Ok so Why is it that western mc's can't have cute shy love interests? Ones that don't humilliate them or mistreat them

Ok so Why is it that western mc's can't have cute shy love interests? Ones that don't humilliate them or mistreat them

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Because, like Hinata they're shit.

because progressives don't like "weak" women and conservatives don't like "weak" men

Ummm sweety, thats because the "men" who go after shy women are LITERALLY RAPISTS LOOKING FOR AN EASY TARGET!

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You guys have way more tsunderes

>Another anime thread with MHA, Naruto or DBZ


Because Hinata is based on the ideal woman in eastern culture, she’s mean to appeal to Japanese idea of a perfect woman, Hinata was created from day 1 to be a reward for Naruto at the end

You forgot Sailor Moon and Jojo

What's with all the anime threads on here?

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>Ones that don't humilliate them or mistreat them

Also Lois lane has ALWAYS been top waifu, BEFORE all your fucking lolis or whatever you like on Yea Forums

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Doesn't Amanda Lopez quite fit into this description?

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I will rather have a shy boy with a energetic strong girl love interest, any good examples?

Why there's so much anime in co lately?
Stay in your lame board and let this one alone.

They don't get deleted so shitposters just flood the board with them.

Im a shy woman and I dont think that way towards men at all, i know this is a b8 post but keep pretending to be an incel, youll get there eventually

Yea Forums is the USA of the boards, because it's culture is a mutt fusion with Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and more.

I'd rather have anime threads on here this /pol/ bait ones and 5 different spider-man ones that all say the same thing and could be contained better in one thread

>Summertime and the livin is easy...

Because they have women in their writing teams who object the idea of a useless trophy wife for the MC.
They want their female characters to have more agency and personality.
How the fuck is a wet blanket like Hinata even a Ninja?
Also Japan has tons of female characters from shows that are not blatant pandering to virgins, who all magically have interests, personalities and the ability to do stuff.

Characters like Hinata are just fantasy waifu idols that only exist to get fucked by the MC. There is no personality.

Better than female characters who are horrible to their male “friends” for no reason

Why do women on writing teams confuse having a personality with being a nasty bitch?

The west can't do kuuderes

They wanna keep things realistic.

>good at handling love interests
Also off topic b/a/it thread. Time to hide this thread.

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It’s all they know.

Seething Cuckurafag detected

that’s what they think having a personality means

Is it because of the mental illness?

It's either being obnoxiously "quirky" or being unpleasant.

Trips of Truth

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You forgot “lesbian”
Also based

Lesbian also fits into quirky.

Honestly one of the reasons I hate Hinata even more. I despise virtually every Naruto female but for some reason calling out Hinata either gets my head ripped off or get suggested that I simply must be a fan of Sakushit.

Your character who's only purpose is to lust after Naruto's cock is awful.

What shy, female Yea Forums characters are there? The only one I can think of is quiet yellow


Honestly, characters like Hinata would be awkward in western cartoons. They are too gloomy, timid and weak. What role would they even fill in a comedy? Especially if they are supposed to be in love with a certain character?

Honest question, why are all women in western cartoon total BPD Cunts? they are always assholes towards the dude, see Star vs for recent examples

There was that Giraffe in My Gym Partner is a Monkey

Because they’re almost entirely written by west coast progressive snobs who think acting like a complete cunt is empowering or whatever.

They are either a bitch or a damsel in distress. No matter how any character is written, someone somewhere on the internet will have an issue with it and make it their personal mission to make sure everyone knows that they don't like it for some reason.

In the name of love!

why is Bort such a faggot Naruto lusted after an edgy asshole for most of his childhood and he still wasn't as big a fag as his son

What is Hinata's personality asides being shy and liking Naruto?

Because they are written by bitter women who wanted to be popular back in high school, but lacked any charm.

The fuck should I know? I don’t watch weebshit, retard.

D-do you wanna hangoutt some time???

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i can believe that.

That's the thing. She doesn't have personality either.

she big

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Because of his mother's shy genes?
Also, the series stopped being good years ago

What about this girl?

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She’s supportive, determined, loyal, thoughtful, empathetic

haven't seen milo's something something yet, but it's probably good, since Phineas and Ferb had good non-cunt female characters

Those aren’t “real” personality traits because they’re not confrontational enough. It’s problematic for female characters to be supportive, especially if they’re supportive towards male characters, even worse if they have romantic interest in those male characters.

Western Cartoons tend to not have love interests at all


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All to her man.

That's the problem. What character does she have outside of Naruto?

She HAD big tits.
But the new artist hates adult women and breasts and now draws her flat as a table while he draws every single girl as slutty as possible while he makes Bort look very effeminate


>blatant pandering to virgins

Why do you assume anyone who likes quiet women are virgins? If anything, having sex with loudmouthed, uppity "independent women" made me appreciate and respect shy girls more

>That's the problem.
No, it really isn’t.

that's literally every love interest in the west.

Because quiet, shy girls are more submissive than girls with attitude. Easier to control.

It's not about wanting to control a woman, it's about wanting a women who's not trying to control YOU

But the girls with attitude are the ones who like being controlled in the bedroom, you fucking liar.

Well, if the only two options are shy girl and the girl who’s taking every opportunity to put me down and insult me, the choice is easy.

The bedroom is a whole different case.

>literally “You need a woman who challenges you”
Nah, fuck that

Well, there must be something wrong that lies in you.

Jesus,this is your example ? I dont want to start /a: discourse on Yea Forums but it's obvious you didnt even watch the video or understood the context

No, I just prefer to date the girl who’s nice to me.

Shy is boring

Only if you’re a masochist