How big of a threat would John Carpenters The Thing be in the DC and Marvel universes?
How big of a threat would John Carpenters The Thing be in the DC and Marvel universes?
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Oh I remember this thread. OP, are you going to throw a tantrum when people point out your horror monster isn't shit when thrown in those fictional universes? Because it's happened a lot.
I’ve never thrown a tantrum
What about this thread upsets you?
Marvel probably dies, but nobody notices a change. DC survives after a lengthy Event.
Ben Grimm kicks their ass
Can't Johnny Storm just light it up?
I'm pretty sure Doctor Strange would deal with it before anyone notices.
Shit like The Thing is exactly what Strange deals with on Thursday afternoons.
What a revoltin' development!
Green Lanterns probably relocated it to a far space in the universe where it can't hurt anyone.
Or it gets killed with magic.
Even Marvel has dealt with doppelganger invasions frequently enough that they'd probably have some kind of protocol in place to deal with The Thing.
I'm not upset, merely having deja vu. Please be better, that's all I ask
Dies with all the fire and light manipulators in the setting.
The Flood would probably be a better option for a fast-spreading entity that could pose a genuine threat to capes. That or the Blight.
The thing won’t let its self be caught for anyone to burn it The Thing will do everything it can to make sure it stays alive and won’t risk fights
You seem upset about a harmless VS thread plus be better about what?
You just wanted to say 'How would the Thing fare against the Thing', didn't you?
If the story called for it, and they wanted to write it that way, there'd be no reason The Thing couldn't work. Remember, Aliens, Predators, and even basic bitch Zombies have been a threat to these Universes before.
That sure worked out in the movie when it got caught and blown the fuck up by Kurt Russell
I think its easily found out by any psychic, then expunged.
Also heavily depends on if it can mimic superpowers. Changes are it can mimic powers based on "biology" like Spiderman, but can't mimic magic.
The movie literally ends not knowing if the Thing is actually dead or not.
You should really make less of these forum sliding versus threads. Ten+ a day gets super tiresome.
>Carnage symbiote merged with Cletus Kasady's blood
>Comes into contact with The Thing
>They merge for a while until they start tearing themselves apart
>Cletus Kasady saves the Earth when he shits out the Thing
That depends on if the Thing is intelligent or simply an animal that appears so because it mimics intelligent beings instinctively.....if theres even a difference.
I don't think there's any real difference between someone infected from their previous self until they go on the kill (and that only happens when the Thing is sure it can get away with it). If you looked into the mind of an infected, you probably wouldn't find anything amiss.
This is of course excluding the possibility that the Thing has already disseminated into the rest of the biosphere via birds, insects, fish or possibly even bacteria.
IIRC didn't one ending have an infected dog escape scott-free?
They do, Carpenter said before he prefers to think neither of them were infected
I’ll do what I want it’s fun
The TV cut, which was made without Carpenter's approval and he doesn't approve of.
Either way though, I stand by . The Thing isn't quite as easily trivialized as some people would like to think it is. It's only behind something like the Flood in terms of the time it would take to completely assimilate a biosphere into itself.
IF they think.
Ok ground rules here the Thing is clearly intelligent
It has its own motivations and even has plans and does things for its own survival
You can’t say it’s just a virus that perfectly mimics its victims
It’s clear as day it only mimics humans to keep heat off its back
The Thing does not think it’s human it only pretends so yes a mind reader could read it’s mind and tell it’s not human
That's not what's presented in the movie, though. I don't care what he says after the fact. What's presented in the movie is that after all of their efforts, neither we, nor Macready or Childs really know. That's far more powerful and interesting than "Yeah, they're both fine" after the fact.
With guys like Reed Richards around they might be able to devise some kind of machine or serum that cures the infected or drives the Thing off entirely
We have no idea how the Thing thinks. It could be doing all that shit subconsciously for all we know.
But even assuming you can just read its mind, that only helps with individual humans. If it's already spread that far and hasn't been confined to one place like the Arctic as it was in canon, then it's almost assuredly spread into the ocean life and insect populations to further itself, and likely beyond.
