>"MJ, your bathwater tastes so good!"
Mr Stark isn't even his motivation in the new one though OP, it was telling MJ that he liked her
I remember when movies were made well.
>waaaah! Uncle Ben!
>You've got to be the successor to Tony Stark
>When you put on his glasses you look just like him
Yes, Peter?
THAT'S your counter.
I'd probably need therapy after seeing that
Disney destroyed Spider-Man as a character. He's Iron Boy now. Everything all revolves around Tony.
How big of a bitch are you?
It works better as a Robin movie than a Spider-Man movie.
Those were ironicly meant to make him look more like Peter Parker. I loved this mysterio.
You're surely memeing, this whole fucking movie revolves around Stark.
We've also now had THREE VILLAINS who have "Tony Stark was a dick to me" as their motivation.
Are you retarded? His whole film revolves around Peter filling the Role of the Next big hero after the Death/Retirement of all the avengers
You have to be fucking joking.
>Mr Stark isn't his motivation at all in this movie, its about Peter filling the role of the next big hero and getting over Mr Stark dying
Fuck off with this Tony dickslurping, jesus christ.
Honestly, I think it being a skeleton is way less horrifying than it would be if it still had Tony's face, just injured/burned looking as he was in his finale moments. Skeletons just ain't that spooky unless you're 8.
>It's not about him wanting to beIron Man it's about him becoming Iron Man
Should have gone full Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with it, but Disney is filled with pussies.
seriously, did you guys even watch the movie? Happy even blatantly says "You'll never been IronMan"
You guys act like dons an ironman armor in the third act and changes his name to Peter Stark
absolute brainlets.
>Tony's face rapidly falling away from his skull as he approaches Peter, forcing him to relive Tony's death
Now that's spooky and mindfucky. Nice trips, too.
Christ you newfags cant help but out yourselves. Might as well have written SEETHING or COPE, or fucking DILATE.
Meanwhile you're the one crying about people rightfully tired of them having Peter be Tony's bitch boy. Especially since they had a totally fucked up relationship in Civil War that was never addressed and played up like it was a positive thing for both individuals.
One line doesn't stop two movies
Seriously, it could be a moment where Peter initially feels relief seeing Tony and that leads to him being even more hurt by it. Ah well, Mysterio was still the highlight of the film despite his lame as fuck backstory.
You are an absolute retard, your only point id N-NEWFAG & B-BUT HE'S TONY'S BITCH even though He was Spider-Man before Stark, and after Stark's death and how He acted alone the Entirety of HoCo and FFH and told tony to fuck off and disrespected his orders up until the end of HoCo. Literally just outed yourself as a Summerfag by trying to hard. Dilate.
they specificly state ''be the next Iron Man''
Pretty sure that meant, a selfless genius who'd give up his happy ending for everyone else to have theirs. But sure.
>they say hes the next Iron man
>they lump Iron Mans supporting cast on him
>they give him a villian with a Stark hateboner
>they even DIRECTLY mirror Tony Starks's armor building scene with Peter, ACDC music included
fuck off and die shill
>Especially since they had a totally fucked up relationship in Civil War
How so?
>Mysterio illusion
>Pete is 'saved' by Iron Man
>oh my god, he's alive
>starts out benignly talking to Pete, then takes on a sinister, mean tone and accuses him of not being able to do anything that he expected from him
>faceplate flips up and Tony looks like he did at the Endgame finale
>armour crumbles into Pete's arms, illusion Tony dies again and Pete can't stop it
Probably because Stark swung by his house like "Hey, wanna go play fight Cap with me? Also, I'm considering banging your aunt."
Why does this guy trigger Yea Forums so much?
i want to fug him