Post 'em.
Other urls found in this thread:
>missing the point of the character
So many fucking redesigns that just dont get the ideas behind the character, fuck.
I generally hate replacing capes with jackets too.
Toning shit down to make it realistic is exactly not what superheroes are for.
samurai jack btw
That is actually nice.
Needs red thigh high boots on the black pants.
Mysterio is an especially bad one to do that with because his whole gimmick is being a flamboyant machiavellian scenery chewing attention whore. It makes no sense for him to be dressed down and made more practical.
That's a matter of personality; nothing that you just said is dependent on design and Mysterio's classic costume is fairly low-key with the helmet at it's primary standout feature.
His costume is bright green and purple with a giant cape and checkered green bodysuit and he's constantly surrounded by smoke.
Even by 1960s marvel villain standards thats ostentatious.
lol no its not
Why the double chin?
Why are you all so stumpy?
It turns him from a dated reference to a stage magician look, it's still unusual and flamboyant and true to the idea.
>Dated reference
To what, faggot? And how is it dated? Mysterios design still works to this day
>Stage magician
He's not a fucking stage magician you retard, he's a pompous attention whoring VFX artist who worked on movies.
You're playing two fields at once here and it's not working. VFX engineers don't dress like Mysterio, so saying he can't dress like a magician because he's a VFX engineer is missing your own point.
>Mysterios design still works to this day
This thread isn't a "let's fix shitty designs" thread, stop taking every idea or change personally. Nobody is saying he doesn't work as is, calm your autism.
>You're playing two fields at once here and it's not working. VFX engineers don't dress like Mysterio, so saying he can't dress like a magician because he's a VFX engineer is missing your own point.
The point of bringing up him being a movie VFX artist is he A) uses extensive technology, not parlour tricks, and B) is grandiose on the level of a theatrical villain. He wanted to be an actor.
You dumb faggot mother fucker he literally just called Mysterios classic design a "dated reference" what the fuck are you trying to pull by saying this you stupid retard.
He uses technology to trick people into thinking he's using magic, dressing up as a magician just serves to complete the illusion and fits just fine.
Calm down. Take a deep breath, and don't take anonymous internet posts personally.
>He wanted to be an actor
>dressing as a stage performer is totally out of character
I'd like to see an occult version Doc Ock, like where his tentacles come from a Cthulhu type parasite that's attached himself to him.
Here's a redesign
Okay how about a Mysterio design that isn't shit? Even this is more passable than OP's. I don't know why so many artists are obsessed with hoods and suits.
PPG really had some terrible villains didn't they.
Stop being a dumb retard saying dumb things and i wont yell at you.
>equating dressing as a stage magician, which is obvious bullshit sleight of hand and everyone knows its fake, to dressing in a superheroic type costume with holograms and shit to make you look like you have actual mystical power
>His fucking head looks like a soothsayer all seeing glass bulb surrounded by purple robes and illuminati eyes
>the same shit as some retard in a tuxedo and a tophat
Are you retarded?
at some point Mysterio becomes green cobra commander
Pretty generic desu
I like that Him. I like it a lot
Fuzzy looks pretty good too. He looks more backwoodsy.
I'm not sold on Mojo or Princess though
And that's okay
That Mojo design has a bit of a dark sorcerer aesthetic
>cobra commander is a persona fabricated by mysterio to draw attention from him
I don't know about you, but I totally think "Space God" when I see some faggot in a jacket.
So your problem is that magicians are fake, so if he dressed as a magician people would think he's fake? That is incredibly stupid. He does fake magic, he dresses like a magician, he want sto be flamboyant, he dresses as a stage performer, he wants to be mysterious, he obscures his face. Every part of it fits, stop having a fit. If you don't like it that's fine but pretending it's out of character is silly.
OP here,
None of this artist's Mysterio designs have been very good. I just found the suit to be the least shit.
This one is shit, but I like the misty skull. OP pic was good though.
Motherfucker he's supposed to look like a wizard. He was designed by the same guy who created Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo, and Dormammu, they share design elements for fucks sake.
A stage magician and a wizard are not the same god damn thing are you this legitimately stupid?
That is a truly terrible Mysterio design.
Why do people insist on shitting all over Jack Kirby designs?
Barring a few exceptions like Steppenwolf (and arguably Thor) you're not going to improve them.
I loved this design
He doesn't look like a wizard though. And to quote you, "He's a VFX engineer, not a wizard" so apparently that doesn't fit for you. You're losing your mind a little bit over this design, seriously calm down.
>His fucking head looks like a soothsayer all seeing glass bulb
What do you think is on his head in the redesign?
He looks like a Steve Ditko wizard, you stupid faggot. Thats why i cited Strange, Mordo, and Dormammu.
>And to quote you, "He's a VFX engineer, not a wizard" so apparently that doesn't fit for you
I never said that, you fucking retard.
