It's funny how Canada shits out cartoons and nobody cares anymore. It'll be just as ignored as Chuck's Choice or Toon Marty.
It's funny how Canada shits out cartoons and nobody cares anymore...
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doesn't stop people from bringing it up
This is what weebs want western animation to be like
This show looks like one of those North Korean propaganda cartoons.
All the younger people who grew up with Johnny Test and 6teen dominating CN in their childhood stick their tongues out at anything Canadian animated because they instantly think cheap to produce and rerun flash animation. A lot don't even realize EEnE and Arthur are Canadian.
>light-skinned main boy
>quirky tomboyish yet still girly female sidekick
Is this some sort of winning combination
This main girl has very similar hair color highlights and outfit.
I saw a thing on Twitter about this show. Apparently he's indigenous or something? Should I care? Are there nudes of the girl yet? Is there at least porn of her getting boned by the cat-looking thing in the goggles?
I'm just here for the porn.
That animal is basically Vandal Savage. Intelligent, ancient, unkillable, got powers from a meteorite. He got chopped in half in the first episode, that's metal. I hope him getting horridly butchered will be a recurring thing. The animation and story is really lame though.
It is because they are usually awful.
let me guess, the girl is your average cartoon bitch that is always in a bad mood when she is next to MC but never stops following him around anyway?
That shot of the squirrel getting cut in half.
Canada has cartoons?
This strikes me as one of those shows that probably has a load of potential to be amazing...but will squander it all on shitty Flash animation and terrible attempts at "humor", like every original series Teletoon spews out
At least it has gore
let me show you real gore
Remember when one of the artist that worked during those episode come here to Yea Forums to bitch about how we bitch about post season 3 spongebob?
>It'll be just as ignored as Chuck's Choice or Toon Marty.
That's the point. Corus/Nelvana doesn't give a shit about any of their original shows. It's there simply to fill time on their channels. If you want good Canadian cartoons, never watch anything by Nelvana.
and now we never bitch about it anymore because nobody here wants to be associated with a certain mean-spirited youtuber
>"I thought it was a kid show!"
Yeah, they take an interesting concept (this one doesn't really work for me though) and stick it into a mould so that it ends up looking like every other series they made, kinda like it is with anime. Just like that one creator whose specific character was not to be made into a surfer dude archetype - ended up written as a surfer dude...
This reminds me of shows in the 80s that were just higher budget toy commercials. I wouldn't be surprised if its what this is.
Good news is that it is easy to break into the industry and get something made in Canada.
Bad news is lack of budget, marketing, passion and talent in the TV animation industry so your mediocre product while die after one or two seasons
Teletoon shows don't get toys
They literally only exist because of the government. You get government grants for Canadian-produced media, and you have to comply with minimum government-regulated Canadian content requirements.
So channels like Teletoon HAVE to have Canadian cartoons in their lineup, and the government will pay them to help fund it. So they just churn out the cheapest, laziest shit because all they need to do is keep the CFC off their back so they can air actual good shows that people will actually watch
Channels like YTV and Teletoon have no obligation to make new shows anymore. They get by fine with reruns of old shows.
Yea Forums only cares about non American animation when it has waifus.
You may be onto something.
Yeah, but I assume that having a few fresh shows every season probably helps their ratings better than just relying exclusively on reruns of old shows...get people watching out of curiousity
But he -hate's- mean spirited things.
they've had them for over 50 years (The Mighty Hercules, Rocket Robin Hood)
in other news, water is wet
When they premiere it at 9 am? Not likely.
I suspect that the only reason they still make shows is to sell it. These shows look like cheap licenses, Nelvana is pretty much Teletoon's defaco studio, they need oneanother's involvement to get government funding, Teletoon has a new show the can brag to investors about while Nelvana rakes in foreign licensing money. Everybody wins.
I miss Mighty Hercules
I miss Teletoon Retro but you can't tell me the best thing about it was shit like Mighty Hercules and Rocket fucking Robin Hood.
No, I can't.
But I miss them for how shitty and laughable they were.
What I miss the most was their 80's cartoon lineup on Friday nights.
what the fuck is this shit?
It looks somebody stole some Pokemon Wannabe ocs and put them in this pokemon/Anime Creature collectathon show that's way after the 90s Pokemon boom. How Unoriginal, Canada sucks at making good ideas for cartoons.
It's actually co-produced by the people behind the Pokemon anime.
Ugh, DN Ace seems pretty garbage. No thanks. Chuck's choice is pretty good sometimes but it's mostly mediocre. I watch from time to time. Never seen ToonMarty, guess I'll check it out later.
Chuck's choice is kind of entertaining to watch despite being a FOP Wannabe.
This is gonna be on my local Disney XD months from now, we'll see.
Canad's cartoons really aren't that bad. What about Dragon booster or Storm hawks? No one ever bring those ups but they're pretty good.
Brown loli = Conoghi bait
EEnE is the only thing that redeems that country as a whole
Canadian cartoons that aren't made in Toronto aren't bad. Dragon Booster, Storm Hawks and EEnE were all made in Vancouver, the only place that knows what they're doing.
I need a good reference of the brown one for...reasons.
Archives? Screenshots?
good luck, that girl looks so plain and boring, that you gonna need imagination to make her look good.
we can still bitch about it, just hate the episode and the mean-spirited YouTuber
What is it with the French influences and not drawing their noses?
Canada is a lot like Japan and France.
Mediocre to good ideas, but horrible execution which leaves much to be desired. It turns into wasted potential - the series
It's a typically anime thing that they only draw a shadow of the nose, a single line or just a tiny dot in place of a nose.
you can thank bruce timm for that
at this point it rawer for a cartoon show to feature a white male protagonist then the other way around unless the male character is supposed to be an idiot. then he is always white
Dafuq are you talking about?
About 80% of anime is shit, you just never noticed because any series you watched needed to be good enough to attract fansub crews
Here I was thinking weebs claimed anime was superior but I guess the power of boobs distracted them from medicore plot and animation.
Whats the name of this archtype? Punk girl? Daddy issues
Token brown girl characters in Canadian cartoons are there to do whatever the story requires, they're rarely very developed.