I have a plan, Yea Forums! It involves YOU!

I have a plan, Yea Forums! It involves YOU!

Attached: the fourth wall will not protect you from my PRIDE.png (1600x856, 733K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Whatever happened to that Yea Forums sings project?

I'll get to it when I finally defeat this alcoholism in single combat!

Lookit this big goof

Attached: bouncy ruber.gif (800x510, 2.09M)

Can we make chickens that KILL?

Attached: I Stand Alone.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Probably dead.

Just because I felt like it

Attached: bouncy ruber 3.gif (800x510, 3.97M)

LOGAN! I have a plan! It involves YOU... AND JEEEAANN!

Attached: untitled.png (225x225, 74K)


Make it a bit faster so it looks like he's dancing.
Wait, was he dancing?

The last bit of this has made the rounds here before, but I don't know how many have taken the time to actually watch the whole sequence through.
Believe me when I say you could make a reaction image out of literally every frame he's in, I really mean it. Every. One.

Attached: wiggle full.webm (640x360, 2.56M)

>The guy editing the collab just abandoned us
I'm thinking i should just set up an e mail and do it myself.

How did this fucker kill 3 dragons? Why wasn't he hunted down by the entire army of camelot after murdering one of their knights in a fit of rage?

The guys like "Oh fuck is he gonna start dancing again?" or is that the bit where he starts dancing and it weirds the guy out?

AT LAST! Time for the best thread on all the 4chans!

I like how his pupils just straight up vanish for a couple frames near the end.

So what are the steps??

Attached: 1403870023932s.jpg (125x108, 2K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1531853295478.gif (400x400, 2M)

Oh wait, THAT'S the flashing that was mentioned before? What a weird effect. I've been in these threads for a while now, I just never had that pointed out as clearly.

Attached: ruber plays colossal cave adventure.png (640x1052, 524K)

>That one mook at the other end of the spit just standing around as the other turns it by himself

Attached: strut.webm (1920x1080, 581K)


Yes indeed

Attached: MIIINE.gif (600x538, 3.92M)

>Reflexes 100

Attached: mace catch.gif (640x360, 3.97M)

Ruber's Song user? Is it really you? Can you prove it to us?

>humming to his own theme song

>Those double knuckles

Attached: 1515640042784.jpg (486x409, 45K)

do so, if not this will be another of the gazillion ever unfinished this board has made and never went through it proving how shit this board it is

Give him a break, he's got no hands. Blame Ruber for putting him on spit duty.

Ruber's face is magnificent

I forgot to turn up for it

Attached: Ruber approves!.png (176x202, 7K)

Attached: BE2F38B6-FA8C-4D29-A2BC-C0F71FE343C3.jpg (600x610, 39K)

But it's bed time

"There's an egg on your head and the yolk is running down"

Well, i guess i'll do it then, should i make a new thread or just use this one?

you are better off doing here for now

Alright anons, let's do this
[email protected]
We need to establish a deadline, i don't think we can get this done by the aniversary, but we could perhaps put the deadline on friday. Hope we can actually do this.

Were you just going to layer all the vocals on top of each other?

If that's all, then I or someone else could probably bang it out in a few minutes if you just linked all the tracks.

Why did that user abandon us?

>that eyebrow waggle at the end of the loop

Amen to that. I just recently skipped through the movie to see his scenes, and it was terrifically worthwhile.

Friday sounds reasonable to me!

Fuck off, pretender. You're not the real guy
As to you...
I'm sorry. I've been dealing with a lot of other shit recently. But I'll try to get it done by the end of the week.
If you want to still submit something, you can go ahead. I'm just looking for a free audio-editing software that works as well as garageband, now that I no longer have a mac.

Also, as to an image for the actual youtube video:
Requesting a picture of Ruber singing on American Idol, having fused the microphone to his hand, with as the judges

you have been told Audacity, works great, most people use it

Wait, so are you the real guy? How many submissions do you have?

use Audacity faggot audacityteam.org/

Yeah, yeah. Ok.
Still trying to figure Audacity out. But I'll get it with a little more time
23. But some of them are duplicates, and I haven't fully examined them all.

