Can we get a oc goth thread?

can we get a oc goth thread?
pls post your goth dark ocs
all goths welcome, fetish or not fetish ones

Attached: 1559016791946.png (550x850, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh wow,this thread getting backing up.Well this is my opportunity to post this then.

If any artist in here saw this,is a request.

It goes something like this:Requesting Finn from Adventure time making out and hugging with this black hair girl

Attached: OTP.jpg (2652x1296, 557K)

I made one a while ago

Attached: DCB75041-3EF0-4141-9A62-DF4142C1D1B0.jpg (792x1009, 71K)

An India or Hindi goth girls if you will.

Attached: India or Hindi Goth.jpg (320x320, 30K)

This sounds weird and could be possible but how about a goth version of Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel,the MCU Captain Marvel not the DCEU Captain Marvel.

Attached: Captain Marvel Goth Phase.jpg (1800x1012, 85K)

Did anyone ever draw her with a massive butt?

>Requesting Finn from Adventure time making out and hugging with
Oh God are you that sperg that literally asks everyone to draw pictures of girls making out and hugging Finn? What's your obsession?

More goth Mabel fanart.

just make a fanart of her doing her daily life like in her perspective episode.

Attached: Goth Mabel.png (206x236, 122K)

She looks cute.

why? how is this Yea Forums and not some donut steel circle jerk that you actually stole?
look at the state of it

Great, yet another art begging thread for a design that was originally a parody on thirst Yea Forums waifags...

what´s the point of making any character fat? i fucking hate it

I'm sure you can make an educated guess.


Attached: girls102.jpg (597x891, 129K)

Is that supposed to be a pirate?

No, more bohemian/punk. It was a dream, and that's how she was dressed.

Because awesome.

Attached: Fatty Clover.gif (390x293, 2.26M)

is her hair suppose to look like? cute btw.

Attached: 9cd043b8360c0aff1ea6acc4175a3191.jpg (2048x2048, 387K)

God, I fucking hate goths because Yea Forums never stops posting about them, like holy shit.

Attached: 1533924156031.jpg (769x480, 17K)

Attached: lol.png (508x502, 398K)

Attached: goth milf.png (1599x1847, 441K)

Attached: Gothic_Brittany.jpg (350x197, 18K)

Do Goths still exist IRL?

Only in Western Europe.

Goths will always exist.

First time seeing this character, can someone point me in the direction of any artist whose drawn her?

Go commission someone you useless beggar.

Have this Alice in Wonderland inspired OC I made back in high school (2010).
She can open up portals with her gloves and have various concepts/characters/etc from Wonderland pop out to help her fight.

Attached: bHHXC7L.png (1103x826, 641K)

I like it

Attached: 1558290722267.jpg (800x450, 31K)

Attached: winky.jpg (457x306, 21K)

If you could see the perfection of the Holy Grail, or a goth girl's smile, which would you choose?

Good art style. Now make porn of her. There is never enough goth porn.

let this thread die.

Oh no, I can't draw for shit. I commissioned it.

Attached: Annie.jpg (430x1138, 181K)

I can't draw for shit, I commissioned it.

made a character, with her being a sporty goth at first, but i kinda forgot she is one
does she look like a goth?

Attached: cloey paint.png (748x730, 255K)

Inb4 Femcel derails thread again for her being a fat slob.

Sporty goth?

Reposted from old thread.

Attached: 1551253364779.png (524x626, 150K)

She hasn't showed up for the other 3 threads. I think we're in the clear.

Attached: Gloomy eating a Falafel.jpg (1300x1300, 338K)

Would we be going to far to talk about tomboy goth girls?

no, that was the point of this kind of thread in the first place.

I love this

so, as long your oc has black lipstick that makes her gothic, good to know.

Gotta post this meme before I post the next one so it makes sense.

Attached: prememe.jpg (902x882, 102K)

Attached: birdgoth.jpg (1024x1024, 138K)

Her smile after our rollicking adventure to find it.

Attached: Dtz4BktWsAAJeml.jpg (2894x4093, 833K)

Attached: rose_eye_edit_small.jpg (825x1125, 104K)

glad to see more fit girls :)

Attached: fffffff.png (2256x1644, 867K)

Why do mods allow blatant fetish threads?



If you don’t like the thread don’t comment on it.

How else do you expect them to masturbate.

last time we had this chain of threads it was rather productive. That counts for something.

They only fap with anthro characters.

Needs to be hairy

Attached: at_the_swimming_pool_by_ngmi_ddb44ba-fullview.jpg (1280x1695, 138K)

Is there a story here or random commission?

>short blonde haired child rubbing down a long blue haired milf
Not goth and have a feeling this is incest related. Dem pubes though.

Incest, in my Yea Forums?
Perish the thought!

Attached: 4F851CEA-5B85-403C-8839-82BBBAF75F10.png (573x461, 73K)

never thought id see these threads again

Attached: 1559225890208.png (1500x1500, 585K)

Can a clan of succubi who dress in all black and use their seduction powers to form cults and terrorist cells to disrupt the social fabric of an invaded planet count as goths?

Attached: Seducers.jpg (3034x2448, 725K)

>Hindi goth girls
user why did you have to do this? I was just going to start my nofap and now this shows up and this is the only image know to mandkind. fuck!

What's the name of this character and what booru has her art?

