like Blockbusters in general. Evans has been in the blockbuster game a lot longer, and wants to be an artist
Try the whole world
What will kill the MCU? Nothing lasts forever, what will do them in in 20 or 30 years?
>character is filled with controversy thanks to incels
>somehow will be the face of a gorillion dollar franchise
come on man
I kind of want abs Thor back. He can keep the humour though. Thor peaked in Ragnarok and Infinity War, and Hemswoth should maintain that level of energy
Probably being eclipsed by a more popular Disney super-franchise.
Don't get mad at me, Marvel is the one that's been pushing her.
Warner has other irons in the fire (or I guess I should say did) that we're covering for a lot of the dceu shortcomings. Pascal was one of the ones at the helm of the near complete ruination of Sony America, and features prominently in the weirdest, worst parts of the leaked e-mails
That can't make anything more popular than the MCU
>incels having a noticeable effect on the success of large corporations
Being against incels like yourself only makes them MORE popular. You don't have some army. You don't matter at all.
Thats like asking what will kill DC comics and Marvel comics. If you think about it, Superman should have been completely obscure by now, but he isn't.
That said, the MCU movie train could end if (a) they start making genuinely bad movies in succession and (b) they do terrible marketing to go with said bad movies. (a) could happen, but Disney has not been slacking when it comes to shilling and marketing.
What about when they buy up DC?
They used to say that about Star Wars.
I'd like to see the reactions to that, and the cross over movies too
Hemsworth was in good shape for Ragnarok, but there was a distinct cutback in the amount of time he spent shirtless/in a tight white t-shirt
Disney are responsible for the MCU success and the Star Wars failure, without someone like Feige they can't make any mega franchises, and it's hard to find a man like that
>give up and merge them into one even more incoherent than normal multiverse
>the return of Amalgam Comics
Would it be worth it? Part of me says yes, another says no.
please make a bomb and blow yourself up with it for wanting the MCU to fail.
The fact it might not get a sequel because it underperformed is hilarious.
Pre-Disney, the Star Wars franchise only managed 6 films in 28 years, with some of the last movies receiving very mixed receptions.
The MCU has put out 21(?) films in 10 years, with 7 or 8 of them busting a billion in ticket sales.
They're both making less and less each year. They're peripheral stuff is keeping them afloat but there's no reason to keep the comicbook sections alive when they do nothing but hemorrhage money. You don't need them for the TV, Toy and other bullshit that Disney's marvel movies devisions don't deal with.
Feige being a major fan of Marvel to begin with is a big factor. Rourke confirmed it when he mentioned that Whiplash had less prominence due to Feige's familiarity with the comics.
Feige comes off as a nerd who knows Marvel history in-depth and gives a shit, who just happened to have gone to a film school wand was trained to be an exec. Not many film execs are like Feige.
im not mad im just telling you that shes not the new face of Marvel, Peter is the new face of Marvel.
Comics haven't "hemorrhaged" money since the 1990's.
They pay their own bills, and provide IPs for an extravagantly profitable movie enterprise (especially at Marvel, but Batman represents some of WBs biggest hits of all time).
Stop asserting ignorant nonsense as fact, Trumptard.
The first line of Hollywood accounting ledgers is the coke budget. It's the only way the numbers make sense
I think he means after Endgame made Thor flabby.
I do wonder what shape he'll be in come Guardians 3, if he'll be fit again or still overweight.
Woah there - while I agree with your points, no need to resort to namecalling there friend.
No one is the new "face" of the MCU.
The Guardians of the Galaxy films created the realization that RDjr wasn't necessary to carry films to huge success. Panther and Capt. Marvel simply confirmed it.
They don't need Tony Stark to be the Logan of the MCU.
Why has she gotten a movie only a few years after she debuted under her current name, but other heroes are more recent and have nothing? Marvel has been pushing her in the comics, and has now begun to push her in the movies as well
Heh Le’edgy Yea Forums cynics
You realize that, if Disney gets fed up playing by the book, they'll just buy Sony Pictures to forcibly take the rights back, right?
She's no more "pushed" than Black Panther, less in fact.
Marvel wanted to prove they could make a better and more successful Wonder Woman (which they did). That doesn't mean she's part of a Marvel Trinity, Marvel doesn't have stupid shit like that.
Sony is so much bigger than Disney that's never going to happen.
>Sony's market capitalization $54 billion
>Disney's market capitalization $255 billion
you wut?
Sony has yakuza support. As soon as they're done singing karaoke they'll come kick your ass.
Will you just go away and come back to Yea Forums when your balls drop, you ignorant child?
Even Gookmoot would prefer if you are at least 14 before posting here.
Papa Sony doesn't give a fuck about Sony Pictures.
