How come Western stuff doesn't do more slice of life and when it does it's boring?
How come Western stuff doesn't do more slice of life and when it does it's boring?
Because when they try, they don't hire anyone that's either good at comedy or good at fluff. Seems like every western writer that gets hired at the big two thinks that sarcasm and snark is the height of comedy.
11 minutes.
Stop bringing your Yea Forums shit here.
you only like Yea Forums because it's moe. If it wasn't moe and done in toon style you wouldn't care for it at all.
You answered your first question with your second question.
The answer to the second question is because most western creators are boring.
I guess Teen Titans Go could be considered slice of life no?
Because slice of life anime is boring as shit
This shit is so fucking unfunny.
>How come Western stuff doesn't do more slice of life
Because kids dont want comfy, they want their senses overloaded.
>when it does it's boring?
Because westerner cant shut up about politics and social issues.
>Posts epic le random comedy anime as example
Ok retard
Because it has to sell toys or something to make money.
-Execs need to be sure it sells toys, which is why you either get stuff related to something supernatural capes or princesses or cute animals or legos or MLP or something "toyetic".
Something like a western Nichijou could make bank, its just that execs won't take a chance unless they are SURE it will make toy money.
It's also why Pinkie Pie is the mascot of MLP in ads and print, etc. and not Twilight. She is Pink and toy people/vendors absolutely believe that pink stuff WILL sell to girls.
Nichijou isn't SoL, it's sketches. There's like no continuity, other than Nano joining the school
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Because all Western stuff is inferior to manga and anime. We are not worthy.
It's boring when nips do it too so idk what your point is
because american humors suck and americans always want to be stylish or some larper. they only write characters being cool even when they are depressed or in a sad mood. they gotta be superior to someone else. also they dont normal stuff from your irl like foods, school events, shopping, dinners, hobbies, festivals, etc.
Didn’t that thing come out 8 years ago? Why am I seeing it everywhere?
Re-released dub just came out
Those same execs also grew up in the era when all cartoons were animals hitting each other in the face with hammers, or singing fairytales. And they will expect the entire medium to be nothing but that as well.
Nichijou was a financial bomb so they'd never want to make a show similar to that again. At least not one with as high of a budget they gave it. And honestly most anime slice of life are boring and mainly just about cute school girls doing cute things. Only thing they have going for them is the cute girls.
I know it's a bait, but like most of the shows aired in the last year has that episode format, the hell are you talking about? Or with "slice of life" do you mean "school comedy/drama? If that's the case, why would you want that? Schools are obnoxious and boring, every single person I know had bad experiences in school, why would you want school escapism?
>The Simpsons
>South Park
>King of the Hill
>Family Guy
>Bojack Horseman
>Beavis & Butthead
>literally any "adult cartoon"
All slice of life series, now go back to your board.
It's called sitcoms I don't think we need more of them in animated form
another question, why are the japs so obsessed with school settings? I thought they literally kill themselves because of school
Because it is slightly less soul crushing than going to work.
Just fuck my ass
Maybe because they want to imagine school is cool and filled with heartwarming friends, while it's in reallity a constantly competition.
I'm not murican, I'm latinanon, schools here aren't that strict but still don't want to return to those days. Said that I remember I made a lot of cringey school science fiction during those years.
no you are just listing "comedy"cartoons. hilarious you mutts are so stupid and naive you cant even tell sitcoms and others apart. japan has sitcoms as well like shinchan, chibi-maruko chan, sazae san, etc. they are different from nichijou.
there two types of fans. one is actually young ones who has a happy school life. one is typical otakus who had a terrible school life and dream about a kawaii happy school life.
I've seen that question and answer a million times btw. btw that's wrong because there are no many college settings anime despite the average jap can feel free to do anything for the first time in college.
based and truthpilled.
Same reason Americans are. It's a very lucrative demo from both a business and writing standpoint.
>when it does it's boring
Fuck you. But I'm curious why realistic slice of life died out after As Told by Ginger ended, and why it only existed on Nick and MTV.
