$100 for an hour, $400 for the whole night.
Wanna have a good time?
Other urls found in this thread:
whole night for what? playing video games or watching movies with her?
how $10 for 6 minutes?
sure, it's your time and money spent
make it a $20
Deal. $400 upfront and my safe word is Mallard.
what should we do first?
She would just lose against my big cock.
Then i don't pay a shit, still keep fucking her though until her belly grows big
I miss when rates were that reasonable.
What can I get for $10?
the fuck do i want a smelly thot for and why would i even want to spend money on one
Does her hymen regenerate?
>clone of Wolverine
>not covered in hair
Immersion destroyed, 0/10 would not fap
She's hot, but even if I was a masochist which I'm not, cutting goes a little too far.
Why do they look so skanky?
How much to pop a claw in my brain as I cum? I wanna go out with a bang.
How much for the rest of my life?
healing factor so that is okay
cockforce >>>>>> health regen
>Clone of Wolverine
>Not a really short chick and actually taller than him.
They finally fixed the wonky science behind her this year, she's not a clone of him.
Wait so if I pay you $135k can I have you for an entire year
I think it was X-Men Red last year, and it's been ignored since.
the female immune system goes into remission upon fertilization, otherwise it would treat the embryo as a foreign body and try to kill it.
Can I bone her in Rogue-Like yet?
A night with the guy who commissions all of this fan art
There's a discount for best friends, right Laura?
can't have kids, ability taken away in the lab I grew up in.
Wingbat is a bitch
Free for you Jubilee
Shes more cheap dont?
don't what?
I think so.
I got $200, can you be submissive and call me "Daddy"?
hey it's my drawthread delivery
Thanks, hero.
Nothing a real dick can't fix
Wolverine's daughter looks like THAT?
she has a few good drawthread deliveries, her last one the poolside pic with Gabby is good or the nude one with the cat ears and fishnets.
Yeah. I like the old ones by Geers too.
She looks more like her Mom, the Logan DNA just makes her angry in a fight and super horny
jubilee is for the hetero sex
now that Angel returned to his own timeline should Laura go steady with someone her own age, hook up with someone older or just sleep around and have a boy in every port?
being in exiting and dangerous situations increases libido, lots of fit and sexy women around, and mischievous psykers who can take away your inhibitions, most X-Women are Bi.
Vampire Jubilee is omnisexual.
Laura doesn't really have any inhibitions with her body and she trusts Jubilee, other than Psylocke this is the most likely yuri pairing for Laura
Yep, this was gonna be included as a possible little pairing in the Academy X VN I was working on with some other people here on Yea Forums. But the project fell apart.
That piece in the pool is pretty Good,want ser her in a bathsuit now.
keep digging there are a few bikini deliveries
/fit/ Laura in a bikini
Mmm yes.
NSFW added a Psylocke and X-23 one
Personally I prefer a more feral laura
That fit x23 is not that nice,other one Look better
When Laura was first added to the X-Men comics and they went to the savage land to save Rachel Grey, Laura was paired up with Psylocke and imitated her poses and tried to braid her hair like Betsy, Laura looks up to her for both being a badass at combat but also a strong female and a leader who holds her own with the boys, If Betsy asked Laura to come to her room there would be no hesitation from Laura.
Laura loses it and fucks every guy she sees.
if she cut off your clothes, pinned you to the bed, and started riding you hard, how long would you last?
riding like this - pornhub.com
maybe 5 minutes
I'll cry from physical contact immediately, so not very long.
>logan is a gruff, hairy, alcoholic who smokes cigars and brawls with people for fun/money.
>his clone literally lies on her back and spreads her legs for a living.
masculine vs feminine I guess.
Ignoring the context of the situation entirely.
>I'm gruff and can't remember my memories so I'll kill for money
>I'm sexy and can't remember my memories so I'll fuck for money
The context is she has a vagina
>I'm sexy and can't remember my memories so I'll fuck for money
She never had amnesia during that. You didn't even read it.
$400 here ya go, now let's break in a underage prostitute, this will be fun.
>You didn't even read it.
No, I didn't, because I don't care, because she's literally a whore. Your waifu is a whore.
You're defending a whore.
Laura in low-rise pants and visible thong always get me going.
Any 13 year old that never had a proper upbringing could be manipulated into prostitution. You're a simple moron.
>Any 13 year old that never had a proper upbringing could be manipulated into prostitution
Okay, so? Is this your famous context? She's a whore because has reasons?
Reasons to be a whore?
>You're a simple moron.
And you're mad your waifu is a whore.
>Your waifu is a whore.
Now that's a social reject I can get behind, not those fucking chads and stacies from xavier school.
Hidden, didn't read. Stay mad.
post more lewds you trolls, I didn't come here for your opinions on fictional child prostitutes, I came for some sexy pics
I like the anime style snaggle tooth
got the stacked edit?
>snaggle tooth
Nice, very moe
Yeah, it's nice.
I like this comic, got it from EXhentai
if only I could get her in that pose but lying in bed and covered in cum.
my dick also went snikt
Hungry Hippos!
got anymore?
How did Laura manage to have a boyfriend and a healthy sex life with a little clone sister with heightened senses in the next room? she can hear and smell everything.
>Any 13 year old that never had a proper upbringing could be manipulated into prostitution.
Not that guy, but I have to stop you there bub, there's really no reason for x-23 to be a child prostitute other than shock value, the bitch ain't Starfire.
She had an upbringing. Not a well adjusted one but she was taught basic shit from her mother while the facility turned her into a living weapon. She was taught enough to fit in out in the field for her assassination missions, even going as far as being able to pose as Kingpin's niece. I'm pretty sure with her mutations, experiments and skillset it would have been more likely that 13 year old X-23 would kill the guy than be manipulated, it would have been more likely, after her encounter with SHIELD, that she'd avoid society altogether to not put herself in a situation where she needed to kill.
Why does she even need the amount of money from getting pimped out? She grew up in a fucking four walled room without the kind of shit people take for granted, she'd just as easily go innawoods or be some wildling in the sewers.
>Laura, please stop fucking
>Laura you've been going at it for 3 hours, he sounds hurt and tired, I'm tired, Jonathen is tired. It's time for bed.
>Gabby I've been in the savage land for 2 weeks I need this.
>Laura at least put on some music and open a window.
She did it because she was damaged and it was another form of self-harm.
No, she did it because Quesada is a hack.
lol more of this kinda dialogue
how much for you and Jubilee for an hour?
anybody got the lewd version of this pic from patreon?
I need to see if Roguelike: Evolution updated since I played it last.
Go somewhere that's tidally locked, and therefore always night.
>shortstack Laura would actually just be a fucking smoli
Shit I mean... okay I guess.
Is there a reason why she was drawn to look like a dude
Not gonna read your bullshit because I already know you're wrong. Move along.
Do you think Laura's claws came out while she was already asleep, or did she deliberately have them out while reading?
Both of these options seem to involve peril.
Beautiful midsection