>Black Goth Girls do exist IRL
>but IRL Black Goth Girls are rarer than unicorns where I'm at

Attached: 1556496574994.gif (474x400, 2.73M)




Attached: Sporty athletic goth for no reason.jpg (400x600, 165K)

Now we're talking!

Attached: goth pipimi.jpg (457x306, 38K)

Best type of goth

There is no name. It's just an OC.

It's brittany bitch

Worse, a majority mexican area in cali. Not too poor to bump into dindus and gibs me dats, but not too rich to talk to qt upper middle class folk. I'm at some weird entropy of crime free poor folk where everyone is just fat. My only hope is to move out of here but I'm broke atm. I am surrounded by them, but they are a few city blocks away in all directions.

My beautiful chocolate women are just barely out of reach. I just have to make it, bros. Can I do it?

Attached: 1559309706979.gif (510x810, 931K)

He just likes Sampsons.

Attached: let_me_try_too__by_ngmi_dboqpxc-pre.jpg (774x1032, 80K)

imagine rule34-proportioned hex maniac but with short hair and black lipstick
that's my OC. what do you think?

The shelf dildo and used tampon really ices this cake.

I'll draw this if you want, that sounds exciting.

this looks pretty nice, do you have a gallery?

Just head to LA and hit up Bar Sinister, you'll probably find at least one.

i remember the space goth bits well

Attached: space goth pirate.png (671x880, 176K)

Attached: happy_goths_exist_by_liester.jpg (1024x800, 153K)

Thank you, I'm Rexhastala on twitter or tumblr (but moreso on the twitter since tumblr went the way of the dodo)
I mostly post deliveries from drawthreads on them, but I'll get around to dumping all my doodles and small thread sketches like this in the future.

Attached: goth legs too long draft.jpg (600x1200, 163K)

thanks you, i´ll keep an eye on you

had to redesign her a bit, do futuristic goths count?

Attached: ashe.png (604x796, 148K)


Get off your fat ass and start looking at different parts of Cali then. Hell take a daytrip or look up the subcultures and where they hang.

I want to fuck her so badly.

What’s the artist’s name? Are they still making art?

Looks homely, doesn't it?

Attached: bartlas_by_ngmi_dd2c9db-fullview.jpg (1280x2498, 202K)

>tfw go to the gym with a girl that looks EXACTLY like this
>tfw she has the nicest ass ive ever seen

I'm literally waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to her whilst making gains. I'm motivated almost solely now by a desire to impress her

Seriously you lads dont know how close the resemblance is. The bangs and everything

Attached: 1556765906206.png (800x559, 506K)

>going to the gym
Physical exercise isn't really a goth/emo thing, right?

user, shoot your fucking shot and don't look back. If you sit and do nothing but dwell on it, you'll miss out and hate yourself forever. Take it from someone who knows, believe it or not
Just keep the autism to a minimum and don't try to overcompensate or anything. If you're even moderately attractive you'll very well have a chance.

there is no excuse to be fat user

yeah every day you wait is another day she has a chance to hook up with someone smarter/kinder/better looking than you

Show us her ass, and yes.

I'm aware lad, its like hitting gold. Shes a diamond

I will lads, dont know why i havent already. Was trying to see if it arose naturally, going with the flow so to speak.

this website was literally created to post drawn pornography 16 years ago

My little cousin is exactly that, she also had a latino bf once. She's ex-military though and is pretty muscly.

get out pan

Bumping for more goths in the morning

i still have some of the pics drummed up from the last few threads. i can post them if someone is interested

Attached: 1559403902262.png (1500x1500, 399K)

post more

Why aren't you posting them in the first place? Not a lot of drawfags here.


Attached: ashe2.png (1284x1508, 281K)


Attached: eldrich goth.png (475x689, 91K)

Attached: emageht.png (251x243, 118K)

Attached: 1558899303426.jpg (1097x1280, 252K)

Attached: 1559608379436.png (568x864, 194K)

Attached: space goth comfy.png (796x873, 230K)

Congratulations, I now want to fuck your OC. That is how you know you have made it on this board. Now you just need to get 99,999 other guys or guys_ to want to fuck her. Better get to work friend.

Attached: 1559267168191.png (864x851, 504K)

eh, im glad one person likes her, Yea Forums isnt particularly happy with black wimmin rn, no matter how goth she may be

Attached: ashey.png (836x1886, 198K)

>one person
make that two


Attached: 1556167491154.gif (500x500, 684K)

Attached: space goth suit.png (803x772, 174K)

Attached: space pirate goth gf.png (578x825, 229K)

I never paid attention to all that space goth stuff. How did the text Adventures play out?

heres some random shit about her, i dont draw ashe a lot but maybe next thread ill have more Content

Attached: gothboobs.png (678x744, 75K)

>She's one inch taller than me

Attached: jou3az.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

Attached: 1559772207222.png (1443x724, 449K)

I miss the chocogoth

Possible deal breaker. I knew a couple dom "goths" Punks, scene girls, similar school of clique and god were they obnoxious with how much they were "the kind of dom you don't get to touch ;)" when talking about sex. The punchline is two of them turned out to just be basic bitch thots and one of them went born-again.

hmmm i see why thats a problem i forgot to say, ashe is more like the Mommy dom. Clingy, fets over her partners, kinda needy, stuff like that. She would die if she didnt get touched
also shes loaded

