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Other urls found in this thread:

If I If I didn't win a single state! Blame it on my running mate!

This show has not aged well at all. It's almost as bad as Family guy with the pop culture references.

Jay's a film critic and the cast was full of VAs known for doing impersonations. There's no way you're not doing riffs and send ups of contemporary films and personalities

Like the other guy said, it made sense because he was a film critic. Family Guy is just like "wow, this reminds me of when I met that celebrity ____!"

Except no.

>"Pigeons seem to like the sound of my v-ACHK*Gulp*

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>You don't want to know where the almonds come out

Everyone, run for your lives! It's an 80-foot Ed Koch!

>Now who wants to boogie with Baby '37?

>Jay, little buddy? One question: Why in a show designed to prove your warmth; did you chew out your momma in front of a hundred-million viewers?
>THAT'S what you ask about? No questions about the old man in the diaper?
>I thought he was cute... til the diaper dropped.

eerie, this was just running through my head last night
granted that was because I randomly read about lori beth denberg and the golden age of All That (did you know she was 18 in season 1?)
and THAT was because I was watching the steve harvey show
but still, what are the odds?
People did not like it at the time, but I did, and I still love it now. It's possibly even more relevant.

>How'm I doin'? How'm I doin'?

I would suggest watching it instead of making stupid comments that are wrong

Bad bait.

The Critic was essentially Family Guy except actually funny instead of just relying on sex jokes and shock humor and cutaway gags.

>I don't get it.
>Well neither do I.

gets me every time

If the movie stinks, just don't go.

Rest in peace, you big-eared dreamer.

boy you were so close to having a point, then you went full mormon

he deayid?
shit, now it's even MORE eerie

Heh heh, damn belching bear.

just watched the siskel and ebert episode.

they actually had fucking gene siskel and roger ebert make jokes on the show. that's better than the simpsons or family guy, rip ebert.

hey siskel's dead too.

Fuck off, Al Jean.

Jay! Is that you???

>People watch this stuff?
>They don't just watch it, they throw money at it

I loved Sherman's little song and dance.

>"Good night Porky! You made me look so dorky! They killed you in New Yorky! I hope you rot in hell!"

>fat little piggy! fat little piggy!
>cut it out! I'm not the character from the book.
>What book?

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I seriously forgot he was the president on that show
what a time capsule


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>My pride.
>Your prod?

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*aggressively dances toward the screen*

The only problem with this show, as far as I can tell, is it was fucking savage towards movies at a time when movies were fucking great. I mean, it made jokes about endless and inane Jurassic Park sequels with ridiculous premises... when JP didn't have any sequels yet, and it was a masterpiece that still holds up.
It reminds me of that Simpsons Radioactive Man movie episode. It predicted all the shit that would BECOME true of superhero movies in the late 90s and most of the 00s, but wasn't remotely true at the time the episode was made.
Basically we need that NOW, not then. But we won't have it now, because the people that own everything don't wanna get made fun of.


>Back, and to the left
>Back, and to the left
>Back, and to the left
>Back, and to the left
>Back, and to the left

Yeah, you can finish

man I remember when I was 7 and for some godawful reason they had a class presidential vote, which I thought would actually count (not like one vote per kid or anything but I thought at least we collectively got a few votes) and that was my first taste of the pain of being outvoted by people who are wrong, followed closely by the actual outcome.
but this ONE girl wanted to vote for Ross Perot, and I was like awww you go girl.
She liked my hair. she was nice. Ima go cyberstalk her.

The joke was more about the general soulessness of Hollywood which it WAS and would only become worse. The joke was ultimately that Jurassic Park was a movie that SHOULDN'T have sequels and become mindless hollywood schlock, but then it did.
Also...just generally timely references.

I guess, hollywood wasn't exactly fancy fun at the time, but in the 90s, it felt like we'd really started to develop taste and self-awareness in entertainment. It wasn't the schmaltzy, up-its-own-ass 80s anymore, nor the cheesy 70s.. sure it wasn't the earnest 50s-60s anymore, but as far as movies go, The Critic has enduring classics and it feels so weird hearing them bash the state of the film industry after it's gotten worse. I guess you're right and they just saw trends coming.

Of the parodies in the Critic, "Howard Stern's End" I would actually watch.

>I say!
>You say, but you never do.

>The only problem with this show, as far as I can tell, is it was fucking savage towards movies at a time when movies were fucking great
The problem is that while there were a lot more bangers back then than there is now, we tend to forget the schlock that came out back then as well.

Also, almost every prediction about shitty movie trends that The Critic made fun of have literally come to pass.