Papa Sony is valued at less than what Disney paid for Fox. Are you confusing them for Microsoft?
Yeah, but Papa Sony does care about the Spider-Man rights.
Remember when Sony planned to make an Aunt May solo movie and thought their Sinister Six would make billions?
Better to give the Mouse what he wants than run the risk of being sold to gaijins.
>buying something that isnt for sale
Are you stupid?
But, the mouse does want them to sell to gaijins, themselves.
It's been on the theaters for almost a week and it already made over 500 hundred millions.
Whoever came up with that clause must be considering suicide.
Unironically shit show. Spiderman is one of the best hero's, but has some of the worst stories.
These movies never have strong legs. Endgame was BTFO by Avatar, this will too.
I'd kill to watch a Spider-Man movie with Adam Sandler as The Jester and Kevin James as The Walrus just for the thrill of it
Endgame is going to beat Avatar in 2-3 weeks though, and that was a battle for 2.8B, not 1B
Tommy, plz
>delusional disneycuck still thinking Spider-Man will beat fucking Avatar of all things
Kekking at you pretty hard here mate
If I ever become the god ruler of humanity, one of the first things I'm doing is wiping Marvel and DC off the face of the Earthm
Avatar was also Disney.
And then what?
Nah, that's it really. Maybe mess with people in general?
That's what Feige said 3 years ago. By that time he didn't realize how poorly received the character was going to be and how much hate Larson would get from the audience. It seems like he changed his mind and is making Spiderman, Marvel's poster boy for decades, the actual face of the MCU.
I'm saying Endgame will beat Avatar and that Spider-Man will beat 1B
What? What does that have to do with this? It’s tracking for a billion. You people don’t know what you’re talking about.
Kill yourself please.
It’s easily going to touch a billion or get so damn close it’s inconsequential
Eh shut the hell up. You know he’s right. You just have misformed cognitive biases going on.
Although people tend to forget good faith is considered by legal experts to be an essential part of a contract. Disney couldn’t in good faith argue the Sony wasn’t referring to the individual movie rather than the character as a whole scattered throughout the MCU. Any judge would side with Sony, rather than Disney wasting money (which they have to spare) a long case which they’d be doomed to lose would only mean years without being able to make more money without Spider-Man, potentially never getting to use it. If Sony demanded him back they’d yield, try another deal, which would probably pass, and if not wait until sony bungles it again and offer a deal that’s a lot worse for Sony.
it is called, the Instinct of the Beast. Everyone knows to beat the crap out of such a figure in his Guts
Literally this, Far from home exploring none of the ramifications of the “BLIP” (LOL SO FUNNY), besides using it as a gag (yeah my wife pretended she was blipped so she could elope with a guy LOL, I even had a funeral for her wanna see the video? LOLOL) was such a waste. If Spider-Man was written off they’d make a gag out of his death five minutes afterwards.
Watch Raimi interviews talking about Spider-Man, or just watch Hi-top films videos about SpiderRaimi, Raimi fucking loves Spider-Man, if he was given the opportunity he’d do it again in a heartbeat. He won’t be given it, but if he was he definitely would do it again.
Shit movie that shat all over Peter to try and make miles look good
Hi-top is a retard and Raimi said he'd never do it again
>Hi-top films
Venom was better than anything MCU in years
Venom was gutter garbage
Lacking a developed sense of reasoning, children respond to deviations from recognized norms in socially negative ways, primarily aggression, avoidance, or prying. It's the same reason why you constantly have to tell children not to be rude when they're dealing with unfamiliar situations/people.
For what fucking purpose? This movie is great and Tom Holland is a God tier Spidey.
now that's some shit taste
It's fake, Sony knows they'd get shitted on if this happened, pretty sure I saw Pascal hugging Tom in the premiere video too
These two statements don't contradict eachother.
>Tom Holland is a God tier Spidey.
yikes bro don't say that the raimifags are going to shoot up a school
This post is just sad.
Black people love Spider-Man though, they probably won't care much for a Miles movie.
Tom Holland is a God tier Miles Morales.
Infinity War is the best MCU movie though, better than Endgame
>said mr stark less than 900 times
I think he said Mr.Stark quite a lot in civil war to be fair
People actually just don't give a fuck about black cat
His Homecoming video was ok and pretty much the only video at the time that actually criticised the movie, did he shit on Spider-Verse or something?
no, he's just a faggot
Tony is the main issue.
But Flash is a bully who personifies everything a loser like Peter wanted to be, a strong cool guy beloved by everyone.
His powers give him the opportunity to be that yet he chooses not to because with great powers comes great responsibility.
The fact the douchebag chad admires Spider-Man highlights how great of a person Peter is, even the asshole respects Spider-Man for what he does.