>space goth leaves home to make her fortune as a space pirate admiral
>in a junkyard ship she found with midgets addicted to meth and orphans as crew
>finds imprisoned alien from an extinct race to join alonge
>find a cave with a tentacle orca
>kill it, steal its eggs, take one arm as a weapon
>find a k2 race of tiny creatures
>they worship space goth as a god
>she escapes, they track her down, civil war starts, wipes themselves out
>they sell thier shit
>raids a wardrobe ship and ends up with many specialized suits
>finds a planet with thousands of solar collectors
>learn it's the place where all the rich ONCE went
>go down to only find it a molten hell scape with melted crystal lava monsters
>obsidian crystal creature gives her a map but all it leads to is junk
>try and hijack a company's warp gate project
>steal several prisoner ships to attack it
>blow gate up and the orphans make a second ship entirely out of copper
>after getting more prisoners of the less degenerate and pure scum kind, try to cure them of space cancer
>attempt to raid an asteroid field that's home to a race of bull doctors
>half fuck up but end up with a lot of "doctors for dummies" books along with actual medical text books plus large amounts of drugs and aphrodisiac
>one prisoner who was bait becomes ships doctor

>That first spoiler
And that deal breaker just got fucking obliterated. Where can I find more of this fine ass OC and is there porn of her?
>That second spoiler
Where can I find a fine ass woman like this in reality?!

i have some of the greentext caps. they were a lot of fun

I havent drawn porn of her Yet i have a twitter where i WOULD at

"Yet". Also nice dubs. If I might make a suggestion. First nsfw should be of her favorite act and position to do it ib. In the mouth, butt, vagoob, etc.

why, im a simple cheesecake dealer. Actual porn isnt my forte but man do i love making people horny

Too bad, that is some GOOD rule34 right there.
>Only done anal before
Hot hot hot.

And you didn't draw her in lingerie?! For shame.

Follow up, you got a curious cat set up? Have the powerful urge to bother you on Twitter about this hot lady now.

Yeah it's up, it's the same name as my Twitter, have fun.

Attached: 1560217757516.jpg (1280x1750, 423K)

Attached: 1516071614176.png (1086x1280, 751K)

Well I guess I'll post Putricia again. People really seemed to dig her.

Attached: Putricia and Leviathan.png (1048x734, 344K)

Attached: Putricia2.png (813x1108, 462K)

Wasn't there more?

Oh sure I just didn't wanna spam it.

Attached: Putricia.png (1032x740, 337K)

Whelp, my mind is completely fucked now. Which one of you is clairvoyant?

Attached: 1552363915198.jpg (841x1123, 128K)

>non-goth girls being pressured or forced to become goth girls

Bimbofication but for goths

Attached: madmagic.jpg (500x563, 128K)

I guess I am?

Attached: Screenshot_148.png (711x769, 169K)

She CUTE, more

How to goggle pictures of this character?

>Satanists are goths

Attached: 1521131799605.jpg (526x526, 37K)

>Still no lewds
everything is gay and I hate it

Was anything ever done with this?

Attached: Peppy and Gloomy Idea Screencap.jpg (1632x1847, 269K)

I may draw something later today. I'll just ask if there's anyone who wouldn't mind some chubby stuff beforehand.

Shit, does any of that exist?

Attached: 1545002253969.png (492x504, 135K)

What's more goth than the old testament?

Attached: christiangoth.png (501x757, 209K)

Attached: Macabre Mary.png (698x795, 313K)

They have existed for thousands of years in one form or another.

someone point me to a goth here how needs more art

There is no Speaking in tongues in old testament.


I'm not saying she ONLY read the old testement. But let's be be honest. It's the more goth half of the bible.

The only goth OC to ever come out of Yea Forums is /dark/-tan from the darkwave/gothrock generals on Yea Forums

Attached: Fgsfds6.jpg (341x480, 31K)

>Not /x/-tan
You have poor taste

Attached: 1510564394866.jpg (540x540, 44K)

one day user...

Attached: spacegoth1.png (1596x1932, 566K)

Well damn man, you work fast.

my goth witch oc Layla Bloodmoon.

Attached: layla ref .jpg (1472x2075, 259K)

They will be gone before you know it

Attached: IMG_20190709_113156.jpg (723x481, 89K)

I have an "alt" punk sri lankan oc, but shes also a mom so her design is all over the place. We need more indian characters in general desu

What punk did she like?

Crust punk of course, cant have those brit bois having all the fun! I dont have have a clear reference for her rn but im working on it
shes cool, i like her shoes. What kind of witch is she?

Attached: PON2CI0.jpg (3672x2652, 1001K)

My gf is a black goth girl, literally top tier user

Oh shit bro, that looks just like my gf, gonna send this to her

Rose from Homestuck. Custom outfit.

Tell us what she thinks

Also, more.

Attached: edit.jpg (1416x3056, 244K)

Colonize her good, user.

Attached: 1556380372242.png (540x483, 126K)

Attached: 1556379530104.png (540x508, 109K)

everyone wants to know where the black goth girls are all of the the sudden, where were you when i was getting bullied, huh?
anyway, heres punk mom

Attached: babmoms3.png (1113x1635, 493K)

Punk mom put out or too busy being a mom?

Can MILFs be goth or punk? Is that an actual thing?

I made this a couple years ago and people seemed to like it.