Attached: one more thing.png (391x581, 176K)

>tfw nobody's plans involve you

Attached: z1anff6g63x01.jpg (540x540, 14K)

Not only that, the guy turning the spit is the only one of Ruber's main minions with two functional hands.

His brows are actually going up and down throughout the slide. It's amazing the stuff you can pick up with this guy.

Attached: minions charge_by_jerome_k_moore_drucw3-fullview.jpg (900x772, 101K)

Which one?

>Watch me create my mechanical army with PRIDE
So... was he creating his mechanical army with pride or wanted her to watch him created his mechanical army with pride?

I don't see why she would be proud about it.

Attached: iron men with hands of steel.png (553x360, 213K)

Attached: tada.gif (322x326, 1.86M)



Attached: bouncy ruber double time.gif (800x510, 3.99M)

Why would God create this creature

if that mace is symmetrical he has at least one spike going through his palm

Reuber is literally wearing a Dragon Platebody.

What do you think his Fishing level is?

That extra fast eyebrow wiggle is amazing.

Attached: transfer.jpg (217x165, 8K)

Don't mind if I do.

Attached: browcrop.gif (158x176, 325K)

Are you accepting any more submissions?

Crashing Camelot

Attached: eye tic.webm (1920x1080, 1.81M)

With no survivors!

this thread sucks
post some Griffin

Attached: griffin for ants.jpg (286x199, 18K)

Bumping for submissions.

>Now let's get down to business
And now I want a Ruber version of "I'll Make a Man Out of You"

Attached: make-a-metal-man-out-of-yu.png (600x364, 240K)

Thanks user

It's interesting what a little change in posture can do for a guy.

Attached: useful.png (346x363, 102K)


>the weak fear the strong

Attached: quest-camelot-disneyscreencaps.com-2161.jpg (837x463, 57K)


Attached: quest-camelot-disneyscreencaps.com-8232.jpg (837x463, 42K)

he cute

I have a plan, it includes listening to this sing along over the weekend! Get to work Yea Forumsmrades! Pride month may be over but the Ruberian age is reaching new heights

Attached: Always Sunny in Camelot.jpg (1068x951, 305K)

I can't get vocaroo to work, sorry

I find it interesting that this distinctive sword we see in an early design for Ruber (he never uses a sword other than Excalibur in the movie) nevertheless made it into toys and other merchandising materials.

Attached: Dqz0SxnUwAA3GEW.jpg (1087x700, 134K)

>implying Ruber's iron hard skin, muscles, and autism wouldn't shield him from such mundane weapons

This man took the brunt of an Excalibur attack and walked it off. A mace is nothing.

Example A.

Attached: Warner-Bros-Quest-for-Camelot-Figurine-_1.jpg (400x400, 40K)

Turns out the reason he wanted to create iron men with hands of steel was to get a crew that could keep up with him.

>In May 1995, The Quest for the Grail was Warner Bros. Feature Animation's first announced project, and the studio put the film into production before the story was finalized. Animators spent considerable downtime waiting for management to make up their minds. Bill Kroyer (FernGully: The Last Rainforest) was originally going to direct with his wife, Sue, producing, but creative differences forced the husband and wife team to leave the project in February 1997.
>According to Kit Percy, head of CGI effects, the software they used was designed for use with live-action.
>Chrystal Klabunde, leading animator of Garrett, said in an article in Animation Magazine, "It was top heavy. All the executives were happily running around and playing executive, getting corner offices—but very few of them had any concept about animation at all, about doing an animated film. It never occurred to anybody at the top that they had to start from the bottom and build that up. The problems were really coming at the inexperience of everyone involved. Those were people from Disney that had the idea that you just said, 'Do it,' and it gets done. It never occurred to them that it got done because Disney had an infrastructure in place, working like clockwork. We didn't have that."
>Effects supervisor, Michel Gagné also said, "People were giving up. The head of layout was kicked out, the head of background, the executive producer, the producer, the director, the associate producer---all the heads rolled. It's kind of a hard environment to work in."
>Dalisa Cooper Cohen, producer of the film, said "We made this movie in a year, basically. That was a lot of the problem. We worked around the clock."
>Reportedly, "cost overruns and production nightmares" led the studio to "reconsider their commitment to feature animation." Brad Bird thought that micromanaging, which he said had worked well for Disney but not for Warner Bros., had been part of the problem.

