"Clarence! I need to test some of your blood to make sure you're not the alien shapeshifter"!

>"Clarence! I need to test some of your blood to make sure you're not the alien shapeshifter"!
>"Can I take a rain check?"
>"Gilben, give me some of your blood!"

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Craig of the Creek is an objectively better show

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>Craig of the Creek is a subjectively better show.

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Craig of the Creek? More like, filled with creeps

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>Chubby Dyke Lesbians over best girl

This is why you and the rest of the creek will never be invited to the Tea Party

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Mung please. My waifu needs an excellent chef like you to cook all her meals

You really think someone lowclass like Endine can deliver both Dinner and a show like you can?

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Not a fair comparison.
Craig of the creek is objectively better to a vast majority of cartoons ever made.

Its literally what Skyler Page should have just pitched to begin with instead of macking on women who worked for Rebecca Sugar's team

Ben Levin is fucking pretty bad but he'll never be Skyler Page levels of bad

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He was right to be suspicious.

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What episode of Victor and Valentino is this?

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I dislike it.

Good because its a terrible show and Ben Levin needs to step down and get some good writers in on this show

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How's that new job doing?
Still dealing with drug addicts and your nagging ex?

What new job? There are no jobs in CA. CA is looking to have all its lowest income jobs be taken over by immigrants who're not even from my state much less my country because they don't work for the union

and Automation has also killed the job industry. I live in a fucking nightmare Orwellian socialist prison state. send help.

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>angry at automation killing jobs
>angry at low paying jobs and immigrants coming to get them
>angry at socialism
Shiggity diggity doo, you get what you asked for cuckpitalist

Nah I just like Capitalist waifus in my fictional toons my guy any smart man can tell you Capitalism especially late stage Capitalism is just Corporatism under a different name

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Eliza is very clearly monarchist, and not Capitalist, though.

She's both and so help me Ben is wasting my time and my waifu's time pretending the creek king is this series final boss

We know whose the real ultimate evil

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What new type of fetish is this supposed to be?

Pollution and Destruction Fetish

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I know about your usual shitty fetish, I'm talking about the cake and presents. Is the cake made out of Wonderbread and mayo or something?

Oh no that was just a birthday present. My boy heard I turned 25 and presented me with that for my birthday gift free of charge

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>oh boy a clarence thread
>mfw murrlogic immediately ruins it

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Craig of the Creek is a much better show

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Just ignore him, faggot thrives on the negative attention.

I don't actually and you can take your false subversion back to Kiwi Farms thanks

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This show taught me that the name Clarence can apply to white people and people under 60 as well.

Have sex incel.
Also you're spamming/flooding, jannies do your job

I think you might have gotten Skyler's message wrong since he was thrown out of his own series a season and a half in and CN out of pure shame was even disgusted to air this on a timeslot they knew no one was watching

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