>average jap can feel free to do anything for the first time in college
The average jap didn't go to college, they went from high school straight into the work force
Just close the the RSS feed as well as your computer and go outside,take a walk in a park.That's not healthy,whatever you are doing to yourself ,Barney
How can you sound so confident about you have no idea?
but we do and people bitch about it any way
Some episodes of Clarence get too wacky to qualify as SoL, but most of them are just kids doing normal kid stuff.
I'm amazed if you are not a bot
Explain to a non-weeb the difference
Nichijou was a financial disaster that was so catastrophic for Kyoto Animation that the director in charge of it had to resign in disgrace.
We Bare Bears
>How come Western stuff doesn't do more over-sexualization/fetishization of middle-school-aged girls and when they do they
don't and hopefully never will
Just buy an onahole and admit you're a pedo you fucking weeb
Nichijou is also boring.
What is King of the Hill, F is for Family, and Mission Hill
>moving the goalposts before anyone even has a chance to refute you
You gullible tools, there is no RSS feed. It was a shoop intended to fool cockmonglers like you.
Why do you think he only shows up sometimes? He posts the pics himself and waits a little before he chimps out.
No amount of turboautism will make you able to recall everry single minute detail of the over 5 million pony pics that exist. It's simply not humanly possible.
>5 million
Derpibooru alone currently lists 2.1 million pics, 5 million is not an unreasonable estimate.
Fair point, but the real question is...why?
That part of the story could very well be real.
It takes a special brand of autism to keep getting banned for the same thing over and over for 9 years and counting, and still not be able to realize that maybe, juuuuust maybe, you're the one that's wrong.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
>there are no many college settings anime
And what's the source on that, fren?
Why is Yea Forums so salty about anime all the time.
OP was asking an honest question and people are having a bitchfit about it.
Because they hate to admit they're on a Mongolian basket weaving forum that began as a weeb hub
It's kinda like how Dobson shits all over Dobson while also deriving his style nearly entirely from it
>honest question
my foot in your ass and a bullet for every invasive Yea Forumsutist never done anything about.
OP here when I thought of Slice of life being boring I thought of stuff like we bare bears. After reading some comments and remembering shit like Regular Show,Clarence, King of the Hill etc I realized I'm a faggot.
>Honest question
>How come Western stuff doesn't do more slice of life and when it does it's boring?
Yeah... nope.
>Why is Yea Forums so salty about anime all the time.
Talking for myself, there's many thing is japanination that grin my gears, but I don't usually get salty with some of these threads, actually I got better anime discussion in Yea Forums than other anime related boards. I don't think off topic or stealth should be allowed but,
heh, I prefer to try (at least try) to have decent discussion instead just shitting on them.
Said that, there are plenty weebs that unironically shits on Yea Forums because they like to, autismo and famicon are examples of this.
Just frecuent template threads like this one and you'll start spoting them.
Half of internet is weeb, fren, why maybe just maybe can have a free anime content place for once?
Because Yea Forums isn't an anime free space, newfriend
Nichijou is so fucking sexy.
Anime belongs in the trash
America already did slice of life better. A shame it's greatly overstayed it's welcome.
We all know that, user. There's a place and a moment for everything, if you have half of the internet to post you japanimation stuff, why would you do here?
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
because Yea Forums is not Yea Forums
anime-related things belong on Yea Forums
it's as simple as that
And faggots like you belong on /lgbt/ yet you keep posting gay shit on here
But OP was asking about western animation specifically compared to anime. So it's directly related to both Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Even if OPs specific question is kind of stupid, where would that type of discussion in general belong? Seems like one of those edge cases that doesn't really fit on any board.
Anime slice of life is the most boring garbage in existence.
Fuck you faggot
If you think it's bad it's because you have the attention span of a fly and the brain of one too.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
lol Nichijou is one of the few good SoL anime, most of them are really mediocre. be glad western don't do this shit
This, it would be as boring as those mass produced Canadian cartoons.
I honestly think it's copycats most of the time thinking it's funny. Still fairly autistic though.
the art of Zen has perfected the tea ceremony.