The Person Peter thought had everything he wanted actually feels inferior to the Spider-Man, so much so, he’s actually inspired by him to become a better person and joins the military to protect people.
Not only that but we learn he isn’t just a gratuitous asshole, he has his own issues and insecurities and Spider-Man inspires him not to blame others and redirect his anger but improve himself and recognize his own faults.
Movie Flash is not athletic, admirable or liked. He’s a rich loser coward who whines.
I don’t care what ethnicity, but there’s nothing that Peter or the audience could feel jealous of him for. How is he not bullied? He’s literally more of a loser than Peter.
What do we learn when he say he likes Spidey? “Well no shit such a fucking loser would like Spider-Man you’ve got nothing going on for you, you probably go on Yea Forums and roleplay as Spider-Man having sex with captain Marvel.”
He’s a useless character and his ethnicity is irrelevant.
He recently said FFH "broke" him, even a portion of the Raimifags are saying he's an extreme idiot
And, worse than Venom. See? Both work at the same time.
MJ is the quintessential party girl, a shallow slut who hides her insecurities by Portraying a confident cool girl.
She social climbs through life and pretends to not care about anyone when her best friend dies she tries to hold on to that facade of let’s just move on and party, so Peter throws it on her face that she can’t just keep running away from her feelings, accept her weaknesses and learn to grow.
She matures due to a personal tragedy and helps Peter get over it and grow as a persona and as a hero as well.
Zendaya is a “too cool for school” girl whose biggest weakness is “I just have this need to always be honest.”
Wow too honest, lots of drama and growth to have from that.
Fuck Marvel.
>it’s nothing, mr stark, it’s perfect!
>but I gotta impress mr stark so, I’m sorry
>hey mr stark, what should I do?
>mr stark said you’d say that, wow!
>had a really good day today, you know, mr stark....
I loved the Raimi trilogy too, they were my teenage years and nailed the angsty feel or Spider-Man, but Tom Holland is fucking great and I feel he perfectly encapsulates both Peter Parker and Spider-Man whereas Tobey Maguire was only really a great Peter while Andrew Garfield was only a decent Spider-Man. It's a two-part role and neither of them were perfect fits for both halves of it like Tom Holland is. And that's the objective truth of it. The Amazing Spider-Man movies were hot garbage and if Sony backs out and keeps Spider-Man we're back to that with an objectively downgraded casting for Peter/Spidey no matter how you slice it or if you even agree with my position or not. You don't have to love Tom Holland to recognize there is no one out there better for the role besides, ironically enough, Jake Gyllenhaal as a much older Peter. He basically played that for the first half of Far From Home anyway and it worked really well.
Then don’t call her MJ fucker, call her Shaniqua Menezes so there’s no fucking correlation.
>EH you’re right and I have no reply to that so please be quiet so I don’t actually have to think and end up realizing I don’t actually understand the themes and characters, I just clap at the shiny lights while my wife is bouncing on a big black dick
She was called MJ to directly reference Mary-Jane Watson.
Hi-top is the only faggot on YouTube who actually understands Spider-Man and Batman.
Except for Sal from Comic Pop to a certain extent.
Raimi has said much the opposite, he’s said he’d love to come back.
>movie improves on homecoming’s flaws
>hi-top makes a point of saying the film made him sick
Honestly I feel this is the only video that’s straight up wrong with him misunderstanding the film over and over
FFH is a sad shit movie.
The broke me was clickbait but his criticisms were quite on point. He’s saddened that this is gonna be Spider-Man for so many people. Wen Spider-Man is so much more than a wannabe Tony Stark.
In one weekly
This. Spider-Man hasn't been good since Amazing Fantasy #15. As soon as he got his own series he wanted to join the Fantastic Four and later The Avengers.
>Tobey was great Peter and Garfield was great Spidey.
Have your own opinions faggot stop copying from shitty youtubers. Tobey was great at both, Garfield was shit at both, Tom is a good Peter and shit Spidey.
Holland is a great actor and could be great but there’s only so much you can do when those movies are such massive shitstains
Sal loves Holland as Spider Man and his only criticism of FFH was that they revealed his identity, he also thinks Tobey wasn't a good portrayal and doesn't put the Raimi movies on a pedestal, as opposed to Hi-Top who's a classic "NOT MUH" faggot and thinks he understands Spider Man but doesn't
Not that user, but Zendaya MJ could be a Skrull and help Peter in the next movie
kys hi-top and stop shilling your shit channel
What the fuck did it improve on? Are you retarded? It was literally a retread. No stakes, no villain connected to Peter, no consequences from Endgame or Homecoming, and we know the post credit scene will lead to no actual drama, just like the May reveal. The side characters are nothing more than gags and Peter has to be told by everyone who he’s supposed to be instead of growing in his own.
