Show us what you'd look like in Family Guy, Yea Forums

Show us what you'd look like in Family Guy, Yea Forums.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 250K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Cinema Snob?

Comrade Vladimir, it's been too long.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 448K)

I'd rather use any random internet doll maker instead, its less embarrassing and has better aesthetics.

Attached: d-7.png (150x290, 33K)

Attached: Afamilyguy.png (608x1080, 219K)

ohhh I get it it's the dad from Clarissa right lol

fuck you

Well, well...

Attached: 957FC5DE-0F72-4FE6-9580-B0AFFC18192B.png (608x1080, 213K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 213K)

Attached: familyguy(1).png (608x1080, 259K)

you look like nonces

>tfw balding and fat at 26
My character looks like he'd be in his late 30s. I need to get my shit together.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 456K)

Attached: fuckindweeb.png (608x1080, 293K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 367K)

>no skin imperfections
>no sideburns
this sucks

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 270K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 442K)


Not many options but this is kind of close, i guess?

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 185K)

Attached: familyguy.png (321x898, 57K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 230K)

Attached: familyguyme.png (608x1080, 316K)

Are you a Native American?

Attached: 9879784A-9ADE-4A84-862D-F74F01207149.png (608x1080, 529K)

I will put you through that GODDAMN WALL if you so much as say one thing about how I look!

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 207K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 627K)


>was gonna make me but this user already did
Didn't realize I had a twin out there

Based blasian user

You ever think to yourself “man I am most background character looking motherfucker...”?

Attached: EDD577A8-DB40-4BD3-B772-4B5C931056AD.png (608x1080, 610K)

Attached: me on family guy.png (608x1080, 229K)

From an earlier thread. Too bad real life me has acne.

Attached: family guy yourself yo.png (1080x1080, 504K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 697K)

Attached: BF240E25-BE24-426E-8489-CE01E2FA857A.png (608x1080, 406K)

>the page doesn't have manlet bodytypes

Attached: 1554776251391.jpg (406x364, 118K)

This but a bit thinner and with a bigger beard in family guy style.

Attached: The_Simpsons-Jeff_Albertson[1].png (250x369, 69K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 296K)

nice shoes

Attached: 7B378785-2F79-4608-AD1F-2FB189DAA496.png (608x1080, 255K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 380K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 349K)

I think I got pretty close.

Attached: familyguy (1).png (608x1080, 367K)

How do you feel about Yea Forums being obsessed with Asian girls?

I'm just your generic, fat slob.


you look cool to hang with

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 962K)

You are the most 'a random guy' I have ever seen.

Pick your femanon waifu.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 287K)

knockoff Rich Evans


I've been trying to get better at fashion and there's details you can't add in the creator that really brings out the autistic mediocrity.

>get better at fashion

Nice fitting jeans and a good hoodie, one you get at a sports store not Walmart, look good on every guy.

you look like a pedophile

A bit smaller and slimmer, then you'd have me.

Attached: Citizen Guy.png (1080x1080, 593K)

Curious about how I changed since last year.
Went out with a couple of my fashion inclined friends a couple days ago to get a new fit. Ended up getting a pair of white shorts and a black Hawaiian shirt that fit well. Haven't had a chance to wear it yet though.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1920, 740K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 599K)

>not having the one arm raised pose

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 577K)

you look like john kricfalusi.

With guys unless at the beach, the more covered up you are the better girls will think you look as long as it’s good fitting. Not baggy but well fitting hoodies, sweaters, long sleeved shirts and jeans or black khakis.

Closest approximation. There isn't a facial set broad and angular enough, and the facial hair options are pretty atrocious. Imagine my nose and chin are somewhere between these two.

Attached: familyguy fusion version.png (1080x1080, 922K)

It’s honestly pretty flattering.

so many of you look unhappy, Yea Forums.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 298K)

Thanks, user.
Yeah, ive heard that before.

woops wrong pic

Attached: FamYo.jpg (335x581, 15K)

I'm surprised by how close I was able to make myself in this style. I couldn't give myself thick eyebrows and glasses though.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 446K)

Is all of Yea Forums crawling with females, or do Family Guy maker threads just draw them like water to a sponge?

Nope, never. That has always been a non-issue.

what woman doesn't like dress-up games?

All of Yea Forums is crawling with women. Women like cartoons. We like comic books. This website doesn't have the same issues other do when discussing these subjects.