Attached: fingernails.png (741x628, 59K)

>Ruber likely intentionally left the Mace for her to use so he could smugly catch it barehanded to put fear in her>The same Mace he used to kill her father as well
4D chess

>Yea Forums sings a song is dead on arrival
>barely even qualifies as a song too
>meanwhile Yea Forums has produced like 6 musicals and made hundreds of songs
Even Yea Forums has their shit together more than Yea Forums, how pathetic.

>musical VII is 2 months away
Ruber’s song as a source in the musical when?

Yes I am

Also, allow me to correct my previous answer to . I actually have 18 submissions. One guy submitted the same thing three times, and another guy did it twice.

Still, anything else is welcome. Finally figured out how to move the tracks around. Now I gotta split them up so that they can sync more properly.

Again, sorry for putting this off for so long. I'll get it done by Friday

Also, if anyone wants to do Juliana's "your mad!" the part hasn't been taken yet.

>Smooth, slowed down "Pull my devil trigger" playing in the background

Last years threads were incredibly autistic. It felt like there were a few posters hellbent on shitting up the threads. And all that drama - good lord.
still gonna participate though

Attached: 1531480102303.gif (758x750, 145K)


I wasn't aware we were also doing the speaking parts.

Is this "the Chad Stride" in action?

Does anyone have the image of a bunch of stuff describing that one super inbred king?

>Charles did not learn to speak until the age of four nor to walk until eight,[6] and was treated as virtually an infant until he was ten years old. His jaw was so badly deformed (an extreme example of the so-called Habsburg jaw) that he could barely speak or chew. Fearing the frail child would be overtaxed, his caretakers did not force Charles to attend school. The indolence of the young Charles was indulged to such an extent that at times he was not expected to be clean. When his half-brother Don Juan José of Austria, an illegitimate son of Philip IV, obtained power by exiling the queen mother from court, he covered his nose and insisted that the king at least brush his hair.
>He died in Madrid on 1 November 1700, five days before his 39th birthday. The physician who performed his autopsy stated that his body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."

>that hairline and jaw

Attached: Charles II of Spain.png (563x873, 539K)

>repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live
Line always absolutely destroys me

Life, uhh, finds a way.

I remember in one of the last threads I speculated that this early art indicated at one point in the story's development Ruber was meant to be shown attempting to pull the sword from stone and instead lifting the whole thing right out of the ground.

Attached: Ruber-legal-ruber-989946901.jpg (1179x713, 217K)

Turns out I was 100% on the money.

Attached: scott t. peterson sez.jpg (848x572, 149K)

Talk about cutting the knot.

>powerful barbarian on his horse
Pic presumably related.

Attached: 23244378_1510904498986262_1534912446726079233_n.jpg (806x637, 226K)

Is that the female sex symbol hanging off the horse?

that guy on the right just staring around at everything

Attached: 1292755965067[1].gif (139x215, 1.69M)

almost every single character except the actual leads are a joy to look at

Attached: sir kek.png (319x393, 240K)

its truly a gift that just keeps giving

Rose's are red
Ivy is green
I wish you weren't dead

Holy fuck, every new bit of info we get of Ruber makes him look even more amazing.

Why couldn't we have both? both the meh table scene where he charges like a retard at Arthur and the starting scene where he lifts the entire boulder and then the earth shakes when he drops it.

>Merlin's FW

Attached: thats-not-how-this-works-thats-not-howany-of-this-13529058.png (500x378, 110K)

Merlin is a bitch nigga

Watch his right pupil playing pinball. It's kind of mesmerizing.

Attached: coalgasm.gif (640x360, 3.03M)

Attached: The Origins of Ruber Posting.png (1666x3444, 1.71M)

Good times

Attached: Shadman Ruber.png (309x331, 156K)

There’s threads you come across by chance one day that you immediately know you’ll remember forever

Can someone give me a template for this? I have something I want to do.

