WarnerMedia's new streaming service, HBO Max.
Along with DC movies, it will have TV shows from the CW like Batwoman as well.
And during the stream of logos, Doom Patrol was one of them. Could mean the end of DC Universe.
WarnerMedia's new streaming service, HBO Max.
Along with DC movies, it will have TV shows from the CW like Batwoman as well.
And during the stream of logos, Doom Patrol was one of them. Could mean the end of DC Universe.
It's probably the end of the DC Universe, but as long as the shows still are made, it's fine.
Sounds great
This is what they should've done from the damn start.
ladderbro, kill yourself
The Doom Patrol logo had a "DC Universe Original" in it though. Are we sure this isn't just HBO+DCU+WarnerMedia?
and Att wonders why we can't sell direct tv at all...not even the shitty streaming service great.
Looks like Looney Tunes Cartoons will also end up here, though it'll also probably stream elsewhere
Guess HBO is the name they're going to go full steam ahead with for the company
Pretty sure it's an all in one type deal
And it'll only cost $20 a month!
They said the LT will air a bunch of places. I hope they bring it back to theatrical.
There's more here then that shit Disney is trying to peddle
They will probably fold it all together, though considering HBO Go is $15 a month, either they knock the price down to compete with Disney+ or it's gonna be at least $20 a month.
I could see "DC Universe" being a section of it. Doom Patrol would be an original while having other stuff like the movies and Batwoman.
Not really, at least stuff that most people don't care about.
They can't knock the price down it's like in the contract that if they want HBO content it HAS to be at least $15 a month
HBO has to be 15 dollars a month do to cable contracts.
HBO max is rumored to be 16 dollars.
Who gives a shit about F•R•I•E•N•D•S or Fresh Prince
Friends is Netflix's 2nd most match show and Fresh Prince is insanely popular ladderbro.
Honestly the only good thing on Disney+ so far is Caballeros
Rest is disappointing
Behind The Office which means this shit is going to get crushed by NBC's streaming service
You'd be surprised, a lot of people let old favorite sitcoms play in the background while they're doing other stuff. Netflix paid 100 million just to keep Friends for this year.
>DC Universe was a beta test all along
Surprising absolutely no one
ladderbro, no one outside of you is a fanboy of multibillion dollar TV corporations.
Also, the NBC service is free.
Think we will be able to read comics still? If DC Universe folds into this?
Probably not. I didn't have the DC Universe, but was the comic catalog good?
>so far
Is it out already? And just wait until all those great Marvel shows start showing up
Based Disney has announced a ton of great original shows for Disney+ unlike HBO Max which has announced frankly nothing but shit
It was pretty much everything they've ever digitized.
Did it have any thing from Rebirth?
The Caballeros show was put up in some random Disney service in the Philippines or something like that a while ago. Last I checked, you the videos are only available in a semi-shitty quality, but you can download the whole show right now.
Brand new comics were a year behind. So yes, but delayed back a year
Ah, I mean, if they already have the service set up, I don't see why they don't just keep it up as a comic curator.
Interesting that they went with Doom Patrol instead of Titans or Swamp Thing, but I guess that's good news for season 2
Swamp Thing's not coming back, they didn't like the show, but Titans will safe.
Let's hope. I don't give a fuck what streaming service it's on, I just don't want Doom Patrol to get cancelled.
It was technically out since last year in the Philippines and is now coming out stateside
It's really fucking good and we had plenty of threads over the past year
They own Crunchy Roll. If this means anime, that's great
I was talking to someone about this, what are the chances they ditch Hulu and air Animaniacs on here instead
I'd say that's 100%, I'm sure as contracts expire everything they own will be moving this way.
Warner is still licensing out content to other services, fuck, they gave up Sandman to Netflix.
I don't think they will take back Animaniacs.
The DC Universe service was planned back when WB was certain that Justice League would make 2 billion dollars, not scrape by making less than Ant Man.
It was dead in the cradle. And weird decisions like canceling Swamp Thing out of the gate were just trimming for this merger.
Not very good
The contracts have probably already been signed so they would probably get into some sort of legal trouble.
Oh you meant the new one, I thought you meant reruns. Yeah I guess those aren't going anywhere until they're 'cancelled'. Weird that they would even sell stuff to Hulu and Netflix if they had this in the pipeline.
Justice League's flop happened almost an entire year before DCU was launched.
Exactly and these companies pay them for the shows so it's better than them taking the risk of making them for a streaming service that may not pan out
*cough*like DC*cough*
Oh no see Att owns this and the Direct TV now streaming service, which is 50 dollars per month but hey you get HBO! Now this and they wonder why they can't sell it.
It takes more than 360 days to put a service like that together. They made the plans when they were anticipating a wild success.
They can't sell it because they keep cutting channels and raising the price idiot.