>the one part of his design they keep which is still muddled by the fact that it has practicool tech shit surroundig it and inside it excuses the rest of the costume being not Mysterio
Are you the guy who drew that design or something?
I know why they did this; easy cosplay bullshit.
Anyway here's another Mysterio design for all of you to bitch about. The more mystical and theatrical, the better. Oh and Black Cat I guess
I like OP's pic.
See thats a pretty good Mysterio, i'd prefer his helmet still be a fishbowl, but it gets the core concept behind his design.
As a costume design it’s okay, but I do like the actual suit on its own
>I never said that
Oh really
>He's not a fucking stage magician you retard, he's a pompous attention whoring VFX artist
Hmm interesting.
And he looks like a Ditko sorcerer, not a wizard :^) but it is a dated reference because Sorcerers in Marvel dont look like that anymore. But I'm glad you can agree that he's supposed to look like someone who does magic, so a stage magician fits fine.
Shut it, OP
I like the weird nonsensical metal bits he's sporting there
Just saying, keep your complaints valid and relevant. Constant shit flinging while insanely shouting about things that are right there in the design being missing just makes you look like an angry shitposter.
I can't actually see anything different about Black Cat here.
Stage magicians arent wizards you dumb cunt holy shit.
Are you brain damaged? Are you actually this stupid? Sorceror, Wizard, whatever the fuck you want to call it, he's supposed to have a mystical design aspect to him, not be some retard in a tuxedo.
>Dated reference because--
If its a good design, who the fuck cares? It looks good, its a good costume, who gives a shit if its from the 60s.
Faggot my criticisms are valid and relevant you're just being a butthurt retard about them making stupid false equivalencies to defend a design that just isnt a very good interpretation of Mysterio.
You're having a bit of a meltdown here and I cant actually read this through the reddit spacing and the caps lock rage. Have a glass of water and try again.
Less cleavage and tinted goggles mostly
This user is thinking with gas
No, im just not sugarcoating how stupid i think you are
>reddit spacing
Oh you're one of those dumb dumbs.
>If its a good design, who the fuck cares?
Again, that faggot called his design dated, so clearly what he's saying is OP pic is supposed to be a fix of some kind, so shut the fuck up.
When your criticism is that he doesn't have a crystal ball head and he objectively does, it's not valid or relevant. Why are you losing your mind over this?
Are you illiterate? Do you speekie english, dumb dumb? Because that isnt what i said, that wasnt my criticism.
No, it's an actual meltdown. Look around at other people who dont like it and see no one else acting like you.
Repeating something doesnt make it true, retard.
Whatever. Enjoy your fit.
Well you stopped trying to counterpoint and started exclusively insulting, caps lock raging, and resorting to "who cares" type non arguments, so I'd say if you havent been having a meltdown all along you definitely are now.
Literally everyone here is telling you you are. Even people who were on your side at first stopped posting out of embarrassment of being on your side during your meltdown.
You're the one who cant read english properly you ESL retard.
I stopped with the counter points because they kept going on with the "nuh uh" "well ackshually you said this thing you clearly didnt say if you have even a modicum of understandning about the english language" and "your criticism was X even though it was obviously not X" bullshit. Fuck off.
>Being this booty bothered
Why the fuck would you go into a redesign just to rage?
Reddit spacing is an annoying tell, to be fair. Furthermore
>Im totally not mad!
You said he cant look like a magician because he isnt one. But you said he should look like a wizard even though he isnt one. It's obvious faulty logic you would see if you werent so enraged.
that's a motorcyclist inspired design
because he rides around on a rocket harness thing
I know Superman designs are hard enough to win over, but anything with a mask is immediately out. Why? Well part of what makes Superman Superman is that he wants people to feel safe, secure. A friendly face is all he wants
It's Billy Batson from the future.
What the fuck.
Eh, if he has to get into space I'm okay with a mask/helmet.
Well that's obviously different considering it's situational. Like any given special Batsuit that protects Bruce from natural harsh elements
>easy cosplay bullshit.
Dumbing down costumes for easier for cosplay is an amateur mistake.
No matter how unfeasible your design is, cosplayers WILL find a way to pull it off.
>literally everyone
You mean at most 3 people and what is most likely just rampant samefagging? Okay.
No you stupid illiterate fuck that isnt what i was fucking saying.
What i was saying is Mysterio shouldnt look like a stage magician because stage magicians have an obvious connotation with fraud and fakery, and sure Mysterio is fraud and fakery but he's supposed to be the master of illusion. He self styles with mysticism and supernatural flare, he's operatic and over the top, he's not a fucker in a tuxedo entertaining an audience with card tricks, he's a big dick sorceror looking guy in a cape surrounded by mist and (fake) wizardry fighting Spider-Man over rooftops. Look at his design, his head is a mystic ball, his collar has all seeing eyes, his gauntlets have similar flares to Dormammu and Ditko-Strange esque stylings and details, he's clearly meant to evoke a 1960s Marvel wizard.
