Get to do an animated movie of a character so popular, interesting, and engaging...

>get to do an animated movie of a character so popular, interesting, and engaging, they could carry a five hour radio monologue drama on their own
>saddle the movie with so many ridiculous gimmicky concepts and side-characters that serve no purpose other than detract from the character
>instead of committing to a 3D or 2D animation style, opt for an eye-cancer-inducing low FPS meme faux 2D style
Why were they so disappointing? There was great potential here.

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Anybody who doesn't like Into the Spiderverse is verified autistic or retarded. I actually don't mean to be insulting here, it's just that those are the requirements to not enjoy this movie.

>saddle the movie with so many ridiculous gimmicky concepts and side-characters that serve no purpose other than detract from the character
You're fucking retarded. The whole point of Spider-Verse was that anybody could be Spider-Man. All of the "gimmicks" were contributing to the theme, you neanderthal.

Meanwhile, Batman Ninja had Batman being a ninja just because.

>five hour radio monologue drama
Jesus christ grandpa how are you not fucking dead

>The whole point of Spider-Verse was that anybody could be Spider-Man
You don't need multiverses and wacky alternate characters in order to tell this story, in fact the multiverse aspect diminishes it. It was a pointless flashy gimmick just like the live bat/monkey Megazord in Batman Ninja.

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>Meanwhile, Batman Ninja had Batman being a ninja just because.

So is Batman a Samurai or Ninja? Literally Japs were making this iteration.

No, stop. The side-characters were fan-service while having an entertaining story behind it. Can we not have fun with our capeshit? Ok, sure we can remove the other multiverse Spider characters but it would be less fun and exciting.

More like Batman Niña

I honestly don't get the point of shit posting about ITSV. Yea Forums finally gets not just a high quality capeshit film but a high quality animated film that actually made people stop laughing at the medium for 5 seconds. The first instinct for the board when this happens is to shit on it. Why?

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Superheroes are nothing but flashy gimmicks you retard

>wacky alternate characters
>flashy gimmick just like the live bat/monkey Megazord in Batman Ninja.

You mean it's like a comic book?

The side-characters were a less egregious mistake than the entire multiverse concept as the basis, it's literally the first theatrical animated movie about a mainstream Marvel superhero, and they immediately pull out all the stops, and start with an out-there story like Spider-Verse, when so many quality grounded stories could've been told before it. There's a reason pic related was the final arc in the animated series after five seasons, it's a far-fetched story you tell when you've exhausted all other options, imagine if Infinity War was the first MCU movie and not the 18th.

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Yes, people like Batman for the castle megazord fights and Spider-Man for the sci-fi dimension shenanigans and wacky supporting cast, that's the entire basis for their success and popularity, and definitely not the fact they're compelling relatable characters and a human take on superpowers.

>These capeshit movies suck because it's not like my head canon!

I'm a pretty hardcore DC fag but I sure wish Batman Ninja was half as decent as into the spiderverse
I'm gonna rewatch Batman Ninja one of these days and maybe I'll get more out of it the second time but the first watch just seemed so fucking weird and random

The lengths people will go to, to justify liking a shitty movie

You're acting like Miles isn't a relatable or likable character in Spider-Verse.
His arc concludes sloppily but he's still a solidly written protagonist.

If you don't like Spiderverse, you'll probably never like anything.
Also fuck you for giving shit to who had the balls to experiment with animation and creating something great by doing so.

If you don't like Spiderverse you probably never liked anything Capeshit to begin with.

>If you don't like Spiderverse, you'll probably never like anything.
It genuinely wasn't that good, stop letting the animation cloud your judgment. People would've hated it if it was live action.

If you liked spiderverse you probably hated spiderman to begin with

Friendly reminder that Spiderverse is a academy award winning theatrically released film and Batman Ninja is another direct-to-dvd DC piece of shit

Buddy you're completely outnumbered on this one just pack it in. Normies loved it, nerds loved it, this isn't the hill to die on.

I think you were too much of a brainlet to understand the character development surrounding Peter Parker's personal life and Miles coming-of-age story. You completely missed it. All the extra multiverse character was fanfare. Now that I kindly reminded you how retarded you are you can go back to plebbit.

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>people like it which means it's good
Every time

>you can go back to plebbit
Reddit has done literally nothing but fellate this movie since it was announced

i liked spiderverse but a movie entirely about Peter B. would be awesome

>people like it which means it's bad

Contrarian hipster detected.

