This show has seriously taken a hit.
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop pretending you care about this show outside fanservice and wanting to fuck characters when not shipping them
It hasn't and will never have anything outside that
But it could have been so much more if Astruc hadn't turned out to be MCU-Mysterio as showrunner.
The show set its ambitions absurdly low and still failed not to trip on its own shoelaces.
3 seasons in and they still air episodes chronically late and out of order!
Astruc's incompetence is astonishing.
Last thread has some nice animations: So it is still doing well.
The complete inability to maintain a release schedule is what went wrong.
It really is incredible how terrible their scheduling is. The worst I've ever seen in my life.
It compounds the fact the show has no continuity really, so you're double-lost (due to episode delays).
Thus the only people who can fixate on the show are the people outside the target audience.
I'm actually most interested in the Agreste family drama. Give me some angst, damn it, Astruc!
I have no idea why the show ignores the potential drama between Gabriel, Emelie, Nathalie and Adrien.
Nathalie in particular could have been written as having a massive soft spot for Adrien, which divides her loyalties.
What happened? they cancelled the show?
it's the toyline syndrome, just like colorful horses and lego or transformers, they end up having to showcase a toyline each season instead of following their original plot. At first they believe it's gonna be easy to just add a "toy of the week" in the "regular recipe", but as it goes, there's just too much toys and not enough time per episodes, especially when you need to rewrite the lore at every new toyline to make it "fit", even when the toy makers are getting lazy and forces shit like glow in the dark fairy mermaids variants to get rid of the unsold parts of the last lines
Because Marinette wouldn't be the focus, so the show can't allow it. Either that or, hopefully, it constitutes finale material and they're saving it all for the end. We do at least get little moments here and there that help to build the tension.
It was nice to see Nathalie stand up for Adrien in the Christmas special.
I wonder if we'll ever get to see the rest of the magic macaron/cheese upgrades.
Have they even used them once in season 3 yet? I honestly can't recall.
I don't think so, and we are already halfway through it. This season is all about the Zodiac Miraculous.
Starting Season 2, they got a second (and way cheaper) animation studio to work on some of the episodes in hopes it would help them release faster. The schedule is still a mess, but now some episodes look like crap.
Shit, I was to about to finish the first season. What a fucking shame
ooooh. That is quite a drop in quality. I didn't even notice how bad it was till you put them side by side.
It's rather jarring how characters go from great to meh back and forth.
I don't care. He sill always be my beloved husbando.
Alya is such a voyeur.
Care to elaborate? And I really mean that, since I'm curious. All I know about this is from porn and that I think it's a good-looking show. I know shit-all about the writing, or deeper plot beyond teen superheroes.
I just mean if the show had had continuity, fleshed out its universe, given its side characters actual could have been epic.
Take Nadja. She could have become fixated on figuring out who Cat Noir was, freeing up Alya to become a superheroine in her own right.
What the hell
From what i hear the plot is pretty bog standard "monster of the week" stuff without any real movement forward of a meta-plot apart from a couple token "bigger plot" episodes.
Plus they fail to add in a villain who legitimately seems evil or hateable as an antagonist, trying to focus on making the villain too sympathetic.
I don't think all the blame should go to Astruc, didn't he want this show to be more serious at one point? He was probably forced by Zag to make the show the way it is so it could get picked up by channels around the world. And those are the ones to be blamed for airing episodes out of order.
It's kind of sad a lot of fans have to resort to fanfiction to get their fix of actual plot threads being explored. At this point the show itself is mostly there for getting some canon content.
Being in as deep as the third season we should have had the two main characters dating already, or possibly one of them having discovered the others identity.
Not only that but the guy in charge of Zag studios constantly releases spoilers and concept art waaaaaaay before the episode gets released.
I never seen a cartoon have its airing schedule be such a mess. Maybe an episode or two switched around, but for something that obviously has an episode order it's so weird to see it mixed up in most countries it airs in.
Damn you'd think they would take an opportunity for Marinette to intern under Gabriel at this point. Fucking hell at least try to make the main character part of this story line, or have a focus on her being the next guardian since she's apparently going to be deciding who gets to be a hero.
So much could be explored but isn't.
There's a LOT unexplained about Nathalie.
Like if she's so in love with Gabriel, why is she so fixated on bringing back Emelie?
They must have had some connection.
It definitely has Sallelite Character Disease. A lot of characters are only allowed with certain characters, akin to invisible boundaries.
Sometimes Akumatization is the only way two characters are allowed to meet (Caline and Nadja for example).
And no, I did not edit this screencap with regard to Nadja's face. That is her canon expression.