Sal has somehow earned my respect over the years.
Which is why I said to a certain extent retard.
He gets what works and doesn’t with Spidey such as the identity reveal, but he’s a lot more forgiving of a shit story around a good actor than Hi-top
>so why are people so mad?
I'm because I wanted to see mary jane, gwen and harry.
with this new characters
Why don't they make everyone happy?
the old and new fans?
But I won’t throw him under the bus just because of that. He still understands the characters even if he’s too forgiving of FFH
>it’s you who’s out gobby, out of your mind!
>that’s a cute outfit!did your HUSBAND give it to you?
>kiddo, let mom and dad talk for a minute
>I guess you haven't heard. I'm the sheriff around these parts.
>my one’s small knives!
>Uh oh.....somebody’s been a bad lizard!
>you can call me webhead, just don’t call me late for dinner!
>a god named Sparkles?
>waaaait you guys aren’t the real avengers! I can tell, hulk gives it away!
>I’m pretty sure peter calls vulture big bird at one point but I don’t remember the quip specifically
>Just a typical Homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet, fighting my girlfriend’s dad
He’s earned some respect and some pounds.
Why are businessmen so entitled?
He's a robust gentleman.
except he had nothing but praise for Homecoming, Hi-Top is just a retard who dick rides Raimi because he grew up with that shit and is a nostalgia faggot
Why are the Raimin lines so iconic and memorable while all the rest is just badly written quippy shit?
I was just listing quips
Calm down
You forgot Holland Peters best one
>Suit's great, just a little tight around the ole webshooter
>raimifags aren't sperglor--
>certain extent
yeah he liked the bad movies nigga, and I fucking think he’s being too forgiving of shit movies. I just mentioned out of respect because he understands the character, but Hi-top nails how shit those movies are, Sal ain’t perfect but he’s respectable and he’s wrong.
>one is a fan of the comics
>the other is a salty raimicuck
I'm going with the guy who's into comics
Yeah and I’m just listing the reasons you’re a faggot:
1: you posted a list
2: you replied to my shitpost
3: you’re reading this
3: I was bitten by a radioactive faggot and become faggot-Man, so my butthole tingles when I’m talking to a Fag and nigh that shit is tingling
>“The original Sony/Marvel/Spidey deal to co-produce these movies stipulated
>The original Sony/Marvel/Spidey deal
>The original deal
Congratulations, it's nothing.
Sal has said he doesn’t care much for Watchmen nor like Grant Morrison so I wouldn’t agree with either of you. He’s a hack.
probably a lack of tones. They are smart to keep diversifying the genres and bringing out of left field choices like Eternals and Shang-Chi to the screen, but if they keep turning everything into a massive quipfest, audiences will get tired of it.
I'm a fan of most of the humor in MCU movies, but some moderation is needed.
I don't like Grant Morrison either.
Does anyone actually listen to MovieBlob though? He said the female Ghostbusters was good and called Sucker Punch an underrated gem.
>disliking FemBusters
Is this a black thang or a womyn thang?
This is a "script was weak" thing
Now it makes sense why they made him iron man 2 .
Man, remember all her emails in the Sony leaks? It really leaves you baffled how someone that dumb can be in charge of so much money
At least she never asked for him to fight a giant spider.
because they needed a solo female character who wasn't associated with X-Men or FF4.
man, I kinda hope Feige just says in the upcoming comic con that the saga of Spider Man will end in the third movie, I hope he just gets rid of Sony now
Even though this isn't the actual deal, just emails between themselves but still, they're so retarded
Grant Morrison is a retard so? Alan Moore thinks he’s a fucking wizard.
The best writers are complete retards.
>Dick Grayson Batman
>Final Crisis
>Animal Man
>Doom Patrol
>New X-Men
>Flex Mentallo
Grant Morrison is the GOAT
I'm surprised he pulled it off this far, Amy Pascal is insane
>have him in captain america civil war and then 6 months later in sinister six
this has to be from the time Garfield was still Spider Man, it doesn't make any sense, but according to Yea Forums based Sony know what they're doing
The only reason I could see for Sony wanting to break the deal is that Sony would want to dilute the active brand with a slew of spin-offs in multiple media. Basically, it'd be like the short-term cash ins that Disney has been doing for it's animated to live-action library.
Could they leech from the MCU branding to spin-off their own sets that are but aren't?
Are there characters that could have their own Spider-man style Agents of Shield or WandaVision equivalent TV show for Sony's future streaming service?
Would the masses really be assessed to care about a dilution of the brand or quality of vision?
