Here's your steven bro

here's your steven bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude’s really growing into a Chad

What a pleasant looking lad.

>pretty much exactly the same, plus a pink jacket.

His neck and overall height are the most obvious changes but even the subtler things like the jean shorts just becoming jeans and his hand becoming less fat really does things to improve the design

>pink jacket

He's a Chad when he wants to be.

After he's done saving the world, he's going to completely ravage future Connie's pussy.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-09-17-46-17.png (1280x720, 528K)

Pink is a great color user. Dunno what to tell you.

you mean a sensitive beef cake, which is the wrong kind of beef cake to have


Go and try to say that to The Hitman and see what happens in real life, you piece of crap.

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Theres nothing sexier than a man whos not afraid to wear pink

Pink is a manly color.

Don’t you dare compare the Hitman to that fat sack of trash

>say that to The Hitman
He'll just bitch at you about Montreal before having a seizure

>Theres nothing sexier than a man whos not afraid to wear pink
Ors that mean you fem anons will fuck me of i break out my idea for a pink version of that crab armor gary oldman wore in the first part of bram stokers dracula?

Attached: 187926B5-5C8C-42BC-83C0-1F9B40923253.jpg (500x741, 403K)

Crybaby fags can't be chads.

But that armor looks like shit, of course no one would go fuck you like that in that specific armor.

t. Shawn Michaelatty

I just said the truth, people can rock the pink color.

>But that armor looks like shit
I didnt know shit taste on this level was this possible

How about a pink redeco of this then?

Attached: 87D051E9-F7E3-41B4-A483-58B4494E7B37.jpg (774x1413, 215K)

>Crying is gay
>Pink is for girls

i think it's a better look for him than teen steven from s1, or when he tried to shape shift into being a grown up desu.

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here's your villain, BRO

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they were always jeans, how could you see them as shorts?

How old is steven now? Is he a teen.


Neat, any mention of how long the timeskip was?

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he's like 15 or 16

He was already a teen chronologically. But yes physically he appears to be adolescent now

How short they were

also this was a response to this

>at the end of the movie XJ9 and Steven have passionate sex to cuck Connie for not being a proper woman

Attached: tenor.gif (498x376, 1.28M)

i guess child jeans are short on a teenager but that doesn't make them shorts

this is really pedantic but i am going to kill you for saying this

>Pink jacket
>Flip flops

Attached: 1561874123856.gif (360x282, 1.64M)

No mention but it can't be more than like half a year.

He said he was 14 in Kevin Party so most like 15 now.

What a sexy boy.

Time skip means a fast forward through Jasper redemption and Lapis integrating with the crystal gems, no Lapis apologizing for abandoning Steven and stealing Peridot's house or caring about Bismuth poofing her, no corrupted gems reacting to what's happened with Pink Diamond and Homeworld or getting used to life on Earth, no consequences for the diamonds. The cluster, forced fusions, and human zoo will be forever ignored.

Cluster was addressed in Reunited, forced fusions have stopped and the human zoo is still up in the air right now. Jasper is getting an arc and it's obvious if you follow any of the crew in even the smallest capacity.

You're forgetting about the neck.

There could be flashbacks.

And as for Jasper, all she did was fall in line like a good gem when she saw the Diamonds sitting together with “Rose.” Gems are hierarchical sheep, so the second a more powerful one comes along the underlings submit. Look how White simply folded when she realized Steven couldn’t be controlled by her— and when Steven’s “pet” laughed st her. There could still be lots of resentment building in Jasper. And White.

I hope it isn't a timeskip it's such a stupid idea

This is a thing SU does a lot where things seem fixed completely only for it to come back later. It probably won't be a fifty episode arc or something but everything gets focus eventually.

he's obviously still a basedboy

>the sexual tension this episode


onions b0y

Jasper is confirmed to be sticking around for multiple episodes next season and has plenty of unresolved issues that give her room for development even if there's a time skip and she doesn't have a huge role in the movie. Lapis is always instantly forgiven by everyone and already had most of her development and original conflict with the crystal gems skipped over so that's not anything new. The diamonds' redemptions were rushed, but if the villain is searching for payback at them it could show that the impact of their actions will never be erased and some people will never forgive them.