The weird thing is that thanks to its huge international audience it's still more popular than most other western cartoons
well that's because children actually like it, and also adrien is such a better boi than marco
Im not defending ZAG but I kind of see the point of the spoilers, since those are the only thing that can keep the hype afloat on these long-ass hyatus.
But yeah, that user had a point that Astruc’s idea of a show was completely butchered by ZAG only to make it more child-friendly and marketable. the sad truth is ZAG is run by a bunch of dirty jews that would see no problem in making a shit show if it meant selling toys.
That's truly sad. It doesn't deserve the audience it has, because it's just not that good.
And I really wish it was so much better.
I don't think Astruc is completely off the hook. He won't stop fixating on the "Adrien/Marinette" thing, which isn't really that compelling when you have 3 seasons of "status quo is relatively god".
Marinette is bland as all get out, Adrien is chronically unexplored, and Astruc clearly doesn't think of most of the characters are worthy of being fleshed out.
It's the dated Sailor Moon formula of the 90s shoved into the late 2010s.
closer view plus another comparable
Why was the last episode so filled with gay jokes?
They're french
He also has a talent for mishandling characers who are supposed to have bigger roles.
He refuses to let Alya be a bigger superheroine, but didn't give her a replacement motivation after she lost the interest in finding out who Cat Noir was.
What was the point of Kagami when Alya would have made a more compelling rival for his heart? The rival who is also your best friend.
Likely a response to criticism the show let Juleka and Rose be lesbians, while not allowing Nathaniel and Marc to be gay.
Burgers are completely in denial about this, but the truth is that Miraculous despite all of its flaws is the best cartoon airing right now. And why is that?
Western cartoons have taken a big hit with the reduce of popularity of tv, the start of call arts syndrome and american production is just shitting out souless behind souless shows. Miraculous, just like Wakfu, Oban Star Racers, Totally Spies escaped this fate bh using the essence of eastern animation to make a cool bland of it and present something with an actual resemblance of life.
Why doesn't Chat Noir just make a harem?
He did in the last episode
But who is to say thats on Astruc and not on ZAG that wants to keep milking the shipping drama to the point of exaustion?
What I am saying is, this show has clearly one rule of production “ make episodes where the fans can self insert as Marinette and make her feel completely secure and in the right”. Its hard to turn around that, even more if the story you want to tell requires all other characters to be involved.
Really it is the child fanbase that matters as said
>Totally Spies
Totally spies escaped it by having every episode be someone's fetish as the plot.
Needs more.
Totally spies was a good show, but the fetish stuff only made it better. Sexual tension and fetishfuel is an important thing at cartoons, even if aimed at children believe it or not. Why do you think anime got so famous?
>implying partying and dancing YMCA with your bros in your room is gay and not a completely Chad thing to do
Cat Noir's got the power to make both genders his for his harem.
Honestly this show is really fucking dumb and has terrible stories with equally terrible animation but god damn the character design is through the roof. Mari is what I want my wife to look like someday and the rest of the cast is really cute as well. I have so much Ladybug fanart saved yet I can only stomach to watch a few episodes with my nieces.
It's weird that she still spergs out in Adrian's presense sometimes still. I mean, I know she bas a crush on him but they've gotten a lot closer so you'd think she'd mellow out by now
How is SVTFOE anyway? I dropped when Marco finally asked Jackie out because iirc schedule inconsistencies (a lot of shows were doing the episode bomb formula so I kinda dipped from cartoons for hears)
YFW Adrien's friends disconnect his mom life support.
Season 2 was great, Season 3 wasn't as strong but still good, But season 3 went of the rails after the 6th or so episode and then the finale found a way to be even worse.
If you want to see it stop at the end of battle for Mewni, is a good point to stop watching.
We have failed as people when there's no porn of reporter woman and catboy.
>sexually aggressive pseudo-shota
>pull out the gayest possible record
>Nath and Marc show up the next scene
Yes, perfect.
Wait why would the other animation studio use different models? Why not just use the existing models?!
They're using the same models, they're just using worse lighting simpler animation because rendering time is what makes 3D animation expensive.
When people say that cartoons or any show for kids doesn’t have to be good, Miraculous Ladybug success is proof that kids will eat shit up.
And they’re super cheap with this show. The transformation and power up sequences they use every episode saves them tens of thousands of dollars. Being cheap to produce was no doubt a selling point.
The show is literally the same as in the beginning in all senses. And there is nothing very wrong with it.
There's been some decent characterization, but very little character growth.
That's factually wrong, holy shit.
Whoever drew this needs to die, painfully
This makes me want to sign up for a crusade.
It is a pretty obvious Rule34 setup.
Nadja, a definitely single mom (no husband seen in 3 seasons), is intrigued by the tight-suited hero. Adrien has a serious thing for older women due to his own issues. Naturally, they hit it off fast. The "private interviews" ensue, and increase in numbers.