> Nah
Sony as a financier of the films and a purely motivated for-profit company could certainly use the flexibility to make short-term profits by breaking away. The hard part would be convincing them that there are better long-term benefits and public goodwill to keep the brand "pure" as it is associated with the MCU production.
Personally, I think that "Into the Spider-verse" was the most fantastic thing to come out of Sony Animated Studios and would love to see more if not a sequel in the future, but that Sony should stay clear of mixing things up with the live-action properties.
It'd be a 4th reboot though, I don't think Sony are allowed to use Holland Spidey. I think the masses would care about that
>Tobey was great at both
I never felt that he projected the sort of confidence and fun and playfulness as Spider-Man that I wanted out of the role. It's not entirely his fault; there's just something about his voice which has a kind of - and I know this will sound like an insult, though I don't intend it as such - whimpering quality to it which really worked as Peter, but never sold the Spider-Man persona the way that I think that most fans of the character would have liked.
He did good work within his abilities and I'm not hostile to his performance, but it just didn't feel like he had the sort of versatility that I would have liked and I think most people would have liked.
This sums up what I've been thinking rather nicely. I don't mind the character in the movies as an entirely original character; she's certainly not without her charm, and the performance which the actor delivers is genuinely entertaining, but the character we get in these movies has essentially nothing in common with the Mary-Jane who exists in the comics and I find it bizarre that they would even attach this name to her when they had no intention of adapting anything about the character into this medium.
I agree completely. Into the Spider-Verse was such a success, critically, creatively and commercially, that their smart move would be to just keep on churning out animated films in this style and fashion which don't seek to compete with the MCU, but exist alongside it peacefully. It's an "everybody wins" scenario in which I think that everyone - fans and studios alike - get what they want. I only hope that the studio heads can see it that way.
Why not give her just another name? Why the MJ? I’m glad they at least changed it to Michelle to dissociate but why even use MJ? Why not just give her an original name like Jarry Mane or whatever, it’s ridiculous.
Far From Home even shat on her, so no she isnt.
Weird though. I half feel like they've been setting him up to be in the spotlight of the current MCU. Who the fuck else will be the new RDJ or Evans? They need someone to be the face of current Marvel and it sure as shit isn't going to be Brie, and I doubt Cumberbatch, Boseman or Chris Pratt are going to be able to be the FACE of the MCU like Evans and RDJ have been.
Do they need "a face" when they have the Marvel logo?
So Sony would have to sabotage the movie for it to make them the most money possible in the long term?
That explains the casting then.
This whole thing started because RDJ was charming and was in a good movie. Then they rolled out one hero at a time, all great choices for actors, creating a strong group of people that audiences wanted to see again and again. If MARVEL was all a movie took, every Marvel movie would basically do the same, its not that simple.
Look at Captain Marvel. A billion dollars on a character nobody had seen yet. Because it was a Marvel movie. Marvel has become a juggernaut.
There was a lot of secondary factors that contributed to the success of Captain Marvel as a movie. I really wouldn't treat it as a simple MARVEL POPULAR. Black Panther has the same thing around it. Its not saying those are bad movies or anything of that sort, just that you can't take their success at face value.
I am convinced that most "Raimi fans" are just children who grew up with the Raimi films and never revisited them, judging by this thread.
"breaks free"? I thought they benefit the most out of the deal?
You know the actual contract would be more clear than saying "this spidey" though, right?
i don´t like the mcu spider-man series at all.
I honestly would prefer it if sony took it back and decided to do it right this time.
preferable a full animated franchise that tires to retail the classic spider-man stories just like spectacular did.
none of that spider verse bullshit
Anyone else weirded out by how different MJ is in these new spider mans? Why even call her MJ? Why not just make a brand new character? They could always introduce MJ later if they wanted, or not.
It's not technically MJ but they're fencesitting since they need an MJ character. Honestly a huge mistake and I don't know why Peter even likes Michelle.
Its weird since he had literally ZERO interest in her in the first film. Did they even talk? I feel like it was just her talking about him. I would like to think they were geniuses and were setting her up to be some bait and switch creepy stalker that likes Peter way too much and eventually becomes a genuine threat to him, but after FFH, not likely.
Flash is kind of the same. He at least gets bonus points for ACTING like Flash. They made a really bad choice with the actor though.
Wait, Does this mean what I think it means?
Yeah. She was just an annoyance. Definitely not a charming character. Flash's actor is alright but the casting definitely doesn't match if they plan to do anything with him in the future. It makes them look bad like they're only doing it to be different.
honestly at this point id rather have no Spider-man movies for the next decade
its all so tiresome
But they did. Her name is Michelle Jones not Mary Jane.