Can he put some fucking shoes on

He lives on a beach.


not even remotely

>Loving family
>Pet lion
>Friends with nerds, cool kids and everyone inbetween
>Not afraid of his feelings
>Could literally punch you into dust but chooses not to

What metric are we even judging by here.

>also the living godking of an interstellar empire


is that Steven After Not Surviving?

what what?

Sure why not. Here's his design from the movie

Attached: steven-universe.jpg (1800x2699, 1.89M)

cool, but wheres my Connie, Dr Connies mom, Kiki, Jennie and Sadie?

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We get the trailer on the 19th, so probably then.

Since he physically ages slowly I'm guessing 17? 18?

Bright colors are chad by nature.

we dont know that, he grew normally as a baby then stopped for some reason, Im guessing 15 or 16

Chads can wear anything and still be a Chad

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Have you never seen a frat boy wearing pink

Steven and Garnet would wear this, maybe Amethyst

I can see Sunstone wearing it for sure.

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Older!Steven's kinda reminding me of Lupin III for some reason

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does a time skip also mean Greg is going to be even more bald?

>literally wearing baby colors
Connie can never get the Steven D

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imagine something like a jumping rope hanging from his hed from ear to ear

It almost looks deliberate there with the mouth and the flatter hair

It's just a meme that Tara Strong is voicing her, right? RIGHT?

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I'm worried about Greg. I hope's still alive

plot twist, Steven spat on his head and and Greg got all his hair back

The gem's VA wasn't in the cast list so they're probably waiting until the panel on the 19th to announce it. That said, I don't think it's Tara. Didn't really sound like her to me.

Some more concept stuff the crew is posting

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That is a retarded excuse user

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Lol why is Steven so girly in that one pose

Right middle? Strikes me more as a "Pathetic" sort of thing

>We Steven Universe Z now
So who's going to reenact the Raditz fight?
Is it going to be Steven and Jasper fight one of Red Diamond's forgettable goons? And who is going to job to Nappa?

thank you, I love it

The greatest jape that Pat ever made.

Pink was originally a Chad color until corporations turned it into a feminine one.

God I forget how many people died to Nappa and not just lose the fight, I think the only characters that survived the Nappa fight was Krillen and Gohan

To me it looks like he just got penetrated

>yfw there actually isnt a timeskip, Steven just shaphifted himself older again cuz fuck it, why not

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Something about Steven's "ta-dahh!!" pose really irritates me and I can't rationalize why.

Kind of has to be given the temple and that area in the background are newly minted.

>Everyone, I learned something while on Homeworld, I learned to grow up and push myself more, that is why *Shapeshifts into neck* I promise to be your Steven


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>people can rock the pink color
yeah and steven clearly isn't one of them

>on a beach
you clearly are unaware of the torture that brings

I always assumed that his gem powers lay dormant when he was an infant, and so when he became an adolescent (the age we are shown he began to physically stagnate at) was when he was made more aware of his gem heritage (and when he was cognitively advanced enough to understand what he was told) so it is my headcanon that he is in fact immortal like the gems, as we saw he was capable of dying at the beginning of the series, so I believe, as long as he believes himself to be young, his gem half will keep his human half alive and fully functioning as their has been no evidence to the contrary other than his human heritage

Because masculinity bad

Attached: Nyd3.gif (500x280, 418K)

To be fair that was him standing up for his friend and not giving a fuck while wearing a dress. He may have dressed in something feminine but it was proactive instead of passive.

Yeah the point of that scene is he knows he looks ridiculous but he doesn't care because he's doing it for his friend. And that is masculinity

Right, the lesson is that a real man like yourself would NEVER help your friend if it meant wearing a dress, no matter what.

I like that SU does that sort of thing. Steven can be a man while doing all these traditionally feminine things, but you still have typically hetreo guys like Fryman Sr, Kofi and Andy and they're not treated badly either. Not to mention the real OG Greg who is treated as a great father in spite of his living conditions.


steven is a drag queen now


Attached: reee.jpg (800x522, 30K)

Greg is a man and literally the only character on SU who's never done anything wrong

Steven Universe is screech worthy
You don't wanna be a $()YB()Y do yah?
Indeed it is a degenerate cartoon
The only people who watch it
Indeed SJWs shill this
I know it's terrible

Kinda interested in seeing the rest of the timeskip cast

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looks like he fucks blacks

Well he was a scrounging manchild who leeched off Vidalia, but he did get his shit together and get a job in the carwash that he later bought.