Attached: 1553611132413.png (800x600, 100K)

I guess if you're a goth and never grow out of it and also have a baby then yes.

Please, she can juggle being a mom and a slut, its not rocket science.
I dont see why not, I watch a dozen goths on YT and some of the older ones happen to have kids

Attached: punkmomreadytf.png (1023x1533, 292K)

This is true. Hopefully she can keep the thirst out of her kid's view, else that is gonna be an incredibly awkward talk.

/x/-tan is just some emo girl, not goth

Attached: FGSFDS.jpg (281x500, 74K)

No but it should. Nobody has tried it yet

Welp, saved. Also have a folder for future possible arts. Thanks very much 1ucky.

Also assuming these were also you? God, these are all good. Hope to see more in the future.


Attached: Putricia flirts.png (1092x1193, 480K)

>Draw blood

Oh yeah she's a freaky chick. Hooking up with her would not be a pleasant experience.

More like Cute-ricia, am I right?

I love her.

I will also never forget that thread yeads ago where the femanon lost her shit over the idea of black girls being goth because a black girl bullied her

Attached: gothies.png (1680x1827, 443K)


You had one job.

"years" fuck you know what I meant

that's was a few months ago

Ignore me, I thought you were talking about that Femcel.

Attached: 1548695346547.png (349x427, 251K)

I was beginning to wonder why I seemed to recall that happening if it happened yeads ago. My memory's not that good.

>this was a nice pickle wrapped in secret sauce
>after a few years of hiding in the outer dark raiding, space goth got home sick
>she actually wanted to raid her home for old mementos and revenge against old petty rivals
>however as she translated in, her two ships we boarded
>first, why are there pirates this close to non shitty space she wondered
>and second glee
>now was time to try out her wardog suit
>the other ship was fine
>grinal was in charge of security
>she had stashed a lot of the meth they had gotten there for proper encouragement
>Blake and Ryan were there to patch anyone up, she really didn't care how many boarded
>now was her time for fun
>corridor by corridor she went
>each intruder blasted away
>at first it just looked to be throw aways
>combat bots, newbies, and attack creatures
>the gas light flamer was enough for now
>then it got weird
>knights in colorful armor would charge her
>how the hell did these pirates get royal gear
>then it got bad
>actual tactical knights appeared
>these weren't pirates, but crystalized royalty
>her flamethrowers became pointless
>thier armor was space and combat suit in one
>thankfully she had more tricks
>the gatling rail gun was the main killer
>when she found some of her midget crew pin down, a few sonic scatter shots helped
>the royals may have had good gear but her crew was so high that a few burst ear drums meant nothing
>when orphans finally found a secure channel to talk, she was able to locate and free them up as well
>a couple risky EMP bombs helped knock out the lights
>these orphans were other worldly when it came to moving around in the dark
>but no matter how many she killed, they just kept coming
>she had to find where their breach point was
>so she stunned one, and made him talk
>at first he tried to be all nobel but after cooking his legs she got what she wanted
>they had been launched in magnet shuttle pods
>it housed a teleporter for them to keep streaming in

Attached: 1559856961522.png (952x841, 302K)

>that was very worrying
>unless they fucked up, that meant a castle ship was close
>not wanting to go besieging anytime soon, she needed the ship clear and bridge secure
>she informed her crew of the plan
>orphans watch the engine, midgets watch the storage bays, thing go hunt through the vents for any more intruders
>after that, she camped the teleporter for awhile
>crystal armor was rare and some gem wardens even came
>but soon time was running thin so after tossing a compression mine into the chamber, she loosened it off the hull
>sealing up the hole, she made her way bridge side
>more knights and something far worse
>there stood a gemstone general
>an amber fighter
>sure that was the lowest possible rank but still
>worse yet he was tricked out for boarding
>chemical sprayer, drill lance, magnetic tracks
>space goth was glad she was wearing this suit
>he charged again and again
>acid and corrosive spray was all around her as he tried to maglock to her suit
>she soon found that putting some distance was the key
>cycling through her weapons, most were useless
>flamer was out with his nitrogen cooled suit
>sonic scatter shot needed her to be basically hugging him for any real damage
>gatling rail gun was too inaccuracy
>starlight missiles too slow
>plasma beam to easy for him to deflect
>giving up, she saw a little icon in the corner
>it said warhound mode
>out of options, she activated it
>the suit began to morph
>weapons changing into melee
>her hands formed claw, helmet a plasma torch jaw
>from 2 legs she was forced on all fours
>stim injectors pierced her skin
>and when all was said and done a little back mounted cannon rose out
>the general was stoic as ever until he laughed
>something about monsters in the dark and childhoods stories
>space goth just lunged for him
>they clashed but soon the tables turned
>she was on him, tearing limbs and crushing his skull
>after a short lap she reluctantly deactivated the suit
>or so she thought

>instead she just completely turned it off
>cursing and raging helplessly until a few of her crew made it toward the bridge
>helping her out and tossing her a towel she told them to raido the other ship
>looking around for something wet to moisten her skin before she dried out, contact was made
>they were boarded but by a smaller force
>said force was still elite and the defenses struggled
>Ryan had the genius idea of using the organ generator to try and make adhoc crew
>while blake tried to slap some defensive droids together
>what ended up happening was while grinal and the prisoners kept the knights at bay no one gained ground
>until a mob of flesh horrors and half functioning barely sentient droids came screaming in
>locking the area down, all they heard was screaming and tearing sounds
>space goth told them to leave it for now and that they needed to get to the bridge
>while she was rubbing jello on her stomach blake said they'll need a minute to access the engines
>a few hours went by and they pinged space goth that they were ready
>back in her suit, she told them they were to stay on course
>she was gonna figure out what's going on and why

Not gonna lie, she comes across as pretty god damn unlikeable here.