Stage magicians and fucking wizards are not the same thing and carry different connotations and grandiosity, Mysterio is an over the top attention whore who likes to trick people by playing up his power, not some guy on a stage pulling rabbits out of a hat. He's supposed to LOOK like a supernatural enttity because thats the image he wants to give off, hence shit like the mystic globe helmet. Just putting a globe on a suit doesnt make the design have the same intention, its now just a dude in a suit with a snowglobe.
Look at say the Shattered Dimensions design for Mysterio for example, Does that look like a fucking stage magician?
Me bringing up his VFX background was because he doesnt do sleight of hand parlour tricks with a little fucking tophat, he has holograms and drones and shit. He creates entirely faked imagery, not just fools you by conceiling shit behind a tarp. Me bringing up his globe head was to point out the reasoning behind his design, not to complain about it "not being there", you dumb fucking ESL faggot.
Oh, neat! He's like a stage magician, I love it!
Whoever drew the one on the left didn't even TRY to draw feet.
user i can clearly see you samefagging.
If you think I'm going to read all that from someone who is so clearly against having actual discussion and just wants to tell, youre mistaken.
>wants a reasonable argument
>gives one
See OP this is why you're a giant fucking faggot and i was just calling you a dumb retard instead of trying to argue with you, because you're a dumb faggot retard.
That was the joke, congratulations on getting it.
Because after all your fits and meltdowns I have 0 confidence that there is an actual argument in there. If all you do us shitoost at someone they're going to shitpost back at you, obviously.
Mother fucker i gave criticisms at the beginning of the fucking thread before you started sperging out about stage magicians being the same thing as sorcerors, stop being a faggot.
>>That was the joke, congratulations on getting it.
Ok fine I'll go back and look at it
>No you stupid illiterate fuck tha-
Nope, still just losing your mind over nothing and clearly not worth my time.
It's not even pretending, its intentionally rediculous and obvious. Its clearly directed at meltdown-kun.
Lets all go to the new thread to escape this fucking dumpster fire of the OP sperging the fuck out about stage magicians and samefagging up a storm:
>bitch baby cant handle banter
Okay retard keep ignoring my criticisms about the mysterio designs you posted.
OP is here Stop repeating that stupid shitpost argument. Feel free to leave though.
I will, because you have to mine. That's obviously what you get.
Stop samefagging OP.
This thread hasn't hit bump limit.
You can discuss alternative costumes and have discussions with posts you like and ignore posts you don't.
This is the second time this week someone has been so BTFO that the made a whole new thread over it in response to me. I'm kind of proud. Did anyone else see that SU double thread yesterday from that?
Yeah. Superman decides to take a sabbatical and Billy takes up the mantle, albeit in a more stereotypical antihero fashion. Surprisingly it's the least stupid part of Future's End.
>hasnt hit the bump limit
You wanna know how i know you're new?
Stop samefagging, OP.
Go hide in your thread already, everyone will appreciate the quarantine.
Shut the fuck up OP dont shit up the other thread
It's not samefag when its just one post, dumbass.
>not a tacticool mocap suit with a completely transparent visor
Sorry, not MCU material.
You're clearly not mad. Totally not having a meltdown. Only sane people act like you.
Whatever, OP. I wrote out a valid criticism, you ignored it, fuck off.
I promise to stay here if you promise to stay in your sperg thread and not come back when janis remove it for spam.
If you don't like posts in this thread do not reply to them; please don't make a whole new thread just because someone made some posts in this thread that you didn't like.
Oh fuck that was funny. Mother fucker couldn't read and made a whole thread to cry about it.
>mfw this shows version of Nathan Garett
Dont tell me what to do faggot.
>cocksucking the jannies
seriously FUCK that pose
"le sophistication"
"muh hand behind back"
belongs in an edgy high school kid's textbook
Fine, just stay in your thread and when janis dont show up you can just stay there happily. Just go or stop having this meltdown already.
>Janniesj annies jannies oh jannies let me milk you jnanies please jannies mmm your cocks so good jannies mmmm
Most of the middle line reminds me of the time when we has red superman and blue superman.
Do redesigns include the same design but a different style?
That is a redesign, but yes.
Yeah I figured; image wasn't related but I wanted to be clear.
what book is this?
big guy
Probably Captain America: The Art of Captain America: The First Avenger.
Captain America First Avenger artbook
Once again OP is a giant faggot
I'm not sure there's any way to modernize wolverine without totally changing his look. The shin/face spikes just look too silly on battle armor.
screw practical/modest Starfire designs, go full on John Carter of Mars.
>I'm totally not mad though
Stay in your containment thread.
