Which Yea Forums character could beat her in a game of tag?

Which Yea Forums character could beat her in a game of tag?

Attached: wl.png (960x2160, 1.72M)


Attached: spiderman.jpg (623x457, 121K)

Steven Universe?

Attached: 1538175862825.jpg (204x248, 9K)

Too fat and stubby

Attached: spider-tuchus.gif (499x356, 111K)

Attached: 487F1097-2F3A-4905-8B96-954CB4A89167.png (750x400, 615K)

Fuck off nigger weeb

Attached: a2de3933-7962-4a0f-b0ea-f4fd487c154f.png (1280x727, 421K)

You will always keep spamming her everywhere, hoping people will just draw free porn for you. You are breathtaking.

Attached: droopy.png (720x480, 460K)


He won't succeed because it's the wrong board

Attached: Herbie.jpg (1262x1854, 689K)


Stop posting this garbage character

which character could beat her in a game of Marco Polo? (water tag)


who's Namor again?

Lum is awesome!!!!

But she should go back to Yea Forums.

Marco Polo

open borders for Yea Forums