Why can't they?

Why can't they?

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They are niggers.

She was made for mutant daddy dick

Underage, different religions and superheroes in love always goes wrong, especially if a Spider-man is involved.

She's saving herself for marriage

to Sam Alexander (Nova).

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muslims marrying non-muslims is haram

Because it's a shit pairing. Also,

because they're from different series and anytime ms marvel teams up the comic sucks

Kamala isn't going to let herself get tied down to one boy. She wants them. Miles is a bit of a whore himself.
Sam has already moved and got a psycho alien girlfriend.

Nonsense. They have more chemistry than that Helmet fag or the spider bitch!

>Only Miles is in love with kamala
>this is a edit

nah they are only friends too, but the had a space couple now kek

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Literally her chemistry is better with every other character. Sam, Scott, Viv Hell even peter has a more interesting dynamic with her so you can’t even say that Miles is the best spiderman for her. Literally the only reason they’re shoved together is out of mutual desperation. But at least Kamala is from this universe and has connection to the legacy character she derives her (previously unused) name from and isn’t just there for brownie points with brownies

Because Marvel will have to break them up eventually because god forbid long term relationships last. Then again they’re kids anyways, they’re not likely to last anyway but still better for them to avoid all that anyways.

Plus they're both brown. I think there is like a rule against that or something.

Her religion doesn't allow her to date outside her race

It’s mostly they they’re both characters in there own books, so any relationship that would happen between them would have to be written by two writing teams. Keeping them separate provides more stories than them together

You mean outside your religion

Because she belongs to the superior species

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When will Scott get Kamala pregnant?

With those numbers, one Wednesday it might happen. Not this one or the next one, but it may happen. Alternatively, make a fanfic about it, Kamala would be proud!

Speaking of sex, what happened to that user with his commission request with Adult Cyke and Kamala fucking?

I always assumed they were murdered by a serial killer

They can.

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>Sam has already moved and got a psycho alien girlfriend.
She's gonna have to learn to share.

She's not white enough to be Mile's SO according to Marvel

like everyone in the kamala's harem

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Sam can't even get his own solo, Kamala only fucks woth A-list.

That actually looks like a sweet moment.

Sam should go find that goth girl from his first solo, the one who knows his secret identity. Though to be honest, with they way that Sam was going I’m surprised that his identity isn’t public knowledge know, he even told Carnage who he really was.

it is
as sweet as it can be to talk about your own death or a pact you made to resurrect someone

>has connection to the legacy character she derives her (previously unused) name from and isn’t just there for brownie points with brownies
What? She has no deeper connection to Carol than being a fan. You can slap ms marvel on any character and be that level. Don't act like Kamala isn't done for brownie points when Sana made her to be an insert for muslim girls and they continuously spread that muslim hero thing. Not even saying that Miles is great or anything but Kamalafags ignore or lie about her shortcomings

Because fictional superheroes can't actually do anything to stop random assholes from getting assblasted and shooting up their schoolmates with easily accessible firearms, OP.

Which is more Haram fucking miles or Sam?

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Sam, Hispanic muslims don’t really happen, not like Miles

Miles is haram.
Sam is halal.

Learn the different; it may save your life.

Sam is a indfidel plain and simple

She’s not perfect but at least they’re from the same universe. Also she had a supporting cast and a personality unlike comic miles

kamala exclusively fucks white guys

Sam is worthy of the Kamala Kooch!

But not Bruno

Never bruno

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BWC propaganda

Teen Cyke needs to come back and impregnate kamala to not make it illegal

I love how Bruno's life is an endless suffering.