Are you stupid or did you get me mixed up with OP the ESL retard?
I wasn't talking about you or the guy who you're shitposting over, obviously. But now I think you can't read either since you misunderstood that badly. Stop throwing such a fit.
>being this mad
>calling someone else an ESL retard while being so wrong you make this post
When will you stop.
OP why are you like this?
When you stop samefagging because you got mad someone critcized the design in the OP you fucking massive faggot.
Every single person who posts isn't OP, this isn't your redesign thread.
>everyone who crticizes me is the same person.
OP of the other thread here, turns out you're a faggot and people dont like you.
Holy fuck it's not a samefag you sperglord, how is it possible you are this fucking triggered over a stupid Mysterio redesign?
Yeah, I mean, he already pretty much has the perfect costume in the brown and tan and X-Force suits, it's pretty hard to top those, and most people don't really try.
>getting this defensive over samefag accusations.
Yep i'm thinking we got a perp.
You have been spamming samefag to every other post for the past half hour and I told you to stop, if you think that's "this defensive" then what would you call your total meltdown?
Post here for drama free redesigns
You made a third thread, seriously how have you actually lost your mind this far
user im the one you were arguing with and OP of the second thread, that third one isnt mine, again stop being such a giant fucking faggot. You ruined your thread because english is your second language and you're probably 14, just let it die.
Quick, everyone design your own Mysterio.
I'm not the one you were arguing with I just think its fucking stupid to keep spamming threads and pretending you're not triggered.
I didnt make the third thread you delusional faggot retard holy shit just let your abysmal trash thread fucking die.
You're definitely not mad, I can tell. You're totally level headed and I am clearly OP.
>i'm not owned, i'm not owned! the OP of the first thread says as he keeps throwing a temper tantrum fit in all of the other threads because he's a giant faggot.
Stop shitting your pants and just let the other threads exist you dumb fuck.
You're not fooling anyone OP.
You know I think I'll just ask directly here:
Why do we need three threads about this?
I haven't posted in either of those threads even once, I'm not the other guy there, and I'm not OP. Fucks sake I've never seen anyone so impossibly blown out that they make TWO threads to cry over it.
We don't, guy is just desperate and too far gone at this point.
You're not fooling anyone OP.
Because OP sperged the fuck out because i didnt like the Mysterio design in the OP, i decided to make my own thread to be free of this stupid shit, and then another user decided to make his own thread as a joke i guess.
This OP still wont stop sperging out and keeps posting shit in the other two threads.
You should know that at this point, it is totally irrelevant who was right before, nothing about the Mysterio pic matters, the second you made a thread over it you post. You are objectively done and all your following shitposting has just given him something to gloat over as a victory lap.
I have a whole folder full of redesigns and yet thanks to faggotry Im not posting in any of these autistic threads
See this is the shit im talking about, stop doing it.
You're incredibly fucking assmad about your thread going to shit, just let it die, stop trying to shit up the other two, eventually one will work out, probably the third. This one wont, second one probably wont either, just shut the fuck up about you spastic retard.
>You're not fooling anyone OP
It's not a samefag when I'm going out of my way to intentionally identify myself as the person you're so mad about you fucking idiot. Stop saying every post is samefag, this is rediculous.
I made the thread to have redesigns instead of arguing you fucking faggot dont grandstand this "buh buh buh uhh hhhh you owned?" retard shit.
You're not fooling anyone OP.
Fuck off you had to make TWO different threads because of how assmad you are
Then stay in your threads and post. Stop coming back here to post about how mad you are.
Make your own thread, user. Godspeed.
I didnt make the third you fucking idiot.
Im only coming back here because the faggot OP keeps trying to shit up the other two you fucking retard.
"You're not fooling anyone"
Post here for Drama Free redesigns
If you like sucking janny cock so much, ask one, they can confirm it.
How can one man lack this much self awareness
I dont know OP, you tell me, you clearly must want me back in here very bad.
I told you I haven't posted once in either of those threads. I'm not as assblasted as you so I've just been here, telling you to stop and talking about redesigns.
You're not fooling anyone, OP.
Cant tell who it's supposed to be so I think it fails as a redesign.
OP is a fag but your autism about that Mysterio is nothing to be proud of, BTFO of OP on the other hand is.
How many threads have I made over this? How many caps lock rage posts? None.
I give up. Who are these supposed to be?
Simple is best
>buh buh buh uhh hhhh you owned?
If you have to make a thread to run to you're as owned as you could possibly be. There is zero chance of recovery after that.
Whatever you say OP.
What autism? I said i didnt like it, faggot started insulting the original design, i barely even talked about the fucking OP image, i was mostly trying to explain to dumb dumb what the idea behind Mysterios appearance was.
I mean i didnt run, im still here, and my goal was accomplished in the end, so whatever you say retard.
That's the spirit!
>What autism
Is this a joke?