>Not watching "Rocky 6: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4".

How did that not become a real parody? It would be hilarious.

That's what I'm saying, it's weird! we needed the wisdom of the critic pretty much as soon as it went off the air.
And yeah there was some garbage, but the few cases of movies they made fun of that I didn't like... they're pretty highly admired. Like people like scent of a woman, right? They REALLY tore into that one. it looks dumb and boring to me.

>It reminds me of that Simpsons Radioactive Man movie episode. It predicted all the shit that would BECOME true of superhero movies in the late 90s and most of the 00s, but wasn't remotely true at the time the episode was made.

The hell it wasn't. Both the Critic and that episode were commentary aimed squarely at their time and was absolutely true then. It just continues to be true today.

user, at the time, the only superhero movies were the Donner Superman films, their lousy sequels (totally different phenomenon), and the Burton Batman films.
The issues in the radioactive man movie were almost verbatim what would happen in the Schumacher Batman films, and those weren't even planned yet, they were going to keep doing more Burton ones at the time.
it's almost like studios saw this episode and thought it was a good idea, like what happened with The Truman Show

If the movie stinks, do-si-do.

I think you may be mistaking some of the trends carried over from Burton as originating from Schumacher. The very notion of a property that's more well known for being childish and campy getting a big budget adaptation that takes itself too seriously is squarely aimed at Burton.

>not wanting to watch Apocalypse Wow

That's not what the radioactive man movie episode was about. Quite the contrary.
Nobody thought that about the burton movies until Dark Knight Returns, they're basically projecting that movie's flaws retroactively into the past.

Not an argument, kiddo

I wanna watch Cowboy Canine Cop and a Half 2

Goddamn, she and Margo were really cute.

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>radioactive man movie took itself too seriously
>burton batman movies had a big budget
uh, user?

>Nobody thought that about the burton movies until Dark Knight Returns
People literally thought that about them since 89, dude. Going from the public perception of Adam West's Batman (which was still widely shown in reruns at the time) to a darker Batman that outright kills people was controversial.

margo had a different design in every episode she was in, though they boiled down to 2 basic looks, and they were both just fucking cute as a button.
>Do you deserve to wear virginal white? Because if you don't, you'll have to wear an off-white, what we call a 'hussy white.' So which will it be? White-white?
>Yes... ... except the gloves.
and then she fucking actually did have off-white gloves. muh duck.

>user, at the time, the only superhero movies were the Donner Superman films, their lousy sequels (totally different phenomenon), and the Burton Batman films.

>He thinks those were the only superhero movies made by 1995

Opinion discarded.

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It was a relief. People at the time were worried Michael Keaton was just going to be a weird little goofball and maintain the comedy which they were sick of.

Maybe he's actively trying to forget bullshit like the Reb Brown Captain America movies.

I think MAYBE Blade was out? But that hardly counts.
that episode seems like it was directly pointed at Batman Forever, as if it could see into the near future.

Radioactive Man isn't about superhero films, it's about bloated budget Hollywood blockbusters in general. It's more closely referencing Waterworld.

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What was his problem?

Okay that's fair, those trends did exist. I suppose I'm just being a giant nerd and forgetting that other genres exist.
Still, it's eerie.

he had a stroke
he didn't really, we just say that to explain his personality

Take THAT, Birth of Man!

Honestly, any of these.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like The Cockroach King had legs
Maybe it was just the opening number where the Swahili is replaced with Hebrew. That had me fit to plotz.

To be fair, the most that got sequels were things like horror and action films because (for the most part) they were largely mindless fun and thus worked to a degree with their numerous followups. Then, you started seeing other genres like comedy, romances, and of course superhero films all getting sequels that there is literally nothing these days that isn't at least "possessing the potential" for sequels. On the subject of remakes, I will say things were actually pretty good back in the day, since most remakes at least had heart put into them like John Carpenter's The Thing. Nobody at all thinks the original movie was good, and John's movie even did away with the original book's awful true form for the monster. Now, almost all remakes just change up some things and inject predictable twists to "change things up" from their originals.

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Yeah I'm slowly realizing that these things go in weird waves. Not very even waves, but waves. You watch enough shit from the 80s and you realize that we're neither on a steady decline or incline.
The only consistent thing, and I LIKE to think people are starting to pick up on this, is that you have to have a hard-working creative person behind something if it's going to end up any good.. and even that's no guarantee. especially if they're old and tired.

Also, that movie where Jack Nicholson turns into a Giant Chicken.

Filthy dumb zoomer scum.