It is designed to allow anyone to fully appreciate the beauty in the most simple of things, profound beauty, as it is referenced by Alan Watts. Given that the west has, and will, never understand the tea ceremony they cannot successfully capture the elegant simplicity in slice of life shows.
i can say anything is bad with that qualifier
>No mention of The Weekenders
not really
Barneyfag lives
Wasn't pic related a massive flop that almost bankrupt the studio?
Calvin and Hobbs
Fucking Toy story Boring?
How the fuck is Toy Story slice of life?
these are the correct answers
>Kids learning to grow up
>toys learning to be toys
>they have semi normal lives
>Heart warming moments
>Wholesome rural family daily life
Whats not Sol about Toy Story?
because most american cartoons are targeted towards children who would find SoL boring, nips work 12 hours per day so they just want to watch a "simple" SoL moeshit at the end of the day
Well for starters
That right there makes it not SoL.
SoL is mundane everyday events as the main narrative structure, even if you're allowed to exaggerate those mundane events for comedic purposes, nothing about "The Secret life of Toys" says mundane everyday events.
geez, overreaction much?
School is the epitome of fun times and happy moments for Japan. College is still kinda like that only less so since its the next step before the soul-crushing work life culture.
I've never thought of it before, but something not being moe is a valid complaint.
Honestly, I just made the connection that Moe is just Weeb for Comfy.
Ed Edd n Eddy is Moe.
Home Movies is Moe.
Garfield and Friends is Moe.
Lilo and Stitch is Moe.
Early Peanuts is Moe.
Calvin and Hobbes is Moe.
Lio is Moe.
A lot of the vernacular that gets used on here means more or less the same thing.
Soul (vs Soulless), Kino, Comfy, Moe, "(New Bad) Old Good", "(Reject Modernity) Embrace Tradition". It's all the same shit.
>le epic non-argument response
you mean cgdct?
because fairly sure you exiled them to last i checked
Because they did their homework. Pink sells big time, even adults are mad for pink shit. Why do you think pink tax exists but there's no black or white tax despite them being classier "more desirable" "better selling" colors?
But MLP is not boring.
I don't hate anime at all though
Because we aren't wage slaves like the Japanese are.
You say this as if aesthetics don't matter at all in an audiovisual medium, and that people don't have different preferences in aesthetics.
There is continuity and a conclusion.
It wasn't a bomb.
>And honestly most anime slice of life are boring and mainly just about cute school girls doing cute things.
CGDCT doesn't exist.
Or maybe it's something culturally significant to them and not everything is about plotting and scheming.
He is still working for Kyoto Animation.
Then so does everything else.
Spongebob isn't SoL.
Then everything is garbage.
If that was true then there wouldn't be anything except SoL anime.
that's not really accurate
college is considered to be the most carefree time here - they call it the vacation of life (or something like that, i forget)
japanese colleges are basically a joke though so yeah. companies just hire people from "prestigious" schools then retrain them to do work that's totally different from what they studied. Example: I'm a software engineer but one of my old bosses majored in agriculture at tokyo university. By the way he was a shitty boss.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
That's not even an MLP character.
>Moe is just Weeb for Comfy.
This is just... wrong.
Like, moe is garbage but this is just wrong.
>Like, moe is garbage
Moe is a feeling you have towards a character.
Learn what words mean before you open your mouth and look stupid.
Well good that you admit that Nichijou wasn’t funny despite being a gag anime.
How is this cartoon any different from your moe slice of life shows other than the character designs?
Have you actually seen any "moe slice of life" anime?
Yes, I have seen plenty of them. Now what do you think is the difference? Draw the characters like this and suddenly all the pedos find it cute.
If you have seen plenty of them then how is it possible that you are not grasping the difference between them and South Park? Either there's something wrong with your brain, or you're lying.
You know you can say that the difference is that your dick doesn't find the other one interesting and we could end this discussion.
>Spongebob isn't SoL
Then what would you classify it as? Some of the best stories are essentially SoL.