Yea Forums has more women than most boards

Precisely, however it's worth checking for confounders like Yea Forums being a saladfest

Is your head full of farts or something? goddamn dumbass.

Half and half. Dress up games are a female bread and butter but Yea Forums does have a higher femanon percentage than most boards.

Wait, there are girls, on the internet?!

Very interdasting. I can imagine Yea Forums being very high in salad for instance, but otherwise most of the boards I frequent have almost no female prescence whatsoever. /int/, /his/, /tg/, Yea Forums. My hunch is the cartoon quotient of Yea Forums has female draw.

Females come here to be degenerates about cartoons since tumblr became moralfag central where nothing is allowed.

I went on /his/ for a bit but it's far too nightmarish to actually talk about anything there.

Queef elsewhere.

Yes, but normally they're very, intensely visible. tumblr, reddit, pinterest, deviantArt, instathot, evne twitter and reddit, you can tell gril from byo instantly.

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I’m only here for the funnybooks desu.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 453K)

The whole point of this website is to be anonymous. No reason to point out that you’re female 98% of the time unless you’re an attention whore wanting female points.

so girls like seeing asshole incels bitch about their existence on a daily basis? huh.

I imagined they'd go elsewhere whatwith the dominant politics of tumblr somewhat clashing with those of broader Yea Forums. But then other circles are even more censorious that nutumblr (numblr?), so odd bedfellows may be made.

Top jej, /his/ is great. Avoid the endless WWII shit and look at the morphology threads

This mainly. I don't come here too often anymore but this place doesn't stiffle me in the ways most other websites do.
No, I would go to r9k for that, but that place hasn't been funny to watch in a long time.

Well thanks for pointing that out Sherlock (...Adler?), totally wasn't the point I was making.

Attached: .... HELLO.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Twitter has way more anuses than Yea Forums, and reddit has way more incels. Daily existence bitching is a nadir for Yea Forums.

I'm sure a good portion of them aren't newfags though, if you've been on here or on the Internet long enough you're numb to it.

I provoke them to bitch so I can report them.

It’s social media dumbass, that’s not unique to I just like the anonymity and organized discussion on this website.

Tumblr and Twitter by extension is currently on a huge moralfag crusade over things they don’t like from incest to rape to loli in fiction. Even though I am generally more leftist I’d rather a website that allows absolute freedom in fiction rather than censorship.

I'm a bit of a hypocrite and like to use this website but I also champion various moral causes on other sites. I'd love the day when a leftist version of Yea Forums rises up. It's going to come. I feel it.

All it takes is one (ONE) post to derail the thread for good.
thank god all you inceIs will die alone.

Attached: tumblr_pore79UX3o1qe83xx_400.png.jpg (400x499, 49K)

>I champion various moral causes on other sites

Fucking why? Keyboard soapboxing is useless at best and obnoxious at worst. You’re a part of the problem if you come here to avoid censorship but encourage it on other platforms.

>I've lost a lost of weight since the last time we did these threads.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 374K)

this makes me physically ill.


Attached: you're part of the problem.jpg (295x171, 9K)

This thread was just going to be spamming images anyways. A little discussion doesn’t hurt.

Last time we did this thread derailed into discussion about Spongebob porn.

She's the most conventionally attractive one. But I think maybe I'd be pick her or the other girl they look like they'd be nice

>Nearest hair is this Fabio-looking shit
This is what I get for having a ponytail
Nobody ever believes I can pull it off without looking like a DnD player until they see me IRL

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 289K)

Couldn't make my eyebrows much better but hey you can't account for shit with this kind of site

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 302K)

God I hope so, a containment site sounds like heaven to keep moralfags out.

Attached: 59BA74D7-54CA-45BB-A810-E0CB52D1EBEA.png (1080x1080, 537K)

I'm not particularly anti censorship. There are a lot of issues I have with what goes down on leftist Twitter but censorship isn't one of them.

Attached: no.png (608x1080, 175K)

When I'm hiding my power level.

Attached: familyguy(2).png (1080x1080, 245K)

Femanons what threads do you frequent or look for?

My hair is a bit longer.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 370K)

user, maybe you look more like if Fabio played DnD than you realize.