>all these Ruber reaction pics
Thanks user for this gift

I'm damn sure they traced a Chaos steed for that pic

Damn, what a great thread. It's been a year and still talk about it.

Go nuts.

Attached: template.png (1920x1080, 32K)

Sure, why not

Attached: tranquil-as-a-forest.png (737x440, 336K)

Would Rubber make it to S-class in one punch man? PriPriPrisioner is S-class, and I think he can't kill a dragon with one punch

>this was animated

What are you fuckers still doing here? Go find it!

Put Ruber in a better movie.

Honestly he kinda works best as the unofficial star of such an otherwise bland movie

Made some small fixes.

Attached: tranquil-as-a-forest.png (737x440, 335K)

Isn't there a post from the DEEPEST LORE thread posted earlier this summer?

Is this the one you mean?

Attached: the tragedy of sir ruber the proud.png (1566x2327, 591K)

you know, if you played around with the colors a little and made him just a tad slimmer, he'd look like a young Kain from Blood Omen.

Attached: NOW WATCH ME CREATE.webm (1920x1080, 1.87M)

>when the minion steps back like ohhhh shit what's he doing now

I can't help myself.

Attached: with-the-force-of-a-great-MECHANICAL-ARMY.png (600x341, 284K)


He's not looking at everything, he's looking specifically at the giant fucking pile of crazy Ruber is, desperately trying to distract himself, and failing completely.

>when Ruber takes his shirt off

Attached: deeb-goncern.png (700x394, 150K)

Y'know, Kayley is kinda qt, in a way that does manage to be separate from Belle

Morgana Le Faye was one of the witches Ruber mentioned. Why else would she give a potion to Ruber for him to destroy Camelot and Arthur?

And he moves right back in when Ruber backs away. I like the implication that Ruber gets fucking scary when someone throws off his groove.

>ruber mentioned
w-when was this? I don't recall any name dropping

It was in the thread user. It just sorta lined up

Attached: ruber and the witches.png (1830x1060, 303K)

It's a sign I say!


Attached: groovy.png (600x286, 172K)

>Yzma and Ruber duo villain song, with Eartha Kitt's velvet pipes and Gary Oldman's bizarre talk singing


He really does look dangerously close to being a Chaos Lord. Add a bitchin helmet, more spikes and a really, really big hand weapon and equally big shield and voila. Chaos Lord Ruber.

kuzco singing not understanding rupers double meaning and ruber not understanding kuzco's entheusiasm is misplaced and ramps it up more and more

>Chaos Lord Ruber
Damn, the fa/tg/uy part of me is having a gigantic boner. And I do have some old Chaos warrior bits lying around somewhere

You sure about that?

Attached: groovy-2-ruberian-boogaloo.png (1000x614, 432K)

Could Ruber X more than Gaston?

Can Gaston beat a dragon with his bare hands? I think not. It takes an inbred British giant to do that.

You doubt his power.

Arright, months ago someone on the K6BD thread wanted this scene Ruber'd.

Never say I never did nothing for Yea Forums.

Attached: I HAVE A STAND, IT REFUSES YOU.png (2292x1080, 453K)


I love him.

Literally every still of him is golden.

Attached: ruber.png (662x363, 213K)

Gaston is roughly the size of a barge, user

I've never actually watched him because focus on Ruber but holy shit lol

Fuck me how is it months and months later, and I'm still seeing hilarious new shit about this fucking movie every time there's a thread?

Attached: 1553497746503.gif (500x396, 2M)

It's even better in motion.