Batman was only really considered childish because of the Adam West series, and that was more so by casual fans than anything. People who were fans of the original comics knew all too well that Batman had darker elements from the beginning, only becoming more and more dark as the decades went by and the likes of Miller and so on made the grittiness pretty much the only thing Batman to excel in.

I thought it was only in the second season she changed once the show went over to Fox. But I do get how sometimes she was kind of offputting much like her adopted brother and then at others extremely cute.

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First Blade movie wasn't until 99 or so, a good while after the Simpsons episode.

that was the bigger change, but she was never drawn very consistently.

>Don't be scared, baby.
>Of what? YOU'RE a giant chicken!
>Just for that... I'm going to peck your wall!
It's so fucking stupid, but hilarious.

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Anyone ever compile a collage of her appearances?

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Really? I thought the movie was a major inspiration for his cameos in the 90s spider-man series, which was over by '98.



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I obsess over cartoon girls a lot, but not to that extent.
lamarche's delivery sold so many of those gags.

Rabbi P.I
>Oh dreidel dreidel dreidei. I made you oot of clay! Dreidel dreidel dreidel dreidel. With dreidel I vill plaaaay!
>You made Mr. Arnold cry!

Nothing exactly wrong with cataloguing something like inconsistencies, loads of people tend to that do here.

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OMFG people who keep comparing adult animation series like The Critic, South Park, The Simpsons and The Boondocks etc should fucking be punched in the fucking face. Stop it you dumb cunts

Was Jay's dad best character? I'm thinking Mr. Sherman was best character.

>Waifu collage
>Compiling inconsistancies in appearance

one of these things is not the other user

I love how that clip came up again in the clip show with Jay giving it the same lead-in description, but this time he just CHHs the hell out of CHHHHAsidic jeww
between that and Chanukkahtown and that repeated gibberish song Jay would do while dancing, it was a heeb of a good time. love that lovitz.

You're the one assuming it's solely for waifu purposes, dork.

That was a spot-on impression of a little kid from youtube. First prize.

Nothing wrong with comparing them, the problem is that people just don't really explain their comparisons that well and what made both works good or one better than another.

dementia maybe

He was top 3 for sure.. Maybe the best.
Duke had a lot of good lines though, and Jeremy Hawke was so dang supportive and hilarious
>Why so glum, me big-bummed chum?
I dunno, I think Dudley Moore was the best character. Just thinking about him makes me giggle. It's only too bad nobody does the tongue depressor shit anymore (or really anything, doctors just wanna get you out of there) because I'd love to try that "don't look now, but someone's eaten all of your popsicles" line in the wild.

That guy wasn't the one you replied to, but I did mistakenly assume we were talking about waifu obsession here, not just studying animation differences a la Tiny Toons studio charts.

Huh, I have the complete series so I might take a crack at it. It'd be a while before I could even start though.

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Lots of good jokes mentioned. My favorite is a really stupid one, but it kills me every time. I can't remember it exactly, though:

>Here's the model for the Oscar, with his wife, Ms. Golden globes, their daughter Emmy, and their son, B'nai B'rith award
>Howya doin!?

It's the way the kid says it that really gets me

A penguin? And he's BEEN drinking!
Wait a minute, penguins can't fly. PENGUINS CAN'T FLY!

Loved the southern accent she and her daughter had
>Jay, my daughter just said she's thirsty for blood!
>But it's so cute how she said it; bluuuuud!

There's a reason they had Maurice Lamarche join Lovitz when he did the Simpsons crossover. It wouldn't be right without him doing the belch and at least one celebrity voice, in an episode about film.

No Blade cartoon appearance in Spiderman was before the film.

In Margo's case, she only makes a significant appearance in like three episodes, right?
He did that same voice for the embarrassing dad of that rockstar Margo was dating. It's amazing how it's not that different from Lovitz's regular timbre, but the accent was distinct even from his other jewy voices, he kinda slured and rolled the sounds around in a particular way

Well that and Maurice had had a few on/off roles with Simpsons if I'm not mistaken. Much like Frank Welker, he was one of the go-to guys for very specific things (animal noises/certain celebrity impressions).

That's still my favorite bit from the show.

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Neither is "The Simpsons still gets millions of viewers", Al.

If I recall, she was more prominent in the first season than in the second.

Yeah, it was still gold.

Fucking hell you are one retarded dipshit, kiddo.

>Weh weh weh!
>No! I will NOT pray with you!

>Oh, Franklin! People loved my book! My life has purpose again.

Attached: Franklin Sherman 1.jpg (320x242, 17K)

Take THAT, Guernica!

Truly /our guy/.

>Wilson! My wife is happy again!
>My wife, Eleanor.
>My wife, Eleanor.
>My wife, Eleanor.

