Could Superman take on the Unconquered Sun in a fight?
Could Superman take on the Unconquered Sun in a fight?
Can Superman, a character who harnesses the power of the sun take on the sun?
He's not literally the Sun. The Sun is just his fuck huge transforming battle-station.
OL' Sol Ivictus IS magic so yes
I don't think Sol Invictus being magic puts things in Supes favor.
I think this depends on whether or not any of his Virtues are suppressed here.
I think Clark could still take him. Though, why they'd be fighting, I dunno.
>Though, why they'd be fighting, I dunno.
Misunderstandings, most likely. Though The Unconquered Sun should be able to diffuse things quickly with Social fuckery assuming he has all his Virtues up.
Actually, given how addicted to the Games he is, Sol Invictus might have a panic attack and start accidentally wrecking shit if he actually got brought on over to the DCU, since they lack a proper equivalent.
His chosen with a small fragment of his power can litteraly punch the souls out of cthulu level beings and then eat said souls
They don't even need to punch. Something like World-Scarring Solar Glory is basically a "Fuck You" to any and all cosmic entities.
He would make Supes stronger. Your question is dumb.
>Can Supes defeat a guy who is basically the source of his powers?
>Perfect Attack
>Perfect Defence
Superman loses
>He is the sun
>Supes get his powers from the sun
It's a draw, son.
Literally how UCS powers work: he can make attacks that always hit, and has multiple powers that defend perfectly against any attack.
But are his powers sun based or related?
Maybe Sol actually thinks Superman would be a neat as fuck solar exalt and wants to test him.
oh, god, exalts happening in the DCU, the world gets even more fucked.
UCS isnt the actual sun as in the star. Creation's sun is actually the Daystar, his transforming mecha of a battle-sattelite. Whilst he DOES have some powers you can interpret as being tied to the Sun, they're more closely related to the concept of Perfection than anything else. That's what Sol Invictus is. The ultimate paragon of virtue and justice.
Exalts happening in the DCU would just lead to them permakilling something important and fucking up everything forever. Or Chejop Ketchup performing the Creation-Slaying Oblivion Kick on Apokolips.
If I recall, doesn't UCS also have all the charms available to Solars on top of his own bullshit?
It depends, actually. I assume the Unconquered Sun is a character, yeah? Does his or her powers derive from magic? Because superman is weak to magic.
Superman isn't really weak to magic. He just lacks specific immunities to it. Your bog standard fireball might scuff him a little bit instead of doing absolutely nothing, but he'll hardly feel it either way.
Of course, this is irrelevant because the Unconquered Sun has the ability to spam Perfect Attacks with infinite damage from infinite range.
>Sidereal master in a Kung Fu fight against DC villains
I need it.
Could the anceint one beat supes like she did hulk?
We talking MCU?
That might depend on your definition of "beat."
Forced Astral projection would probably stop him just fine. Plus a trip to the mirror dimension (or any one of the other dimensions she apparently draws on) could leave him unable to fight.
Really, it seams like any "non direct confrontation" method of fighting beats superman pretty easily. You know, until the writers get sand in their pussy about superman not being able to do absolutely everything and retcon in new powers.
I severely disapprove of this re-imagining of Conky. Long hair and soft features do not suit him, at all.
He's a god. He can look like whatever he wants.
Superman writers need him to always be the strongest. No exception. If he isn't the strongest, then he simply isn't Superman.
no but the better gay version of superman could
Fucking luna lol
its a gay superman who is also a "sun god"
Can this protect him from getting erased by infinite damage Perfect Attacks from infinite range? Because that's the tip of the iceberg if you want to even conceive of competing with Sol Invictus.
No. Superman strongest there is.
>Creation's sun is actually the Daystar, his transforming mecha of a battle-sattelite.
Holy shit the weebs fucked Exalted hard.
Fuck that noise. Apollo's good for like one big flash and then his battery's fucking dead.
Dude's not perfect enough that he didn't get addicted to space monopoly like a Florida man taking to meth, bro, and after the weeb'ing Exalted's gone through it wouldn't surprise me if some Sidereal with some hug pillow jacking off martial arts could beat his ass.
Like, half of Exalted was written by the same person who wrote Nobilis. Don't be so fucking surprised. We literally have a space opera take on the entire setting that may or may not be a canon depiction of the higher levels of the setting in its heyday.
