Hey Yea Forums I need a uplifting show with a self insert MC so I can feel something that isn't my crippling depression...

Hey Yea Forums I need a uplifting show with a self insert MC so I can feel something that isn't my crippling depression, what you got?

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I'd suggest Clarence, it's a very nice, pleasant, and sometimes surreal show about kids doing kid things.

What about this show I keep seeing memes about. Its about spelling or some shit?

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Uplifting with a self insert mc? I almost want to say anime, since modern shows with boys... Hmm. Yeah. Other than that, Hilda is a very comfy show

this looks promising ill give it a shot

>self inserting

this desu, anime male MCs are 100% self insert fodder.

anime or the horse show I guess

Bojack Horseman

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Wow that picture sums up my feelings pretty well

Why my house burned down a few summers ago and I lost everything including my cat Wayne and my dog Kori I stumbled across this pic and, even tho it appears depressing, I was able to find a lot of hope in it. Even with the world burning around them, Calvin and Hobbes are still full of color, and the “I’m With You” just felt like it was speaking directly to me. Obviously it’s not, but at the time it struck me.
Hope you can pull yourself out of your funk OP, just keep your head up and remember that tomorrow is always a brand new day.

Yea Forums being wholesome? What kind of twisted pocket universe did I get flung into, but thanks for the kind words user

I love how one of the charters is straight up a Deku scrub

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Damn thats rough man. Hope the future is bright for you man

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Hey Arnold!

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Read The Magicians by Lev Grossman.

>The Magicians by Lev Grossman
As a fan of Magic the Gathering, this mildly piques my interest, pic related

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We live in a society

There was a time when “Yea Forums is love” wasn’t just a meme user, I hope one day to see that time again. Seriously OP, hope things begin to brighten up for you soon
It’s been up and down, I’ve been focusing on what makes me happy instead of stressing over all of the mounting problems, finding the remains of my pets and being able to bury them was the start of me pulling my way out of depression

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Stop that self-pitying shit OP. You're a Sad Cunt now, but you can be a Sick Cunt if you try. Sure, you can stay and wallow in your misery. It feels good, doesn't it? It's oddly comforting. Yeah, well, that's the trap. That's the mindkiller; the fear.
>muh comfy cartoons and hot cocoa to take away muh deprezzionz
Nah OP, this isn't the way. You can get your gingergf. You can sock those niggers right in the teeth. You can carve up your little piece of the world. But you've got to restrain yourself. You've got to stop with all the childish shit and cowboy up. And hell OP, sometimes it's hard, but uphill is the only way the climb goes. Just keep going. Grit alone will take you places you never even thought of.
Yeah I know this reads like a cringepasta, but the dudebropill is very effective. If you keep going, you'll gain /something/. If you give in, you get nothing but misery. Trust me, I've been there. In this world, strength reigns supreme. Physical, mental, all kinds. It's your job as a man to try and accumulate as much as you can in every category. So go out there and get it. That's all there is.
I mean, ask yourself; would Hal Jordan give up?

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It's still there user, I still see it. You need the right threads and at times the right fandom but it's there.
Hope you're doing well

Not gonna lie this shit made me crack a smile, thanks user


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Mind posting the rest of that comic? Looks great.

Well, I'm certainly glad to have been of assistance. Just remember; only proud men like yourself stand between us and the coming armaggedon of the niggerdom. You have to man up user.
You want to read it? Go out there and pirate it for yourself. readcomiconline.to/Comic/Justice-League-Darkseid-War-Green-Lantern/Issue-1?id=59695

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You could try Mission Hill, but it's only one season and maybe not what most people would call "uplifting". It's very comfy, though. There's also Hey Arnold, Over the Garden Wall, Flapjack, etc.

I have to say though...nothing's gotten me through rough times like Steven Universe. It's just such an empathetic show - while watching it, you really get the sense that it's OK to be you, it's OK to be struggling, it's OK to have flaws.

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Adventure Time and stop at Mortal Recoil

Star vs

Dan Vs
Welcome to NHK

Read Flex Mentallo.

I wanna kill myself practically everyday but ltely it helps watching old steven universe episodes

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You had one job.