Attached: Franklin Sherman 2.jpg (1123x940, 180K)

>My wife, Eleanor.
>My wife, Eleanor.
>My wife, Eleanor.
>Whooo whooo whooo

Attached: Franklin Sherman 3.jpg (1120x850, 103K)

You know, Eleanor had some pretty good line deliveries. She wasn't as off the wall kooky, but I laughed. I wonder if that lady's still alive

>You don't like me and I don't like you. Any questions?
>Can I go potty?
That part always gets me along with "a sofa..."
Still is, only just a little shy of hitting 70, even.
And yea, she was a great foil to Franklin's insanity. Most times she just ignored his shit, only ever being worried if he was being reckless like the drive to the airport.
>Franklin, slow down!
>Slow down? Woman, are you aware of the danger that we're in?!
>*Is seeing Donkey throw barrels onto the highway*

The only retarded dipshit is the one that destroyed The Simpsons after his own show failed and denies that he did anything wrong, Al.

I just remember her perfect, quavery delivery of
>Hoeoeoe... Hoeoeoe... It's times like this I wish I could still cry.

I never knew if the randomly exploding rookies was a nod to anything, but it was still hilarious to me all the same.
>I got you a new partner, a rookie fresh from the academy.
>That's a new one on me...
And then the leprechaun
>I'll be your lucky charm! *KABOOM*

>He may have stolen our daughter but he won't steal our silver wear. That's why I glued it to the ceiling!

Except Critic hardly got "destroyed", you absolute retard. Jesus fucking Christ, either fuck off or actually try to make a real fucking argument instead of shitposting like a newfag.

I think they were just cracking up so hard in the writing room but they knew they needed a punchline, and they were so laughdrunk they just wrote in an explosion
And then it just kept going, so they did it again, in a way that genuinely took you by total surprise.

>Uh, dad? I understand the silverware, but WHY the dog?

Learn how to read, Al. Perhaps it'll help you to approve better scripts.

>We brought him home from the hospital because at first we thought he was a monkey. His original name was BoBo.

Right back at you, newfag. Actually make a fucking argument already or get out of the thread and stop shitposting.

>you UNDERSTAND the silverware? KOOKOO!
wasn't it Mr. Bip? also I wanna say there was a Mr. Piccolini.. that lived inside Franklin's head?

>He UNDERSTANDS the silver wear. Cuckoo...

user you just made a spelling mistake that wasn't present in the post you quoted.. but you like a good show so I love you

>I punch like a comet, then drink til I vomit, I'm Franklin the sailor man!
>...I don't get it
>Well neither do I

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What's the matter, Al? Can't take a little criticism?

>you now remember the tons of YouTube poops this inspired back when those were a thing

In all fairness, Franklin probably has fashioned clothing from silverware. It's at once both intimidating due to the numerous forks jutting out, and incredibly horrifying as he's wearing nothing but the silverware.

Whatever you say, zoomy

Whatever, retard. Go shitpost elsewhere already.

Would you?

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I wish his career wasn't so fucking dead.

>The brain voices orsen wells
>The very same actor he replicated in order to get the roll of the brain.

>I think I'll POKE her with this FORK.

Franklin doesn't wear pants though.
>Poor old father has no pants.

The ones where Jay answers the phone were also pretty funny. I recall one where some dude is sperging out over MGS4, though I could never find the video that audio was from.

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So did Oakley and Weinstein make Disenchanted bad because they're still mad about Mission Hill dying?

I never mentioned pants...

technically the brain is 90% Welles, 10% Vincent Price. and that percentage wavered a bit in earlier shorts before he had the character down, just like Pinky's voice would skew a lot doofier at first.

It's funny because his actual voice doesn't sound a thing like him, but he's a MASTER of mannerism. He can even make one of his eyes stop moving around when he impersonates Peter Falk.
and his natural voice is so fucking calm and erudite that every interview of him sounds like one of those exaggerated "the real guy is super boring" gags, like Bumblebee Man. Hell he even did that with the boring-mundane-interview of Morty Jr about his book, that was his totally real voice.

>Mission Hill dying?
Aren't they constantly teasing some kind of revival on twitter? I swear every now and then I see something about its twitter getting updated and yet there's nothing. It's like when JLO was running a page for a Carmen Sandiego movie she was supposedly going to make.