Attached: facial seizure.gif (600x497, 1.46M)


Attached: inc_movies.png (565x1442, 1.05M)

I need the gif of him where his Kim and eyebrow curl simultaneously in opposite directions

Road to El Dorado alternate timeline: Ruber arrives in America and Tzecalkhan believes him to bring the Age of the Jaguar

Why not do the speaking parts?
That's why the instrumental-only version is so much longer than the album version. It includes the part where that girl swings the mace at Ruber

I'll probably just do them myself if all else fails. I'm already splitting up the tracks to make them sync better with the background music (except for that one girl who sang over the background track herself, but I think keeping her as the odd one out will make things funnier)

>OHKO's the jaguar god golem

>Ties rope/vines to the head after punching it off to use as a club
>Or uses it as a mount

Attached: divinityishness.png (760x458, 382K)

this is some youtube shipping music video tier autism, fabulous

Attached: perfect.gif (245x189, 213K)

Holy shit, does anyone have that video where Jane from Tarzan falls in love with the captain from Treasure Planet and they fight the Osmosis Jones villain?

Lel. I've seen plenty of those trawling for appropriate pictures. At least my stuff is just Ruber for Ruber's sake and not bizarre shipping drama.
I recall there was one or more anons doing much the same thing in the original threads last year, but I didn't participate at the time. Speaking of which, 5 hours and change until the end of YEAR ONE, boyos.

Attached: patient 1.png (1580x645, 137K)

>The Ruberversary is upon us


Oh no my friend, Ruber has been lurking around these parts for much longer. His form ever changing, but he always had a plan.

Attached: sonicconnectthedots.jpg (680x1029, 131K)

A giant mace that's actually a magical sword stuck in stone should be a dark souls weapon

At 0:53 the MC tries to hide while Ruber is clearly looking at her.
This movie is almost "The Room" level of "it's so bad it's good"

Attached: 1324182733369.png (600x600, 837K)

the supreme situational awareness when blindy-boi tries sneaking up on him tho

You think that's bad? Go watch the very first scene of the movie. Check out how bad the proportions are in this shot. It looks like this guy is fifty feet tall.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1272x676, 220K)

Sorry, meant to say perspective. This movie is a goldmine for animation errors. During Ruber's awful song, when the guy with maces for arms comes out of the ground, he floats in the air instead of resting on the ground. This isn't him in mid leap either, he steps forward and then actually connects with the ground. I'm totally baffled how this happens because it could've been corrected by just moving the cell down a bit, right?

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1266x668, 269K)

I-I thought that it was intentional and he was supposed to be hovering because of magic/steam

Witches Potion is a helluva drug


This whole thread has me on the brink of death because I can't fucking breathe. I don't even come to Yea Forums, I just saw this madlad on the frontpage and started saving everything posted.

Attached: 1560938128439.jpg (837x463, 53K)

Attached: 1560902180122.png (541x274, 216K)

>guy on the left has to fucking dodge because Ruber's just swinging his arms around like a spastic
>he doesn't even look very surprised
>have to wonder how developed that knight's reflexes became over the years due to needing to have blinking fast reactions to avoid being bashed in the fucking head by the inbred hulk flailing about

Bloodborne has a sword that’s inserted into a stone to make a hammer.

You should come back more often, these threads and the Amelia Bedilia ones are gold

Attached: the_box.png (768x576, 534K)

Ah shit, it's probably been over 15 years since I last saw this piece of shit. Time to appreciate it for the fine art it really is.

Attached: it's time.png (559x77, 6K)

Why is King Arthur such a weak faggot?
>shits himself as Ruper rushes at him
>holds his magic autowin sword like a scared girl
>is the only one to not immediately pull his sword when the griffon enters
>needs someone to tell him it's a griffon, lets it steal the most valuable thing in existence off his back

Attached: virgin vs chad.png (1280x720, 706K)

Lancelot’s faggotry really broke him down in the adjoining years

>ruber sees kaylee running from the house on horseback just a few hundred yards away
>sends the metal chicken after her instead of his griffon

Attached: 1562689392872.png (960x540, 826K)

>Get the current James Bond at the time to voice fucking King Arthur.
>This movie's Arthur is a useless piece of shit that does absolutely nothing at all.
Fuck, even this movie was much more respectful towards the Arthurian mythos.