>gatling rail gun
oh my god

Nice to see some more Space Goth stories though. They're really fun and out there.

I made her quite some time ago

Attached: goghag.png (1331x2579, 254K)

Are those dreads or tentacles?

Use the tag 'gothification'.

Attached: carla_gothification_by_mr_dna_d8euky4-fullview.jpg (1024x776, 119K)

Attached: 1484445937908.png (680x989, 1.35M)


Needs more goth dudes.

I need a chubby tired goth guy in my life

Attached: 1455749080183.png (1024x791, 461K)

Attached: 1562619958911.png (261x268, 112K)

Attached: 1520981703874.jpg (640x467, 72K)

>goth guy
you'll take your lanky twinks and you'll like it

Attached: 1520975087121.jpg (850x1360, 198K)

Attached: 1528491168634.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

What about chisled good looking ones?

Attached: baphomet.jpg (620x804, 153K)

Attached: 1528489321372.png (500x441, 117K)

God I cant, i need a goth guy with a soft tummy not STICCS

Attached: cedd1845-9d48-43ca-bc9b-1825292508bf.png (178x178, 46K)

Attached: 1475384732655.jpg (947x1300, 80K)

Try Miko.

Attached: drunk miko color.jpg (929x747, 581K)




nvm I got it

Miko Nakadai (Transformers Prime)

y'all niggas are lucky. black emo girls are even rarer.
i saw one once. she was pretty cute.

Attached: National_Comics_Rose_and_Thorn_Vol_1_1.jpg (1280x1968, 598K)

>shes cool, i like her shoes. What kind of witch is she?

a dominatrix.

she's kind of a bad girl.

Thank you.

Vampire Jubilee was sort of a goth, right?

Attached: 281.jpg (1024x1447, 220K)

Attached: 1578607-x_men_3_0009c.jpg (714x569, 141K)

>scratching and biting
>draw blood

Yea Forums original project threads are allowed to stay and this technically is kind of one of those. Though I'd say it's treading a thin line. If these threads become nothing but 24/7 generals of people posting goth porn then maybe it'll start getting shunted to /trash/ like the Endtown and Poppy threads were.

Cool it with the racism please, this isn't /vpol/

she looks like a digimon, but i dont remember which one

Attached: gf barley holding.png (900x600, 174K)

I did this during last thread.

Attached: gothgirl.png (1000x1053, 180K)

these threads are pretty much just 50% bumping, 35% thirsting, and 15% actual productivity.

Saw one a few days ago actually. She may not have identified as such but she had a pretty heavily goth aesthetic.

>She's one inch taller than me
Is "Amazonian Goth" a thing? Imagine a freakishly-tall normal girl who was the center of attention every time she walked into a room, then one day said "Fuck society; if everybody's gonna stare at me then we're doing it on my terms" and went full goth.

I can see the Miles Johnston influence in your art. Nice work!

>Still no Gloomy/Peppy lewds
>Still no Gloomy/Lil' Bro lewds

The whole thing or just the ending part?

if you want lewds you'll either have to try and get them from a drawthread or do it yourself. these threads are good for cheesecake but not for actual lewds.

All I have is this

Attached: gravitty_falls_tg_ap___witchery_by_themightfenek_dcqu45b-pre.jpg (837x955, 76K)

Attached: robin_pool___gravitty_falls_gender_bender_by_themightfenek_dag1kck-pre.jpg (890x898, 76K)

Attached: gravity_falls_gender_bender___robin_by_themightfenek_dar34zb-pre.jpg (887x900, 65K)

Attached: halloween_robin___gravity_falls_gender_bender_by_themightfenek_dbscs5s-pre.jpg (846x944, 71K)


> Miles Johnston
I didn't know that artist, he makes some pretty rad stuff.

How does one become forcibly gothified?

I have taken it to /aco/ but it's trash and nothing ever gets done there

Ill draw the OC of the first one to post a dabbing goth girl

>incel thread #500000000000

Attached: 1545440574377.png (594x582, 41K)

>unironic use of incel

Attached: wheeze.jpg (377x264, 18K)

I would but I already shat up this thread with bad art

Attached: D9zILD8X4AAf6A7.jpg (1200x479, 94K)

Is this a goth komi-san?

Dark magic

that would be the most adorable thing.

I only really like goth girls paired with professional guys, like big tall business men or strict class presidents.

The problem is that these kinds of waifu threads like Thicc threads before are just blatant art begging threads. Maybe the first thread starts off with a bunch of drawfag but every successive thread has only one or two new pieces of art with the rest being reposts and begging. The worst part is the frequency, if it was a once in a blue moon thing I don't think anyone would mind but you always have a handful of anons reviving it with thread necromancy not long after the old one dies.


was expecting more Rose Lalonde in this thread. And Lydia Deets. Thass cool.

Attached: o6jxpdGmw91ru9hzt_tetratheripper.jpg (1280x768, 190K)

Why? This is the OC thread, you dork.