>What autism?
Sideshow Bob and his gay little friend
Please run.
I can't put my finger on why but I find this art style hideous
Again, OP, what are you doing?
It's the pallete, muddy and pissy. It's pretty gross. That and its muddyness is compounded with the face shadow.
Boy who cried wolf, at this point. You can't just call samefag every post. Not everyone who calls you out is the same person, as you ironically said here earlier.
No but I'm sure if you keep spamming it you'll get lucky and get it right eventually
>STILL samefagging
OP come on.
Just go, have your sperg fight in your third thread over the same thing to show how not mad you are about it. Have fun, I'll still be here not making a total spectacle of myself by spamming threads.
I dont plan on it because im enjoying that thread and theres no pedantric shit stirring over a Steve Ditko design being a dated reference so something completely different that fundamentally misses the point is actually better while the OP samefags at me.
I'm happy to continue shitting this one up though.
Keep your shit in this thread you fucking faggot stop trying to ruin the one good one.
You know and openly admit that you are the one shitting things up, but in every other thread you're insisting that you're totally innocent and not the sperg at all and totally reasonable. Okay, self awareness I guess.
The fuck is that even supposed to be?
Maybe if the OP didnt fucking sperg out at me and wasnt an illiterate dumb fuck who didnt know how to read english properly and bothered replying to any of the actual arguments i tried giving him i wouldnt have kept calling him a fucking faggot, Mister Reddit.
>that Polnareff
poor guy
Someone called you out for having a paranoid conspiracy that everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, and you deny it yet you post this. Absolutely no people are with you on this, and this is a site jam packed full of autism so that's really saying something.
Whatever you say faggot.
It's defintely an...interesting redesign of Superman, to say the least, but the way it looks, it seems better suited for someone lke the Eradicator or, hell, even Superboy-Prime.
>making Zeppeli’s hat smaller
Absolutely disgusting.
A guy liked a design, explained why he liked it, and then told you to calm down while you got increasingly unhinged until you had to make a thread over it and you're STILL GOING. You are objectively the sperg here. Really, even if you were in the right before you've gone miles and miles overboard and it just doesn't matter anymore, you have out sperged the the rest of this board in this moment.
It's not that I can't read, I chose not to because it was clear you had gone off the deep end. I read just fine up until that point. Remember that this is all because of one pic, that's what has got you this far gone.
Nightmare Superman from the Infinite Crisis game.
That was me, also way to stay cool. I can totally see that suave persona who righteously shut down a screaming sperg who couldn't read. Should I start clapping now, or would you rather me alert everyone to just hurry up, get on their knees and start sucking?
Here let me give you a play by play because you didnt pass the third grade.
OP posts his post: Okay.
I post a reply, stating i disliked the design being a Mysterio design because i felt it didnt really understand the character: Faggot immediately jumps to calling the original design a dated reference to try and prove why i'm wrong, claiming its still true to the idea.
I reply: I ask what he even means by it being dated, a reference, and point out it still works fine today, because it does. I also point out that looking like a stage magicidian doesnt really fit his character, he worked in blockbuster movies as a VFX artist, he wasnt someone who pulled rabbits out of a hat.
He replies, incapable of reading fucking english, with somehow equating what i said to me saying Mysterio dresses like a VFX engineer, and not getting the point i just made.
I point out: That he, again, doesnt do stage magician parlour tricks, his gimmick is much more grandiose and "mystical" than that, and the point of me bringing up him being a VFX engineer
This guy still misses the fucking point: and doesnt understand the difference between Mysterios aesthetic vs a stage magician
Blah blah blah he starts making shit up: , calls him dated again, doesnt really explain what that even means again,
Again, try to point out the idea behind his design and why a stage magician isnt really fitting Eventually he tries to snipe me having gave up trying to put forward an actual argument, so i type out a long one: explaining in detail my point
He proceeds to sperg out at having to read more than 10 words in succession, and refuses to read my argument so he can keep shitposting at me: Oh but poor bitch babies cant handle naughty boo boo words its mean.
That top one was me I mean. Bottom one was an earlier user
Stop trying to shit up a good thread faggot.
>incapable of handling banter and swears
Where are you from and how new are you?
Holy fuck I didn't think you could be even more autistic but there it is, you showed me. You keep finding new levels of autism I can laugh about.
Is that all you can say? "Autism meltdown tism tism paranoia"?
I mean i know i keep repeating faggot and sperg and retard but i try to work in some other words in there. Please tell me exactly what the issue is here.
He was swearing from the first post, obviously I could handle that. I stop seriously replying when he dropped any pretense of argument and thought and exclusively shit flung. As in, did nothing else but shout angrily. At that point it's clear it's not worth it, and I stopped arguing posts after.
I mean if all you're going to say is samefag ESL same same janni then why would I bother putting effort in? You still don't really understand why I stopped arguing, do you?
