When did it go to shit?

When did it go to shit?

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Season 1 is the worst season.

The hell it is

season 3

When it started confusing cynical sarcasm and social commentary for humor, and proceeded to shit out both horribly.

Around 2016, pretty much when all kids shows stopped bothering with content that would entertain kids and replaced it with social commentary.


I've always loved the show. Still do.

>When did it go to shit?
Could be that their always airing it and so its starting to wear out it's welcome,

When their eyes turned to Gumballs.

Remember when Nicole still had an ounce of likeability in her?

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Episode 1


Relationship goals.

And when was that?

How did Gumball manage to make such a solid streak of top tier waifus
Nicole Penny and Carrie all come from the same show like, this is cosmical

When they use that T-smile often. It's a shame that I don't have any image of it.

I think that was first used in the episode Gumball tries to get Penny to marry him with an elaborate wedding proposal.

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The point of no return was the SJW thing that happened in season 5.

What happened?

An SJW thing

When they didn't make /ss/ threesomes canon

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holy shit it's bad

Fuck off, that was hilarious. Stop taking shit you hear on Yea Forums so seriously.


Yo she's touching the dink.

Who wouldn't

S5-S6 had it worst, but The Blame probably started the trend

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