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Will they survive the streaming wars?
Leo Torres
Julian Edwards
Cameron Martinez
What streaming wars? Who's even invested enough to Shell out cash for the rest of the bs when it's all garbage
Ayden Roberts
Is it really a war? There's Disney+ and maybe Amazon
Ryan Foster
Are Netflix employees still forbidden to make eye contact with their co-workers?
Cameron Sanders
Imagine not being a pirate.
Gavin King
Warner just announced their service, HBO MAX and will be taking Friends off Netflix.
Austin Cooper
Arrrrrgggh you're a faggot.
Star Wars:: The streaming Wars
Anthony Stewart
And it's already dead
No one gives a fuck about Friends and at $20 bucks a month it's DOA so like I said it's just Disney+ and maybe Amazon
Brandon Gutierrez
I wonder who is behind this post.
Matthew Roberts
Probably, you know they also own studios and rent those and office space out to other productions, I'm a security guard at one of the places they own and we currently have 7 of 9 stages being used and only 1 of our productions is a netflix one
Where did this no eye contact thing come from, our security company is a subsidiary of netflix and I look people in the eye all the time and never saw anyone avert their gaze
Bentley Jenkins
They will lose billions in stock prices. There's no way a content company (which is what they will become) is worth $100B when Disney, which owns two movie studios and everything else they own (tv network, cable work, amusement parks) is not worth as much.
Andrew Rivera
You forget Hulu, which predates Netflix
Lucas Phillips
Yes. Hulu will fall, though. Amazon and Netflix won't be going anywhere.
Carter Garcia
Of course they will. At least for now.
Disney+ will usher in a new era, we'll be getting better, cheaper streaming services over the next few years.
NX will need to either adapt or die (probably adapt let's be honest).
Lucas Cruz
Since Warner owns HBO Max does that mean theyre gonna put DC movies on there? Seems like it would make sense, dont think anybody is interested in DC streaming service. Or am I wrong about this?
Carson Baker
Potentially, depends if their original stuff can keep up but it'll still decrease dramatically in popularity
Doesn't look to great though for it
William Torres
>Only two animated shows
Fucking normie taste.
Grayson Perry
With the Netflix shoes failing there's no way it'll last. Especially when the shows are based on the B-Team, normalfags won't care
Dylan Perez
Some guy tried to show Reddit this chart and got ripped to shreds. They have a huge hard on for Netflix for some reason.
Anthony Thomas
I hope they die for what they did to Saint Seiya
Dominic Harris
Hulu is doomed. It's 100% Disney-owned now which means everyone else will eventually pull their content from it.
Charles Wilson
Hulu and Disney+ are basically a packaged deal since Disney owns it
it would make sense and it would be the smart thing to do which is why they definitely aren't doing that
Landon Phillips
they will be destroyed by God as one of the unholy things of the world, we can be sure
Austin Allen
You have a link lmao
Assuming someone from Yea Forums showed them for the lulz
Parker Anderson
Why is this on Yea Forums?
Henry Flores
the only casualty is going to be the consumer when they get bombarded with so many competing services with exclusive titles that they end up bankrupting themselves to try and afford everything
Jace Ramirez
maybe, but not solely as a streaming provider. probably why they're focusing so heavily on creating exclusive content for their service.
Jeremiah Cooper
Netflix airs many original cartoons
Cameron Wood
Yeah, because absolutely no one would download pirated downloads of their content for free, they just go bankrupt first.
Samuel Cooper
>many original cartoons
Such as? Genuine question.
Adam Lee
>AT&T doesn't know what it wants to do
Least that's consistent
Austin Price
and Death Note, Voltron, the redubbed version of Evangelion ... SS is only the last one on the list.
David Torres
Note the anime and original kids animation programming too under it
Levi Rogers
Jose Lopez
It'll all collapse before that point. Consumers want a one stop shop, not a fucking labyrinth of stores.
The streaming services are going to learn that the hard way.
Nathaniel Martinez
Oh, thanks. However, I'll never give money to Disney, and I don't want to support companies which are already big. Also, there are so many anime shows which are not available right now, which they could licence.
