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Thoughts on Genis-Vell?
Nathan Hill
Ayden Butler
i think costumes that look like a field of stars are always cool
Zachary Bennett
This. Isn't there someone in LoSH who wears something similar? Haven't read it in a long time so I'm not sure.
Adam Young
I like how he went nuts, then sane, then really sane.
Blake Martinez
I always thought of him in the same sense as Nate Grey or Damien Wayne. A spoiled brat blessed by genetics riding the coat tails of their parents
Connor Gonzalez
Where is he right now anyway?
Logan Sullivan
His series is a perfect spiritual successor to both Warlock and his dad's own run.
616(?) version is dead, but there are a number of alternate universe Genis-Vells who are doing just fine.
Asher Cook
Found it.
Kevin Evans
What are some good runs with him? He seems cool.
Daniel Rivera
His PAD run.
Jaxon Brooks
Damn, how come Yea Forums never brings up this guy?
Isaiah Fisher
The entire Peter David run is basically it. He died a shitty death in New Thunderbolts that was undoubtedly orchestrated by editorial with his creator basically killing him off. It didn't help that Quesada (and Jemas) had gotten into a beef with Peter David and lost a bet with him and probably was still resentful about being made to look like a jackass.
Daniel Davis
He seemed fine when he was Legacy in the mid 90s. Don't know why Marvel went that extra mile making him into an extremely unlikable character then killing him.
Gabriel Morales
Chase Diaz
It's okay when Thanos does it!
Isaiah Young
i still don't understand that picture that i asked context for
Angel Perez
Last good Captain Marvel we’ve had.
William White
PAD is a fucking kike supremacist.
Evan Richardson
Whoa shit this one page just won me over.
Juan Gray
my favorite captain marvel. he's comics were pretty well drawn from what i remember and PAD did cool and different stuff with him.
Connor Sanders
Oliver Watson
And then he jobbed to Zemo Jr and died.
Parker Mitchell
He should come back, I think Phyla and Moondragon aregoing to show up in PAD's Prodigal Sun stuff and it's making me want him to shoehorn Genis in there somehow.
We do but it's usually in the Cosmic Marvel related threads and the occasional Captain Marvel thread.
Jose Foster
I'm guessing Rick fucked a Cosmic abstract named Entropy.