Sony will stick around even if Homecoming is a dud, too much potential money on the table with Spider-Man vs Wolverine and Spider-Man and Deadpool
Its really weird because I can't wrap my head around the casting decisions. I mean, to be honest, demographically, it would actually make sense for most of the a Queens classroom to be some kind of brown in the modern age, I think. But that doesn't really seem like why they would do it. I doubt they care about honest representation of demographics. And that doesn't change that Flash is too puny and MJs personality is completely off. All I can think is they wanted as much diversity as they can squeeze in there, but even that doesn't really make sense to me. As for MJ's personality, I feel either one of the writers/producers/whatever has a fetish for girls that act that way and wanted to push that sort of attitude onto MJ for those reasons, or it was focus group tested that a teenage loner, rebel, hippie, etc etc whatever the fuck they were trying to do with MJ was much more popular with teens than what you would normally associate with MJ's personality. I honestly don't know. I'm sure there IS a reason but I can't think of a good one that makes sense genuine to me.
>unironically getting so angry over "muh stark" that they rather have Sony make another shitty reboot or live action movie
PS4 Spidey is already 8 years into his career and started off as the basic 616 Spidey, he built all that tech on his own without sucking Tony Starks dick
>but even that doesn't really make sense to me.
You're not a teenager
Anyone else feel like they are going to quickly introduce a few "new heroes" over the next couple years to be the new the focal point of the MCU? I feel like most of the current cast serve more as a "support" role. Doctor Strange, Banner and a lot of characters have already been stuck in that role basically since they started and probably won't escape it. I feel like if they want a strong way going forward, they need a strong cast of brand new characters to get introduced steadily but relatively quickly.
>I am convinced that most "MCU fans" are just children who grew up with the MCU films and never revisited them, judging by this thread.
I don't really need to be since the casting decisions weren't made by teenagers.
Yeah, I’m saying why even Call her MJ? Why not CJ, LJ, KJ, Ricardo, why even keep that little thread? It’s weird and unnecessary, but don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad they changed her name so won’t have to deal with a black Mary Jane in the comics
Why do people care so much if there another reboot? As long as it’s good I don’t care about having a Spider-Man origin movie every year.
whats really stupider? losing your camera with your name printed on it or losing your webbed up backpack 5 times?
Justice league was such a ridiculous idea. They didn't even have a firm base in the DCU, and then they go and introduce MULTIPLE new characters to fight a threat a practically no name threat, that is completely removed as a threat the second superman shows up? I still can't wrap my head around how people thought the movie was a good idea.
>hey nephew going out to get yourself almost killed again?
>be back before bedtime lol
these movies are a disgrace
You're dumb.
Zack Snyder has a mental handicap, please be patient.
Yeah but I'd fuck that May.
Seriously Sony got probably the best deal of the fucking century letting Marvel make the movie while they get a free paycheck, it's insane how badly they strung a giant like Disney over the barrel in this deal. If the rights EVER revert back to Sony, it'll be the biggest mistake by Sony since the company started. Just shut up and collect your free money, fucks sake.
>wanting to fuck anything over 30
might as well fuck a corpse lol
Fucking girls over 30 is great. They are really good, thankful that you are fucking them at all, and horny as shit. Hell, enough over 30 and you don't even need to worry about pregnancy.
Just don't marry them and you have nothing to worry about.
over 30 they arnt ''girls'' anymore but old hags
how could you submit yourself to this lower quality coitus while every year new 18 year olds enter the market
>lower quality
You would be hard pressed to find an 18 year old that is as good in the sack as your average over 30 year old. Anywhere near even.
I hope you remember this when you're 30 and alone and all the high school girls you try to creep on run away scared from the pervy old man.
I personally think girls over 30 are better lays than barely legal girls, but its not rare at all for young girls to date 30 year old guys. They are "adults" trying to be "independent" and really get dazzled by adult guys with their own place and careers and money to spoil them with.
you type like a virgin lol
We had a whole fucking movie about the ramifications, why do we need Far From Home to retread that shit?
you are a virgin lol
sure thing buddy, ask mommy to tuck you in while i take her daughter out for a good night ;)
>lower quality coitus
How hot the person you're fucking is has almost no relation to the quality of the sex.
having to fuck over 20 years of used cunt is simply low quality
And bombed his school. Don't forget that.
Sony still has to bankroll it. It's not that free.
It's free and everyone involved in the project knows it is.
>proving his point
Spiderverse and Shazam made me feel like the characters on screen were heroes for the first time in about a decade, they learned lessons and taught morals.
I haven't seen that from MCU since Iron man 1
Please , dear God .
So you didn't watch Doctor Strange?
Surprisingly, this will most likely be the first Spidey movie that will reach a billion
So you haven't watched any of the other MCU films?
This. When Lion King comes out next week, it's going to drop Spider-Man's box office pretty severely. I have heard reports on my radio that people think Lion King will be a 2 billion dollar movie, which is so weird.