We're the bears who sing for Duke
Doo dah
Doo dah
Drinking moonshine til we puke
All the doo dah HYUK

>Formerly Duke's House of Chicken and Waffles

>He repurposed one of the bears to have Bill Clinton's voice and promote him during his campaign
>nobody but Jay and Duke could tell the difference

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That show was really hard on Clinton, and yet in retrospect it was the most fair and least kinda crudely over-the-top. They never went sexual with it or implied he was a drooling moron. Just a fat pervert who gleefully taxes the shit out of the rich and squanders it on programs that fuck things up even worse
>I'm glad Duke has his health, so I can tax his enormous wealth

Tim Allen gives that same, likeable performance we always love. Once again proving Disney pictures have the magic touch that may not win awards, but keep America smiling.

How was that?

Best Duke line is when he's ending his ad for president
>I'm Duke Phillips.... now I have to go wear leather and get spanked.

You're Satan, aren't you?


Yeah that was so unsubtle. Tasteless, really. But it took 8 years of sitting through bush-bashing for me to realize it
Even then, I found his candor refreshing.

>Oh hey, there's the William Shatner robot!
>No, that's really him.

I haven't heard of any Mission Hill revival but there was news on Undergrads quite a while ago.

buy... my... book
buy... my... book

>buy... my.. book... buy... my... book...
>*cocks gun*
>okay, I'll stop

Yea Forums is pretty based today. Who would expect The Critic thread anywhere else?

>pop culture references
>in a comedy sitcom about a FILM critic
no shit zoomie

Mission Hill, The Oblongs, Undergrads, Clone High and Downtown were taken from us too soon. Buy and make more already Netflix! It's not like CN will do shit

That Australian dude was quite the bro. I can't recall him ever being mean to Jay at all. A bit narcistic to the point of being insufferable and thus annoying Jay, but I don't think he ever actively displayed a negative emotion towards Jay once.

Penguins can't fly is always going to be a funny joke no matter how many different ways its told. You can't convince me otherwise.

>Mission Hill
>The Oblongs
>Clone High

What I wouldn't give for one more season of each.

Let's not forget things like Megas as well, which really only needed like 3-4 episodes to complete its story since all that was missing was showing how Coop was the one that actually instigated the Glorf conflict. And Sym-Bionic Titan deserves a chance as well to finish it's story. I know some people are still mad with Genndy, but Titan probably had its ending all planned out compared to Jack which was still somewhat up in the air at the time of its cancellation.

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Sad just how true that is.


>Isn't that the film you called a "Mixture of fantasy and crap"?

No avoiding it really. Not every show has to be timeless.

The whole concept of film critics is dated too, nowadays.

Film critics still exist nowadays. What do you think Rotten Tomatoes is?

They're hardly outdated, just lacking the spine of the likes of Siskel and Ebert.
Would hardly call RT members critics given they're a collective that give varying opinions that then tallies everything into an approximation score. Not to mention that site has had some shady goings on recently with letting people voice their opinions on certain high-profile films.

Exactly what I mean, if I want film reviews I just look at the internet real quick.

I'm not waiting for my favorite film critic to talk about it on tv. I remember watching Entertainment Tonight and crap like that. It was slow and inefficient but I miss it, kinda.

Well there are internet critics. Granted, only a handful are really worth listening to while others are either too up their ass to make their reviews effective and informative, or just clearly being paid to suck off the movies they review.

Alright, here we go .

She was pretty much reduced to a glorified extra in the second season after being a fairly major character in the first season.

She was also a lot smaller in the second season; particularly in the one episode that she received a focus in as she's actually smaller than Alice who was petite herself.

Attached: Margo.jpg (1080x4728, 1.26M)

Though even that was primarily just for one shot.

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but first, a tasteful glimpse of me bottom for the ladies

>"Franklin, my life is an endless grey corridor."
>"Mm, I've been there too. Usually there's a midget making googly eyes at me. I call him Mr. Piccolini!"

>The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut!

>Rocky confronts Leatherface
>Does warm-up punching
>Theme plays
>Leatherface just stands there
>Revs up chainsaw and roars, swinging it

...Oh, wait.

>Riddle me this, son. They're called "fingers" but they don't "fing"!

No, most of those sucked.

>What if we find a cure for your disease, like in that film, "Lorenzo's Oil?"
>Isn't that the picture you called a mixture of fantasy and crap?
>Yes! I dubbed it "Fantacrap!"

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What do these have to do with Jay Sherman?

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europoor here, what made perot so worthy of ridicule compared to other independent candidates?

i mean the critic had like three different jokes about him

Biggest fish in the pond

Low hanging fruit, everyone knew he stood no chance. Plus he looks funny.

The most successful of all the third-party candidates, and he still lost hard to the standard two-party system.