>Spongebob and Patrick try to earn money by selling candy.
>Spongebob gets lost at a bus stop.
>Spongebob tries to impress a girl.
>Squidward tries to make a marching band.
That's not the difference and I never said anything about my dick. You are projecting.
Spongebob has no time progression and doesn't try to construct a realistic sense of daily life, which isn't just comprised of relatively interesting things like getting lost and trying to start a marching band.
The horse show is SoL but it's funny because half its 'fans' are in confused denial and get angry about character lore and story arc inconsistencies in a setting where each episode is mostly just about cute hijinks with a moral tacked on the end (often lazily).
This but unironically. If American cartoons are so good, where's your Eva-tier influential deconstructive masterpiece? Surely you'd have at least ONE by now.
Because not everyone goes to college. School is the last absolute common denominator in people's lives.
There isn't such thing as "slice of life" in Japan anyway. It was a made-up term by an American writer who basically meant the same thing we call "coming-of-age" with it.
The weekenders.
This studio is a support studio that does not make any of its own anime. Other studios were making "deep" anime at the time. The studio owner is talking on his own behalf. The animator contradicts the very point he is making. How many times have I explained this by now?
The term nichijou-kei means the same thing.
Eva is shit. Boring as fuck, military wants teenagers to power angst robots, tries to cram so much middle school philosophy into imagery while forgetting to be entertaining at all.
So i guess your answer is batman v superman.
>I only pay attention to symbolism, therefore Evangelion is at fault
How come Yea Forums doesn't just stay on their own fucking board if their media is so much superior
Eva is garbage
Well it's trash when anyone does it
I also pay attention to pacing, setting, plot, characterization, ect. Hell, the animation isnt even very smooth or memorable.
Nice strawman argument there, dingus.
No it isn't. It has universal critical and popular acclaim, it's one of the most popular anime of all time, and it revolutionized the industry.
Obviously you don't pay attention to those things.
>Most people think its contrived boring shit.
>Fans uphold it as the greatest thing to happen to the medium
This BvS comparision is holding up.
>Evatard shilling its sad boi mecha show with crosses
Fucking thank you, Netflix.
>it's one of the most popular anime of all time, and it revolutionized the industry.
You think anyone here gives a shit about any of this, we constantly shit on the most popular cartoon that has ever aired on television for being a zombie show.
>person 1 claims something is good.
>person 2 disagrees, states why they disagree
>person 1 nuh uh.
>Most people think its contrived boring shit.
No they don't. You're projecting.
>Fans uphold it as the greatest thing to happen to the medium
It factually revolutionized the industry.
>You think anyone here gives a shit about any of this
If you don't care about the relevant facts then you have no business talking about this.
I just find it cute that you think revolutionizing an extremely niche industry is even worth mentioning when most popular American comics and cartoons have revolutionized entire American culture.
Don't forget that cartoons meant for children have also dabbled in slice of life:
>As Told By Ginger
>What About Mimi?
>Being Ian
>Mike, Lu, and Og
>Robot Jones
>Almost everything from Canada
Niche? It's an industry worth about $20 billion.
>most popular American comics and cartoons have revolutionized entire American culture.
What have they done that anime hasn't?
>Squidward: "Konnichiwa! Welcome to the School Shamisen Club, everyone! As you know, at the School Shamisen Club we play the Shamisen, so don't be shy, who wants to prove?"
>Patrick (thinking in a black background): "Today is the day. I've always been afraid to play musical instruments, but today, I'm gonna face my fears!"
>Squidward: "Ohhh, yes, Patrick-sama?"
>Patrick: "I-I...."
>Patrick: "MAYONNEISU!"
>Patrick (thinking again, turned white with an exaggerated screaming face): "UWAAAAAAA?!"
>"M-M-M-M-M-MAYONNEISUUUUU?!" (The word "Mayonnaise" appears in the air in giant katakana)
>Squiward: "Oh... hoo... Patrikku-sama, Mayonnaise is not an instrument."