Attached: 51NB7Q8RbUL.jpg (357x500, 58K)

Mfw the title 'quest for Camelot' was reffering to Ruber all along

Attached: 1527568351407.jpg (421x480, 33K)


Ok, strike that. Saturday. I swear to god this is the last postponement, but Saturday.
I'm sorry about the delays. This is hard to do with a full-time job. I work every day until 7:00 pm, and only have internet access until 11:00 pm. My apartment doesn't have Wi-Fi, and the only nearby hotspot closes before midnight. So even if I did finish this by 12:00 on Friday, I wouldn't be able to upload it until the next day.
But it'll be done by Saturday, I swear. God strike me dead if I'm lying. You will claim all that is yours[\spoiler]

Anyone's got the screencap where Ruber's lyrics are interpreted in a way to make him the hero?

It's a mess of a movie but not outright terrible for what it tried to be. Just really mediocre and generic with only a couple standout things. 90% Ruber carrying it with the other 10% being the blind dude and his duck.

Attached: 1561417282015.jpg (837x463, 57K)

Blind dude's song resonated with my warped antisocial ass. The way he did a complete 180 two seconds after he finished it was still hilarious.

Would've been way more interesting if Blind Dude was the protagonist on a Quest for Camelot trying to regain his sense of self-worth as a knight or something. Have Kaylee be a blatant love interest just along for the ride. Cut down on her backstory and put more focus on Blind Dude's relationship with her oneshotted father. Give Ruber a little more and Improve the gay dragon somehow, literally anything at all would help, and it could have been a nice 7/10 or 8/10.

It's sad seeing a potentially hidden gem like this lost to time because of a lack of focus and a few bad decisions. They had a decent premise and some fun characters, you can tell the animators loved going wild with Ruber and the voice acting was good.

Attached: 1562898451256.png (531x593, 269K)

anyone have a gif of this part i think it when his face is the most insane

Oh my fucking god.

Attached: Yes.png (152x254, 40K)

It's a damn shame that they went full Disney and didn't even bother being the slightest bit faithful to the novel. Hell, they could have just avoided the novel entirely and had the story of Lynette and Gareth as interpreted by Tennyson since it's basically a tsundere and farm boy relationship.

Not only that, but he starts dodging before Ruber even starts moving his hand outward.

It's like he's seen Ruber do this gesture a million times and he knows to get the hell out of his way at the earliest cue.

>Aww, shit, here he goes! Metal army time!
>Hahaha what the hell is this song
>...Holy fuck, he actually got Excalibur
>Holy FUCK he just merged it with his hand
>Merlin is going to have our asses for this one, isn't he?

He had a plan, and that chicken just felt happy to be included. Ruber accepts all folk and believes that they can live up to their full potential

>doesn't just have a griffin, but a goddamn unicorn as well
>even his unicorn is manly as hell

It ends in an arrow so I think it's supposed to be the male symbol. Or a mix of both because magic.

To be fair, at least one of the Pythons is knowledgeable in matters pertaining to Arthurian lore.

The music is actually decent for the most part, with some songs being legitimately lovely to listen to. It just so happens that Ruber's song is so hilariously bad that it took on a warped glory to the extent that we have anons trying to record their own cover.

>tfw old laptop died so I lost the edits I did of this and pacha

feels bad

Love how he's running up for the kill with nobody noticing, like Ruber of all people managed to ambush them with total stealth.

I'd love seeing Ruber go on adventures with his mechanical army all around the world.

Didn't see any Ruber posting this June. Kind of a missed opportunity, in my opinion. I'd definitely prefer more of this inbred sperg over the pooftas.

Arthur's ability waffles a lot even in the classic versions.
In Chretien's Lancelot, Arthur is a total loser.
>caves to the villain's demands instantly
>even his idiot foster brother Kay is so disappointed in Arthur that he threatens to walk out on him
>Arthur is so wimpy, he can't even order Kay around & instead asks the queen to persuade Kay
>he then gives the incompetent Kay an incredibly important mission just to appease him

Then Lancelot, the guy who is banging the queen behind Arthur's back, goes out and saves the day.

I don't know dick about the details of Arthurian legend, but aren't like half of the other knights of the round table usually portrayed as superior warriors to Arthur himself? I know Lancelot is typically considered the best.

Honestly the instrumental of Ruber's song is pretty cool. Despite this, the vocals are so truly special that they turn the song into one hell of a mess.