>You have to vote for one of us! It's a two-party system
>Well I believe I'll vote for a third party candidate.
>*cut to a clearly pissed off Perot*

Look up the SNL videos and All That sketches.

It was really just a matter of a cooky old rich guy flexing how much money he had and how he knew better than everyone else. And occasionally he wasn't wrong about stuff.


well it is animated
he said some mean things by accident, because he's a brainless shallow actor, but it was never intentionally mean

sadly any of those shows fucked up by tax loopholes will never see the light of day again

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this is actually a ross perot thread

If it wasn't for that flat tax malarkey, I think he would have stood a chance.
I remember an In Living Color sketch where he was suggesting america save money by all switching to the same shoes. One shoe for every person in america. fucking classic.
and Dana Carvey and that cute girl from All That did such charming impressions. And the logic is sound: if a guy is rich, maybe he knows how economics works.

Doesn't seem too inconsistent, at least not to the point that the one user made it sound like. I know the series never had the greatest animation, but the way the user was saying it, I thought maybe we were talking a lot of changing designs like what was seen in things like the many Ruby Spears cartoons or SU where it feels like the animators have no reference to go by. I do recall that the second season did give everyone more rounded, somewhat cuddlier features compared to the first where it was semi-realistic with everyone's proportions. Still, it is interesting to see how sometimes she was given a tall and lanky form, then somewhat tall but also petite build, and of course the really petite and almost rotund look of the second season.

Except no.

From what I understand, the shows technically can return, but they would have to use entirely new titles, and I think maybe even change the names for the characters. Been a while, but it's not like the shows are 100% stuck in the no-go zone, it's just a real bitch to revive them compared to things that are just being sat on by a company or lying out in the public domain.

Funny how we used to all shit on Rocky for its sequels getting borderline cartoonish with every new iteration. Now, years later, we got three new movies, two of which effectively have handed the reigns over to a new titular character, and they're somewhat more down to earth than even the first 2 films.

Stallone is a really good film maker. I put him in the standard of Clint Eastwood, where their directing and writing is better than their acting.

Eh, both can act pretty good if directed well enough, just wasn't always the case with them and they thus just got very samey roles that were like the characters they're remembered for most. Didn't help there was that brief case of almost every action-film actor getting slapped into at least one crummy kids film that was just unworthy of their talents.

Her profile shots are probably the most incoinsistent.

>I thought maybe we were talking a lot of changing designs like what was seen in things like the many Ruby Spears cartoons or SU where it feels like the animators have no reference to go by.
for a 90s animated sitcom? Hell no. It was inconsistent just by their standards, which (in terms of consistency) are pretty high. One of the few things that kind of show can be relied upon.

Doesn't seem all that bad beyond the profile views like said, and a few times her overall build would go from looking more or less proportional for a teenager of her age, to somewhat anorexic in a few others. I mean, there were worse examples of inconsistent animation back then and in the 80s, things that would make just about anyone want to tear their own hair out. At the very least she didn't seem to morph into different characters with the same outfit.

yeah but fuck him

Eh, they both could be pretty hard to tolerate at times. But at least they were always honest and didn't feel like shills like so many critics these days who just seem to always kiss the ass of some studios and shit on others, or have an asinine need to write word salad articles about the "problems" of modern film that are in no way the actual issues afflicting the industry.

Yeah that's what was great about them. They both fucking tried. they cared about what they were doing, and about movies.
Hell, they cared about this show. They told the writers they would love to help them in what film criticism is really like, and they were happy to guest star as themselves. Now they were also pretty harshly critical about the show itself, but that's their job.

Certainly interesting given that they weren't exactly known for making many TV appearances beyond their own show, interviews, and a few one-off guest bits.

For me it's Beverly Hills Robo K-9 Cop and a Half 2.

Is this the best political satire of all time?
>Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

That was it. I always think it has 'cowboy' in there for some reason.

If it wasn't for that phenomenon, we probably wouldn't have Demolition Man, and I wouldn't want to live in a world without it.

No, it's the Vatican, and I'm Pope Schlomo. Oy!

It was good enough to be named after.

Chocolate spiders don't crawl... CHOCOLATE SPIDERS DON'T CRRRAAAWWWLLL!

One of his more family-friendly roles is what landed him the lead for Demolition Man?

You guys ever watch 80s movies? Either their old partner dies and they don't want a new one, or they like their new partner and then they die.

They're usually just shot though, not randomly blowing up after speaking a few wo-*KABOOM*

Huh, I kinda want to see Alice reverse-engineered into the original style.

Can't one dinner go by where we don't talk about your rotting corpse?

I meant your first point about the samey action movie roles.

