Why is this the best X-Men story?

Why is this the best X-Men story?
I think it's because of how much more grounded the bigotry is presented, which makes it resonate more with experiences of real life bigotry.

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No, the best X-Men stories aren't tired racism parables, they're epic sci-fi stories like the Phoenix saga.

>tired racism parables
1. It wasn't tired when it came out
2. It's grounded portrayal isn't like the "muh M word" shit we get every month now for the last 10 years
>Phoenix saga
Overrated and overhyped.

>God Loves, Man Kills
>Phoenix saga
Neither of these are that great.

you made this thread yesterday

It's fine. It gets all the praise because it's self contained to one volume and isn't told out over issues like the run proper.

Like to do even Dark Phoenix right you gotta start around #99/100

disclaimer I don't actually think Claremont's run gets great until Brood Saga

Yeah but the only people that responded were people triggered by the fact that bigotry exists.



Name a better X-Men story, then.

Claremont and Byrne are an all time creative team, but yeah the era with Paul Smith and JrJr is my favorite of his X-Men run

Days of Future Past
Age of Apocalypse
Avengers v X-Men (don't fucking @ me)
House of M

I'll @ you you dumb mother fucker. House of M is garbage outside of the tie ins. Age of Apocalypse is a cool idea drown by shitty 90s writing and AvX was the death knell of the X-books

>House of M is garbage outside of the tie ins
ehh, fair
>Age of Apocalypse is a cool idea drown by shitty 90s writing
Objectively true
>AvX was the death knell of the X-books
thats uhh, your dudepinion, bro

I don't know, but I didn't like these or Days of Future Past.

>thats uhh, your dudepinion, bro

He's not wrong though, AvX was complete shit.

Yeah but it was fun.

This is Yea Forums. Try Tumblr.

Fun like driving a nail up my dick

haha oh wow

haha double nigger! XD *protects dirt sausages*
It's funnybooks dude, what kind of fun do you want?
I know, right?

Fun that doesn't ruin the entire story by trying to make the heroes the bad guys and letting a bunch of unrelated fucks invade the story

Gee that sounds like...EVERY X-MEN STORY SINCE 2010.

Attached: blindfold-uncanny-x-men-11-february-6-2019-1551123330.jpg (780x438, 57K)

New stories don't ruin older stories, especially one like God Loves, Man Kills that is specifically told apart from the rest.

New X-Men and Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire



This is embarrassing

Why is that?




Nah I'm gonna @ you for those last two.


>opinions are bait
I'm sorry you can't handle other people liking things.

>lists event comics as the best X-men stories
this is just embarassing

>It's funnybooks dude, what kind of fun do you want?

The kind that feels like the creative team and editorial behind them actually gave a shit about telling a story rather than selling a shitty event where heroes fight each other over contrived drama? I think that's the kind of fun I want.

Alright, what are your top ten stories?
Seriously, if I have shit taste, tell me what to read.



let your shitty thread die you stupid fuck

actually wasn't me

then one where wolverine chases a leprechaun

Attached: lebry.jpg (350x490, 60K)

So you did the others, then?
Why so many unnecessary bumps?
You had a good subject to begin with.
Fucking attention whore.

Attached: 1562714537834.jpg (720x540, 42K)

>So you did the others, then?
Yes, that was the implication
>Why so many unnecessary bumps?
Because it was on page 10 and I didnt want to make a new thread
>You had a good subject to begin with.
Really? thanks OwO
>Fucking attention whore.
got me ngl

For being an attention whore you sure know how to talk back well.

Attached: highresclean.jpg (1821x2800, 736K)

Attached: XMen_glmk5.jpg (1280x1968, 576K)

Now post the one where Kitty says the gamer word.


>everyone trashes the list
>literally no one, or at least none of the ones who quoted user, provided a better list

Classic Yea Forums.

>reading enough comic books to have an opinion
Get a load of this dweeb!



Bumping also because fuck Yea Forumsmblr