Thanks OP

Attached: go fug yourself.png (340x406, 82K)

Leftism as a term basically means censorious moral pearlclutching by wealthy idiots who want to signal caring without actually doing anything. It's easy to use the vague and vacuous term "left" to imply that you're a fighter against capitalistic oppression or whatever when in fact the left is the pillar of corporate bullshit "rainbow Iphone made in sweatshop" evil.

If you really don't think you align with any part of this description, I would look into finding a more meaningful descriptor than "left". Because the virtue of Yea Forums, it's enshrinement of open expression, is antithetical to the current left.

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Surprised I could do it

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Attached: dbryfql-cf5244c7-7b9e-4e9a-8197-2eaf19806e51.jpg (544x544, 106K)

Really? Why?

Leftwitter has an aneurysm whenever crime rates along racial lines are brought up. Censorship is a huge issue.

Shut the fuck up and post family guy

Storytimes, hype threads about upcoming media, shitposting threads about that same upcoming media. I miss proper talkback threads, there are only a handful of those regularly now, it feels like.

How YOU doin?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Attached: Kaiba has seen enough.jpg (410x308, 33K)

sup Sneakers

I already have, you massive baby.

The How’s your Webcomic thread or obscure porn or lewd threads that pop up.

For some reason there's a stigma around not tying long hair into a manbun where I live
They are all fags as far as I care

Close enough

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 735K)

Then leave.

the ones you're not in


Threads about my favorite shit, be it animated or comic. Storytime threads too, and actual discussion threads when they appear.

>family guys character design is so easy a computer does it for you

Attached: graves.png (403x366, 238K)

Attached: F024BDEE-BC4F-4984-BEA9-FF9D108491B5.png (608x1080, 243K)

Came here to post this, to be honest most character animation could be done by a computer at this point.

Ya Galo Sengen

Attached: FAB5B611-BC6E-41CE-BEBB-FFCB92F87E51.png (608x1080, 608K)

I look too weird to be a normalfag
But too normal to be a weirdo

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 446K)

They dont have shorts with nosed boots sadly

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 236K)

sideburns need to be longer (mine go below my ears, but there was no option for that)

I've been told I look like the singer of reel big fish

Attached: familyguyselfportrait.png (608x1080, 219K)

there's no option for my hairstyle

my beard is nowhere this big, but hopefully I'l get there.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 237K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 487K)

You're conflating neoliberalism with leftism but I don't think you'll be converted into identifying a new idealogy from someone on Yea Forums. You might wanna do some research on it though, I think you'll be surprised.
It deserves to be shitposted on. It's dangerous. People are fucking dying because of your /Pol/ infographs
Racists deserve to be banned. I have no sympathy for you.

Attached: image.jpg (309x449, 22K)

Needs dark sleepy eyes.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 290K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 299K)

I was going to say sideburns can often look good, but not with that comparison I'm afraid

Not too far off, desu

Also, I think a lot of you anons look like nice well adjusted people I wouldn't mind hanging around. no joke.

Attached: familyguyme.png (608x1080, 233K)

They didn't have any beards that matched mine, so I just went with clean shaven.

Attached: me.jpg (302x774, 31K)

Thanks user, there should be a Yea Forums meet up.

I salute you, user.

Attached: 5KGgu.gif (480x271, 1.96M)

That's me mostly

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 307K)

I'm not as bloated as that dude is. It's mostly the hawaiian shirt thing. Staple of my outfits.

Attached: ShockedRapidKakarikis.webm (564x308, 150K)

Yeah sure,he'll leave the "mosque shooting for the lulz" to the right.You make better terrorists than the left that for sure.You're actually killing people and yell memes when you do it
Dont worry.Yea Forums is not immune to the pendulum swinging back.Those fags keep sperging about "the pendulum,the pendulum" without realizing they are not immune to the swinging themselves.Good things come to those who wait, all in due times

Attached: Chanboardsofpeace.jpg (636x382, 77K)

So fucking non-descript I get mistaken for other people.

Attached: familyguy(1).png (608x1080, 360K)

I guess after all these years Yea Forums hasn't really changed.

Attached: 1493891300350.png (511x508, 103K)


Storytimes are comfy. I like to host them too.

I forget I have not seen it in like 5 or 10 years but type "little brown girls are the best" into either know your meme or the "queen of hearts/ bleached booru." and you should find it.

Attached: default.png (608x1080, 372K)

An ANTI-manbun stigma? You are living in shittopia my friend, with imploration I hope you get out fast. I live in a short-back-and-sides neighbourhood with a less-narrow version of and I don't get flak.