Ah, for a second I was curious if something like "Stop! Or my Mom will shoot!" had somehow inspired the director of DM to pick Stallone. Would have been rather hilarious.

I miss Jewish humor. In terms of modern times it seems nearly gone, the closest you get is /pol/ guys going "hehe oy vey goyim", none of that classical bugs bunny-ish/seinfeldian banter.

Hiiiii guuuuuuyyy

I guess everyone agreed they could never surpass the jewkino of The Pen.


"Nobody knows anything...... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one." - William Goldman

I bet if you search 'season 1 style alice tompkins' you'd get at least one result

at least you can have jewish-style humor, all you have to do is not take yourself seriously, and self-deprecate a little.
damn straight

And of course not worry what others think.

My favorite jewish joke ever has to be
>Dude has kept kosher his entire life
>Decides JUST ONCE he wants to try pork. He'll be forgiven.
>Drives 60 miles out of town so nobody will recognize him
>Sits down at a restaurant, looks at the menu
>fucking SUCKLING PIG on the menu. Golden crispy skin, apple in the mouth, the whole schlemazel
>Figures he might as well go whole hog. orders it
>Just as it's coming out, he sees someone he knows. The friend gives him a shocked look.
>Has to improvise quickly.
>"Would you believe it? I order a baked apple, and THIS is how they serve it."

>I guess I should be going. ...But I just can't leave. Do you get that feeling?
>Yes, but I live here.
Always killed me.

>Mission Hill
>Clone High
Hipster douchebag spotted

>hating on Mission
Get out, newfag.

it's a shit show, deal with it faggot

Checking several different search engines, desuarchive, and the booru just for pictures of her in general says "nope".

>it's a shit show
Says (You)

Attached: (You).png (519x522, 350K)

that was some weak fucking bait, man. did you skip dinner? You just jumped on that like it was real-ass nourishment and not bait.

>y-y-you're baiting
Cope harder, retard newfag

Most I can imagine is her maybe being a bit taller, possibly accentuating her hips a bit more, but probably keeping her relatively petite as she was in her known form.

You misread. He's saying you took the bait, because everyone loves Mission Hill.

It wasn't bait, dipshit.

I just assumed that was baiter-user replying to me, not the one I replied to.

Yeah, that makes sense.
Samefagging like a motherfucker.

Not samefag, you fucking retard. Good job wasting a post like that, dipshit.

uh user, it's not samefagging to assert the same opinion multiple times as part of a conversation. Nothing about those posts suggested they were pretending to be different people.. anyone would assume they were the same person without you saying it.

How about we get back to talking about the show, eh?

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Just remember, she couldn't wear pure white gloves for prom. She gave someone a handy. The slut.

I took that to mean she masturbated. I thought that was adorable.
If she's given handy Js I'm proud of her. A girl with manual dexterity maintains her purity.

Eh, she's still cute, and still doesn't know much about sex given the episode where she gets a boyfriend had her seeking advice from her mother.

Alice is the reason I got a hard on for girls with a nice southern accent.

It's not like she could go to her dad or brother and hope to get any help. Evidently she was kept pretty cloistered from any friends...

Eh, Jay would probably have been able to give some advice as he's had some successful lays, just never any lasting relations. Franklin probably would forget what he's talking about halfway through and bail out the window to run with pack of feral cats. Eleanor didn't seem to want to give any advice aside from "make him wait until he's about to burst'

Jay would just say something about food.

Maybe, but he knows something about sex, it would probably just eventually become a nostalgia trip for him and he ends up weeping about the many failed romances he's had were he gets to tap the ass once and then she's either running screaming from his apartment, jumping out the window, or has already hired (and fucked) a lawyer to sue him for unsatisfactory sex.

in fact, didn't he try giving Marty some advice about girls, and that's basically all he could bring up?

pretty sure CN can buy them back, rumor has it that the only reason CN hasn't done so with Megas in particular is because someone else nabbed it and they haven't been able to find out who bought it

forgot about this lady somehow

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Anyone can as long as they're willing to pay out the ass for a show that failed in the ratings AND its bailout money.. it'd be difficult to imagine anyone doing that.

>Anyone can as long as they're willing to pay out the ass for a show that failed in the ratings AND its bailout money.. it'd be difficult to imagine anyone doing that.
from what I had heard it wasn't actually all that expensive, but I've never been able to find a lot of info on the specific form of tax writeoff that this is tied to(and which I have no idea why it exists, just seems like a bad idea in every regard)

Agent L's voice. Always nice.
but her story was so unsatisfying. She's obviously a good actress since she was able to get Jay to think she really liked him.. so howcome she was so comically wooden in the movie?

man, margo was a cute.
i really miss those distinctly 90's looks

Pretty much, though it was more about wooing girls, which Jay has the worst experience in. He's managed to lay with quite a few girls, which suggest he's got some skill, just not the game to keep the bitches coming back.