Batman Ninja? Yes. Into the spider verse, HA HA, no.

The animation is the least thing i liked about the movie, if it was a live-action tv series, i would have liked it anyways.

Spiderverse was a fine movie.

Batman Ninja was a weird movie that did nothing with the sidekicks or the non-Joker villains, but it was an entertaining one.

>you probably hated spiderman
The movie is literally a love letter to Peter and his myth, you are using a strawman that won't work on people who know the character unlike yourself.

Serious answer: he goes into the final battle with Joker disguised as a samurai, but when Joker seemingly kills him, it's revealed that it was a clone made of bats the whole time. The real Batman was using some Naruto jutsu to shape bats into a clone of himself while actually using ninja weapons.

>Kingpin messing with the boundary between dimensions and inadvertently causing Spider-Men from alternate dimensions makes equal sense as a giant monkey Megazord

I'm sorry, what?

If I was contrarian I'd be praising Batman Ninja, as that's not the case your argument falls apart

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He's just black Peter Parker

>using a straw man won’t work on people who know the character
>the entire point of Miles is to be a whole sale replacement of peter
>Pete loses every fight in the movie
>peter is shown to be an overemtional bitch that is less stable that a fucking teenage girl

References aren’t the same as reverence. Miles is a little shit who shits all over peter and is there to reduce the spiderman name to some banal multiversal foal point rather than just a dude who is guilted into doing good

>Peter gets killed, maimed, defaced, humiliated, replaced, cucked, insulted, and character-assassinated
Truly a love letter to Peter and his myth

>people don't like Spider-Man for the sci-fi dimension shenanigans and wacky supporting cast

Are you saying that people don't like these things? Because you wouldn't have things like Shattered Dimensions, that Spider-Man TAS crossover, the Spiderverse comics, the various alternate Spider-Men, etc. if it wasn't true.

Seems like you're just mad about the movie, honestly.

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based retard

It's basically a more confident and somewhat jaded Raimi Spidey.

Oh no, Peter died. That's certainly never happened before.


Okay, you're memeing. You're not trying to have a serious conversation.

The message of "any one can be spiderman" is really bad

>Shattered Dimensions
>after dozens of normal Spider-Man videogames, he gets a multiverse one

>that Spider-Man TAS crossover
>after five seasons of normal Spider-Man animated series episodes, he gets a multiverse arc

>the Spiderverse comics
>after decades of normal Spider-Man comics, he gets a multiverse line

>Into the Spider-Verse
>after zero animated theatrical Spider-Man movies, Miles gets a multiverse one

Hopefully you see the problem on your own, otherwise there's no hope for you

How else would you describe having a dead mans wife attend a part thrown by his killer?

Or the relationship of Miles and Gwen? Pic related is the only reason it happened and it’s specifically supposed to be cucking, well that and it’s bendises fetish

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Are you stupid?? You don't have to just like something else to counter your stupid half-assed contrarian opinions. You can also dislike it. It works both ways you fucking retard

Oh, so you didn't watch it.

Also, anyone like OP who thinks Spider-Verse had bad animation needs new eyes.

Has Miles ever had to work for anything in the comics? Has he ever suffered or gone through the shit Peter did?
Genuinely asking

So by calling me contrarian you wanted to say I have a regular opinion, interesting choice of argument to say the least

Actual shills, no really. And MCUdrones.

His mom and uncle died once but they got better. But no Bendis just made him to be black spiderman but has avoided all of the interesting character traits that came with the name by never giving miles a personality. It’s why Miles has been different in every single adaptation of the character, both the recent game release and spiderverse had vastly different characterizations despite both being made by sony

Slightly off-topic but I am just glad Bendis just didn't make an alternative Universe Peter Parker who happens to be black. I am pretty happy enough to be ok with him just being Miles.

Now, let's not make this company wars. Because, other than Spider-Verse, all other Marvel animated movies suck balls. And Big Hero 6 doesn't count, it stopped being a Marvel property.

Stan Lee openly opposed the idea, but Miles is essentially a blatant loophole for this, the end result is the same

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Shills for what?

I just wish bendis bothered to actually write miles into peters story and not over it. The little details that I normally like in comics are completely ignored by bendis in order to just make money on the spiderman name. It’d be nice if he if he even tried to give miles his own name when he went over to 616 but I guess wanting a character to stand on there own would be considered racist

I feel like I'm the only person who liked Ultimate Peter, and resent Miles for replacing him. People always justify Miles' existence by saying "oh well Peter 616 is still the main Spider-Man" but I don't care about Peter 616, I liked 1610.