Get out.

are you blind or have some other excuse for wearing brown slacks with a black jacket?

user we all know your transition isn't that smooth

Really captures the manic look in my eyes.

Attached: 7A08A898-9948-421D-B1F9-954B755933CA.png (608x1080, 561K)

No, you are confusing leftism with neoliberalism. Now a mea culpa: I might to type what leftism means TODAY, not historically. Historically left and leftism meant a lot of things that are now completely obfuscated today, and the main left movement is in the thrall of "neoliberalism".
>I don't think you'll be converted into identifying a new idealogy from someone on Yea Forums
Never go out of your way to be a snob.
>You might wanna do some research on it though, I think you'll be surprised.
Never go out of your way to be an NPC.

>It deserves to be shitposted on
This flippant attitude is telling - this is a serious issue, but someone speaking for the twitter left wants to resolving it with shrieking.
Regardless, even with the charitable interpretation, the left on twitter does no such fucking thing as shitposting, because that would involve leaving it up. Actually it just censors.

>your /Pol/ infographs
You think I'm fucking /pol/?
>People are fucking dying because of ... /Pol/ infographs
Delusion, and wild disproportionality in an era where the movements calling themselves Antifa and BLM attempt to erase history.

>Racists deserve to be banned
Thank you for proving the point: the left does have a severe baby instinct, hence why a lot of people who are sort of leftish end up coming here. If people like YOU had some kind of influence, you would destroy this sight. You are poison.

Attached: Fgme.png (227x338, 44K)

>You think I'm fucking /pol/?

you used the NPC term to refer to someone you're trying to convince of the validity of your own views and you obviously think you're a lot smarter than your writing makes you appear to be so

a duck is a duck

You actually think mosque shootings is a) the right, b) at all significant compared to muslim terrorism? Nevermind c) that i) I'm right and b) any definition of the right is "killing people and yell memes when you do it", as if that douesn't describe antifa and BLM to a tee.

>"the pendulum,the pendulum"
No-one is going on about this.

that cake was for everyone

Attached: images(58).jpg (259x194, 7K)

>How come they made me fat and have red hair?
>Because you're the comic relief-uh!

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 589K)

>A Family Guy Generator sparks a political argument

This board is such a fucking mess

Attached: epic_lulz.jpg (600x582, 68K)

You'd have to be a sheltered leftoid to somehow think that NPC is "pol".

>you used the NPC term to refer to someone
Point out where and when.
>you're trying to convince of the validity of your own views
Point out where and when.
If you want to misread things that's you're problem.
> you obviously think you're a lot smarter than your writing makes you appear to be so
I don't think that I'm smart. No-one is "smart". Thinking in terms of "smart and stupid" is a trait of the left, which they regularly project onto the non-left.

>Accuse me of being a snob for thinking I can't convert anyone to my ideology on anonymous message board (?)
>You writing a 300 word response ending with calling me poison isn't apparently snobby

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 217K)

Tourists like you need to fuck off Yea Forums. You have no comprehension of how an anonymous no-censorship imageboard works.

Attached: 1529192732206.jpg (610x363, 24K)

nobody believes you

Only if you're in high school/ first two years of undergrad.

user, there are plenty of women on Yea Forums. Especially Yea Forums. Not the majority of course, but enough that you really shouldn't be surprised by the femanons posting.

Kill yourself redditor

There are women all over Yea Forums. The topic of gender doesn't pop up often and makes for shit threads, so you don't see it. Been here since 2007.

/his/ sucks. It's full of /pol/ non-jokes and people who want to talk politics with hardly any knowledge about history, just pure rhetoric. Better when it was new and slow.

Go back to the beginning up until 2009 or so when it was edgy to be Democrat and atheist instead of Republican and psuedo Christian. Yea Forums has really evolved.

Attached: 2019-07-09 at 15-28-15.png (270x611, 44K)

even cartoon me looks like a suicidal boot.

Attached: familyheroguy .png (1080x1080, 587K)

Your first post literally describes many conservatives as well. You need to look in a mirror for once.

Yea Forums, /vp/, /cgl/, /an/, /ck/ and /y/ have plenty of femanons. Liking cartoons or comics isn't a boy's club, just look at old tumblr and fanartists.