She will forever be my hearts desire. I will always love her. Also, updated version.

Attached: 1561606934768.png (800x600, 295K)

>turning her from a beady eyed creepy girl to generic animu shit
Why do people do this

Weeb Logic.

I've always preferred this version.

Attached: 1559083067906.jpg (1160x2144, 958K)

This just looks like a generic horror thing and doesn't show the "beyond the stars" cosmic mystery element.

Attached: 1551709104895.png (1330x2047, 797K)

And that just looks like a regular girl with feathers and glowing eyes. Looks more mythical there.

It would be cool if there was latex goth clothing that was a symbiote like Venom. It would encase someone and gothify them. Then they could transmit a new symbiote to other people to gothify them, and so on. Spreading goth like a disease.

Attached: 58409696_291291008427720_94281446308346107_n.jpg (320x320, 19K)

What if it was this but instead of biological it's made of dark magic, so that it could manifest different clothing features like metal spikes and makeup?

There are goths and rivets into PVC shit and bondage wear.

That's the fun of Lovecraftian horrors! She can look slightly different for everybody!

backtracing this IP and looking at every gym in the area

A black Creepy Susie? I fuck with it

Attached: 838616_miistniight_symbiote-time.png (4000x2483, 3.61M)


This image makes me think any guy trying to have sex with her would run into a fanged vagina

worth it

Attached: 17b5c0d4751b750f832eec5c1340d1c3.jpg (777x1029, 101K)

Vagina Dentata.

Here is what I mean

Attached: shadowspawn.png (928x778, 120K)

Goths you say?

Attached: 1560987771231-1.png (996x1022, 285K)

Shit tier. Ostrogoths are clearly superior.

>Black Perona

Dude ostrogoths are goths, there were just two chief groups the ostrogoths and visigoths

What about big tiddies goths

Attached: goth_oc.png (305x668, 136K)

That half-covered eye is a really weak design element. Especially considering that hiding one's face is a show of meekness, but her expression is anything but.

Shit tier. Vandals all the way.

Attached: fu.jpg (492x675, 41K)


Whoa! Neat to see my character reposted.

Cloey is so cool! Awesome design. Honestly I didn't think she was goth, might be due to all the blue. Definitely sporty, though!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 8.28.24 PM.png (547x593, 210K)

Attached: 23_01_17___16_by_vxdeed-dbxmgl6.png (1300x1300, 299K)

i still have some caps

Attached: space goth 1.png (780x698, 83K)

meant for

Attached: commroy_7_by_vxdeed-dcpkur9.png (2000x2000, 545K)

Not an OC of mine, but here's Dylan Beekler from that show Golan the Insatiable as a thicc-ass adult

This is the only pic I had made of her, so if you don't like it, you can fuck off

Attached: New Doc 2018-09-04 19.32.13.jpg (1364x2112, 76K)

Attached: spacegoth 5.png (709x568, 89K)

Last pic I have of her. Oh, and this one too I guess.

The only smut pic I have of her atm.

Attached: Swimsuit.png (888x2000, 300K)

Attached: spacegoth 6.png (905x460, 61K)

Attached: spacegoth 7.png (832x329, 47K)


You realllllly can't draw for shit.

What is perspective?

Attached: Cutetricia.png (1483x1516, 598K)

Is he chubby?


I'm going to try to write something with this. With Bimbofication it's easy since it's all about forcing girls to be more girly and sexual, but besides the clothes what kinds of other things should change?

What kind of behaviors and attitudes should be forced and how? Are there any specific scenes you'd like to see?

>TFW the only lewd art I got from the /aco/ OC drawthread of her was a moon over juneian beak nosed abomination that didn't even look like the character with two other OCs thrown in
I fucking hate /aco/

God I fucking love being able to handle my own lewds.

Wish I wasn't so fucking lazy though.

Attached: Screenshot_250.png (322x563, 136K)

shame, it's a good album

I just finished binge-watching a kinda shabby show called "What It's Like Being Alone" and holy shit. The show itself is pretty decent, very "2000s humor" so it can it's not exactly funny nowadays, but the Burton-lite designs and stop motion are pretty alright. It's only available on youtube in awful 240p quality and each episode is split into 4 different parts, so there's that to deal with. Might recommend it but not to everyone. BUT HOLY SHIT.

I have found the ultimate goth gf, lads.

She has a simple, clean goth design and carries a black umbrella. No extra scene or punk features like nose rings or mohawks that would ruin the perfect goth look. Sexy-tired voice. She's suicidal and pessimistic, but motherly and occasionally kind. She doesn't have big titties but what would you expect from tax-funded canuck TV?

Aldous is so fucking perfect, I can't describe it. I've never seriously been a Waifu fag in my entire life but this might just be the tipping point. Knowing she'll never be real is killing me slowly honestly a lot.


Attached: aldous collage.jpg (1023x767, 148K)

Religion truly is the cancer of this world

Ayy, I thought I was one of the select few who only knew about this. I found the show to be really crappy desu, and that's probably because I approached it with the wrong expectations. I was hoping for something more wholesome and serious, yet darkly comedic. Kinda like a Burton film.

Now stop fantasizing about her ya bastard, I found her first.

Attached: 1477698182453.jpg (600x900, 133K)

Godspeed, anonymous
Dont fuck up

Attached: DzakihXXcAEjDqI.jpg (720x658, 49K)

She's got an excellent piece of smut done by Ehryel.