Robert Foster
Just like the music industry
Gabriel Miller
You underestimate how dumb casuals are that they don't know where or how to pirate
Justin Ward
Jason Hernandez
They know that, they don't have a choice. Adapt or die even if it's rough
I think Disney has way more to lose with what they are pumping into it. Alot of Warner's stuff is stuff that has an outlet anyway
Noah Thomas
Casuals aren't going to buy 50 fucking streaming services either meaning
>There's Disney+ and maybe Amazon
Joseph Diaz
Literally no one cares about Amazon streaming
Connor Rivera
no but they get it for free with their 2-day shipping
Robert Phillips
did you forget me
Gabriel Stewart
This show is boring with its slice of life shit and running the same jokes into the ground for 2 seasons but god damn if Maury doesn't have charisma
Noah King
I don't think Amazon is in danger
Christian Moore
He's easily the best part
Aaron Reed
Warner are blowing a shitton on original programing for their service too
Big difference is a lot of people already have Hulu and won't get rid of it which will help offset a lot of what Disney is spending whereas HBO Max is its own separate thing because AT&T and Warner are fucking incompetent
Isaac Richardson
That is mostly a scam unless someone can prove that they really give you preferences with the prime suscription
Jace Richardson
don't forget Iron Fist
Ryan Martin
They're even opening their own studio. Also, Amazon is shifting focus on more adult and general family-oriented cartoons instead of mostly pre-K.
Colton Peterson
I would guess Carnage if he wasn't in Venom
Andrew Adams
Wait is Dune going to be direct to TV now or is this something else?
Also Netflix will get crushed by Disney+
Parker Martin
Netflix’s Deathnote was a fantastic comedy, just not a good Death Note interpretation at all.
Oliver Reed
No one will survive the streaming wars in the end.
None of these content providers seem to understand that cable is dying because it's too expensive for younger generations, with limited control over available pre-packaged shows/films as is.
Now they're being dummy and recreating cable packages over the internet. They're going to lose a SHITLOAD of money (except Disney+ though, but only because parents will shill out the cash to keep their shitty children quiet on their ipads while they're panicking over latent student debt), but somehow still fail to understand why people don't want to pay exorbitant amounts of money for something they used to be able to get for cheap on just a couple streaming services.
There's a new great age of pirates upon the horizon, and all the studio execs will be crying all the way to their golden parachutes when their properties crumble.
Asher Sullivan
But if the property crumbles there will be nothing to crumble.
Christopher Long
Disney is the biggest concern
Luke Green
it's exclusive to HBO Max and no shit Sherlock at $7 a month Based Disney is going to dominate streaming just like they do everything else
Landon Sanchez
this and we will love every second of it until it finally gets through our retarded fucking skulls that all the shows we loved died because we didn't support them because we're cheap fucking dumbasses and then we'll cry about how evil Disney is because they're the only ones that actually got any support
Kevin Torres
>$7 a month
>for the first year
>then they ramp up the price by $2 a year
The Disney fuckers have this planned out decades in advance. They're probably projecting it to be $20 a month a few years from now, then $30-40 within the decade, and onwards as all their content is shifted to Disney+ as the sole provider.
Matthew Perez
Learn punctuation.
Joshua Lopez
you only get to choose one, user
Juan Barnes
The future will not be so extreme. The people will find a way to just pay for their favorite shows and just pay a maximum of 3 streaming services, yes you're right Disney+ will be the most popular just because is Disney.
Luke Roberts
just wait until Disney buys Netflix and Hulu
i give it another 5-7 years
Joseph Stewart
yeah. they started out so far in front i doubt they will ever be destroyed unless they are integrated into something bigger
Jaxon Campbell
Can't find it but here's a r/boxoffice thread where people are seething about HBOMax
Connor Bailey
>There's a new great age of pirates upon the horizon
It's funny, just yesterday I was thinking how buying shit has become cheaper and easier over the years. You don't have to hunt down specific CDs to get a single specific song anymore, there are ways to get video games cheaper and streaming made downloading countless gigabytes of episodes less attractive. But now they have shit the bed by making they own subscription service instead of innovating other ways to sell entertainment digitally.
Adam Wright
Disney already bought Hulu dipshit
Jose Flores
Disney already owns 100% of Hulu
Hunter Bailey
They'll probably be bought out sooner or later.
Noah Morales
Everyone fucking hates HBOMax because it's a retarded fucking idea
Bentley Sanchez
Disney tried to but noped the fuck out once they discovered their massive debt.
Ian Gutierrez
The office just got pulled, iirc
Gabriel Cooper
Not yet. It will be in 2021
Joseph Reed
Consumers arent as smart as they used to be
Now they'll do whatever their corporate masters tell them as long as the have le wacky office show. Dont ask questions, just consume product and get hyped for new products
Gabriel Foster
If the price only increases at 2$ a year then it'll still be out-stripped by Netflix's increases,
Basic plan went from 8/month to 9/month
Standard went from 11/month to 13/month
Premium went from 14/month to 16/month
Currently D+ is 70/year, so it'd take 17 years fo D+ to be more expensive than Netflix's basic plan assuming it doesn't increase at all.
