>create a fork with googly eyes character for your kids movie
>have to issue mass recalls when those same googly eyes are deemed a choking hazard
Bravo Disney
Create a fork with googly eyes character for your kids movie
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Toy Story 5 sounds pretty dark.
This actually would be an interesting idea
Maybe focus on a toy that got recalled. Would probably be going through a crisis without his kid. Than have him meet some other toy that got recalled, but this toy was responsible for the death of his kid.
Probably way too dark though
Make forky jellies
Yeah. But how about the toy tries to hide so the parents don't throw it away, with the other toys helping out, but over the course of wacky adventures the toy accepts he might be a threat to the kid and decides to go out of hiding so he can be properly disposed? Ooh, maybe at one point while he was in hiding the kid found him, played with him and, hurt herself (but didn't die!) just like he was afraid and that's what compels him to selflessly give himself up?
Wasn't that somewhat the original plot to Toy Story 3
I like this idea
Toy Story 5 is dark because it'll be about late-30s millennials taking their kids to see a movie series that started when they were kids themselves in the mid-90s like a bunch of fucking tools
I can't believe people are buying these in the first place. It's easier and cheaper just to make one and then sell it for a cool profit in little Burma.
He's trash.
>because it'll be about late-30s millennials taking their kids to see a movie series that started when they were kids themselves in the mid-90s
That already happened in Toy Story 3. My brother in law took his son to to 3 and 4 and his dad took him to see Toy story 1.
Toy Story's conceit is dark. Imagine all the toys that stayed still while something horrible happened to their kid.
Yes, focus on a toy that never worked properly so it never had a home. We could call her Gabby Gabby.
I told you bro, not a fucking toy
Gabby Gabby was never a danger to children
honestly, bravo to Disney for getting rid of the low IQ kids.
Don't know if you noticed but these are political movies so unless you can spin it into propaganda that's not gonna cut it buddy.
Yeah, pretty much Buzz Lightyear getting recalled to China.
>he managed to get what he wanted
>outside of his film, no less
Dear god. This spork is one dangerous hombre
>I'm sorry we couldn't play pirates.
>Toys are recalled
>They are being burned because not safe for children
>One managed to scape
>He's found by a child
>Child plays with him
>Child started getting sick because contact with toy
>Toy knows about its condition, so he has to abandon kid
This could be a fucking good idea for a fifth movie, but way too dark for Disnee stardarts.
>10 years between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4
Your nephew could hypothetically take his own son to 5, with the rate they're slowly chugging this shit out
Doesn't matter. Pixar is going down that dark route anyway.
Is Disney trying to kill kids? Is Forky going to be the death of Bonnie in Toy Story 5?
>Bravo Disney
This coming from an user who needs to be told his coffee is hot. :-/
Forky got what he wanted
>kid has a favorite toy
>toy has a defect that suddenly kills their kid
>toy knows that he killed his best friend and feels immense guilt over it
>toy ends up being buried with their dead kid, as he was their favorite toy
>toy is forced to exist fully conscious in total darkness with the decomposing remains of what was once their best friend. Forever
plot of Toy Story 5
>Disney jewed out on the materials
Sounds about right.
>I was born a spork but I'm actually a toy
Pixar is really going the transgender route with this one, huh
>>toy knows that he killed his best friend and feels immense guilt over it
You are my buddie, until the end. More than a buddie, you're my best friend.
Quads confirm
Are sex toys alive?
This is what you get for asking this for the 40th time. You did this to yourself.
I miss mad.