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Disney. They obviously want the Spidey merchandise money but they'd rather do the movies themselves (despite Marvel Entertainment being so incompetent that BH6 was exiled from Marvel entirely). Even more now that the movie was critically acclaimed and won an Oscar for a studio not owned by Disney.

>I feel like I'm the only person who liked Ultimate Peter, and resent Miles for replacing him
You do realize that a lot of people hate him for that exact same reason, right?

Ulitmate Peter parker have the happiest ending.

>banging mj
>is respected hero in his universe.
>no getting his body swap by doc ock.

The only thing people complain about is this bizarre nonsense rumorthat he says miles is the best spider-man ever.

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There were 5 Spider-man films and like 8 Animated series released before ITSV came out. What are you talking about?

>Every giant robot is a megazord
this fucking board

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At least on Yea Forums the hate always seemed more based on the fact Miles is black, and that his existence was politically motivated, not because they liked Ultimate Peter more. I thought that the sentiment was "as bad as Ultimate Peter was at least he wasn't a NIG-", and then later the hate for Miles evolved to the fact he's a Mary Sue, written boringly, and got brought over to 616 etc.

I remember the time when Ultimate Spider-Man was talked about fondly, but it looked to me like the newfound hate for Bendis retroactively ruined people's opinions of 1610 Peter, my memory isn't the best but I remember Miles' announcement being more controversial than Peter's death. Of course I'm not sure if any of this is true, maybe my memory is clouded by the recent unrelenting /pol/ years, I definitely remember a great thread about the motion comic adaptation of the Death of Spider-Man and a completely different Yea Forums.

I could've gone without pic related.

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Did you watch the movie? The villains each have a mobilized mechanical castle, Joker combines them into one giant mecha, and then it fights a Batman kaiju made from an army of live monkeys and a fuckton of bats, complete with toolbelt, cape and all. Megazord might not be the technical name for a combined mecha, but it's one of the most famous examples.

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Killing off your main character and replacing him with another for political reasons is why everyone was pissed

The only reason bendis killed Pete was to make way for miles. There was no fan fare or build up, those twitter idiots who had never heard of static got Donald Glover spiderman trending on twitter and by the end of the month the death of spiderman started to make way for the black spiderman. I have no problem with having black superhero’s but th entire point of Miles is to be black spiderman not to be his own superhero. Fuck Bendis just likes to write his fetish of black men into his books. It’s the reason Miles father is black yet they don’t share the same last name

>At least on Yea Forums the hate always seemed more based on the fact Miles is black, and that his existence was politically motivated, not because they liked Ultimate Peter more
Peter was killed to make room for Miles, and this has been the main reason why he's disliked since he was introduced. I don't know why you think that everyone hates him because his black.

And 0 animated films

>Spiderverse is bad

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>in fact the multiverse aspect diminishes it
The fuck are you talking about? The multiverse stuff actually makes Miles' story interesting since it gave him an older, washed-up Peter to work as his mentor after having to watch his Universe's nearly perfect Peter die. Miles, Peter, and Gwen have a pretty good dynamic and the other Spider-Men work great as side characters.

He was talking about Peter Parker. And Pete still is white.

>after dozens of normal Spider-Man videogames, he gets a multiverse one
Shattered Dimensions wasn't connected to any game beforehand though.

Man, that is one bad case of flounder mouth going on with Harley there.

>"The whole point of Spider-Verse was that anybody could be Spider-Man"
>as long as you're one of the magically selected non-Peter Parker people in your entire universe
"The whole point" would've come across much better if Peter and Miles were from the same universe, you could've preserved the dynamic by having Peter be "perfect" as a role model in Miles' early childhood, but a washed-up wreck by the time Miles is a teen, and Pete is training him as a sidekick that will eventually replace him, rather than a 14 year old replacement for a prime Peter.

Why does that matter?

Because they made the same mistake MCU did, without being forced into it by circumstances, any potential street-level Peter Parker animated movies are now out of the question since they blew their story-escalation load way too early with Spider-Verse.

It means miles is a Ricky taking resources away from peter and not giving anything back in return. He’s nothing but a usurper who has no reason to use the name and no writer seems to care to give him his own name.