This entire thing shows how calm OP was while also outing you as an asshole. DA fuq are you on?
And yet when a genuine argument was given you kept giving excuses for not addressing it.
>Another retard who cant handle banter and swear words
Where are you from and how new are you? Are you on summer vacation?
Thank you and all but I'm actually not OP, the guy is just obsessed with his conspiracy that it has to be just one person against him.
Holy shit did you really have to make a thread about your reply? How autistic are you?
Maybe if english was your first language you'd be able to read anything beyond singular stand out words and get huffy puffy over them, mi amigo.
It gets better, he made a new THREAD to reply to your post:
I wasnt the one who posted that but whatever you say bud.
That was posted 4 minutes ago and thees 10 minute cooldown between posting threads so i should be able to do this:
Yes that's what it means to stop. Stopping doesn't mean I said I'd stop in one post and then got baited back in in the next post, it means I stopped. I'm not arguing with you, you're totally unreasonable and in the middle of a meltdown. That's not going to change. It's that I decline to argue with you, its not that I decline to argue against your points. It's you. Yoire extremely autistic and unhinged and I dont feel like wasting my life on that. Go make a 4th thread to cry about it.
We are currently on six threads now. Six. One new thread is already 1000x my autism limit, and this fucker man six.
>Can't handle banter and swears=/= pointing out you were a frothing hothead
I'm here solely to see how crazy this all gets.
This is kinda surreal.
Oh my god. Please get a trip, I'm begging you.
There’s a point where it stops being funny and becomes sad, and then it goes right back to funny
>getting so unbelievably mad you try to false flag and/or make a wojak reply thread
Sorry bud but whatever spergery i may have done was vastly outshined by you.
>mad your false flag didnt work
Sorry bud you're just way too retarded.
Both of these faggots are insufferable
This has been an incredible evening.
I think it's a 3rd party fucking with the autistic one
Holy fucking shit. How many threads is this?
This whole fucking board is going to turn into this at this rate.
We're on the fast track towards a "worst of Yea Forums' post compilation now
If you're so scared of flaselfags that's double reason to get a trip. Please just do it so I can filter you.
How it is possible that one man is this unbalanced
All i did was yell at this guy and make a second thread to have redesigns without an argument i have no idea what happened but its hilarious.
I give. No idea who these hyperpolyqueers what don't need no man are supposed to be.
You can't possibly still think you're the reasonable one.
Okay do you even know what sperging out is?
This right here
>getting so unbelievably mad you try to false flag and/or make a wojak reply thread
Sorry bud but whatever spergery i may have done was vastly outshined by you.
This ain't sperg. The post your replying to, the post *I* made wasn't sperg
You going full blast shouting as many cusses you could at everybody in disagreement with caps lock, creating several alternate threads and still coming back to, "shit this one up" as if you aren't just being mad and acting like a 12 year old with an Xbox? That is sperging out.
The fact my response to you looked like a wojak sperg false flag to you speaks volumes of you're maturity and how "right" you were
Im not the one who got so mad he started making wojak reply threads and false flag posting.
I haven't posted outside this thread in like two hours man, seriously it's all you and people laughing at you for you fit.
You guys are retarded and it's obviously a third person stirring the pot
I mean if its a third one thats still pretty funny.
I'm having a good time either way.
It is exactly what I said, but ok whatever.
You could post 99% of all Homestuck fanart (and even some official art) honestly
>a 7th
Oh no no no OP what are you doing?
You do know it's fairly obvious that it's not you or OP spamming these right?
I wonder if this is some kind of bot that has completely glitched out and is now making new threads with copied and pasted replies that use the exact same image as well. Like I'm seeing completely 100% copied and pasted posts with the exact same image all over the board.
It's fucking weird.
>Faking being Op after getting called out and proceeding to try and make it look like he's a sperg.
Do you think we're all idiots? At this point you aren't even trying
Whatever it is its entertaining.
It's really not. It was funny for like three threads and now it's cringe.
I like the design and I think it fits the character. What are you gonna do make a thread about it
Agree to disagree faggot i hope you have a good day bitch.
Wow it's just that easy huh
I'm blaming all you motherfuckers for this spam.
Your thread is dying btw, might wanna get on that
It's starting to remind me of the virus that spread across Yea Forums one time with the, "save this image as .whatever and run it" thing.
>The Day Mysterio Shitposted After His Attire Was Insulted
You really think the number of new threads matters? One or five, its irrelevant. One makes you the most assblasted autist on this board already, arguing that you only posted one as if that's somehow a reasonable response is completely insane.
Whatever you say boss. Keep turning my posts into threads
Is he gone yet? Can we talk about redesigns without him making a thread and sperging out over it?
I hear him on whispers in the eastern wind, Anosabi.
