I don't hate Muslims tho
Millar + Avegers = $$$$$$
Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, the Chitauri, etc. This run was quite influential to the MCU.
It was half serious and half satire
Lets breath life into our dying medium
Comics weren't selling so well in the mid-late 90's. The Avengers was the least popular Marvel book at the time. Marvel found some success with a younger modern take on Spider-Man and X-Men. Got an up and coming writer with experience writing superheroes set in the "real world" and a kino artist who knows his craft inside and out. The MCU has a lot to thank The Ultimates for like it or not.
It was a fun guilty pleasure. Now Ultimatum on the other hand, that's the million dollar question.
>The Avengers was the least popular Marvel book at the time
Completely wrong. It was still a decent seller under Busiek (when Perez was doing the art, the book was often Marvel's top non-X title).
Even after Quesada started pushing the new inititatives like JMS on Spider-Man, the Ultimate line, Ennis ongoing on Punisher, Morrison on New X-Men, Avengers still did pretty well before Ultimates was out.
Notice how the month Ultimates was out, Avengers was only outperformed by Ultimate stuff, Amazing Spider-Man, and X-titles:
By turning heroes into total cunts.
"maybe this will get adapted into a film" and, "let's see how much drama we can cram into this convoluted mess"
*last breath of life of a dying medium
Sorry guys, can't type today.
Ultimates 1 and 2 are unironically good and still hold up today.
>Ultimates 1 and 2 are unironically good and still hold up today.
This. Cannibal Hulk and MurderPym are the only things in those 2 volumes that actually qualify as edgy or bad.
Are you making this a daily thread now?
>Cannibal Hulk
Edgy sure, but it worked as a charm
I remember horny Hulk more than cannibal Hulk.
I thought it was stupid action movie fun.
The comic that got me into the 616. I'll always be grateful to The Ultimates and Ultimate Spider-Man for breaking me out of manga.
Abdul Al Rahman was a villain and still a more interesting character than any of Marvel's shoehorned muslim characters today, the comic also tackled politics in a far more disturbing but intelligent way too, even with the cringe-y "This A on my head" line.
Also, the portrayal of Banner is pretty consistent with 616, he's actually more sympathetic in Ultimates than he is in Doc Samson's debut where he does the same thing.
This pretty much. That was the purpose of the entire Ultimate line. Fun fact: they kept asking them if they'd ever have a crossover between Ultimate and 616, and someone at Marvel said that if they'd ever do that, it would officially mean that they are out of ideas.
Then in the 2010s they have Ultimate Spidey and regular Spidey have a crossover, then 616 Galactus crosses over into Ultimate (he gets beaten by Kitty Pryde because Bendis has a crush on the fact that she is a Jew character), and then they axe the line but retain some stuff from it to this day (Miles and Bombshell are still around, Ultimate Thor's techno-hammer is still around, etc).
They only turned Captain America into a total cunt, which is honestly not that much of a stretch given that he's a guy burn in the 1920s.
The rest of the Ultimates weren't that much of a dicks as far as I remember. Hank having ants biting up Janet is just a more creative way of slapping her around, and Hulk eating people isn't too scary as he was always supposed to be a monster from the id.
>burn in the 1920s.
BORN in the 1920s.
Yeah, but you also got to remember the historical context. USA was invading Afghanistan and Iraq at the time, and committed their fair share of atrocities in both countries. The entire world hated them for it, and Bush was considered a mongoloid who barely had enough IQ to form a sentence. Tackling *those* politics could be done far, far easier than flooding the market with characters pandering to SJWs (partially because those people don't buy comics, so it's really just a self destructing process).
Ultimate FF even had a joke about it, the US army goes in to pick up Vic von Doom who was living in a shantytown in Denmark. He had multiple citizenships, so his stay there was legal. Then the Dutch army shows up half a minute later and tells them "I'M SORRY SIR, DID YOU TAKE A WRONG TURN IN IRAQ? GET THE FUCK OUT OF DENMARK, PLEASE".
I wish we got more titles than the four we got. An Ultimates take on Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Power Man and Iron Fist, Namor, etc. could've been really fun.
>They only turned Captain America into a total cunt, which is honestly not that much of a stretch given that he's a guy burn in the 1920s.