Homecoming probably would've if not for the fact that the taste of those shit Andrew Garfield ones was still in everyone's mouth.
Question is, will Venom 2 be able to do a billion?
Keep dreaming, Carolshill
And they'll be garbage for the next 50 thanks to tasteless normies who'll never pick up a comic in their lifetimes, getting the worst versions of the characters imaginable that will mostly be in name only. It's great innit.
Drop offs exist
I watched MCU up until the disaster that was Age of Ultron.
I dunno whether that movie and it's previous flops, iron Man 3, Dark World, that make me disillusioned with the franchise, but I haven't been able to enjoy an MCU movie since.
Sony is stupid if they want that to happen.
>previous flops
>mentions IM3 that made over a billion
Doesn't matter
It can have the biggest fucking drop off in history (it won't) and it will STILL make a billion because MOVIES ARE IN THEATERS FOR MORE THAN 2 WEEKS YOU STUPID FUCK
Nah, it's obvious whoever did it trusts Marvel more than Sony.
I would think they're going to shove Black Panther in that opening, it's just that he had a movie last year so they can't rush out another one.
the new Cat noir is more cute
Shit man, as much as MCU Spider Man is more of baby than the other 2 version, I'd NEVER want to go back to ASM style of movies ever again.
Doctor Strange was Kino, and had the most interesting villain defeat out of all the Cape movies. It not doing well reminds me how retarded most MCU fans are.
fucking disappointment
in more than 20 years they have never done right
Does Grace troll?
She seems like the type of person who'd troll us.
Imagine if she did and there were a lot of SS scenes with her not knowing his age haha
That would be his wife.
>The Marvel universe dodged a bullet here. The original Sony/Marvel/Spidey deal to co-produce these movies stipulated that if this Spidey cleared a billion, Marvel would get to oversee a third. If it hadn’t, full control would have reverted back to Sony, which raised the specter that America’s Most Beloved Entertainment Executive would look to cash in/out every way possible, as well as grab complete unexpurgated credit for the victory and thrown superhero canon to the wind
I thought this meant "if the movies made better than TASM then you can make a third".
DC NEVER had a bad movie before Snyder came along
user. First of all its WB.
Green Lantern
Superman Returns
Homecoming didn’t make a billion combining both Domestic and WW box office. Domestic made less than Captain Marvel
He’s underage, of course he believes that
Fan fiction
If it has a DC logo on it it's DC
and It's called sarcasm genius
I'm black and I hate Miles so nah
>3/4 of which came from international markets. Shitskins and gooks t
Like 90 percent of all Marvel movies excluding Avengers and BP? Domestic BO has become smaller.
>character dressed up like a cat
>name is basically "feline" i.e. "cat"
I'm so fucking tired of this meme.
>Felicia is the feminine form of Felix, which means lucky
>black cats are unlucky
It's a joke on multiple levels.
No one except for you in the entire world knows that.
Please bomb. I fucking hate this version of Spider-Man.
It's shit and a terrible adaptation. I can't see how any self respecting comic fan would think these movies are okay. If we reboot maybe we could get some cool shit like Spider-Man Blue or a propper Ditko adaptation for once.
Zack Snyder is the only director in Hollywood who could do Ditko justice.
Did my part by not watching it
Does anyone realise that this is fake?
>Tom Holland is a God tier Spidey.
By what measurement. Dude acted nothing like Peter.
Unironically? Probably. The transition between Ditko and Romita Peter is probably the best example of character growth in cape comics and it sucks it goes ignored.
It’s at 600k right now I think
Please give us a billion dollars for holding the movie rights to Spiderman from Disney. If it doesn't make at least that, we are done playing cross over.
Romita is underrated.
Shocking, I'd rather have a Spider-Man movie than this shit.
K means thousand
get ready to get BTFO
A lot of classic Spidey is. All I ever see is praise for the Ultimate run, which is kinda disapointing.
Whoops, typo on my part. Thanks user
You're in a Yea Forums thread user
There's literally no such thing as fake
>Get ready for them to rape a perfectly good character
You're totally winning right now.
I can’t stand Ultimatefags. They’re the cause of so much shit surrounding Spider-Man, a domino effect we’re still recovering from
I've never read that and I never will. My heart beats the most for the Stern/DeFalco/DeMatteis stuff.
I blame Ultimate for the shit that is MCU Spider-Man. Why did he even need a modern retelling anyway? The classics were timeless.
yes i am, i want to see your eternal seething
It's fine, but I'd never recommend it as a starting point. I always tell my friends to read Blue and if they like the feel of that story pick ASM up from the beginning onwards.
I break with many hands. My only weapon is hate.