>peridot has tits

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that fucking design

why the fuck are they fighting a bootleg mr mime?

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When is best boy Kevin gonna get his time to shine?

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He did lie to Steven about his broken leg to spend time with him, but honestly I'd rather forget that happened because I hate the trope of person faking still having their injury even when it's healed.

>yfw post timskip these guys are freeed from the zoo and now work at Greg's carwash

Attached: zoomans.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

Probably next season.

That episode was fantastic and actually made me like Kevin as a character. Fucking KEVIN.

>on model peridot

Always remember this is canon Steven Ultimate form.
His old form will never happen because he can stop aging.

Attached: steven.jpg (1200x834, 108K)

I forgot I hate Kamina Peridot a lot

I like that every conceivable reaction is in this one pic.

>Hating Kamina Peridot

Attached: Gtyou+cant+lose+to+the+avengers+if+theyre+all+just+_821536eea5d7ce356ac87a14004deb6e.jpg (540x407, 23K)

Bro where have you been since season 4 ended. Raven left the show and Peridot's been basically S2 levels since.

cringy as fuck, dude
Kamina deserves better. The only time an anime reference in SU has been good was when Amethyst pointed at the sky because it was thematically relevant and not a shallow reference for "us weebs amirite"

It's looks like shit

Pink used to be considered the manly color (close to red) while blue was feminine. Then at some point it swapped for some reason.

honestly I don't blame him for the fact, the gems clearly feel something negative towards him due to him being partially responsible for Rose doing whatever she did to become Steven
sure they saved him from the Kindergarten but that's mainly because they knew Steven was gonna go no matter what
they also can't openly voice this negativity due to Steven being around and Greg just chooses to live in a van when he could easily live in the temple to be with Steven
sure Greg and Pearl sort of patched up in "Mr Greg" but that didn't fully fix the problem between the four
I always hoped that it'd be addressed but I guess it never will be because Sugar doesn't care enough to do so
honestly Greg is the fucking GOAT and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional

I don't like the Kamina design as much as her original but come to think of it there's not a single redesign I liked as much as the original except maybe Garnet 2 or Pearl 2

140% sure Steven will be the pussie, and the black girl must be a progressive!!!

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction five years to live.png (531x575, 243K)

Mamie Eisenhower used to wear an iconic pink dress that was really extravagant for the time and became a symbol with feminity during the 50s

her design is still shit, the changing head size extremely puts me off

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I really like the way Nicole Rodriguez draws Peri

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Greg and Garnet have pretty much always been on good terms even after Rose died. Probably helps that she can see the future, but still. If there is resentment it's of the irrational kind that all of us go through with shit like grief.

Pearl 3 is also pretty good though. Amethyst also improved with every redesign IMO.

No way a loose jacket doesn't fit a ballerina design and Amethyst needs her falling strap

if they ruin Connie we going to witness a mass suicide of lolicons

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I can't believe the girl Jontron used to fuck and the reason Jon moved out and destroyed the Grumps now works on SU

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The bitch is Indian you fucking goon.

Pearl 2 was the doat (design of all time), but the jacket is growing on me. Garnet's was the hardest to get used to but ditto for that.

I don't mind Lapis' new outfit, but her dress is objectively better

Attached: New Lappy.jpg (1214x2048, 164K)

ay, who cares mate?

Attached: pearl.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Poor Steven

Jacket Pearl is cute, guys. Cute!

Attached: jacketpearl.jpg (314x530, 24K)

It's also objectively harder to animate which is probably a good reason she was rarely around and Connie got pants pretty quickly.

The way it broadens her shoulders is weird. She's supposed to be slender

>Goldberg kick.gif

The weird part about her new outfit is I don't like it even though I like other art of Lapis in pants

Attached: grunge.png (665x1873, 632K)

silver fox hint of gray

Outfit 2 > Outfit 1 > Outfit 3
Outfit 2 > outfit 3 > outfit 4 > outfit 1
Outfit 3 = Outfit 2 > outfit 1
Outfit 1 > outfit 2
Outfit 1 >>>> outfit 2 (its not even bad though)

Attached: __lapis_lazuli_and_pearl_steven_universe_drawn_by_nano8__ff7a724b765a653a4ecb9baebc3fb3f9.jpg (1899x1525, 224K)

I would switch outfit 3 and 4 around for Amethyst but otherwise that's spot on for me.