I don't wear red shoes but right down to the eyes, lips and hair.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 278K)

You can fuck off to Leftypol


All of them are trannies, not a femanon

who /alcoholic/ here

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 286K)

I don't like leftypol's opinions either. Max Stirner followers are annoying.

>board for manchildren who read and watch cartoons on a website for incells and weeaboos.

the whole thread honey.

Alarmingly accurate. He even has my expression of mild perpetual confusion down.

Attached: FamilyGuyPortrait.png (256x520, 108K)

and my wallet in your pocket

Really need to trim my beard and get a haircut.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 384K)

>ginger male
Just waiting for a truck.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 199K)

Attached: familyguy(1).png (1920x1080, 955K)

Hahah Soiboy XDXDXD

females don't scroll Yea Forums. and if they do, they're here to advertise something like satina.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 224K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1920, 652K)

>Family Guy Maker
>no Peter/Cleveland/Barry/Al body types

glad to see I'm not the only one of this guy

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 623K)

Jesus, you're not wrong

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 306K)

I believe all of them and it gives me hope that one day I will get to date a femanon Yea Forumsmrade

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 287K)

>shirt doesn’t say an hero guy

funny AND good looking
please link your podcast, i unironically have a feeling you've got a good one.

Never forget what happened at the /k/ meetup user.

Yea Forums is the tumblr of Yea Forums.
diversity and feminism and basedmen everywhere. of course this is where the women are.

>This website doesn't have the same issues other do when discussing these subjects.
you don't see other websites discuss these subjects because generally they're populated with men.

>All of Yea Forums is crawling with women. Women like cartoons. We like comic books.
truism of the year

I think user is referring to the fact you can talk about shit without being banned for being racist, homophobic, degenerate, etc.

As one of the femanons in this thread if you support censorship in any way including “banning racists” you can fuck off back to tumblr or twitter or whatever moist hambeast hole you make from. There are plenty of sites with your beliefs and trying to invade and change one because that’s not enough for you makes you a cunt.

>old tumblr
>Liking cartoons or comics isn't a boy's club

As a black man, I second this post.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 269K)

I doubt it, Yea Forums is the most squeamish board on Yea Forums.

As a black post, I second this man.


I live in the good part of Indiana so every university is like 40-60 minutes away.
Looks like it's time to move and time to get a tattoo.

they're absolutely everywhere, provided you live near a university. just get a triforce tattoo somewhere noticeable and start attending artsy shit.

sorry bud i had to edit that second quote out

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 893K)

Attached: 5008be40acf31c80ab90f0d760c78918[1].png (1401x955, 607K)

I would put a smile but it would just be lying, I have resting bitch face

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 517K)

Attached: familyguy_by_bobjone123_dd2axne.png (608x1080, 378K)

im always shocked going through these threads how many POC and women are on here.

Why? Are you saying poc and women cant be autistic spergs too?

i dont know, just feels like 95% of autist are white or asian males

There's a reason the board is known as Yea Forumsmblr

fuck w me

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 771K)

i work with a black guy married to a Korean wife

dont see that too often

you look like lenin

Attached: 7C577599-5BB1-42F8-96A6-74FBF9AB8250.png (608x1080, 266K)


There was no ponytail option, but I have my hair down enough to where it really doesn't matter.
The real life version is even worse.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 374K)

Behold my mediocrity.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 287K)

Attached: 1557879479076.png (575x1072, 62K)

Wonder if that one user who shipped the other anons are in this thread.

and if that user with the disgusting room is here, I hope you're doing alright and you eventually got your shit together.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 466K)

Attached: me.png (554x1046, 167K)

There wasn't a fatter option.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 373K)


Attached: itsame.png (608x1080, 263K)

I hate it

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 302K)

I remember submitting myself last year too, I love these threads

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 287K)

>less embarrassing

Dad wtf are you doing here?

I was trying to mimic another picture of myself but I came off looking a lot more Indian then I actually am.

Attached: familyguy.png (500x500, 190K)

Same fagging to say I wish there were dreadlocks so that my style got completely on the nose but whatever.

Attached: Long live.png (867x1088, 675K)

They didn't have a good Hawaiian shirt option besides the quagmire one but I wear them open like this anyhow so close enough.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 321K)

think more pudgy Carl Sagan

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 507K)

sort yourself out user

papi why did you leave me and mom?

can't you just nog like once?

