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Other urls found in this thread:!IlpkWJhB!ytOOZyinjB8ccUFc6BU0Ew

>Make a french cartoon that isn't about Environmentalism
>Don't even have a Queen Bee esque character who has an impossibly high income and relishes in being an Anti-Environmentalist Capitalist

Dammit France I thought this was the cliche you put in all your shows you disappoint me

Imagine having taste this pleb.

Auriana > power gap >Talia and Iris

Auriana fucking shit cliche genki girl

I forgot this show even existed

Fuck off murrlogic. Don't ruin Lolirock too.

Talia sister > Talia > everyone else, also link for The French episodes? I'm studying French atm

The girl on the left dresses like an e-trap

Did they do any Led Zep covers?

I might have ya back!IlpkWJhB!ytOOZyinjB8ccUFc6BU0Ew

Pastebin has season one mega and sub files. The other mega is season 2

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Are we still gonna get a season 3?

Show's dead

It lives on in my heart.

Same. Can’t let it go after all the time I put into it

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no, marathon got bought by a soulless entity that stopped all production and only focus on selling the ip without creating them.

What really? Is there any information about this at least from a decent source?

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>Is there any information about this at least from a decent source?
Marathon wiki page is pretty complete. They got bought during lolirock prod, all prod got stopped. To this day they have nothing new in production, and the parent corporation is making millions out of TV reality TV so cartoons aren't a priority anymore as long as they can rerun totally spies all over the world.

Only Wikipedia, and it says that Marathon was dissolved when Zodiak and Banijay merged.

It’s what happened like during development
After hanging with the actual production manager for years, LR cursed

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Who was your hype train, oldfags?

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LR Almighty

for me it's a tie between Talia and Carissa...but damn did I want Carissa to beat me up, the warrior girl thing is cute

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More sexy Talia

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Brown one > blonde one > redhead

And if someone doesn't post the lewd caption pics I'll be sternly disappointed.

So her brother actually dies at the end?

At least it got an ending, didn't it?

Need more of these girls

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Are there any other good "girl power" type shows? Pretty much shows that have several female characters and the archetype for their personality isn't just "The girl." I think I've seen them all, unfortunately. There's Witch, Winx club, Mysticons, Regal Academy... I've even seen Angel's Friends.

it was a patreon sketch by Markydaysaid
he's done a few lolirock posts for me but uh I on't think I'm allowed to share? I should really ask

Just the link of it should be fine

that's the thing, they're on patreon, so I don't have anywhere to link where they're visible. I'll ask him if I'm allowed to share

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No we got a cliffhanger. One that can be wrapped with an OVA but nonetheless

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You mean the thing Marathon never did even before they were bought out?

Don’t dump salt on the wound pls

also my goodness, drunkposting

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They're cute! CUTE!

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Dear God they look like zits or like a space fungus fucked her face. Either do them right or don't do them at all.

Iris was shit, tho.
It went Talia > Auriana > the other two > Random girl of the episode > Iris

Caption pics?

>Caption pics?
Oh god I can't be the only one who remembers them.

No she’s not

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I don't have any, sorry. Are they saved on a booru?

I don't fucking remember and the only place I can think might have them is some subreddit

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So did all three when singing have the same voice actor?

All the singing in the actual songs is just one person. If they sing a bit in an episode (outside the usual end segment) it’s their individual VAs. For English and French anyway. Italian dub has their VA’s doing the songs too

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there's a tiny chance I might have them in my lolirock folder, what were the captions exactly?

You're fuckin dead bro

DC Super Hero Girls (the old series)

Something lewd like about the night after hooking up with someone at the concert, fuck there was a bunch of them.

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I don't seem to have them sorry, closest thing is like a lewd Polaroid of Aruiana for a fan

I'd like that

I don’t recall any of these being dropped here, and I’ve been here 5ever

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Don't make me go on a r*ddit run, I barely have a clue on where to start.

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Is it in French with english subs?

Here's one, fuck knows where the six better ones went

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French video ripped from French iTunes. Subs are English srt files, pretty sure I put an explanation on how to use them at the top of the pastebin or in a readme.

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Damn, never seen that posted here or Dumblr. Was there really LR posting on Reddit?

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here, last time I posted it, it got reported and deleted

Yeah, real dirty stuff. I can't manage a needle-in-haystack search to get the rest of them but they do exist.

Sorry. My phone won't open the link and I just saved the link for when I get back home. Thanks m8.

No problem. It’s nice to see people taking interest after the series has been done for awhile. More so to get more mileage out of the work we put in fan subbing.
Actually a caveat on that. Never really got to do anything with season 2 because it was all on Netflix anyway so the drive to sub was kinda lost. That and our translator got busy with life stuff. So only really subs for season 1.

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She SHIT bro

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It's not on Netflix in my country so this is pretty much the only way I can watch it. I tried watching it when s1 first came out but only found the first 3 episodes subbed. Eventually gave up. You guys are doing God's work.

Dayum. Thanks!

>never seen that posted here
As far as archives are concerned it's the first time it's been posted here.

still kind of blows my mind that they actually called it that
oh god, time, please slow down

There was a tumblr group that did real subs right on the video for YouTube, before Zodiack came knocking. Pretty sure they only had 3 releases. Kinda sucked, got to talk with them, we’d be the quick sub release and they’d be the quality subs.
Is what it is. I enjoyed timing and I got screen caps out of it all.

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Oh god please
I want to go back to 2014 so bad.
Hype train with all the leaks going with a playoff push that got us the division. What a time ;_;

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no worries, I've commissioned a fair bit of lolirock smut, it's all floating round the web

A patron of the arts, eh?

I get a little every once in a while, I enjoyed the show and the girls were cute so I figured why not. Also I kept getting patreon sketches from someone for them. No one else is drawing them, figured I'll make a small contriubtion

It's not a true waifu until you've learned how to draw so you don't have to commission art.

one day I'll learn, when I have the free time

I was mostly just joking around, but if you really want to learn, you clearly already have enough free time since you're posting on Yea Forums. It's just a matter of starting the habit.

I mean yeah I do at the moment, once I finish university next week, I'll have the free time so I guess I'll start then

Man it was great being able to draw the girls. Learning how to do Auri’s hair at any angle was a satisfying experience. After we got the rest of season one the inspiration was flowing, and I spent the next month just sketching everyone with playoffs in the background. So fucking comfy.

you will always have more free time than you'd think to learn the things you really want to learn.
i wish i realized that when i was younger, then i'd be drawing all of the waifus at this point.
but yeah, if there are times where you catch yourself in front of the tv not really even watching anything or sitting in front of the computer not even taking part in a thread or something, start drawing

That looks like they're giving a private performance.
If you catch my meaning

That number in general was the lewdest one. The they knew EXACTLY what they’re doing

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God! I bet she looks like a Goddess riding cock while still wearing that outfit.

Ps I've actually never heard of this show

It came out without a lot of forehype 5 years ago initially only in France and slowly to other euro markets, and is only on Netflix in North America. There was a lot of hiatus downtime over the years as well. It’s by the same studio that made Totally Spies, so you can imagine the initial anticipation of anons here.
Cute series desu. I always say the first six episodes are a good gauge of the show overall, if you ever wanted to give it a look

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>Those eyes
Oh god, I gotta go jack off RIGHT NOW

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