The service is rumored to be getting killed eventually and being rolled into this as an add like Hulu does with their Live TV
Hey if its the same price as DC universe and it has all its content besides the comics then yeah no renewal for me
Hey, Tokyo Vice!
Yes they're keeping it for the comics but the shows are being moved over apparently
>if its the same price as DC universe
Not in a million years. If you're lucky it will be the same price as the HBO service
>So yes. There’s a lot. But, to be clear, the press release calls it an “extensive collection” and “best-of-the-best from WarnerMedia’s enormous portfolio of beloved brands and libraries.” That means it won’t be everything from anything.
>Plus, there are other streaming services under this umbrella already such as DC Universe and HBO Now. Warner Bros. confirmed to io9 that DC Universe “will not change.” However, in the above trailer, you may have noticed Doom Patrol, one of those shows, is listed as being included with HBO Max. So it’s possible there will be overlap. We’ve reached out to WB to clarify these points and will update when we hear.
They are.
No they didn’t.
This makes sense and isn't worry, you don't want to blow your load too early in stuff you can add. Disney is taking their time also
Plus some stuff is just a waste of space and no one would watch, so I wouldn't expect every single thing in Warner's belt as much as the heavy hitters
this is all getting expensive and confusing
I'll probably just start pirating again
>Could mean the end of DC Universe.
Yeah, and the transition to a streaming service with enough content to be worth the purchase. Show me a guy who actually paid for a streaming service with just DC content, and I'll show you a sucker.
Is this going to be USA-only like DC or they will bring it to other countries? I'm a spic and I already have HBO Go
It's US only
I'd assume eventually worldwide but I haven't found anything one way or the other
>AT&T unveils brilliant new idea called "cable"
I love how this announcement is getting nothing but shit from everyone
im sold but i wished they'd do it like vrv where you can pay for just the shit you want
>Nothing will happen with HBO Go or HBO Now. HBO Max will be a distinct offering. As a distinct offering, you would not automatically become a Max subscriber.”
How the fuck can one company be this goddamned incompetent?
US only for right now. They said they plan to go international at some point, but haven't given a clear timetable.
Warner is going to die and bring down AT&T with it. It's already going downhill and they are facing budget cuts in their TV units. It's over unless they change management and they won't.
So how many streaming services am I going to have to subscribe to before I reach something equal to what I had with basic cable around 2014?
>see replies to tweet
>people still screaming about "MUH SNYDER CUT"
I don't fucking get it and I don't think I ever will.
Yeah user you don't sound bias that money they are spending anyway even if this service didn't exist will kill em
>Camp Camp
>Ed Edd 'n' Eddy
>Looney Tunes
>Fresh Prince of Bel Air
>Aqua Teen Hunger Force
>The Lego Movies
>All on the same streaming platform
Fucking yes please, I've wanted this ever since Warner bought Otter Media.
Bit of an odd choice naming it HBO Max, though. I would have called it "The WB", after their old TV station. And yes, I would have made Michigan Frog the mascot.
Don't forget all their movies bombing
people keep saying it will either be Sony or Paramount completely ignoring the collapsing of WB
Wow, a bunch of channels together in a package for ONLY $20 a month.
Never seen anything like this before, how innovative.
Blows my fucking mind that we got rid of cable just to replace it with the exact same shit except you need internet and it's vastly more expensive.
so it's cable?
which is exactly why everyone is shitting on it and why it will fail horribly
At least you won't be forced to watch TTG or Gumball 9 times out of 10.
You seem to be under some odd idea that TTG, Gumball and other shows like them won't be the CN shows on HBO Max and I'm not sure why.
Same with Disney+
the streaming market is becoming way oversaturated
literally no one is shitting on Disney+ you pathetic Yea Forumstard
It's the same exact thing as this explain how it isn't
Nobody said that, it just the speculation from a "expert" of the Wall Street Journal.
Hopefully it'll have ALL the classic shorts and cartoons WB own the rights to as well. The service could well have enough kids content to rival Disney+ plus it'll have tons of adult stuff as well. RIP Disney+.
>just wait until all those great Marvel shows start showing up
But that's the thing, becasue Disney+ has to be kid friendly pretty much all it'll have is cartoons, young kids stuff, Star Wars and Marvel. That's really not that diverse a lineup in terms of content. No one going to ditch services like Netflix of now HBO Max that have a fucking HUGE variety in content for a service that's pretty much all the same.
I am not saying that, I'm just saying at least you aren't being forced to watch them instead of shows you'd actually want to watch.
Having to remain "kid-friendly" might be a pitfall
Well Hulu is near death. So HBO MAX, Netflix and Disney+ will get you most of it.
CBS and NBCUniversal/Comcast offerings, not much there really even though they wanna be.