Kevin Ward
How is it retarded? I'm not too informed on the service. All I know is that it'll have HBO and a bunch of other WB shows/movies for $16 a month.
Michael Scott
Wasnt there something recently about the feds targeting Google for trust laws? What would the fallout be if YouTube gets broken up?
Cameron Ward
Nobody said anything about pricing, but is AT&T so it can be worse.
Owen Wilson
I feel like either they will eventually either fall apart due to competition or they'll have to downsize and will remain one of the bigger streaming platforms but not the juggernaut they once were. Eventually streaming will become a bundle offered to people like with cable where for a certain amount you'll get stuff like Netflix, Disney+, etc. at a reduced rate overall.
Elijah Morgan
If Disney was smart, they'd set their Disney+ service up at a cheap, permanent, fixed price, then lend out contracts with other streaming services to continue hosting a share of their content in cycles. That would allow them to make money off said contracts without upping their service costs, though the services they partner with would likely have to raise their prices to continue hosting the D+ content.
Fuck. Either way, we're screwed.
Logan Johnson
you are very enlightened :)
Christian Flores
People will respond by pirating more content.
If we can't afford cable packages now, how the fuck will we afford streaming packages?
Jackson Hall
>sure it's ANOTHER streaming service to add to the list but THIS ONE charges $17 a month for pure shit!
Gee I wonder why people might not like it
Matthew Ramirez
They've already said it's going to be more than $14.99
Oliver Jenkins
Source? All the news pages that I visited said that there was no price announced yet, just some speculation from the WSJ.
Tyler Williams
No, all their content is getting removed and put on other streaming services as they take all their toys back.
Joshua Sullivan
>After WarnerMedia announced the name of its HBO-branded streaming service this afternoon, the news was met with a collective shrug on Wall Street as Netflix investors appeared to barely flinch at the sight of yet another major competitor.
>Shares of Netflix dipped about 1.3% after the service, called HBO Max, was announced, but it was barely a blip in the company’s performance, as the stock still ended the day about 1% above its opening price.
Lincoln Morgan
People will either switch platform every few months and binge the new stuff, or just go back to piracy. No one wants to pay for three simultaneous platforms, every month. Casual or not.
Hunter Jenkins
>Second most popular show on Netflix being dropped
>Almost all its most popular content coming from outside sources and being removed, including at least its top two shows
Netflix really isn't a good bet
Daniel Taylor
I think people are going to spend 30-40 max on streaming services, which means Netflix, Amazon and one other, probably disney. Though since there is far less commitment to services these days i can see people having their 3rd or 4th service change quite frequently to binge whatever show they are interested in.
Or you know, the media companies will fuck up bad enough that piracy becomes a major thorn in their side again.
Noah Long
>charge by the month
That will likely end when the media companies get greedy again, and they'll start locking people into "streaming contracts" when they sign up for service.
Brayden Jackson
>adapting Brian Herbert's shitty novels
But why?
Austin Reed
Doubtful with more and more competition coming up out of the walls they were already just getting by by being the only big place around
Jonathan Hall
You guys think they'll one day add Amelia Bedelia to that pic? Or is she obscure enough to slip through the cracks?
Josiah Nguyen
I'd be lying if I say that Tokyo Vice adaptation doesn't interest me
Oliver Martinez
Lucas James
So the movies are pure Frank.
Levi Young
Are people gonna shell oyut more money just for disney or WB?
Owen Nguyen
Yes, they might drop Netflix too
The thing is, though, people are only going to get one or two. They have to choose between Netflix, Disney, Warner and anything else
Carter Morris
>They might drop Netflix too.
Yes, this is the one thing people aren't understanding about this. by 2021 many networks will be pulling some of the most watched shows and movies from there. Do people seriously believe that Netflix can survive solely on originals. Literally the only one I've heard people talk about is Stranger Things.
Lincoln Jones
Pretty much all the shows in the top 10 are cancer.
Now I know why there's so much crap on TV and in cinemas. It sells.
Levi Lewis
Who cares? I don't watch a lot of LA shows anyway and everything else I want I can either find on Animekisa or the megas shared here/watchcartoon.
Aaron Hernandez
Yes, so long as they still offer DVD rental. The only competitors in that side market are literal kiosks.
Blake Long
That doesn’t look too bad actually. If Office were like 12 or 30 percent that’d be a serious worry but it seems like Netflix gets the “long tail” content concept well- a lotta niche content to a lot of niches.
William Garcia
Will Disney+ have Anime ?
Josiah Taylor
They'll survive if they agree to become NBC Universal's bitch. AFAIK it's the only big media company that doesn't have its own streaming service yet.