>Patrick: *exhales nervously*
>Patrick: "Haaaa.... HAAAAA... DAME! Not Mayonneisu..."
>Patrick: "A-a-a-a- RADISHU!"
>Patrick (screaming internally): "RRRRRRRRADISHUUUUWOOOOOOH?!"
>*flying radishes in the air*
>*image of Raditz from Dragon Ball in the background*
>Patrick (back at home, in a defeated tone): "I-i guess I wasn't ready yet..."
Sasuga, slice of life anime.
Id that's the kind of animators jap studios are hiring, no wonder why that place is filled with garbage aimed to obsesive manchildren.
Well you can ask the people who constantly say how our cartoons are apparently capable of ruining entire generations
What the hell are you talking about?
Have you ever seen "comedy" animes?
Yes. What about them?
>It's popular then it's gud
Love live is way more popular and way bigger than evangelion, with that exact same logic you could say fucking Love live is one of the best animes in history.
>what have they done that anime hasn't?
Been good.
Just gonna leave this here
>It's popular then it's gud
I never said that.
>Love live is way more popular and way bigger than evangelion
This is completely wrong. Evangelion is way, way bigger.
If anime isn't good then nothing can be good.
Forgot image
>Cartoon constantly reference / copy anime
>Anime rarely ever does any cartoon reference
Sure is inferior in here
Oh, this one too
>I didn't say that
Yes, you did, don't lie, autismo.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat.
Almost forgot this one
what are you on about?
And if you want a more modern one
I'm not calling you retard, autismo, that's your name.
Sorry, I'm at work
Again, that is not a MLP character.
Are you confusing me with someone else? I have never used a name on Yea Forums.
I know I'm talking to autismo, but that's not how slice of life works. Slice of life is a writing tecnique in literature, It's something like this:
>You write about character
>With no real plot in mind
>Just character doing normal regular everyday stuff
The idea behind this is the reader could simpatize with character reading him doing regular untrascendental shit regarding if you are writing fantasy, science fiction, realism, etc. For instance in "the war of the worlds" during first episode, the protag is just hanging out with his friends, returning to home, drinking wine with her wife, you know, just everyday british stuff.
The thing is, Japan mothefucking abused this tecnique saturating the medium with college memedrama and other related crap and now people thing
>SoL=School drama-comedy XD XD
So, spongebob really is SoL because most episodes are just untrascendental everyday spongebob life, just as most of other cartoons mentioned ITT. But, I know I'm fucking talking with autismo, he's mentally ill, so he won't understand shit that I'm talking about.
fucking maximum kek
fucking maximum brainlet
Anime itself is a cartoon reference. Without Disney there would be no anime.
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat. I didn't read the rest of your post.
>Has nothing to prove in the modern time so insists on hugging the nuts of something their great great great great grandpa made a gorrillion years ago instead
Typical Yea Forums. The student already surpassed the master years ago
>anime isn't good
> nothing is good
>family isn't good
> friends arent good
> the decrease in worldwide extreme poverty isnt good
> because anime isn't.
Welp, i think im done arguing with you.
That's definitely not what we lack, what we need is more decent action cartoons.
>Lol kawaii desu ne, oni chan sempai
>Le decent enough background with Power Point tier animation
>Don't respect animation rules
HAHA, no.
I made a simple logically correct statement. Maybe you are just stupid.
>cartoon make references to anime all the time!
>anime coppied its entire genre
> doesn't count!
God you are a twat
It's autismo, he always shows up in anime related threads like this to shill his nip shows. Just ignore him or call him retard until he got an autistic breakdown. We did the exact same thing with famicon and he haven't shown up in a while.
You have no idea what anime even is. All you know is memes you read somewhere. It's the best animation in the world that surpassed Western efforts a long time ago.
How come Japanese westaboos are so chill but Western weebs are so insufferable
Stupidity doesn't exist.
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat.
>Power point tier animation
Ironing considering the current state of cartoon animation
Because weebs are mentally ill.