This looks familiar. Any ideas who made it?

The problem was that the goth girl should have been the main character and notHelga (from the Oblongs) should have been a side character.

>that chubby
>wearing tights
>no skindentation
Wasted opportunity tbqh.

now i want to see it
i know, wanted to post a version without the test background, but couldn't find it
thank you

Attached: cloey1.png (976x1000, 213K)




I tried, but I can't get something interesting out

Attached: 15628551059898578371376032036099.jpg (3120x4160, 3.55M)

just start drawing and do studies, dude.

>the average Yea Forumsmrade can draw 10 times better than me


Just watched the first episode.

I can basically guarantee that she'd be into some real kinky shit.




Neat. Is she some local drawfag's oc?

thanks to some friends I met through an /aco/ server, I can draw at a starters level, but I still got a long way to go. You can learn to draw rather easily these days, just pick up a book from Michael Hampton or other high-tier guide-artists, depending on subject you might want to pick up stuff like Heads and hands from Andrew Loomis. Trying is the first step to learning user, if I can do it, so can you. Just devote 15-30 minutes a day to drawing and another 15-30 at feedback.

In the meantime, I'm gonna read into goth-culture more so I can put a more interesting oc on the spot

Trick question. A goth girl's smile IS the perfection of the Holy Grail.

If someone like Aldous became your gf, you'd inherit a fuckton of emotional baggage.

Just saying, you'll need to be prepared to be her therapist who also screws her brains out.

In fact, would she latch onto you as a father figure, with her being an orphan and all?

>Neat. Is she some local drawfag's oc?
It's beginning to look like that.

Goth clowns when

Attached: lazorchef_1044728925161705472_20180925_192240_img1.jpg (767x878, 73K)

I want to blow raspberries into her bellybutton.

Attached: lazorchef_1044710331346538496_20180925_180847_img2.jpg (471x821, 52K)


This work too

Attached: lazorchef_1044710331346538496_20180925_180847_img1.jpg (666x904, 84K)


Attached: 1482615447879.png (217x190, 45K)

>Goth Girl thread
>blatant fetish

Search it on desuarchive, fella. You would find the first thread when the OC started going on.



You're an ambitious man, user.

That can work.

Attached: Bliss the Gothic Clown!.png (500x900, 163K)

She seems very motherly, she cares for the other orphans and loves them in her own way, however begrudgingly. You'd still probably either become as pessimistic as her or die, though.

Brad Peyton and CBC, so the canuck government funded it. Can't seem to find any other stop-motion works made by the guy, though, so I don't know what company made the stop-motion themselves or if they even outsourced.

I don't mind her current role, but I do agree she should have had larger prominence. I think it'd also probably help if the designs of the other orphans were less freakish and unpleasant, though, but that'd go against the entire point of the series.

Attached: parental advice.png (1283x890, 860K)

It's the girl from OP in the original threads when they wanted her to be a futuristic cybergoth or something

>She seems very motherly, she cares for the other orphans and loves them in her own way

>tfw no motherly gentle femdom gf that has the same voice and mannerisms of Aldous.

That's a cute chubby clown. How does she entertain people?

I could see her doing something like , as well as flaunt it in front of people.

It's something Yea Forums relates to

>I will also never forget that thread yeads ago where the femanon lost her shit over the idea of black girls being goth because a black girl bullied her
I'm a black goth girl, and I want to read that thread. Can you link it on the archive or give me a word/phrase you remember so I can dig it up myself?

Attached: goth_pearl_batch_by_b0nebat_dabltz3-fullview.jpg (1024x791, 90K)

What goth music do you like?

I'll see what I can pull out

That Pearl though.

you should draw her entertaining
here's what was linked when this was brought up before

Yep. That's the one.

Attached: 8173bb9cf5243f3ee2e28445c781e73d.png (500x598, 179K)

google health goth, it's an actual thing
maybe she'd look more dark if her eyeliner was thicker?

>foreverally gothified and loving it

Moi Dix Mois, Strawberry Switchblade, The Birthday Massacre, Boy Harsher, Jack Off Jill (and some of Scarling's stuff), QueenAdreena, Lingua Ignota, ColdWorld, and a few others I can't remember.

Thanks, I really like reading dumb Yea Forums arguments, so this is entertaining

Attached: nvkt3yBQlv1sipfb3o1_500.jpg (500x611, 51K)

Do you also like Malice Mizer?

Just ripped off elements from girls that are cute because I'm a hack.

Attached: BigTiddyGothGF.png (1000x1600, 816K)

Yeah it was this. It was fucking crazy and the more she talked the more she talked the more she revealed that she was just ultra racist and bitter against goths

>Moi Dix Mois, Strawberry Switchblade, The Birthday Massacre, Boy Harsher, Jack Off Jill (and some of Scarling's stuff), QueenAdreena, Lingua Ignota, ColdWorld, and a few others I can't remember.

Super good taste. Birthday Massacre's one of my all time favorites and I have a lot of warm memories from teen years associated with JOJ.

Love semi-monstrous chicks like this, hands are neat

thicc LadyDeviLilithmon Sibella?

Love me some goth girl threads.

