French comics and cartoons thread? Not necessarily from France; they can come from the Congo for all I care.
I've been studying French for a month now and I'd like to put it into practice if only a little
French comics and cartoons thread? Not necessarily from France; they can come from the Congo for all I care
Other urls found in this thread:
Type bdpack into libgen.
Been reading Philemon. Sadly only three volumes appear to have been translated into English but I'm digging the visuals.
Where my Spirou chads at
Enough material for you to come out of a binge a fluent French speaker. And probably with a taste for boar.
I wonder how much truth there's in that. I could certainly help.
OP, if you're into vidya, try picking up the French version of a game you like. It sure would be helped me back when I was studying French.
Or maybe see if a manga you like has a French translation.
Also, the Bellybuttons.
I'll storytime seven pages from Boucq's Adventures of Jerome Moucherot: Sus a l'imprevu up until
Watch a french cartoon or movie with subtitles, Wakfu really improved my french in high school
If you feel like challenging yourself, watch without subs and see if you can figure out what's going on
story continues here:
There's the blog of Boulet, it doesn't really update anymore, but there's a lot of good stuff (for example:
>sois le feu et la terre,
>l'eau et la poussière,
>héros malgré toi,
>vois la légende s'écrire,
>l'histoire se construire,
>l'avenir est notre aventure
>fais vivre la lumière,
>parler les éclairs,
>la magie entre tes mains
>pars suivre ton chemin
>et regarde
>ton futur,
>ta lumière guider ton destin!
he's back
Bluey is Australian.