Most anime is closer to south park then fantasia bro
It's likely you've never even encountered a weeb, since 99,99% of weeb accusations are false.
So you are going to now try to claim that there is no such thing as stupidity just because you got caught being stupid?
Claims doesn't exist.
Anime is nothing like South Park, and something doesn't have to look like Fantasia. Also, American shows don't look like Fantasia either.
>Cartoon is just repeative image
>Image first came from cave drawing
>Most of the world is Asian
>So high chance than an ancient Asian drew the first picture
>Japan is asian
>So it means cartoon copied anime
Check mate
No. Jashin-chan has lot of murder but is not as crude and "edgy" like South Park
Disney defense force completely blown the fuck out.
>since 99,99% of weeb accusations are false.
I only see how they act online.
Crossboarding, art stealing, thinking all anime is "apolitical" because that worldview panders to their idea of idealistic imaginary Japan.
You keep saying that, yet you still feel the need to respond.
Dude, we showed you plenty of slice of life western cartoons. Just because you dont like to group what you like with spongebob and king Of the hill doesnt mean they arent slice of life.
If you think anime is so much better than western cartoons, post examples so we can tear apart your argument.
Again, unlikely that you've ever seen a weeb.
I see them on the internet every day, in fact even this thread was made by an obnoxious crossboarder.
>It's likely you've never even encountered a weeb, since 99,99% of weeb accusations are false.
Psst. Bro, he means you.
>You keep saying that, yet you still feel the need to respond.
I responded to let you know that you lost the argument and fully conceded that I am right about everything.
You think you see them. 99,99% of all weeb accusations are false. They are virtually extinct.
No he doesn't, since I'm not a weeb. And no, you can't prove that I am one.
because the west has their head too far up their own ass to make anything of worth.
which is what happens when your country has been subverted by The Tribe.
I tend to find people who don't like anything soft and cute tend to be the underaged kids obsessed with anything violent and dark
>Animation is the same thing as a drawing
But thats wrong tho
>Dude I'm not a weeb, tho XD
Okay, retard.
>the west
What do you mean by "the west"? North America? Europe? Both?
For example, French animation industry is completely different from American animation industry. Lot of it isn't commercialized but as art form it's amazing.
America isn't entire West so stop calling it that.
Weebs think
Ignoringn the fact almost every other country in the planet makes cartoons.
Without France there would be no animation. So you niggers sit your bitch asses down
Stating facts doesn't make someone a weeb. This is what I mean by weeb accusations being false.
>you are shilling anime without any basis or merit
>you are insufferable
>You and people like you are the reason people make claims that weebs are insufferable
I submit it doesnt matter if you are a weeb or not. Way to bring down the curve
I think it just shows how uncultured they are. I enjoy animation all over the world, including Japan, and my favorite probably being old Soviet cartoons (where the fuck did they get such good animators?).
I really can't take seriously anyone who talks about animation but doesn't enjoy it as a whole, and sadly anime fans often are like this.
Nobody cares about Europoor and French
>M-muh Tintin
A shit. Hell even French is starting to copy anime / manga now
>you are shilling anime without any basis or merit
I don't know what you are talking about.
>you are insufferable
Based on what?
>You and people like you are the reason people make claims that weebs are insufferable
I'm not a weeb and you can't prove that I am.
Animation is just juxtaposing two drawings and tricking your brain into filling the gap between them.
Why would someone have to enjoy all animation?
As far I remember animation was invented in US, but US it's like a miniature world, specially in big cities like New york, as far I remember there were people from all over the globe working on early animated studios.
But maybe I'm wrong.
> I enjoy animation all over the world
You are an angel in a placed filled with devils, fren.
That's Ankama, user, they usually do coproduction with nips, and they can do good shit together, that's how modern world works, there's no longer localized production.
Radiant is shit, tho.
It's just put downs, men being written as limp wristed and ineffective and the women don't know how to flirt or do anything outside of sit down and eat and effortlessly defeat the villain in 22 pages because heaven forbid there be any build up or tension in their narrative.
