X men thread

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Hickman is probably going to make or break the x-franchise. He is essentially their saving throw. Or else they can just invite Rosenberg back and kill everyone to put the entire franchise out of its misery.

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and what do u want to talk about/.

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when does the first issue of hickman x men come out?

Is there any X-Men comic worth checking out? I didn't like the Claremont stuff.

Its been like 15 years and Dani still hasn't gotten her powers back.

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Because she is trash user

She got them back in Rosenberg's Uncanny

It wasn't even really explained, she just started randomly using psychic arrows again.

On Twitter Rosenberg said that being infected by Warlock's T/O virus somehow jump-started her x-gene

Brian Wood got an unfair shake, he's the last good X-Men writer not named Spurrier

But she's lost her Valkyrie powers yet again after War of the Realms

$100 for an hour

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I want to fuck the Cuckoos.

This thread is garbage.

I wish she stuck with her Valkyrie powers Edgy edition.

How did she say all of that in midair? She must have been talking really fast.

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I will give them all the dicking of a lifetime!

You'd think something like that would get more acknowledgement than a Twitter post. Rosenberg just keeps getting worse and worse.

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Don't care. I'm fucking them all until they're pregnant.

here is a drawthread delivery of the Cuckoos, Emma, and Jean showering - the-collection.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=11096

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I will still get them pregnant.

She was sliding down the bannister

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Marvel tried to straight up kill the whole line and had to go back on it. All they need are good writers, even decent ones. Hickman should at least be able to fix the mess and set them in an interesting direction but I don't see anything he does to last beyond his runs.

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Rosenberg is trying to crash this book with no survivors.

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Hickman is going up against nearly a decade worth of bad decisions that Marvel has made on the X-Men. I think if he stays there for along time, the chances are greater that he can fix it and enforce his planned status quo without editorial wiping it clean for the next writer.

>All they need are good writers, even decent ones.

Those are in very short supply at Marvel right now.



> Storm ongoing with no notable political elements or at least no BLM bullshit. Cheesecake would be strongly advised, returning her to her X-treme outfit would be nice. Marco on art for this would also be a pleasing option.

> Storm team up with Thor (and maybe Moon Knight and/or Black Panther) encountering African gods & mythology.

> Remus gets used.

> Spiral uses her Uncanny X-Force outfit for all future appearances. (pic related)

> Omega Red's redemption sticks.


> If Domino is recast in the Mcu, Antje Traue or Olivia Wilde plays her.

> If Omega Red is used in any future film he has a super faithful design, is taken seriously and isn't defeated in a cringy manner like Juggernaut was in DP2.

> Stryfe if used has a outfit super faithful to how Clayton Crain drew him in Messiah War. Armor is slick & glossy and they show they have learned from Apocalypse and use CGI to increase his height like Ares in Wonder Woman.

> If the Mcu recast the X-Men. Condola Rashad (billions) is chosen for Storm

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>Marco on art for this would also be a pleasing option.
Sorry, Marco Checcetto is who I meant.

David Yardin and Mark Brooks would also be ideal.

Bachalo back doing interiors, Lee Gabbert , Matteo Scalera, Daniel Warren Johnson doing them too
some good writers, not anyone who's had any X-Men books in the past 5 years

Has anyone called out this faggot on twitter, at least?

>I don't see anything he does to last beyond his runs.
Who cares, you shouldn't be reading comics for the characters but for the writers anyway.

I love how they went against the Marauders including Malice in what was probably a clone of Lorna's body and Havok didn't give a single shit

>Matteo Scalera
Nice, he did some solid work on Secret Avengers.

>Marvel tried to straight up kill the whole line and had to go back on it.
No, that was what they tried to do to Fantastic Four. Reducing the X-Men line to Hickman's two titles is the smallest the franchise has been since before 1986, and if he can't turn sales around, there's little reason for the line to be bigger than two books.


If Age of X-Man and Rosenberg's book don't end with a reset, they should at least stop killing any more characters. Everyone still alive gets to live.

The X-Men need to stop allying with, recruiting, and making excuses for mutant villains. No Mystique, no Sabretooth, no Frenzy, no Toad, no Omega Red. No Emma, and especially no Magneto, no matter how much fans or writers want them.

Hickman to focus on the present, and not on retconning X-Men history, and focus on telling good, entertaining stories over trying to make a mark, leave a legacy, or make people care about his OCs.

No extinction stories, and take several years doing things that aren't about racism. There used to be so much more to X-Men. No human villains, no Sentinels, no hate mobs for a few years. Take the time to do something else, when you eventually go back to the metaphor, find some new angle to approach it from, something that hasn't been done before.