Attached: 17538DBD-21CC-4D01-856E-75A3F97B7141.jpg (232x217, 8K)

Oh, buddy. You have no idea about how many women you're posting with. Hell, they've got their own established chan culture. You ever heard of lolcow farm? Give it a visit, it's like r9k if it was explicitly for women only.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 362K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 282K)

>lolcow as an example of female chan culture
Nobody likes them, that’s like saying represents male forum culture.

Attached: spooner street, home, at least it was before i fucked everythang up.png (608x1080, 211K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 426K)

Kinda look like Vlad the Impaler.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 274K)

Attached: ma.png (608x1080, 316K)

Eh, needs to be a more tall skinny fat body type with lots more leg and arm hair

But other than that close enough

Attached: familyguy (1).png (608x1080, 414K)

Attached: ha.png (608x1080, 322K)

Any dress up game is female (and autogynephiliacs) catnip.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 750K)


Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 268K)

Goddamn, I never realized how boring I look.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 286K)

Samefag here also needs a more scraggly prepubescent mustache, and beard combo and dark circles under the eyes

You look like my dad but with less hair

How's woolie doing

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 587K)

I couldn't find a shirt that said "I'd like to fuck a gay spider."

Attached: familyguy (1).png (608x1080, 272K)

Im not gay

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 463K)

I'm not a handsome man, but I'm working on the weight

Attached: family dude.png (608x1080, 439K)



Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 467K)

Attached: familyguyme.png (1080x1080, 464K)

Attached: big.png (552x1128, 159K)

I picked the background that best fit my appearance.

Attached: familyguyself.png (608x1080, 245K)

who on Yea Forums would you bang or take out to dinner and then bang?

I know that feel

I'm literally a background character although it needs an undercut but other than that spot on

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 362K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 305K)

There's a few femanons I'd probably take out to dinner and or bang plus some of the male anons as well

I'm pretty much Quagmire honestly

Attached: pink.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

hey man. It's hot. I break out the Hawaiian shirts when its hot,

OP, your job to do a Yea Forums themed thread has now come to an end.

Attached: bossu.png (608x1080, 63K)

Attached: tumblr_plsie1E6bT1tm163xo1_1280.jpg (1280x1650, 446K)

Attached: Chris.png (1080x1080, 467K)

Totalbiscuit youre back!

>all these standard nonfat bodies

I fucking bet Yea Forums

I fucking bet

There's a few fatties here and there

Yeah i could have my own show on the learning channel, so what. How dare you make me feel less of person for not portraying my real weight. FUCK YOU FAGGiT!

>knockoff Rich Evans
I fucking wish. He is at least successful and has a fiance. What have I got? Shitposts on Yea Forums.

Attached: 26994314_2068465980107172_8670838250940727725_n.jpg (540x540, 25K)

This is accurate-ish.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 315K)

They only had one long hairstyle for guys and it really fucked this whole thing for me.

Attached: 984256B9-8E0E-4A7A-8309-E4BFC6AAD56D.png (608x1080, 239K)

It just gets less flattering as you go, it's incredible really.

Attached: index.png (304x911, 57K)

Yeah and zero medium length hairstyles or hairstyles with bangs.

Attached: 4986227F-D21D-4E15-8A42-4CB04D85C6EB.png (1920x1080, 873K)

You really realize how limited the Family Guy artstyle is after going so many small changes for pants...

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 225K)

Neither antifa nor BLM have killed people. Right wingers have, multiple times.


Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 319K)

>Neither antifa nor BLM have killed people.
But left-wingers in general have killed more people than right-wingers

Well, since mods don't care, what the hell.

Attached: but muh famines.jpg (1785x2537, 659K)

Attached: American Famine - 7 Million People Killed.png (985x579, 62K)


Attached: dog bless.jpg (3456x5184, 1.23M)

I really don't know how to feel.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 385K)

that toll makes no sense

like a mirror

Attached: familyguy (1).png (1080x1080, 611K)

That looks like a pedophile. I'm sure you're fine, but it's a consequence of the Family Guy style

I tried my best. It's somewhat accurate but the face shape feels weird and my hair is a bit longer and more wavy. Red sneakers, blue jeans, and dark t-shirt is on point though.

Attached: EA534719-EA7A-461E-9A29-528FBD41F30F.png (608x1080, 294K)

This but with acne

Attached: 5780194A-77D7-4D38-B3C2-9A9EF251ED79.png (1080x1080, 547K)

I tried my damned hardest and it looks nothing like me
this is as close as I could get

Attached: 1530560294393.png (423x549, 90K)

post feet

I have a bob haircut, so just imagine my hair to my shoulders.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 385K)

Anyone up for a friendly game of billiards?