You don't but don't come to this board if you aren't willing to learn and definitely do not come here to generalize that Western animation = Cartoon Network and Simpsons.
Mai was a cunt and Nano was an angel.
Yea Forums needs to be deleted
I didn't say anything like "Western animation = Cartoon Network and Simpsons," and realistically speaking almost nobody cares about European animation, and it isn't what defines "Western" animation.
If they can't contain their sperg with like 8 board in Yea Forums and half of internet, I don't want to imagine what would happen if their containtment chamber gets deleted.
>and it isn't what defines "Western" animation.
So what do you think defines it? Disney? That's like saying that Ghibli defines Japanese animation.
Bitch, I know you are an autistic shitposter, but at least lurk the boards you shitpost on. Eurotoons are fucking loved here.
>based on what?
This whole thread? You are clearly just shitposting.
>cartoons copy anime!
>if anime isnt good nothing is good
>eva is better than everything and if you dont like the slow plot or the stupid poorly written angsty characters, it wuz 2 deep 4 u!
>i'm not a weeb!
> weebs don't exist!
Summerfags, amiright?
Disney, yes. And no, that doesn't mean that Ghibli defines anime in Japan.
Japanese animation is a cheap rip off of 90 year old Max Fleischer and Disney animation. Why do retards even begin to even try to make the claim that anime is good animation?
Which is a new thing. The same way a pile of wood is not the same thing as a cabin.
Yea Forums is one of the original founder, Yea Forums is but an after thought, a containment board for lesser and unworthy individuals
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat.
>cartoons copy anime!
I don't remember saying that, but it's a fact that American animation has done that.
>if anime isnt good nothing is good
Yes. That's just basic logic.
>eva is better than everything and if you dont like the slow plot or the stupid poorly written angsty characters, it wuz 2 deep 4 u!
It's not garbage and I stated why.
>i'm not a weeb!
Correct, and you can't prove otherwise.
> weebs don't exist!
Where did I say this?
So as expected, no evidence of any shitposting.
Japanese animation is its own thing with its own clearly distinct techniques that are apparent even when a Japanese studio is animating something American.
>Why do retards even begin to even try to make the claim that anime is good animation?
Because it factually is.
I would consider multiple episodes of the first 2 seasons of svfoe that way. Hey Arnold! was kind of that way too in that it had a large cast and had many episodes dedicated to different characters. I think the definition of whats a SoL is clearer to people when it’s an anime.
user, stop replying him, that's the autist denier weeb. He always shows up in threads like this to post stupid bullshit like:
>Nobody cares of european animation
>Anime is better that western animation
>Western animation are simpsons, CN and Disney
>Gets mad when It's called retard
>"By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat."
Just ignore him and call him a fag, and report him so maybe he would get vaporized by the mod just like they did with famicon. It's a bit annoying, even more considering the thread was slow and the discussion was a fairly decent until he showed up.
Fair enough. It frustrates me when someone poses as if they are looking for actual discussion. I would enjoy an actual discussion.
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat.
>report him
For what?
How are you people looking for actual discussion by constantly accusing me of being autistic or a weeb?
I think there's autistic idiots on both sides of this argument. How come Yea Forums can have East vs West threads just fine, but Yea Forums can't? Is it because Yea Forums is full of people who irrationally hate anime ON A WEBSITE THAT WAS STARTED TO DISCUSS ANIME AND OTHER JAPANESE THINGS? Imagine going to a Harley Davidson Forum and demanding people stop talking about Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Hey, are (you) the same autist that posted in another bait thread on Yea Forums saying 'am not a weeb, you can't prove it' to any post addressed to that regard?
If not, you must be surprised! There was someone just as stupid as you there doing the same ridiculous type of posts earlier.
People on Yea Forums know that their shit is superior. People on Yea Forums are bitter that their shit is stale as fuck and has no hope of ever moving forward because of how the industry works
By pulling the autism card you are automatically conceding defeat.
>How come Yea Forums can have East vs West threads just fine, but Yea Forums can't?
What? Those threads get immediately deleted on Yea Forums while our mods just let them stay.
