Mods and Jannies are so bad at thier job that they let porn stay up for 15+ hours

>Mods and Jannies are so bad at thier job that they let porn stay up for 15+ hours

Yet they wi delete this thread within 10 minutes

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No one cares, dude.

I got warned for some copypasta, but the porn in another thread was conveniently ignored


I'm quite happy that the mods just let the pregnancy fetish thread slide for the past week, feels good.

>not linking the porn
as usual OP is a faggot

that's because transexuality is just a scam. happiness doesn't come from a bottle or chopping of your dick but it does make some one money

I'm really happy that Yea Forums finally accepted who they are.

Just make an anime thread. Those don't get pruned. The saint seiya thread has been going strong for 15 hours.

I'm aware that Yea Forums is the place to discuss anime that Yea Forums bans on principle

What thread? Mods intentionally ignore doing their jobs because they're picked from the same pool of vermin that post on this site, so if it's a waifu thread spammed with softcore porn (or rather "lewds"), they'll participate in it for-ever.

It has felt like the Yea Forums staff has been more lax lately allowing MUCH more off topic threads.

It's only a matter of time till Hunger Games Weekend tries to make a comeback at this rate.

If this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.

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>HRT is a magical substance that turns you into a perfect female(male)
You wish

>Hunger Games Weekend tries to make a comeback
dont get my hopes up

Well, if the mods ignore Jojo and Horrorverse threads and janitors protect the "how would ____ fare in ___" threads, Hunger Games returning would either be ignored or cause a crack down on off topic threads.

Or that's the way I see it anyway. It's not like I have the balls to try it, besides. it's not Friday yet.

I used to have my doubts, but I saw blogposts of a post-OP transgender that legitimately had me surprised she used to be a man.

>no one cares the inmates run the asylum


This drawing is bad and you should feel bad. What the fuck is even going on with those hands.

>inb4 Loomis

>implying waifu threads are the worst of it while there's like 5 different incel threads bitching about how MJ is black for like the 500th time

Go away, you're part of the problem.

What's wrong with hunger game threads

It is because only quality stuff in Yea Forums only.

Yea Forums is for diarrhea and cancer

Those /pol/ threads are indeed much more horrible, but that doesn't make waifu porn spam threads harmless.
You're actually part of the problem, user. No whataboutism, please.

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Nothing was wrong with the Yea Forums games, it's just that it was cancer on EVERY board, but somehow Yea Forums's hunger games were the only ones that were able to avoid being cancer with strict rules that everyone followed.

Then a new mod come in about a month or 2 after /trash/ was made and started nuking threads.

>not posting the rest

Attached: pol becomes good uwu.png (1546x657, 81K)

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Porn on Yea Forums?
No problem!
Complain about mods and their ineffectiveness?
Welp, that's a ban.

They do it for free

Here you go, senpai

porn and waifu threads have been on Yea Forums for years. /aco/ is for nsfw, meaning we can still have sfw porn here, moron.

We could go to /qa/.
Yeah it's a shithole, but mods from other boards sometimes hang out there.