Whats with the dislike of season 2?

to me, its the best season of the show

Attached: Daredevil-Season-2-image-7-1200x1173.png (1200x1173, 2.24M)

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i don't care about the network, i love the show regardless of where it was aired.

The Electra and Karen subplots were fucking awful.

the elektra sub plot was matt succumbing to his worst side, and realizing he would abandon his stable life for chaos and it rocks him to his core in the end so much that he finally confesses to karen to ask for forgiveness.

karen's sub-plot was her trying to reach out to another murderer because she wanted to find any reason to not think that shes a bad person.

> Elektra was poorly acted, and poorly written
>"super secret ninja conspiracy" finale, AGAIN
> badly choregraphed combats, especially compared to S1
It had all the bad tropes of Arrow and the other Netflix/Marvel shows. But the Punisher/Daredevil arc was cool.

>first point

what did you think was baly written about her? i thought it was pretty consistent that she is poison to anyone and anything around her. her acting seemed fine to me

>second point
its literally the first time its been done in this show, or the mcu as a whole.

>third point

the fight coreography and cinematography are a huge step up from season 1. season 1 was a beginner, season 2 was a fully fleshed out fighter. and thankfully they mostly abandoned the quick cut shakey cam from most of season 1.

i dont watch arrow, and it was the 3rd season they ever put out from this series, you cant punish it for what the other shows copied from it.

the first half is good the second is cringe everybody likes Punisher there, unlike in his show.

DDS2, Punisher S1 and JJS1 > the rest

Exception for first half of Luke Cage. Started great then went to shit once Cottonmouth went down.

i think the punisher show is pretty good, even if they completely undo then re-do his character arc in every season.

what about the second half is cringe, exactly?

All the Elektra plot is really bad

how so? please explain.

to me they ruined the Hand there basically, wich was great in season 1, and I didn't like Elodie Yung

Odd flex, but okay.

how did they? outside of nobu, there was no hand in season 1. if you said they ruined them in iron fist and defenders, i'd probably agree.

as for elodie yung, i thought she was fine, but i understand.

Arrow came before dipshit. And you literally could have just said "I disagree" for as indepth as you've gone.

Fuck you, OP, you faggot.

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user you liking it doesn't make it good.

You've started a thread asking for opinions to just go ahead and tell everyone they're wrong.

and why would i care what they did in another show, in another universe, and on another network. if we're going back far enough, the secret ninja clan can be said to be a rip-off of the 70s kung fu movies that frank miller got the idea from.

i ask for why its bad, people give me thier opinons, i ask them to explain, they say because they dont like it.

when someone gives an actual reason why its bad, and i can prove why it isnt, i'll post it.

user used it as an analog. Are you ESL?

user all you've done ITT is say "it's better".

user stated various things he found not up to par and you didn't even discuss them you just said they were better (like choreography). You haven't once explained why anything is better or good.

there's also the Black Sky all the drugs plot and Gao in season 1, overal that season is better written to me.

>actual reason
They have. You're just autistic and think your opinion is fact.

saying it had tropes from another show isnt indicative of the quality of the show im talking about. is scarface bad because its about criminals, even though the godfather already did it? reoccurring themes and ideas arent all bad, its the execution that matters.

the black sky thing was seeded, yeah. but gao wasnt even made into part of the hand until iron fist season 1.

my opinion is that i like it, the facts are that a lot of people say its bad. nobody has been able to tell me that its really bad, just that they don't like it.

she was in all the heroin thing as background villain, maybe that's why i like her there.

Good god. You really do seem to be ESL.

All user said is that it had all the same faults of arrow, a show many find to be flawed. I fail to see why you're having such trouble accepting that comparisons are appraisals, they don't have any effect on the individual media.

user said it sucks the same way something else sucked. He didn't say it sucks because it's like that other thing.

Why do they need to explain the position unless you don't inherently find it good? Why must they prove a position to you? Why can't they just share their opinion like you asked in OP?

i know, but what im saying is she wasnt a part of the hand plot until it was retconned in another show. she was her own entity in the first two seasons of daredevil

You're intentionally conflating and then separating yours and the other anons enjoyment with the quality of the work. You want to say that you just happen to like it yet others have to explain why they think it's bad - not simply why they didn't like it.

That's where the disconnect is and it seems intentional from you unless as user said English isn't your first language.

if people say something is bad, prove its bad. i think its good, and i can prove it. if you cant prove anything, and just feel it, your opinion is just that. this is the same problem as all the idiots who say the last jedi is good because they feel it is, even though its massively flawed.

im actually seperating it. i both like it and i think its quality. people keep saying that its bad, and when pressed they say they didnt like it. those arent the same thing.

Anyhow that part of the plot and the characters didn't work to me in season 2 and I droped the interest, Idk if it was written by 2 different writers but to me it was mostly a script problem.

i think it was a different showrunner, and most of the same staff. but thats fair

You realize stating the company that produced a show/movie isn't an argument, right? You look like an impulsive reactionary retard

First four episode? Near masterpiece and a perfect Dardevil vs Punisher movie.

The rest?

Hot. "The Hand." Garbage.

>best season
>not season 3

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but why do you feel that the second half is bad? people say this all the time, but never qualify it, and when they do it comes down to "i didnt like it"

season 3 is objectively great, but subjectively i feel like its just a retread of season 1.

elektras hotness was underrated i could see why matt would run off with her and ditch karen and foggy


I just didn't like The Hands' continued use and never *really* cared about Elektra being some destined whatever the fuck. It's still a solid season though.

First half was god tier, Punisher and Daredevil in the graveyard was the peak of the season. It all goes downhill the episode Matt and Elektra discover the giant hole in New York.

I mean The Punisher and Kingpin bits really make it. Stick is alright but he's tied up in all The Hand shit too which really bogs the whole thing down. Still a solid 7 season.

The scene where Fisk is eating a steak and talking to that slowly dying prison gang leader was pretty kino.

>why not become one with the hivemind?

I really hope Luke Cage and Iron Fist get rebooted into the movies someday. These netflix versions of them were trash and got their personalities totally wrong.

I feel like Iron Fist and Heroes for Hire could bring a whole fun new dimension to the MCU that these shows failed to capture.

any rich fags wanna buy production used dd cage or iron fist costume?