>Dude's not perfect enough that he didn't get addicted to space monopoly like a Florida man taking to meth, bro, and after the weeb'ing Exalted's gone through it wouldn't surprise me if some Sidereal with some hug pillow jacking off martial arts could beat his ass.
Nope. Unless you're talking a hypothetical Essence 10 Sid, then they fucking die. And even then, they'd still need to suppress one or more of his Virtues.
>the ability to spam Perfect Attacks with infinite damage from infinite range
How do you even write stories for those characters? Sounds like it would devolve into playground arguments where someone imagines a shield that repels infinity+1, etc..
Superman has a fraction of the sun's power and that means he can beat the sun?
>How do you even write stories for those characters?
You don't. High level NPCs in White Wolf more or less turn into freeform roleplay characters who have intruded into your campaign. Sometimes they bolt mechanics onto it to justify buying the book.
Exalted has literally always been a weeb fantasy game, dude. It literally came out of the box with catgirls.
>Sounds like it would devolve into playground arguments where someone imagines a shield that repels infinity+1, etc..
It actually fucking did. Combat in that game would devolve into turtling matches where you defended against perfect attacks with perfect defenses, and the aim was to make the other person run out of magic juice first, but there were ways to game the system so that you could have an infinite amount of magic juice to power your defenses. But as soon as you ran out of magic juice to power your perfect defenses you were reduced to chunky salsa, because damage dealt by a gigantic fuck off ridiculous double-weeb sized weapon that everyone packed was guaranteed to exceed the protection of any armour you could have and any amount of hit points you could have.
Exalted is a narrative-based RPG where combat can involve people literally choosing from a number of futures and flat-out walking into one where they win, or literally punching someone into next month, and then causing them to be launched from there to fall into the underworld where they have to wait for the damage to catch up, depending on the charm loadout. Or guarding against someone flinging a galaxy at their face via something like Guarding Star Tactics, or outright parrying nukes with a stick through Heavenly Guardian Defense. The entire setting is essentially playground rules somewhat hammered down into several layers of 'rules' to keep shit from dissolving completely.
Things on the level of the UCS and co though, are fairly hands off. In the case of many of them, they're dead or imprisoned, and for UCS, he's too busy being a game addict to care.
In first edition it was easier to pick out the weeb from the fantasy. But now it seems like it's all weeb and nothing else.
In first edition, shit was so broken and over the top with more edge than fantasy it took 2E to fix much of that. First edition was not at all a pleasant experience for anyone familiar with it.
2e was pic related; if it fixed anything it added a dozen other problems for each thing it fixed and went full Shonen Jump and also Holden is a complete fucking faggot (I don't care if he was or was not involved in 2e - he's a gigantic faggot).
yeah i know i just really like apollo over superman
yeah, sidereal(i punch you, you are now a duck) and solars(i am BETTER THAN YOUUUU), quite bull.
i prefer dragon blooded (and alchemical but they are pretty bullshit too.)
supes is a pretty good solar, all things considered.
Even Dragon Blooded are bullshit compared to most other things. It's just lessened because everyone else is literally better than them.
Also, Alchemicals are the kind of guys who have things that can just edit reality in any way they see fit. They're slower to act compared to other Exalts, but they are no less ridiculous for it.
all exalted are bullshit compared to mortals, thats the POINT. the DB are just the less grievously OP.
DB can still pull off some horrendously nasty things tho.
>Not realizing Conky would instantly Exalt Supes if he could control the process
You are dumb. Superman is basically the ideal Solar.
He does not. Exalt charms are unique to Exalts, gods have Spirit charms, including Sol Invictus.
The only exceptions are Infernals(they are using Yozi-unique charms) and Alchemicals(Who are using charms made by Autochiton)
Even if he could Exalt Supes, it wouldnt work. Exaltations don't play nice with people who already have powers.
Also, would we REALLY want Supes to be afflicted with the Great Curse?
I mean, they play fine with people with mutations or sorcery, the only 'powers' available. They just remove things like being a Godblooded, making you a 'base' human.
The problem is that Supes isn't human, so an exaltation wouldn't work.
Also yes the Great Curse is a problem. Not sure how it would effect Supes though. It generally takes something already bad about you and amps it up to 15.
>It generally takes something already bad about you and amps it up to 15.
Supes has a fuckton of flaws and insecurities. He tends to hide them very well, but they're there. They are most commonly the reason why he goes tyrannically insane in some realities.
The Great Curse could easily use those to break him.