Sensible kek, I exhaled slightly faster out of my nose
Do you have a folder of all these Tumblr redesigns?
Shot in the dark here because I have no idea, but it's either Banjo and Kazooie, or Link and Ganondorf.
Crash Bandicoot masks
Aku aku from Crash Bandicoot
sort of
Well since he's gone now; I like this for the stage magician aesthetic, it fits into the illusionist theme and the "nothing up my sleeves" pushed up sleeves really complete that look. I also like how it's more slender, and less beefcake. The brick shithouse look always seemed kind of weird for someone who is supposed to be tricky, and this makes him feel less all there, like you can't just punch him. It's also cool that he shows a little face, because it feels like it's supposed to be obscured by the smoke but it isn't, it feels like you're seeing something you're not supposed to see, which makes it the perfect place for a red herring. It would be a neat trick to put a fake face there and let Spidey think that he saw his face and send him on a wild goose chase. The red could be more purple, I guess.
>Infinite crisis
Is this thing still alive?
>all these redesign threads
Do not summon him back.
Im still here but i think the OP of this one got nuked.
Is it over?
Guess the OP of this thread was a samefagging bitch after all.
No, I'm here. I didn't spam threads or shitpost across the whole board or break any rules so I'm not sure why you think I was nuked but whatever.
Apparently not. Too many people asked it it was over so he started shitposting about OP again.
Why did you bring him back?
The guy spamming the threads is also screenshotting the entire ordeal in order to pin OP of this thread as the one who did it
Magicians are an underrated aesthetic in general. This one also feels like it would be easier to fool someone into thinking it was the real him, an insane over the top design just makes you subconsciously doubt that it's real, this one would make you wonder.
We know. He reposted it in all his other threads and proudly announced he would post it on reddit earlier.
The real OP here.
Holy shit had I known less than a third of the posts on this thread would have been actual redesigns, I never would have made this thread in the first place.
But, I move on quickly. Let's just get back to posting redesigns you find cool.
>blue eyes
That's the best Ultron design they came up with and instead they went for that shitty design that appeared in Age of Ultron. Never will understand why this didn't make the cut
Red/Silver Iron Man >>>>>>>>> Red/Gold Iron Man
This is why we can't have fun threads anymore. Redesign threads are supposed to be fun fanart posts by creators that love the style of the character so much they put there own spin on it and make something new.
You're not supposed to look at this as if it was canon retard.
This is good.
Who are they supposed to be?
I like Neanderthal Hulk designs.
Are you trying to summon him? He was finally gone.
I feel angry.
I like this
This looks like how a close-future tech scorp would be.
For you.
The horns I could do without but I could take ideas from the rest
nermal should have been a twink
Please stop.
Anything that takes cues from the Ultimate version is a bad idea.
>Crotch zipper
Oh, he's THAT kind of villain...
>these colors again
Oh wow, I haven't been able to use my alt-art folder in YEARS.
I see yours and raise you a lycanthropic version.
A female beauty and the beast wouldn't work because it'd just come off as a Furry fetish.
Is he going to snipe a pregnant demon in the belly?
I really like this
Do not bring up Vergal or Donte
Their the cadets from the Ghoul School Scooby Doo movie. I like it, I think it’d be one of those classic series like Avatar
It can work in some scenarios.
Like batman and punisher for example look good when you play up the armored aspect of them; Ironically I think that the lower power level a character is the better they take to more "realistic" touches on them.
Cobra commander worked as a villain niche; He could be flamingly incompetent one second and terrifyingly effective the next, all depending on his ego.
its what made him amusing, because he was deep down effective, but his ego constantly caused him to fuck himself up.
Is this doc ock + minions?
All look hard gay.
I like the Kraang but I don't like the body as much.
The gross fat guy body is a total power move on 80s Kraang.
Going to agree here.
As ridiculous as it is, there's something charming and appealing about an utterly ridiculous looking robot body; The fact that it STILL will murder you horrifically despite looking so stupid is kind of its draw.
Fuck. All this makes me sad that we won't get another good Turtles show for at least another 3 years, and probably won't get krang in it at all (and thank god for that)
I like this X-23 design by Play Arts Kai.
The beast's point is that he acts like an animal and has a horrible personality, hence his body being made to match that.
The girl in that picture would be portrayed in the movie as a self hating shrinking violet who gets convinced to love herself by a guy treating her like a human being.
I don't even recognize who this is supposed to be, that's a bad sign.
there's a really great turtles show airing right now
>that's a bad sign
Yes, it's a sign you suck. On isn't even a redesign, it's just her painted by a realist. At that point if you don't recognize her it's your own fault.
How do you not even recognize the crest?
Rise is terrible. I hope it dies swiftly.
I was merely giving my opinion you fucking faggot, i wouldnt have said anything else if dipshit didnt start going on about the original 1960s costume.
Rise is semi-decent, there's no need for hyperbole.