Steven is starting to look a little more like greg
and here's why that's a good thing

>he doesn't appreciate the midriff
I bet you don't like the fact she's got shoes in the outfit either cause you like her feet you fuck

>chad is literally wearing pink

Attached: chad.jpg (2048x833, 131K)

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Pick 2

Time flies.

Attached: tumblr_463e1fab523f9f336c5b35700a5c29e1_4cc51847_640.jpg (640x640, 156K)

shes no longer a ballerina cuck, retard

What does being a ballerina have to do with being a cuck

I'm calling bullshit on all of this. Also even if it was true JonTron is better off now making his own content.

Bad bait. You're not even trying.

Connie is Indian.

Why is this board still active

Wait that's the same Nicole? The one that scuffed with Suzie, or whatever the story was.

Yeah I'm confused too. I could've sworn the pictures on her twitter don't match up with the other Nicole.

Thank you for putting into words what I couldn't. I could never put my finger on why it bothered me so much.

He's on record as Sugar's favorite character in the series, and the fact the "Old Universe Charm" when the diamonds showed up shows the staff is well aware of the "Greg Diamondcutter" meme I think he's fine.

Honestly if anyone deserves to get an arc during this its greg, as he understands his son is growing and that he doesn't need him as much anymore. Trying to find his place when he doesn't have the powers of physical prowess of the others.

If it wouldn't have been so weird I'd say he's a prime choice to get Pink'd. Rose may be gone in the classic sense, but the idea of Greg having access to some of her powers (or even having a unique reaction to them given that steven is his son) would be amazing.

And frankly the guy deserves it.

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>Honestly if anyone deserves to get an arc during this its greg, as he understands his son is growing and that he doesn't need him as much anymore.

You just made me really fucking sad, and I hate that I like that idea.

And as an add-on I just realized why:
Goofy Movie has the same plot and that shit is depressing too.

He's a fag

"Greg Diamondcutter" is definitely more polite than the nickname people usually use

imagine it with Sephiroth theme song

to be greg is suffering. You killed your soulmate literally with your love, your son is a constant reminder of her choice to perish at your hand to create something new, and everyone expects you to be a rock and the sensible one despite all the superpowers running around.

You've literally supported your child while living in a van and pay for everything (like the gems fucking have any money) while he lives apart from you and trains in something you can't fully understand.

He can fuse with someone he cares about, something you desperately wanted with his mother but could never have due to being a human... So you decide to go out by sacrificing yourself for him, jump in the way of something to protect him one last time. Go full piccolo.

He "pinks" you, and you are reborn with new and strange powers...

But now you'd doomed to live forever, or at least incredibly long life... having to live with the knowledge you still will never see your beloved again.

To be Greg is suffering, sweet suffering.

Do they talk about being aware of the meme in the podcast?

no one expect anything from Greg, not even Steven

Yes, and they love it. I think that's why he had the line about "the old universe charm" (and using it on Blue) in Reunited.

Garnet respects him for what he does.
Ruby, when split, went to greg of all people, who managed to calm her down and reason with her despite the fact she's a raging bundle of emotion.
Steven turns to him when he's in need of emotional support, even without really noticing it.

So say they don't expect anything out of greg does him a huge disservice. He's prolly the most grounded character in the series.

>yfw they are pretty much his harem now

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So this show don't give a fuck about black people?

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they respect greg but dont expect anything from him, remember the wailing stone

yeap, there are no black characters in the show, there is even a episode which some show up and they run them out of town with torches

this thing are way more simple where Im from, your skin is brown? you're black, latino? bitch you white

I was surprised that Sam Raimi was brought in to not only guest write but also board that episode. Weird that he requested to only do the scenes with the Pizza Twins being kicked off the pier.

t. virgin

>Greg starts spending more time with Blue Diamond after the timeskip.

>Everyone starts getting that nervous feeling.

Nah nigga

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Attached: The Old Universe Charm.jpg (320x720, 43K)

How is latino white? Literally brown. Not even a racist.