Batman has side characters with there own books, from him we get nightwing red hood robin and batgirl

Spider man gets spiderman spiderman spiderman and spider Gwen

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Miles wasn't groomed to be Spider-Man, that's what makes his conflict so good. Not only is he grappling with how to use his newly acquired powers, he has to deal with the fact that his universe's Peter died before he could show him the ropes and he's completely out of his depth in continuing his mission of stopping Kingpin. It presents a clear character arc and it's wrapped up nice and neat at the climax. Not to mention Dad Peter grooming Miles to be his replacement sort of ruins the best part of their dynamic.

But they have no dynamic, Miles is just there to be a replacement and after 8 years has yet to do anything to justify it. His relationships with other hero’s are just like peters his relationship with villains are just like peters the only thing he has that peter doesn’t is a father.

Your first two points don't apply to spider-verse. Miles is a shit character and he needed the rest of the cast to carry his movie.

>But they have no dynamic
Did you even watch the movie? Miles was going to be trained by the perfect Peter but he died before that could happen and instead he has to see a washed-up homeless looking version who starts off by trying to ditch him. You get to see their relationship grows as Dad Peter begrudgingly shows Miles the ropes and Miles sort of helps Dad Peter get past his kid issues he had with MJ.

I think he's talking about the comics.

Batman is more or less a ninja already.

Comic Miles is a shit character but Spider-Verse does a pretty good job making Miles likeable.

Did you miss the part about there being 5 previous street level films before ITSV came out? You've seen 3 variants of Parker Stories by the time ITSV hit theaters. You wanted to go through Uncle Ben getting shot again except it's Animated this time?
He's Spider-man. That's who he is, who he was, and who he probably always will be.

Wrong, You could make a movie with spider-verse miles.

If it's just the comics? Sure, Miles needed more connection to Peter in his origin. For the movie? It doesn't really work with all the compression. Spider-Verse does a great job at tying Miles to Peter.

>You wanted to go through Uncle Ben getting shot again except it's Animated this time?
Stop using this fucking stupid argument every time that someone has a problem with a Spider-Man movie.

nice cope, faggots
if it didn't have Peter and Gwen nobody would like it

Why is it unreasonable to want him to have his own name? What’s the point of having two characters in the same city have the same name? It’s not like 616 miles has ever had a real reason to be spiderman besides lack of creativity

The movie can do without gwen.

I don't know about Peter... I mean the movie can be about miles saving the universe while teaching himself to be spider-man.

>save the universe

Jesus Christ you Miles fags can’t get anything right about the franchise you seem hell bent on destroying

Are you literally one of those asshats that pretend to be peter parker and get angry at people for forgetting the "-"

You shouldn't forget the hyphen.

Based and BigIQpilled.

That's what a back to basics Parker story is which apparently a prerequisite before you're allowed to do anything with the character.
He's not from 616. He's from 1610. His reasons are the same as they were back in 1610. To help because he can, and embracing his powers as liberating for his somewhat coddled, safe existence.

That’s the biggest problem with miles, his have your cake and eat it to existence. He’s an alternate universe spiderman who lives in the same universe as the original. His mother and uncle were killed because he’s spiderman but they’re also alive because he’s spiderman. He has his development from 1610 so that’s why he has that issue count but he doesn’t remember anything from his time there unless it’s convient for the writer. He’s a series of convoluted story conveniences wrapped up in the dressings of a popular character he’s only connected to by literally nothing.

Miles isn’t spiderman so he doesn’t get a hyphen when I write about him

>That's what a back to basics Parker story is which apparently a prerequisite before you're allowed to do anything with the character
There's a range of story escalation for Peter's life, which starts at 0 with his origin, and goes to 100 which is dealing with the devil/facing Spidergod/fighting Thanos/dying etc. Multiverse stories would be somewhere around 80, so there's an entire range of street level stories they could've covered, but you're focusing only on that 0.

>That's what a back to basics Parker story is which apparently a prerequisite before you're allowed to do anything with the character.
Ben has to die so so Spider-Man can exist, that doesn't mean that you need to show it happening like you fucking faggots keep saying.

>wah wah this capeshit movie's concept is too wacky so it's automatically shit
Lego Movie's idea was kinda dumb in paper but that movie was really fun.
>why couldnt they tell more grounded story
I don't know, maybe because they want to use animation in its full potential that live action movies can't have?