>The rest of the Ultimates weren't that much of a dicks as far as I remember. Hank having ants biting up Janet is just a more creative way of slapping her around, and Hulk eating people isn't too scary as he was always supposed to be a monster from the id.
My man. You get it. Ultimates 1 & 2 are great.
The first two Ultimates volumes are god tier. Everything after that is sheer hell.
The ultimates line built the marvel cinematic universe. Everything good they got to cherry pick was disproportionately pulled from ultimates one and two. Do the Invaders line, skip ultimates three and get right into the evil Reed arc would be the way to go for the movies if they were based. However they are gonna go full feminist and kill any shot of keeping up interest in the mcu.
Oh is this the part were we pretend the ultimates werent fucking kino?
Considering it's what spawned the MCU, IT WOULD BE BETTER IF IT NEVER EXISTED
He had his own mini, along with another with Elektra
>Doctor Strange
Handful of team-ups iirc
>Power Man and Iron Fist
He cucked Reed in Times Square lmao
They stated that Hank had been abusing Janet for years. Betty even said that Hank would rip out Janet's hair and once fractured her skull, which makes everyone else look really fucking bad since apparently they've been looking the other way for years. Everyone also had this weird thing about being an ass/putting down Banner despite him changing into a nigh-invincible, uncontrollable, cannibal rape monster. Ironically, by making Pym genuinely and severely mentally ill while seeming taking delight in shitting on him, he winds up being one of the most sympathetic people in the book. But I'd say the character who got hit with it the worst was Nick Fury. Ultimate Nick Fury is for all intents and purposes a supervillain, and while his most heinous actions occur later in the Ultimate line's life, even pre-Ultimatium saw his complete lack of morality and self-serving nature crop up a few times.
On an unrelated note, Rhona Burchill was the best villain to come out of the Ultimate line and I really wish they'd port her over to 616. I know she's supposed to the the Ultimate Mad Thinker, but there is enough difference that you could have both co-existing.
well it wasn't the Daredevil and Doctor Strange we were expecting. Also wasn't Luke Cage part of the fake Defenders group?
Don't pretend that the cabal of Nick Fury and Xavier controlling the world wasn't cool
Ultimate X-Men and everything related to it was a goddamn dumpster fire and you know it.
The Banner being picked on by everyone never made much sense to me, and is the part where I think the characters come off as unnecessarily dickish, especially since Pym is shown getting upset about Banner being executed later on and Janet negatively compares Pym to him when it comes to being a scientist, even though she had insulted Banner the most.
That said, I don't think it's portrayal of Banner snapping and willfully becoming The Hulk is that far removed from 616. He's been cured (for real) several times in the comics and then willfully exposed himself to gamma rays again after he thought Betty was cheating on him. It happened in the first Doc Samson story, then a few other times.
Still, making all the characters such assholes who drive him to such actions, then expecting us to like them, is a weird move. Someone (I forget who) once compared it to Full Metal Jacket, but if that was what Millar was going for he dropped the ball. The Ultimate Avengers movie used Banner much better.
Everyone was a bit of a dick and Banner being a pushover and coming off as kinda spineless and pathetic made him an easy target for picking on. It is worth noting despite everyone being pissed at him going Hulk, it's made pretty clear that they don't like having to execute him and felt pretty guilty about it (especially after his funeral where his will confirmed that he considered them his only friends). It's basically a team of alpha chads picking on the lowest person on the food chain.
Yeah, he's just one of many pathetic losers who are basically LARPERs. He later gets powers, but only by selling his soul and becomes a villain.
I don't want to sound like I hate Luke Cage, but frankly, considering all the embarrassing attempts by the Ultimate universe to get down with the youth and Marvel's then current ham-handed attempts to appeal to a black audience like Corben's Cage mini-series, them not making him a big deal in the Ultimate Universe was probably a good thing.
So since everyone hated Millar's eventual take on the actual Red Skull, who do you think was the better nemesis for Ultimate Cap? Herr Kleiser or Colonel Abdul Al-Rahman?
I remember a lot of people on UseNet speculating that both were going to end up being the Ultimate universe's equivalent of Red Skull, at least, as far as fulfilling the role of Cap's greatest enemy.
the Ultimate line was a great idea, pity Marvel pissed it away.
