>BURBANK, CA (July 9, 2019)—Last year DC launched the Sandman Universe, a series of books curated by legendary author Neil Gaiman, bringing in new creative voices to expand the mythos of the Dreaming. Today DC announces a new addition to this universe starring the infamous John Constantine. It all begins October 30 with a special one-shot issue,THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE PRESENTS HELLBLAZER #1from writer Simon Spurrier and artist Marcio Takara, followed by the ongoing seriesJOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZERfrom Spurrier and artist Aaron Campbell this November.

>“Year One was just the start. Now you get to inhabit the worlds, books, and houses we built for you,” says Gaiman. “I was thrilled when I was told that John Constantine—the original, demon-haunted one who first showed up in SWAMP THING’s “American Gothic” story—is coming back to his murky and dangerous roots. More magic and more darkness and not a few gods and dreams are here for you to explore.”

>In THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE PRESENTS HELLBLAZER #1, the story begins in a moment originally seen in Gaiman’s miniseries THE BOOKS OF MAGIC. John Constantine finds himself haggard, bloody, and dying in an epic magical war—a battle that will soon consume the world. As he lies there, the vision of a young Tim Hunter stands above him, the naive youth seeing firsthand what his destiny holds. Horrified, Hunter flees back into the past, and Constantine is left behind to die.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Now, years later, Constantine reemerges, physically un-aged but with all of his memories intact—and yet the world has passed him by. Constantine must now fathom a new world torn apart by the same old political and social woes, while attempting to discover how he returned after all this time. But most troubling of all are the rumors of a new young magician named Tim Hunter, a boy destined to be either the greatest sorcerer of all, or the greatest threat to the world. If history is repeating itself, then is it John’s role to die all over again? Or is John here to stop the cycle—and stop Tim Hunter?

>“HELLBLAZER’s the one title I’ve always aspired to write. Ever since John Constantine slunk from Alan Moore’s brain into SWAMP THING, dropping secrets like grenades, bewildering vegetables, and spinning mysteries, I’ve been drawn to his misadventures with eerie gravity,” says Spurrier.“John Constantine is the cynic’s magician: a man of selfish drives and cataclysmic self-knowledge, who tries to do the right thing in spite of himself, in spite of the cost, in spite of the vile and violent world he occupies. He may not be the hero we need, but he’s definitely the bastard we deserve.

>“In this new era, everything is different. Everyone and everything he loved and knew is dead or despises him. Alone, angry, older, and wiser, he beholds a world that isclearlygoing insane. The shadows are deeper than ever. So he does what he does. He breathes smoke. He grins to himself. And he goes to work.”

>Following the special issue, Spurrier and Campbell will continue Constantine’s story in the pages of JOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER, available November 27. November will also kick off new arcs in THE DREAMING, BOOKS OF MAGIC, LUCIFER, and HOUSE OF WHISPERS.


>thanks to real time aging, the big magical war has already happened in our timeline

Well this is a fairly interesting angle.

Don't give me hope.

They couldn't let it end could they? His saga was over dammit

Constantine a cute

Isn't this just the plot from the rejected House of Superman story.

>“In this new era, everything is different. Everyone and everything he loved and knew is dead or despises him. Alone, angry, older, and wiser, he beholds a world that isclearlygoing insane. The shadows are deeper than ever. So he does what he does. He breathes smoke. He grins to himself. And he goes to work.”
Sounds like Books of Magick: Life During Wartime

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So, it's not a continuation of the original Vertigo Hellblazer nor the nu52 run nor the Rebirth run. Very confusing.....

Based (illiterate) american.

>the story begins in a moment originally seen in Gaiman’s miniseries THE BOOKS OF MAGIC. John Constantine finds himself haggard, bloody, and dying in an epic magical war—a battle that will soon consume the world. As he lies there, the vision of a young Tim Hunter stands above him, the naive youth seeing firsthand what his destiny holds. Horrified, Hunter flees back into the past, and Constantine is left behind to die.
The relevant pages

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Is Sandman Universe now under Blacked Label?

I'd love an annotated version of The Books of Magic, because almost every page had cameos and references to stuff in the DCU's history

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I really hope they won't reference Milligan's run

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So what the fuck that ending?

Black Label is just an age rating now, which means decisions like putting The New Frontier and All Star Superman under it make no sense anymore.
Chances are the front cover will be some variation of this. Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) is running a subimprint, and the logo on the top of the cover has "Hill House" presented.
Chances are, the Sandman related covers will look similar with a "Sandman Universe" where Hill's logo is instead.

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Or it will continue to look like this, but with "Black Label" replacing the "DC Vertigo" in the bottom left.

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I still can see "Black Label'' written there

Yeah, the question still stands since the solociation only mentions it being a continuation of Books of Magic, not the original Hellblazer or any other runss. It's an alternative future version of Constantine traveling back to present day somehow

>t's an alternative future version of Constantine traveling back to present day somehow
literally Twilight of the Superheroes
stealing from moore again

The Sandman universe is a good reminder that those sandman spinoffs were never good

>mfw the thieving raccoons are at it again

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thnx for saving hellblazer from LGBT fan fiction

John's been queer for ages, newfag.