>A quiet day in the Sanctum Sanctorum
>Suddenly the Weird Shit in Antarctica alarm starts blaring
>Stephen's fury rings out from behind the closed bathroom door:
>"I just got back from Antarctica yesterday!"
>"What the FUCK is wrong with that continent?"
>Doctor Strange in a fit of rage decides that for the good of all, Antarctica must be obliterated
>Thus begins his descent into villainy, woe betide the world
There was a really interesting short story someone wrote from The Things point of view that isn't canon, of course, but the way it presented it was pretty interesting. People assimilated by the things didn't know they were the thing and the Thing was hiding inside them as a seperate "mind". It was actually shocked to learn that we had a centralized nervous system and how our brains worked in general because apparently it was used to beings more like itself.
It would watch through our eyes and take control when it wanted, which the person the thing assimilated wouldn't remember IIRC. Of course, an infected person would start questioning their sanity if they kept losing time like that, but it was still a really great short story.
The Thing in the story didn't even necessarily realize it was "killing" us at first, it though we were creatures like it that got "stuck" in one form and it was pretty upset that it was getting burnt to death and started to hide, trying to infect all the humans as it worked to understand us. At the end it kinda goes evil and realizes we are "underevolved", more or less, and sets out to try to assimilate all of humanity in order to make us "better".
Either way its a good short story.
I dug up a link to it, I should read it again, it was fun.
The Thing is not a virus it’s a living creature
And it eats it’s prey whole it’s not an infection the victim is fully dead The Thing just copies how it’s meal looks when it’s done eating them
I don't think that is accurate. If a small piece of the thing got inside someone it could likely assimilate them bit by bit until it takes them over. I don't think it necessarily has to eat someone whole.
The Thing is only 'living' in the loosest sense of the term. Remember that every single cell of it is basically a separate Thing unto themself. You burn enough of it, but get a couple drops of blood in some alley somewhere? Those drops grow legs or start slithering away to repeat the process elsewhere. Or its cells mingle and disseminate into the local bacterial population and the next time someone rubs against a wall at some inopportune time, they get Thing'd.
It's a living creature that behaves like an infection. It doesn't have a centralized nervous system or fixed, specialized anatomy- it converts the biomass of its victims into more of itself, but does so while maintaining their former outward appearance.
We don't know if it can mimic bacteria. We've only seen it mimic things with fairly complex cells. For all we know the "cells" that make up The Thing can't mimic something that small because it might have to simplify and shrink itself too much.
When Mcready does the blood test and outs the one dude as the thing, the petri dish falls to the floor, and the blood rolls away on its own.
Implication is that the guy in the beginning when they found the corpse was infected when he touched its body and brought his eraser to his lip afterwards. So it can definitely work on something approaching a micro scale.
One peice of the Thing is enough to kill a person if it gets into there bloodstream
It will spread to all parts of the body eating away till nothing human is left
An infection needs a host
But the thing just eats it’s prey and copies it when done
Yes, blood, made of human (or the thing mimicing) human cells. Most bacteria is significantly smaller than human cells. We have no idea if an individual THING cell can mimic something that much smaller than a human (or dog) cell.
Yes, and if it didn't want to cause as scene it could probably just assimilate the nearest cells one at a time, then those would assimilate the ones next to it, ect, and keep going about their normal functions. We don't know that the person would cripple over in agony and get eaten, they might just walk around like normal and act normal without even knowing they are being assimilated and mimic'd.
Thats basically the case. Many cases involve someone being infected and literally nobody knowing it because the Thing did it so subtly it looks like nothing changed whatsoever.
The only times the Thing goes full abomination is when it has been found out. Or it thinks it can get away with a fast and messy assimilation where a subtle one isn't applicable.
So The Thing crashed on Earth in the artic when. Dinosaurs ruled the planet
But in the DC or Marvel universes would other more older Alien races know of the Thing or even know where it comes from?