Kleiser for me. He has the charisma for it
Ultimates 1 and 2 were the only good thing to come out of the ultimate universe
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk was pretty kino desu
I dunno man, the A on my head line makes sense in context. Like, for Cap, fighting the aliens in WW2 was fucking yesterday to him, he's getting his ass kicked, and it looks like his country's about to get taken over by nazi aliens whom France surrendered to. So he delivers an 80s action movie star worthy one liner but everyone's too much of a fucking tumblrina to have any fucking pride anymore and gets their panties in a bunch instead of going "america, fuck yeah! beat the shit out of that nazi alien, Cap!"
But nope. Everyone's all "mon resistance, hon hon hon, so brave!" like France didn't lie down like for the Nazis like French girls laid down for Leo Di to draw.
>They stated that Hank had been abusing Janet for years.
Don't act like the fans don't think that's what 616 Hank was doing anyway. If anybody knows 616 for anything besides slapping his wife this one time before they were even fucking born they're either a liar or an autist.
It's not that deep. Ultimate Cap is a shit talker. If pushed, he's going to say stuff that'll hurt and nothing hurts a cartoon terrorist more than real American grit.
>So he delivers an 80s action movie star worthy one liner
I wonder if we could get Ahnold to say the A for America line somehow...
>Nothing hurts a cartoon terrorist
I fucked up and got my events mixed up. Cap was fighting an Alien Nazi. In that context, it's real obvious why he'd mouth off about being a little bitch.
>They only turned Captain America into a total cunt
He is sympathetic & protective to Janet.
He is friendly to Falcon and shown to be sympathetic to blacks in WW2 in a Ultimates 2 annual.
He praised Russian WW2 soldiers in Ultimate Secret.
He was wary of Fury's instance on making Super soldiers in Ultimate Six, feeling that it would "will a war into existence".
He reads Nuke the bible after he is imprisoned.
He is a jock-ish hardass but far from a cunt.
> The rest of the Ultimates weren't that much of a dicks as far as I remember
Nick Fury becomes more and more of one overtime. In the first 2 Ultimates series he is all cool.
Then he teams with Doom in Ultimate Power which indirectly lead to the Supreme Power earth being ravaged. He is extradited to their universe but gains a position of power there and formed new Squadron teams.
Upon his return to the Ultimate universe he secretly hires the Red Skull to go after a cosmic cube risking the very fabric of reality just so he can gain more power in Shield again (carol danvers was the current director).
It's revealed he endlessly cheated on the Asian Black Widow with her close friends and family members.
>and committed their fair share of atrocities in both countries
Source faggot?
Ultimate Avengers 1-2, New Ultimates are decently good.
Death of Spider-Man was good.
The Thor mini was good.
Hickman's Ultimates and the Hawkeye mini tie in was phenomenal.
Did Cap do anything bad to Banner?
I think it was just Janet/Pym and maybe Tony.
Thor wasn't on the team until after Banner let Hulk out in New York.
Hickman's Ultimates was better then them minus the very tail ending.
>what if everyone was edgy and a cunt
>Let's make Avengers Cinematic
you're right. Cage MAX is best forgotten and it's probably for the best he didn't get tainted by Millar's hackery.
what they did to Strange....yikes it was disgusting.
Gee, I don't know, maybe things like Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal? It's pretty well established that the W. administration ought to have been tried for war crimes over what happened in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
>and get right into the evil Reed arc
And completely ruin FF in the process. If you were to ignore the fact that Marvel didn't even own the FF rights at that point yet.
Cage MAX was great, you pleb.
been forevee since i read this but isn’t it about hulk wanting to rape betty or something
Those were the actions of soldiers/guards who acted outside their orders or the law.
The administration did not order them to do it and should have zero culpability in it.
Killing fucking terrorist isn't a war crime.
Kidnapping people, flying them into black sites abroad to torture them as a form of administration approved policy are war crimes.
This and especially this .
Go to bed, Bolton. Don't you have a war with Iran to trump up?
Get it?? GET IT????
TRUMP up??????
>this guy Ultimates
Azz is such a bad writer I don't get why its allowed
>Mark Millar
They weren't
Death of Spider-Man was only good if compared to his stuff post-Ultimatum, and even then there wasn't that much of an improvement