I love Takara's art, but disappointed not on the ongoing

the guy doing the ongoing is a literal who.
He also shares the name of a child murderer.

but not a faggot

Maybe in your faggot comics. The only constantine i know is the one in swamp thing

Great, they'll ruin Constatine now.

12 issues max

How has the Sandman Universe Comics been?

Lucifer has been really good, not sure on the other titles

Lucifer and The Dreaming are decent reads to pass the time

The other 2 are very much shit, wonder where Hellblazer will end

How's Spurrier as a writer, Yea Forums? I don't recall reading many of his works, if any.

The dreaming comes and goes, but it's decent when it focuses on story of the month shit instead of the find Daniel arc

Black Label seems to be the new Vertigo in that it's where the more creator owned stuff is getting published

where have you been the last 4 years?

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Ive fallen behind on Sandman Universe, has Death show up yet?

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dank, underrated

I am tired of Spurrier writing all the new Sandman line books.

The way it ended was awful.

Someone involved tweeted out that it's 'tine like wine not tine like teen which is the most confidence I've gotten from anyone hellblazer in years

But at least they let if fucking end

holy shit, Books of Magic looks this good? This is from the current ongoing, right?

>t. skipped Lucifer

No, that's the original miniseries

No that's from the original min series

Haven’t been following the line since its launch, is it good? Heard some people say that it had a marked turnaround in recent issues.

Lucifer is great, Dreaming is worth checking out, Books and Magic and House of Whispers are bad

Lucifer has excellent art, but make sure you realize it's not a continuation of the Carey stuff. It's just a different story with characters who share the same names.

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What happened in that run?

not him, but that wasn't vertigo costantine

I just finished Books of Magic, what makes the new book so bad?
So it's not even a follow up to the Lucifer book from a few years ago?

That's not much Constantine.

Not at all, just Dream and Desire

I think everybody ignore that book.

Nobody wants to deal with the 2016 Lucifer book.
First arc of the new series was about how Lucifer has been looked at through literature.
Second is more of classic arc (keep someone safe), but the most recent issue was a filler one with (good) art by Kelley Jones

I like Si Spurrier and I like this angle

oh ya, this makes me think we may see The Trenchcoat Brigade, love em

I'm not greedy. But i read some hellblazer and i wouldn't say that guy was constantine

Nu 52 Constatine is not the same Contastine that is Vertigo Constantine. Hell, even Nu 52 Constantine is not the same Constantine as pre Flashpoint Constantine.

>I just finished Books of Magic, what makes the new book so bad?
it's mostly just boring. I liked the last issue though

Everything except Lucifer is boring.

This is what bloody corporations do


Is it bad that that was my first real introduction to Lucifer? I knew he existed but I hadn't read any of his stuff until that comic and now I watched the show which I thought wasn't that bad.

>I watched the show which I thought wasn't that bad.

Most of the anger for that series is that it was written as a direct continuation of a beloved, long running series, but was clearly written by someone who had only skimmed the wiki entries about Lucifer. In the first four issues, it managed to get several points about the character and related lore wrong, and that pissed off a lot of people. Specifically
>Lucifer brings chaos and anger wherever he goes, and lies all the time
A specific point in prior work was that he doesn't lie. He tells absolute truths, but those are sometimes interpreted the wrong way, and he doesn't usually correct people
>Gabriel is a homeless man
Gabriel had been depowered due to a scheme by Constantine back in Hellblazer, and was later killed. We literally saw his death, but that death was not mentioned on the wikipedia, so the writer didn't know about it.
>Morpheus is the Lord of the Dreaming
Uhh, read Sandman for why that's accurate

The show is Lucifer in name only.

>t. wizard who stoles from classic literature

I will never understand how that comic became that show.

Is "The Sandman Universe" a different universe than the regular DCU?

It's the 'member Vertigo? -universe. Not actually the Vertigo universe but playing up the nostalgia for it to cash in.

No. It's supposed to be like what Vertigo was in the 90's, it's happenng there but in its own corner without much relationship with the cape side of the universe.


When did he fucked Batman?

Yeah, but Vertigo wasn't an alternative universe (at least not until the Flashpoint-retardation). The Sandman especially was rooted in the DCU to the point of the new Sandman (Daniel) being the grandson of Hawkman

t. Batpenis

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>Vertigo became an alt. universe way before Flashpoint. It was an alt. universe before Infinite Crisis I think. Thank Karen Berger for that stupidity.

Here we go.

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Azzarello, I should have known. What's this fucker problem?

Was this in the Vertigo Universe (Thanks Karen Berger) or in the main DC universe?


>There's a Batman in the Vertigo universe and no one ever did anything with him except Azz who made him fuck Constantine

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>bar at the end of the world
I can't google this because I keep getting country music songs, but it must be some kind of literary reference. Milligan used to be too smart for it to be as meaningless as a shout out to old creators.

Sandman's 8th book is named World's End and is about a bunch of people in a tavern swapping stories.