I think it's something some politician was lobbied into writing in, as a way that sounds like it acts as a sort of insurance for the big flops that could ruin a company who didn't really do anything wrong and don't deserve to be completely destroyed. it's cheaper to bail someone out than to pay for a whole bunch of people's unemployment

What is it with you people?

I always figured she did like him, but was so petty that when he gave an honest and restrained (in terms of language) critique of her skills and the film she was part of, she blew up on him as though he hadn't done anything nice for her.

They also made fun of Al Gore.

And also Dan Quayle but I can't find the clip right now (I'm Dan Quayle and I gotta go boom boom).

This even when Jay was kidnapped and being tortured he was the only one who went out his way to find and rescue him.

I wonder how someone got so such a high profile role while being a shitty actress and apparently had never been told that
since she wouldn't have been so confident jay was going to love her movie if she'd been aware she sucks


Yeah, I made the thread because he passed away and the Critic skit was the first thing I thought of. F

I also like the Rogers and Astaire + Jurassic Park musical that briefly appears in the intro of one episode.

>*Jay begins talking about his sex life on his show*
>Eleanor: Ewww, this is disgusting!
>*changes the channel*
>Shatner: "Hi, I'm William Shatner and this IS Celebrity Autopsy"
>Eleanor: Ahhhhh, much better.

That's a question people have been asking for years in the real world

And we know in a number of cases it's because someone sucked some dick

>Can you hold? can't"
Fuck, I forgot about that line

Yeah but if you had to suck a dick for the role, you're aware of your shortcomings, and you won't be petty and shocked when someone tells you you're not a good actress, that's my point
that was inspired.

Depends. Some people can be so blind to their own problems that they just see degrading acts as part of the job that everyone has to perform at some point or another.

not that it's degrading or anything, though I do hear that there's a shocking amount of this kinda thing even in legit productions, for perfectly normal people who are still good at their job.

Getting them back means that you have to reimburse the government for the amount of money you wrote off; since that can affect multiple years, that can get expensive.

The main reason they were able to get IGPX back was because it was an international collaboration and they were able to exploit a loophole as a result.

There's a pretty substantial difference between the two versions so it'd probably be more complex than that.

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In Margo's case, sure, but we don't know how Alice would change if she were retroactively made part of the season 1 cast. It's very well possible she could have been small and close to Jay's size as she is, or taller like Margo was originally before being scaled down somewhat in addition to her larger and fuller head.

Eh, she did start screaming when she woke up next to Jay the morning after, and had to try and play it off.

I never realized as a kid how aggressively Jewish this show was. What's up with that?

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it's about new york and hollywood
I love when Jay asks the adoption agency guy if he's jewish and he's like "what do you think?"

>Starts singing in Yiddish and does a jewish jig out the door

>Margo: Debutante balls are outdated, elitist, and sexist. You said so yourself in your review of Boyz n the Hood.

>Jay Sherman: Yeah, but I was really off a tangent that day.

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Whoa this show predicted the rise of SJWs

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Because New York and Hollywood really are that Jewish. Jay is ecstatic to find out he's Jewish because a lot of people in those places like being a part of the Jewish community.

It's from Magnum Force.

I don’t think many people fully realize how much of an influence he had on American political policy in the 90s being a strong third party and made both Clinton and the gop adopt and pass many of his biggest campign issues. We need that again with another big 3rd for you party particularly with a focus on cutting the national debt much like Perot did.
That’s how in someways you can call his run for President successful

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Huh, don't remember that, unless I'm getting another woman Jay was in love with mixed up. I thought she was really into him, but then lost all interest because he didn't love her enough to give her a pass on his show.

Republicans hated him because he was a huge spoiler for Bush Sr. even though he probably would have lost anyway.

Speaking of
>Shaking hands with a film critic is what led to Bush Sr. losing

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>In Margo's case, she only makes a significant appearance in like three episodes, right?

As a central focus, yeah, but Margo had appearances in pretty much every first season episode and it's actually really sweet to see how close her and Jay are. She's always really happy to see him and asks him for advice on all sorts of things.

Yes i would.

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>Scharweznegger: If da movie stinks jus don't go.... What the hall am I saying???

I actually talked my mom into voting for him when we had our 5th grade mock elections. Even then I thought the Clintons and Bushes were scum.

Jon Lovitz is Jewish? Well schlameel my schlamazel.