Arthur, a series for children, reveals a gay rat couple

>Arthur, a series for children, reveals a gay rat couple
>everybody freaks out
>Alabama bans the episode
>Kung Fu Panda, a series for children, just revealed a gay warthog couple in their new episode "A Game of Fists"
>Literally nobody cares at all

What the hell?

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People grew up with Arthur and no one gives a shit about side characters on a show no one gives a shit about

Nobody watches Arthur anymore either.

If nobody watched it then Alabama wouldn't have wanted to make sure nobody watches it.

Because gay boar parings are astetic as fuck.

Maybe there's nothing to do in Alabama except watch Arthur.

because one entered the eyes of normalfags via click bait articles, memes, and youtubers, while the other actually requires you too watch cartoons and not get your outrage topics from buzz feed articles.

I thought they stopped making these movies after 3.

Did your last thread get deleted and that's why you're posting this again?

Not from a movie.


The difference is poorfags.
Alabama is full of poorfags so of course they're gonna complain about public television. That's all they have access to.

Weird way to spell autistic.

Paws Of Destiny, scrub. Season 2 just came out.

Ah, another dyslexic man of culture.

Why are you so offended over nothing

Why isn't anybody else offended?

because it's a show nobody cares about, and it's not that big a deal

It's not like anybody watches Arthur anymore either.

Arthur is a beloved classic that is wholesome and beloved by christian families.
I didn't even know there was a Kung Fu Panda show.

A lot more iconic than a spin off show nobody watches

But people did

Nobody even knew it was still running until the news.

it's on a streaming service.

which i think is why it flew under the radar

>A Game of Fists
Wow.. uh.. that's progressive sex ed, I'll give you that.

One is a shittyy web cartoon on Amazon prime
The other is a cartoon specifically marketed at kids who are too young to understand being gay is abnormal as it goes against the most basic of biological needs after sustance.

It's an obscure cartoon, and the producers didn't pat themselves on the back for that moment either. It was noticeable, but subtle.

Amazon Prime, which isn't known much for its animation. That might chance with Invincible coming out.