Latinos are white ever since George Zimmerman became the face of white nationalism.

>there is even a episode which some show up and they run them out of town with torches

Wait, so SU are based AF?

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What is this, an image for Pebbles?

Every time i see this...
i'm just reminded how much i hate those new outfits.

Timeskip is an idiotic idea. Several character arcs that should've been finished before CYM don't make sense to continue properly after a timeskip, like Peridot and Lapis are back to normal in CYM despite them ending on a sour note and Jasper not reacting to the news and stuff and seeing her next when she is up to date with everything is also missing a crucial window to her character. I hope Steven just ages up using his magic shit instead and there is no timeskip

he's confirmed to be visually 5 years younger than he should be so yes this is a very reasonable outcome!

Lapis says nothing to Peridot in CYM (she had like 7 words of dialogue in all of CYM) and all Peridot did was cry out when Lapis got hit by the mech. They were pretty distant honestly.

So what's the villian's deal supposed to be? Is she just gonna be one of those anime filler villians or actually gonna set up the new story arc?

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Go get shot off a balcony nerd

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Both probably. Trailer drops on the 19th

His age is based on his emotions. I think after a couple hundred years he will start to feel old.

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Or when he sees 10yos doing the latest fad dance and screech memes he never heard of.
t. Methusalem

>for some reason

Blame Disney.

I see no reason why is it something wrong. It's pretty realistic.

>colors are an age thing
Is this an American thing or a boomer thing?

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am I the only one who think nuSteven should have longer hair?

nope, Steven Shippuden shoul at leat have curly hair, and hope Connie left her hair grow longer again. I swear to god, if Connie has a side cut

Its associated with a dumb pregnant party to let everyone else know what "gender" the baby is.
Pink is girl
Blue is boy

Attached: Coverly-gender-reveal.png (460x642, 490K)

But that's just American conditioning, color being associated with age, let alone your customs, is dumb. Like how blue is feminine in South Korea, or purple being a sign of loyalty in Britain. Being able to comprehend color is a miracle and we just accept it in our normal lives.

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Colors always have meaning.
They serve to identify and categorise.
All cultures associate colors with political parties, social classes or professions.

No, man gives them meaning and man is made to categorize and affiliate things based on years of evolution and developing pattern recognition, thus after hearing "ug" over and over they realize it's a "greeting". The fact all cultures view colors in different ways goes to show man was meant to evolve into the ultimate normie.

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Steven doesn't age, his outward appearance is an indication of his maturity

The ride is almost over, he only needs to defeat Pink Jenny and the series is over

Who's happy or sad? I will kinda miss the guy.

Good to see that Rafael's genes are keeping Marco from growing into a sissy twink.

NTR is a garbage fetish

Attached: NTR is a garbage fetish.png (757x790, 139K)

He literally looks the same but older. What makes this a chad in your mind?

He's gonna be shagging at least one gem.
probably a Jasper or Amethyst

There's at least one more season my dude. Old Yea Forums leak rumor put it at nine overall.

Steven would never have curly hair because Rose was a disguise. That's why his hair was poofy, because Pink's was.

Well there is an interview with Rebecca where she puts their relationship into a bit more context (0:18 and the question was about if they'll ever fuse)


Fuck cuckfags

Now make him fuck stevonnie.

What's with the dumb lizard that doesn't match your post at all?

Bruh he's now just Pink Ghadar

He looks like some '80s kid who loves to play baseball with his chums after school everyday.

Oh good, I'm not the only one who thought that.

Seriously though she looks so fucking much like Jenny.

Attached: xj-9.png (480x720, 239K)

Smh at anyone who doesn't believe in Steven

He is literally whatever age he feels like he is.

I'm guessing all that shit with the diamonds, coming to terms with his mom's war crimes and diamond reveal, and all that other bullshit might have made him feel like he's grown up a little.

Or there's a timeskip.

Mother fucking based.

Probably a bit of both.


i think he means she finally let rose go and is trying to be her own independent gem now, hence the jacket with big shoulders ala bussiness women

Nice neck.

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They should've changed up his face a bit. It looks like his head doesn't belong on his body

What's the likelyhood of it having at least a slight animation bump? I'll even take actual shading like this at this point

it holds a universe brain

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

listen i enjoy SU for what it is but we just supposed to forget about these things? about what homeworld was doing?