Attached: 1539823901775.jpg (1600x2263, 374K)

Attached: 1538651499111.jpg (401x940, 65K)

This one came out pretty cool though

Attached: 1560399899835.jpg (536x901, 233K)

She's... a normal looking woman. Put some effort into making your OCs into goths.

>black goth girl
Please tell me you have some form of social media

really liking it user, I'm realy digging your artwork of the space -goth, hope you'll share it with us when it's finished

It's a cool character design I got to say.

>really liking it user, I'm realy digging your artwork of the space -goth
Thanks user. I've grown rather attached to the character, so I try to do her justice
>hope you'll share it with us when it's finished
That likely won't happen. I sketch, and sketching's all I do.

Attached: cloey_stopwatch.png (753x814, 41K)

>'ve grown rather attached to the character, so I try to do her justice
nice, planning any stories?
>I sketch, and sketching's all I do.
I don't mind sketches actually, I like their roughness and sometimes less color can make you enjoy the details more, like in that previous one I like how you realized shadows with only two colors.

goths arent aliens dude

>nice, planning any stories?
I'm planning something very ambitious that'll likely never really pan out (knowing my track record), but if I could do something with it I'd have a really cool side project on my hands. Not a good writer though, but I do have a few things in mind I'm keeping close to my chest for now.

I did lie about only sketching, that only applies to my 2D work.

Attached: space_goth_next_gen.png (596x831, 142K)

Women with a bit of chub can provide you with warmth during the winter. They also tend to make better mothers.

really nice work! sadly I like 2D more, but good luck with your project, I hope it goes well.
may I ask you for a sketch? do you take commissions?

So uh... you got anywhere you post your stuff, or do you not care to disclose it?

Attached: 1561562394736.png (438x531, 394K)

Personally, her head reminds me of gardevoir

well, we'll see where the 3D takes us. Could be cool, could be shit, could just cut the idea and salvage what I have.

>may I ask you for a sketch? do you take commissions?
I don't do comissions but ask away, I might give it a shot.

>So uh... you got anywhere you post your stuff, or do you not care to disclose it?
I make an effort to stay out of sight, but outside of my sketches for these threads most of it can be found, provided you know what to look for. There's a few characters that I've done a moderate amount of sketches of.

Absolutely no clue, like I said I had that done back in 2010

I was so pissed the art was nothing like the cover art and that it never got more than one issue.

Here's one I made when "channel-tans" were a thing around here.

Vault Disney-tan

Attached: Vault Dweller..png (726x642, 229K)

>I make an effort to stay out of sight
Understandable. I hope you'll share more work in any future goth or Batman threads that pop up. Dig the fuck out of your work.

>I don't do comissions but ask away, I might give it a shot.
eh, I just have this OC and thought your style could meke her justice
be aware I'm NOT able to draw
she's a ghost and a mechanic, and that thing ih her hair is a nut

thanks anyway, whatever it will become I hope the 3D project will be satisfying.

Attached: Greta Host scribble.png (320x348, 187K)

Thanks anons, I try not to disappoint and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

>she's a ghost and a mechanic, and that thing in her hair is a nut

sounds good, is there any more to her I can work with or is that about all? I can do a thorough redesign or just a version of your sketch in my style.

>is there any more to her I can work with or is that about all?

she's usually pretty upbeat, inclined to action and a bit controlling but doesn't really think about the consequences, and she loves science fiction, if that can be helpful.

>I can do a thorough redesign or just a version of your sketch in my style.

Really what you like better, I'd like to maintain the long sleeves and hair and especially the nut but see what you find easyer to work with.

again thank you, whatever it comes out of this, know you did not disappoint me in any way

Wish i could draw. I would love to draw a goth girl OC.

start drawing fuker

Attached: 12313.png (114x114, 23K)

>have infinite ideas about lewd that woud put shadman to shame
>fantasize about being a big name in the art community with other big name artists drawing my OC fucking their OCs
>have a fleshed out original world in mind
>no drawing ability

Attached: noooooo.jpg (691x653, 88K)

Unless the idea of drawing makes you angry, there is no reason to not learn to draw.

I would argue that long sleeves don't work that well for a mechanic character.

Attached: Screenshot_252.png (942x882, 242K)

I know that feeling

Out of curiosity: what depraved ideas do you have that are doomed to just languish

Attached: feel.png (500x420, 62K)

There never seems to be many goth dudes. Here's mine

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7.36.59 PM.png (276x768, 131K)

nice. i like him, simple is a good touch with guy goths

Goth girls are SHIT, grow up.

Attached: booo.jpg (231x300, 19K)

Thank you!!

There's no good fan art of her but Antigone Funn from Wooden Overcoats is my waifu

Here some black goth OC of my own.

Attached: 738723C7-FDC1-4536-A85E-505AD3E27A1E.jpg (3264x2448, 1.66M)

Fucking rotation!

I'd fuck her sideways regardless!

Agreed, but I wasn't really thinking practicality the first time I drew it.

Thanks a lot user, I'm loving this take on the character, especially the single glove.

Attached: 1553824806780.png (784x335, 201K)

someone upload the full image


We gonna keep doing this till the bump limit or what

she's more dark in a day time
OMG user thank you, she looks quite thick...
do you have a twitter or something?

OC comin' through

Attached: deloris.jpg (452x470, 51K)

>I make an effort to stay out of sight,
oh, understandable
i hope to see more of you and the bunny space goth

Attached: cloey8.png (614x294, 51K)