I-is it 2006 again friends? I can feel it.
This is the best version of the turtles and it's a shame there isn't more of them.
Shut it down!!
Biology is calling.
I keep forgetting Dante is semi Yea Forums since both him and donte had comics and Dante is getting a show. Animated Adventures of Nero when
they're reptiles
Biology is still calling.
They're mutants.
>Teenage MUTANT Ninja Turtles
Nitpicker sit down.
Christ I just wanted to look at a thread with cool redesigns. Instead I got nonstop autism.
>Fights a Peter Parker bitten by Atlach-Nacha
It ain't gay if it's greek
It’s an AU from a dead moba where Superman was infected with the Phantom Zone and became evil
Ive taken it upon myself to screencap tonights shitshow.
Had to fix something, there we go.
I give it a D, no flow and terrible ease of readability. Also, he wasn't OP that was just the sperglord obsessing over the conspiracy thar it was only one person. You also go backwards for some reason, chonologically. And there's some totally random bits like the barneyfag post and the fat bitch thread that weren't a part of it at all.
So its perfect for reddit?
Oh no. She's cute.
Yknow I had a suspicion that you were him before, but wanting to post it to reddit like he said he wanted to when he originally took screenshots in his thread just confirms it. Please go back to lurking or leaving or whatever you were doing.
You left out like 5 of the most maximum rage sperging posts though, all of them being posts that were from the same person... Hey! I think this might be a ruse!
I haven't seen the left one before, was that before or after the whole controversy thing with them?
the right one looks DISGUSTING
>everyone's black
>except the stupid one, he can be white
Why do you even save things like this
Before their "style developed" and went transtrender.
The look on Snake's face is priceless.
Sheer terror mixed with ' I shit my pants'
I see Jafar and Ursula duking it out, but is that supposed to be Pete's Dragon?
Oh fuck me, I just realized that's supposed to be Maleficent. They should have kept her color palette or at least not make her green overall.
...okay, I think I know who those are, but I feel fucking dirty thinking it.
Children shouldn't be educating grown adults.
Other way around. Also redesigns shouldn't mean ' make it gay'
Wow. It's like they assume all black/brown people are fucking hideous.
Little less 1800's hair and I could dig that Dr Doom
Based Ultron should have been more than simply a machine becoming a man with each evolution. They should have left the door open for a true Age of Ultron
Why is Velma always the hot one?
Demonstrably false
The old DC moba Infinite Crisis had a ton of great alt costumes for their heroes. ill post a few of my favs.
It’s deader than Batman’s parents.
This could be like three people but whoever it is I like it.
why's he wearing a scythian helmet?
It's Power Girl. I'm surprised at how much I like it myself, seeing as abhor sidecuts.
I was fine 'til I knew who it was. Now I hate it with all my heart. Like, ever gotten so angry and disgusted with something it nearly pushed you to vomiting? Out of sheer hate for what you're looking at? That's what I'm feeling.
I want to put my face between Raphaels thighs.
That Patrick design isn't half bad
I know how you feel, but as far as PG redesigns go, it's more true to form than what we usually get.
>okay well i've seen more egregious takes on this kind of thing, they're a little soft-looking but the skin-tones aren't ENTIRELY unbeliev
>when he gives you that "Innsmouth Look"
Hahaha I thought they were Tumblr-ized Aqua Teen Hunger Force at first. Silly me.
Oh wow, imsorryjon has nothing on this.
They're all shitty and uninspired, but and make me retch. It's like they took the garbage parts of Captain Marvel's look, then gave it a bad haircut and a worse color palette.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with his lips?
Breeding with Deep Ones.
You can just say you have autism and we can figure out the rest.
Right, because disliking a "flying brick" superhero being redesigned so her costume more in line with every other "flying brick" superhero is a sign of autism.
They look like fucking nutcracker dolls.
his makes me feel ill
Interesting take on Pearl.
Those are the facial proportions of a fucking COW.
No clue who they are but I’d love to see bottom middle’s lips around my dick.
No but changing your position on it because of your boner or politics is pretty autistic.
...I hate this timeline. I could've been born in the one with a Don Bluth Super Mario movie, but noooo, I get Jon Leguizamo, Bob Hoskins, and shitty dinosaurs.
Baring your chest with a helmet is like wearing a coat with shorts.
Because Power Girl's best runs are when it's a self-aware poking at DC as a whole. The only way that design is justified is if it was mocking the increasing androgyny and prudishness of current comics.
Judy might not be as fappable, but those expressions would be well worth it.
I unironically would rather watch that than the show we have.
Stop. You liked it, and you changed your mind for politics. That's some cringe autism and any attempted explanation only deepens the hole.
hey now you're a rockstar!
it'S not a redesign, just a caricature
is that drawception
thor looks like a fucking turtle
>the south will rise again