I'm already eternally seething. I want to see my hero done justice. It's almost insulting the shit they are doing to that story's legacy.
>Please bomb
>Budget: $160 million
>Box office takings after 5 days of release: $580.1 million
How much of that was opening night?
Yeah because Sony were totally doing better
All of Sony's movies were iconic and memorable. All Disney has made is schlock that understands NOTHING about Spider-Man. Where's Uncle Ben's death? Where is him making his own costume?
I mean, they weren't great, but they were definitely better. There was at least an attempt to stay faithful whether it was successful or not. This is the first time I felt insulted by a movie.
>There was at least an attempt to stay faithful
This. Sandman killing Uncle Ben is an iconic story by Lee and Ditko.
Sometimes I wonder how different things would have been without the Webb movies
seethe forever
Right, are we going to gloss over Ned? Michelle? Peter having an AI? Peter having access to Stark technology? Peter not being dirt poor? Peter acting like even for a second that his power comes from his suit and not from within? Aunt May not being worried as he'll about him in his highschool years? Fucking Uncle Ben? I can go on if you want.
You mean the powers that go away because he's sad?
Literally just the issue where Peter loses his powers because he had a fever. Just replace the causes. I'm not even saying those movies are good, but they were sure as hell better at portraying the story than MCU.
>Peter having an AI?
1 movie, wasn't in FFH
>Peter not being dirt poor?
He is poor
> Peter acting like even for a second that his power comes from his suit and not from within?
After his suit got taken he beat Vulture using the homemade suit...and he had to use Spider Sense to beat Mysterio and didn't rely on his suit at all
>he is poor
You’re retarded. Peter wouldn’t have been able to go on a euro trip or attend the school he goes to without money or connections like Stark. He’s been downgraded to a privileged little bitch.
>wasn't in FFH
Nigger, who the fuck was EADITH then? A ghost?
>He is poor
I don't think you know what poor means. Middle Class is not poor. Especially upper middle class.
>After his suit got taken he beat Vulture using the homemade suit...and he had to use Spider Sense to beat Mysterio and didn't rely on his suit at all
Reread what I said. Even for a second.
>Peter acting like even for a second that his power comes from his suit and not from within?
He does his Spider-Man thing against the Water Elemental in a party mask and plainclothes.
The only time his suit is technologically useful in FFH is the tazer webs vs the drones.
You turbo autist.
I'm referring to the beginning part of Homecoming. Get some reading comprehension.
i agree
Who the fuck wants to watch it? Why? It's objectively inferior to the existing movie.
No one wants Lion King. It's the same people who said Pikachu would put a dent in Endgame
Doctor Strange and Black Panther are going to get bigger roles due to the positive reception they got in Infinity War
I wish this were true
if any of the new characters don't break out, they'll just reboot FF4 or X-Men quicker
it's going to make a billion though
If I'm right that occurred when Disney bought Marvel, before the film deals.
How close is this assessment of the situation
I always did suspect there where major rights issues influencing their use of characters
he called "them" out
>I really wouldn't treat it as a simple MARVEL POPULAR. Black Panther has the same thing around it. Its not saying those are bad movies or anything of that sort, just that you can't take their success at face value.
Black Panther had a huge domestic earnings and was actually well liked. It's not comparable to Carol.
>And that doesn't change that Flash is too puny and MJs personality is completely off. All
they made Flash a zoomer bully. Physical bullies aren't a thing anymore.
>It not doing well reminds me how retarded most MCU fans are.
it didn't do well because the humor was trash and Cumberbatch isn't as poppingly charismatic as some others
tl;dr in the late '90s, Sony Pictures bought a big package from Marvel of the film rights to Spidey, pretty much all his supporting cast and most of his rogues' gallery. It's not quite everyone though, since they don't have Cloak & Dagger, and we know from those leaked emails that they were in negotiations with Disney to use The Jury (who debuted in Lethal Protector, however they DO own Riot who as we know was the villain in Venom) for The Amazing Spider-Man 3.
Basically after TAS2 underperformed, Sony Pictures were in bad financial shape and were forced to go back to the negotiating table with Marvel Studios. They basically signed a loan deal; Marvel make (officially it's "creative consulting", but it's basically doing everything except marketing) Sony's Spidey movies for them and Sony collect all the box office proceeds for them. In exchange Marvel get to use Spidey in their own crossover movies, which Sony don't earn anything from. The deal was for three crossover movies (Civil War and Avengers 2-3) and three solo movies (Homecoming, Far From Home and the untitled 2022 one), after which the deal will either be renewed or Sony will opt not to and try to revive Spidey again themselves.
the reason idiots here hate the spider-man movies are some of the most retarded people i have ever seen
Oh, Grace is straight up spreading bull. God to now.