I'm shocked the fandom hasn't noticed the chemistry.
Oh he was totally hitting on the reporter.
Seriously guys, look at him and look at her reaction. He's totally got her and he knows it.
We need to fix that. There is no way flirtatious Cat Noir hasn't noticed her.
If you want a good 3D cartoon about a teen who protects his home from monsters with a magic outfit & weapon granted to him by an ancient artifact, there's always Trollhunters.
It's nice, more serialized than Ladybug and tells a complete story in 52 episodes. It's what Ladybug should've been.
Or you can watch Summer Camp Island. It's not 3D but great show anyway
Looks... terrifying.
new episodes when for fucks sake
people realized it wan't worth much beyond waifu bait and fap material.
fuck off pedofur piece of shit
Caline is love, Caline is life.
Nathalie does everything for Adrien. She is loyal.
Even the colours are off - why?
I saw the first episode of this but the char design totally turned me off. The mc looks like that kind of creepy guy that would sneak into locker rooms to smell socks of girls .
Problem is, the broadcasters decide t broadcast way out of sequence. It is impossible to build much of a plot or arc in this situation.
I thought that shit was hilarious. Adrien for the first time in a while having fun with his guy friends, not realizing that in the process they nearly killed his missing mom.
Pretty fucked that his dad constantly ensures the household is nothing but depression. You know if this show made use of its potential, Gabriel if desperate could just use Adrien if all else fails.
My younger sibling watched this, starts out pretty weak but gets better over time. Not a bad option.
> Watched the most recent episode
> Gabriel decides to take a day off from villany
> Because of Adrien's wild party, basically all the miraculouses of the show were on Hawkmoth's doorstep
> Pulls one of his most silly and yet most effective villains
> Still can't win
I'm sure as hell he's being kicked from the villain role next season. Hero's plot armor aside, no one have so much bad luck.
Very simply: one or both need to discover their identities.
Our two leads cannot progress with this obstacle.
Episode number neow!
His plan was stupid and careless, tho and could easily backfire. All that Kim had to do was stealthly follow the helicopter into HM's lair and then throw a banana at him. Lucky for Gabriel that Kim is an idiot.
The voice actor for the black reporter guy posted this for the episode they're currently recording.
This looks like a collage, but it could mean Alec gets akumatized somewhere this season. I think he is the only recurring character from s01 besides Sabine, Marinette and Adrien that wasnt akumatized yet.
Imagine how exciting it would be to actually see the two MCs actually get akumatized for once, preferably when not transformed as heroes.
Hold on, there was a larger version on his instagram stories. It's the tv in marinette's living room.
oh now I see. It really looks like an episode, probably Alec shipping Lila and Adrien as the new power couple, making Marinette lose her shit. Jesus what a fucking petty and predictable plot.
The only reason he even bothered to transform and akumatize Wayhem was because the party killed Emilie's life support and he needed to get the power back on, and then he figured he might as well shoot for some Miraculous while he's already at it.
Doesn't Mari know Adrien knows Lila is full of shit?
I think that's the point-- he's been portrayed as too sympathetic, he really doesn't come off as a truly "Evil" villain despite his posturing.
The problem is, there's almost no one else to take the role from him, and there doesn't appear to be any behind the scenes being manipulating him to explain his villainy stepping up.
Yeah, because Jazz turned out so well, right? Fuck, it's their obsession with kids that creeps me out the most.
Yeah like that would stop Marifags from reeeing and salting all over Adrien from getting near Lila. I've lost count of the ammount of retarded fics made that portray Adrien as a shitbag for "hanging around" with Lila.
These shows are both worse though.
>You know if this show made use of its potential, Gabriel if desperate could just use Adrien if all else fails
Adrien is for gentle torment
So I'm guessing Gabriel is going to let Lila tell lies about Adrien's love life to break some hearts for akumatization? Not a bad plan actually.
Didn't they akumatize characters with miraculous transformations already, and their akuma forms just turned out to be recolored versions of their miraculous forms?
I think you'd be dissapointed when ladybug just turned out to be red ladybug out of laziness.
Lila has already inserted her into both Gabriel and Hawk Moth's plans. At this point, it's just a matter of time before she figures out they're one and the same, and that's likely going to lead to her plotting how to swipe the Butterfly off of him.
They were red specifically because of Scarlet moth. You can't blame Gabriel for being lazy with the designs when he was basically controlling an army of old Akuma at that point, on top of creating a bunch of new ones.
If anything, an akumatized Ladybug would look more like the one Lila created at the beginning of catalyst.
I wish we could see what Rena Rage and Shellshock wouldve looked like as regular akumas instead of red ones
Queen Wasp was literally Queen Bee with reversed colors. Akumatized Miracles literally aren't anything impressive design-wise.