What's wrong with this guy's nails?

It depends on the story, but there's definitely a lot more focus on the knights as warriors, especially since there's a lot about younger knights who show up while Arthur gets older.

Normally Arthur is a dynamic leader at the least, so it's funny that some stories chose to make him a useless king.

Earlier stories have Arthur as the premier ass kicker in the country, with the later stories about Knights of the Round being able to match or best him taking place after he's had to spend years ruling and handling administrative duties for the kingdom he had to personally conquer in his youth.

Not to mention being a dirty commie.


Attached: 1483825106144.jpg (366x348, 8K)

The thing that always gets me about Arthurian mythology is how Lancelot is legitimately a gary stu fanfic self insert character the French made to spite the English, and he's literally accepted in the "canon" of it.

I think that's a prosthetic, user. Its armor is covered all over with spikes. You can't say Ruber doesn't stick to a motif once he picks it.

June's when we had a new uptick in Ruberposting, what with stuff like and .

Reminder that the composer literally finished his work for this movie from his hospital bed whilst kicking leukemia's ass.

Attached: eee.png (247x247, 75K)

I want to know more about this servant girl on the right. This is the first we see of the people in Lady Juliana's house right after they've had flaming arrows shot through their windows and their door kicked down. We have
and then this chick who looks ready to bust some faces. This isn't a momentary thing, either, she continues looking defiant right up until Ruber takes his helmet off. Please note that this is what it takes to faze her, not a dozen half-naked armed barbarians setting the place on fire.

Attached: Juliana's_Servants.jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

His gameplay rules would be fun. I can already see him having a rule that turns a single Chaos Chosen regiment into very tanky guys (his Mechanical Army) by giving them increased toughness to 6, immunity to poison and a Ward Save via his ACME Potion Item. If the regiment is wiped out, and there is another Chaos Chosen Regiment in his army, he can use the potion on them. Also he gets Monster Hunter and Heroic Killing Blow. Stats nearly the same as a mainline Chaos Lord except having W6, T6, S6 and LD9. He suffers from Psychology and must assault anyone who has higher LD than him. Armed with a Massive Mace and a Shield, but can buy for extra points the The Sword of Couronne to replace his mace (courtesy of Louen "giving" him...and by giving we mean Ruber punched him and took it).

>In Chretien's Lancelot, Arthur is a total loser.
>taking seriously what a middle ages baguette have to say about British legends

Lancelot didn't even exist in Arthurian lore until Chretien invented his own fanfic with a French oc knight stealing the scene.

Sir Gawain best fucking knight


Attached: 1532875873511.png (1262x716, 1.82M)


Swiggity Swooty
That booty is MINE

Holy fuck that face is priceless


Fixed it a bit.

Attached: rooftop-battle.png (525x312, 140K)

Attached: ruber hitboxes.png (1054x536, 571K)

>going for a headshot on Ruber

Here's cheers to a year's worth of quality autism lads

>Sir Gawain best fucking knight

Attached: 1508066753017.png (680x447, 200K)

>Lets get down to business, to defeat...CAMELOT.
>Did they send me men, when i asked...for IRON MAN?!

He would be a Khornite with a rageboner for the Obliterator Virus, wouldnt he.


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With his bare hands, the other thing we can safely answer with them rather letting the guy go than kill half their army with bare hands aswell.


Attached: I HAVE A PLAN AND IT INVOLVES ULTHUAN.png (1920x1080, 90K)

i forgot how twitchy his eyes where.
been years since i saw this movie. never really liked it, but he was pretty fun as a bad guy

Yep, or the Chimera Legion.

We have an Obliterator Daemon Prince based on Cobra Commander and Megatron

Attached: brofist.gif (400x188, 1.98M)


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Attached: Ruber death.png (482x622, 524K)


>though I would rather strangle you with my bare feet

He'd take over the city and turn everyone into weird Stone Jaguar-looking golems with pride

Attached: Ruber.png (229x184, 86K)

>Chel tries to do the mace move
>Ruber catches it just the same

>Ruber punches out Quetzalcoatl
>Eats it