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 391K)

I like how I ended up looking like I'm in my mid forties rather than mid twenties. The standing gormlessly in the street part is accurate tho.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 211K)

Is that you, Ronnie?

It's all larp and trannies, user. They're all men.

Attached: famgser.png (608x1080, 213K)

I dunno man

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 275K)

Attached: ty767.jpg (608x1080, 71K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 556K)

My sweet summerchild, if only you knew....

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 584K)

I look generic as shit

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 287K)


>Can't separate hair and beard color
Dumb, my beard is red and my hair is blonde, naturally.

A minute in paint was enough to fix that.

Attached: elo.png (387x573, 98K)

>wanna tool around in the parking lot in my aerostar?

But jobs is dead

>if we literally make shit up then it becomes real!
>t. russians

I honestly hate Slavs

r8 me. Any southern friends here?

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 476K)

I know what you mean. I ended up feeling like a budget version of him.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 385K)

>I honestly hate slavs
Cry harder, anglocuck


Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 302K)

As a white guy who actually pays attention to how ideas propagate, the first amendment was a mistake to begin with and when alt righters bang on about "free speech", they just mean, "until our side wins full control of government, then your dangerous cultural Marxist ideals will be illegal of course"

Attached: 3B193F4E-670C-4447-981A-F39285103803.png (608x1080, 243K)


This thread is horrible and I feel horrible

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 284K)

This is as close as I could get

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 374K)

if you go around telling people they should murder me, I am legally allowed to kill you in self-defense.

Oh god it didn't have to be this way. I'm not old enough to look like this.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 529K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 271K)

I second this, as a post-black man.

Closest I could get it

Attached: 6985CCA3-FEF8-4E7C-B26D-D3922E7E46ED.png (608x1080, 266K)

Are you a bartender?

If I have to be a Family Guy character I at least want my hawaiian shirt.

Attached: familyguysucks.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

The hat looks like a duck


>Hi all, I'm just visiting from /pol/ for a few days to bitch about the Little Mermaid. Don't worry, I'll be gone soon. Thanks!

Blacks and Mexicans fucking love comics and cartoons.

I'm southern. Yours looks about as close as I could've gotten except I'm fat and wear J's rather than flipflops

Is that so uncommon? I've never thought about it. Sure the picture I made isn't exactly representative and I have red tones in my hair but they are pretty clearly different colors.

Attached: iexFxFdgNcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png (219x613, 40K)

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 367K)

>tfw brother has dishwater blonde and his facial hair is a striped nightmare of blond, platinum blond, copper, and brown
>when he has a beard it looks like somebody glued a fucking calico to his face

I'm one handsome SoB.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 299K)

What numbers are you using to determine that?

Attached: 4C750095-B620-45B7-ADDC-EB9FCF83A843.png (608x1080, 306K)

I've never heard of it but honestly i'm just shitposting.

My dad beats me when I listen to J-pop
Would be the case if I had a dad

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 402K)

Thanks I hate it.

Attached: familyguy.png (1080x1080, 268K)

>smelt him
>obtain his precious platinum
>never have to look at his face again
>be rich

there's no manlet bodytype or long hair so this is the best i can do

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 300K)

What's up, ladies? I'm single and ready to fucking kill myself.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 280K)

Standing in the middle of the street, hoping a car will hit me.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 238K)

maybe I will.
How do I keep my smelted brother from forming into a dishwater-platinum alloy?

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 255K)

Wish there was a skinnier body type.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 283K)

Nah the whole point of the thread is to be fucking awful and highlight just how bad Family Guy character designs are.

Need a jacked body type

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 210K)

Attached: familyguy.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

a-are you a dad or something, user?

Alright keep believing it's a boys only club here it's not like it really makes a difference when we are all anonymous

Attached: giphy.gif (300x225, 426K)


I believe that they're 90% fatties or trannies.

closest I could get to myself

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 361K)

Best I could manage and it's pretty close. Unironically peak NPC.

Attached: familyguy.png (608x1080, 372K)

Use a centrifuge to separate the heavy deposits from the fluid

On the internet, everybody is the little girl

Attached: Strange man talks about his fantasies.jpg (768x1024, 208K)