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The movie? It's being done by the better animation studio (SMIP) and is ninety minutes long. Think it's pretty safe to say it'll look as good or a bit better than the best looking episodes in the show.

I don't think anyone's forgotten, it's just that you can't really expect Steven to lecture people who obviously realize they fucked up. The best we can hope for is that they'll get help in some way.

you know thats uplifting even if it IS about dark sciences

Everything drawn on model always looks good


How can a man be so based?
He never watch this pussie cartoon?

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction I get it.png (4333x3683, 445K)

>The bitch is Indian you fucking goon

You know what is great tumblr?
Be white

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction white lol Canada.png (505x571, 19K)

Canada should be Asian, and America should be mestizo.

If you're white why can't you speak English

Latino isn't a race you stupid fucks. That's like saying American, Australian, or Canadian is a race (barring the indigenous people). Latinos can be mestizo/mulatto (the brown ones), white, black, Asian (yes seriously), Lebanese, and Amerindian. Pic related, a Dominican. Only reason why George Zimmerman was considered white is due to his father, otherwise he'd be your average mixed race dude with a Peruvian background.

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Maybe user is from Argentina

Not the same guy, but what is wrong with the sentence?

Well KEK

So, my theory on the time skip was correct, but it saddens me that all the MILF's in the show are gonna be tooo old.

Attached: SU_Martha.png (1621x2647, 157K)

>We get to see an aged up Connie with a prominent chest and shapely female figure?
Anyone else excited?

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the cast yeah. I don't think it'll be too big of a jump but least they'll get different clothes.

She's not going to be old enough to be really shapely unfortunately

Maybe there will be new MILFs

The only character appropriately aged to become a new milf is Sadie

/sug/ why are you all such a sack of gossip-mongering shits?

What the fuck is this

Attached: 1562779436512.png (967x539, 318K)

tranny propaganda, what else?

it's like people forget Rebecca Sugar is a SJW

>Being so sensitive to a COLOR

>time skip only about five years
>Sadie still has eight fucking kids by then

>The most grounded, mature, well-intentioned character is a straight, white, male boomer
Holy shit, what did Sugar mean by this?

People think SU is super left when really it's more center-left than anything.

Greg is more of an older gen xer than a boomer

>It's tranny propaganda for a fusion of a boy and a girl to be intersex

Steven isn't traditionally masculine, but the show doesn't say that masculinity is bad. Garnet and Amethyst are both super masculine and its looked at as strengths.

Intersex is an actual medical anomaly that happens, though.
Like, it's not a little boy who grows up and puts on a dress, it's a baby that comes out and has a mangled mess where there's like a dick sticking out of a vulva or some weird combo.
Which, if you took a little boy, and a little girl, blended them up, and poured out a single being worth of existence- that's the kind of freaky bullshit their junk would come out as.

Not to mention Bismuth, the most loyal and bro-like of the CG's, is butch as fuck.

>t. virgin

Greg is important because like Steven, he has one foot in the human world and one foot in the gem world, but with plenty of adult experience. He can appreciate everything Steven is going through and can help him out.

Plus he's rich.

I know Jenny isn't the first to make pigtails a popular thing, but the silhouette is just way too similar.

I fucking hate those new outfits, especially Garnet's retarded weeb glasses

Amy and Lapis's are my favorites. Pearl's is pretty good, Peridot's decent and Bismuth is fine. Garnet's took me the longest to adjust to.

not feeling that jacket
take it off, I'd honestly rather see tall Steven with his basic design but with a blue shirt

You're in luck! Here's some art from the crew. More here:

Attached: D_DM2bbVUAACRy2.jpg (1200x779, 138K)

Big disagree. The jacket's great. A varsity jacket is even a symbol of maturing.

this is true
when I was a little twink in school I kept calling out the "Chads" on wearing pink and it got to them. They couldve easily beat me up but they decided to just change looks just because someone mocked them. Pinkchads are just fags in disguise

The best thing about this, BY FAR, is this will change his voice. If not for us for Zach he can finally just talk normally when he does VA work again. This should have happened in the show.

Attached: Steven's Birthday_trim2.webm (960x540, 1.45M)

Yep. I was getting annoyed by the squeak voice before I even knew the story behind it

It's tranny propaganda to have pronouns in your bio.


