Don't trust the potato.
Look what happens.
Don't trust the potato.
Look what happens.
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What show us this?
Archie's Weird Mysteries.
Archie's Weird Mysteries
i never even knew archie got a fucking cartoon
i thought the only adaption was the bubblepop shit and that terrible romcom drama called riverdale which makes my tongue sour just thinking about
>all the guys smiling
>that one chick too
I miss archies weird mysteries
That chick has good taste. Maybe she'll get some attention from her new gigantic overlord.
He had multiple cartoons, but Weird Mysteries is the only one that anyone really remembers.
I suspect the smiling woman is a mountain-climber, and she figures she can ascend a giant leg *wink*.
I can't imagine why.
Nice posterior.
Why not?
A ginger assaulting a potato in that way. Isn't that kinda illegal in some places? Or at least strongly frowned on?
That potato deserved it.
was hoping for a mind control thread
who would win in terms of fetish fuel; totally spies or weird mysteries ?
Betty's all like "Show-off".
>Dat face
We all know what happened there.
"Totally Spies". Tons of mind control episodes AND "Passion Patties".
Archie doesn't even have half the fetish fuel Totally Spies had.
In fairness, "Spies" ran a lot longer.
She didn't even ripped her bathsuit while growing.
But there was implied lesbianism.
>villain was a human turned demon who sent people to hell to keep himself out of it
That was surprisingly dark.
In the '70s, there was a new show every couple of years and then interest died off. In the late '80s, they tried making them into "trendy" preteens but it didn't last very long. Weird Mysteries is the only cartoon made since.
When did this air? I want to say I saw this when it was running, but I don't think I ever did, yet it FEELS like I did? Ya know?
1999 or 2000
Archie's would come on TV before I had to leave for elementary school. If I woke up early enough, I'd get to watch the episode from the beginning.
>you will never be Veronica
>that episode where everyone started turning into Veronica