>but now some episodes look like crap
Implying that they didn't look like dead-eye shit from the beginning.
He's getting a Miraculous and you are going to like it.
Collor has a big tool on design. Queen Wasp had a different collor skin what made her more akuma-like, and she had some small edgy nuances like her ponytail resembled a wasp's sting, while Queen Bee's is curled
Doubt it. Tumblr character is for tumblr only.
I don't know, I don't really buy Lila as a main enemy. She's just a petty teenage bitch with petty teenage bitch goals. After an adult villain with real motivations, that's a bit underwhelming.
Is this one better?
Shut up, Stormy Weather was pretty good animation-wise, probably one of the best 3D made for a serialized show.
Everyone's getting one, user. It's a matter of time.
Still don't understand why tumblr became interested in him. There's nothing about him that really stands out from the rest of the class
Nah I meant when they are normally Adrien and Marinette, not Ladybug and Cat Noir. Like how Alya turns into Lady Wifi.
I got pretty disappointed when we got the red recolors. Whats the point of the superhero corruptions if you're not going to try taking a new spin on their design and powers (though I guess Queen Wasp kind of worked).
Civilian transformations give us the opportunity to see the MC's at their weakest point for once.
Don't be mean, the shows looks quite good for a tv cartoon aimed at little girls. But in some S2 episodes it looks like Adrien has a bunch of bananas for hair. And poor Luka got the worst debut ever.
He is a drawfag twink with underdog syndrome. He is exactly what the fat dykes there dream of being.
Wait, hear me out here.... what IF they skipped the eyelids because they were foreahadowing he would get the snake miraculous?
>cute, shy artist with a hopeless crush
I wonder.
Only because it was the series pilot. Once they got picked up for a full series, thry didn't have to try as hard anymore.
Disappointing how we're already jumping towards the rest of the classmates getting a miraculous. Alix was fine surprise because we knew she was from the future but this feels way too soon.
Whats the point in giving these out like candy when they don't even trust Alya, Nino, and even Chloe to hold on to theirs yet.
probably the staff is feeling rushed; Studio execs are most probably breathing down their necks to move things along and produce more merch and be ready for the show to end when sales are down.
If it were up to me I'd end up this season giving permanently the miraculous to Alia,Nino and Chloe so they could make a team of their own, probably to fight a new foe as a sidequest of the plot.
The zodiac heroes would've been called only if needed and all of the 5 main heroes would have equal access to the box, to call whoever they needed.
For now, but she clearly craves power now that she's been given a taste.
Probably that's why Reflekdoll is taking so long to air, despite be the 5th in the production order. They're still working on how Mr. Bug and Lady Noir will move and all.
Yeah, I don't believe it too.
I wonder if Lady Noir will keep the plot armor, or if it will go to Mr. Bug and finally be recognized as a Ladybug's miraculous side power.
Maybe even reveal to CN who Rena and Carapace are. He may not be a guardian in training but he's been a hero since the beginning, theres a reason the guy has trust issues and acts impulsively. No one tells him shit and is constantly in the dark.
Future hawkmoth is almost 100% obviously lila.
The thing is, we don't know exactly when the role will shift to her.
Didn't the French version imply future Hawk Moth was a man?
Pretty sure it's one of those moments where they default to male when you're not supposed to know a hidden character's gender. Regardless, the episode ends with Gabriel wondering who could replace him, then cuts to Lila sweet-talking Nino's brother (who becomes the episode's Akuma in the future) like she usually does.
Gamer 2.0 is airing in australia tomorrow for those still waiting
Puppeteer 2 is saturday in switzerland
and next friday is the panel at comic con
>bad release schedule
>characters are lame
>rerun formula
>same locations, same weather, same clothes, same extras
>no palbable continuity
>poorly understood powers, nonexistant lore
>mary sue mc
>animation constantly dropping in quality
>lots of plot holes and bloopers
>action sequences are boring, no suspense
>romantic scenes are like rain in the desert
>moustache twirling saturday morning villain
>no themes, no continuity
>squandered potential in order to sell toys to kids
>blatant homosexuality and tokenism for cheap correctness
and on and on and on. just pick one, there's many to choose
Animaestro 2: Astruc gets akumatized over the scheduling of his show.
There's no one else but lila, and she's been being built up as the only "truly" evil character, wanting to be akumized for the power of it and being an antagonist to the main character as an evil rival of sorts.
Sad thing is, that could actually be a canon episode.
I hope they go back to the first one before its too late.
That's the real problem with Marinette really, she hasn't been allowed to grow.
Her stalker tendencies should be gone by now, either they are building to something that acknowledges that bad behavior or these writers are seriously incompetent. Leaning towards the latter.