Based Robotnik, noticing and pointing the goods

>Zach can finally just talk normally when he does VA work again.
How's he doing as of late?
Around the time of the season finale it seemed like he was damn near suicidal.

He's a lot better now. Planning to take some time away from "the industry" (whether or not that's music or animation wasn't specified) but apparently some of the upcoming Steven stuff mirrors his life pretty closely.

>it seemed like he was damn near suicidal.
Zach is just a little bitch baby.

Whats going to trigger Stevens Adult form?

Attached: 58409608_1196821843821190_8832740614849735741_n.jpg (640x640, 40K)

Second Tournament Arc.
Connie appears in her metal battle bikini.

I don't get it.

Pretty sure Steven looks the way he does on the poster because it's promotional art, probably drawn by Sugar herself -- And iirc, Rebecca likes to give Steven a 'neck' in her doodles of him. He's gonna be the same he just looks different cause Becky gave him a neck for this poster. That's my theory.

The fact that other storyboarders in the show are drawing him the same now says otherwise

>implying that they care

They probably stopped wearing pink because they thought it was one of your autistic triggers and being the bonafide chads they were, accommodated your autism in an attempt to be friendlier and more inviting because real chads don't exclude anybody

Yeah my bad, I miss those pics entirely and jumped to conclusions. I just hope this new Steven won't be too jarring. I hate to admit it, but I'm used to chubby short squeeker Steven - Not to say that this new older one isn't a much needed upgrade no no no..

I'm used to squeaker Steven to, but honestly I hope they let the VA finally deepen his voice

Attached: tumblr_pug0v629DA1s6dh1ho1_640.jpg (640x651, 60K)

Should have been Alola Form Steven

Peridot shapeshift into a busty because she think big boobs are a symbol of superiority and power.

Yes, a chad is a chubby crybaby with cheesy jokes.


ha ha. what a nice gif.
made it transparent.

Attached: dance fucker dance.gif (329x618, 280K)

You sound mad that a fictional character is more loved than you ever will be. That's your problem to work through, stop projecting.

I'm fine the surrendered to my will either way

>tfw so insecure about wearing pink

Attached: ohgowihf.png (855x584, 568K)

Kevin redemption arc when

Attached: Kevin Squint.png (630x354, 198K)

Silly user, Kevin's a man. Men don't need forgiveness.

>jew fro
>wears pink

Oh fuck, condescending Steven is hot.

I'm excited to see how Lars has changed. Or if he hasn't because he's magically undead now how he realizes he's not changed at all when even Steven is growing up.

Attached: Lars is empty yet he still hungers.png (1454x1076, 846K)

I actually thought of Deedee than Jenny.

Superior, uncensored version here:

Hopefully Martha will be aged nicely..

Attached: SU_Martha_02.png (587x779, 347K)

Save Martha!

Attached: marthascene-194648-1280x0.jpg (1280x616, 57K)

why is this so funny

not anymore
>jew fro
natural hair
lives in a beach
>wears pink
yes and?

>not cucking Connie by ravaging Rafael's boipussi

Because it was a ridiculous meme and a shitty movie.

>Here's more Martha, going to miss slim mum.

Attached: SU_Martha_Pleasant.png (540x1060, 128K)

he's still act like a bitchboy

If anyone needs pronouns in their bio it's Stevonnie.

>Just started High School when Steven Universe premiered
>Now I've been out of school for a couple of years and don't really have any direction with my life
I miss 2013-2015

quads wasted

haha wouldnt it be funny if after the time skip sadie got skinny and connie got fat haha

Yeah because it's made by pussies. The kid that cries a lot in public is always the lowest rung on the loser hierarchy, and that's steven.

>haha wouldnt it be funny if after the time skip sadie got skinny and connie got fat haha
nah Connie's gonna be BEEFY

Attached: Beefy Connie by Bulumble-Bee.png (967x1333, 315K)

So Stevonnie is a futanari ? Sort of ?

Yes please

Best kind imho.

Attached: mum pick me up im scared.gif (500x300, 793K)

Peridot's is bad and Garnet's is terrible giving the overall impression that they're all bad, but the rest of the designs are either a sidegrade or an outright improvement.