>report him
For what faggot? I don't like the autism he's spewing but his opinion isn't a reportable offense. This isn't reddit, we aren't an echo chamber so fags can be safe without their views being challenged
The closest to slice of life America has is Steven Universe, but a lot of the crew borrow the visuals instead of the animation techniques, work ethic and direction. A veteran animator like James Baxter can do wonder for the show if given proper control over it.
>How come Yea Forums can have East vs West threads just fine, but Yea Forums can't?
In first place, Yea Forums don't have those thread because they instanly delated.
>Yea Forums started as a anime forum, so you can't argue when someone discuss anime in a non-anime board
By that same logic people should be free to discuss camera and photography in every board in DCinside. Said that, I don't really get salty with these threads, I try to have a decent conversation (at least I try) and this thread was decent enough until this faggot show up. But I give you a point with.
>I think there's autistic idiots on both sides of this argument.
Pretty much there are, there is one attention whore jany wanna be who shits in every thread slighty anime related, with his copipasta, it's a bit annoying.
Because you can't have a decent discussion. Most of their arguments are just retarded screetching. Do you remember famicon? He has a similar mindset and he got banned everytime he shows up his fucking head. I do like to discuss the thread subject but these faggots makes it imposible.
>Because you can't have a decent discussion. Most of their arguments are just retarded screetching.
Most of your "arguments" are just calling me autistic or a weeb, and then you have the nerve to claim an intellectual high ground.
You haven't made a stellar argument yourself
Man, what a salty way to confirm you were that guy. Have another free (you), it's obvious you need them.
Do another trick and you may get even more!.
It's fun that the SoL bits on SU are what's usually regarded as its worst portions. It leads me to think that actual SoL shows go under the radar because, on itself, it is a form of entertainment designed to do so. It's too simple and sincere to compete with lore or action rich series, and when both are mixed, people expect the latter to be predominant. It's why stuff like Out There or Clarence (which accounted as SoL for the most part) die early. Jap SoL only survives because it markets itself to its otaku audience, purposefully choosing aesthetics that can compete in a saturated market. It's not like any is better than the other, just that jap products have a rabid fanbase as long as they continue to look cute.
Excuse me, but Those are mine. But I know I won't get a decent discussion from someone who unironically thinks eurotoons are worthless, fren, so why do I even bother?
I have actually made arguments, unlike others.
Why do you redditors keep coming here if you don't like how this site works?
>from someone who unironically thinks eurotoons are worthless
Where did I say that?
As I said before, SoL it's just characters doing regular everyday stuff regarding if it's fantasy or science fiction, for instance Amphibia count as a SoL and it has a lot of attention from Yea Forums.
It was a bomb in the sense it just did alright for how much was work put into it. If it was just a run of a mill less expensive SOL anime by smaller studio then then it'd actually be impressive. But for Kyoto Ani show it actually did pretty bad. Also you're in denial if you think CGDCT shows don't exist. What do you call shows like Kiniro Mosaic aside from SOL
>What do you call shows like Kiniro Mosaic aside from SOL
I call them SoL because that's what they are. CGDCT isn't real.
I do a slice of life comic but no one reads it
>when it does it's boring?
>Because westerner cant shut up about politics and social issues.
This, theres always some shitty subtext or lecture involved. PASS
You sure? The nichijou shorts are a few minutes long.
its not boring, its just plain bad, it follows the stupid idea that there are no bad people whatsoever and when someone is bad or mean its because it is insecure, not because it is truly bad and enjoys watching people suffer.
By pulling the reddit card you are automatically conceding defeat
There's still a different focus on something purely SoL and something with fantastic elements, unless said fantastic elements take a backseat and are no more than mentions or a setting for aesthetic choices. I've never seen Amphibia to really talk about it, tho, it may be the case.
I pulled it for a reason. redditors don't like anonymity and are constantly trying to simulate the reddit experience by monitoring users, creating profiles and referring to other threads (even on other boards) where they may have posted. They want to argue about users, not posts.