"Frown Note"

July 9, 2019

Attached: dog-whistle-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

I don't get it.

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someone please explain this godawful shit to me

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I think maybe the gag is about the lib's whistle blowing?

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I think he's calling someone a bitch, but that'd just be a guess.

Yes but

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I don't get it either?

Is he calling SJWs as dogs or sensitive?

Are these characters made of ice cream?

I got you senpai.

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A furry or a "bitch" affected by it

I need more, link?


imagine tracing porn to try and get "back" at /pol/

No. Bird shit.

I think SJW dog whistling is what he's trying to say. I think.


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You made this thread on Yea Forums too. Fuck off keyboard warrior

I mean, /pol/ shoops red hats on Yea Forums and /jp/ characters to pretend they belong on Yea Forums. Which is sadder?

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Nah i drew that, it's not traced, maybe i heavily referenced subconsciously, but its been a while
Thanks anons, no links for more but i could draw something i suppose

It's a pun, that's why op included the name. The political connection is the sjw is reacting to a Dog whistle. The pun is relating to brown note hence the last panel.

Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The analogy is to a dog whistle, the ultrasonic tone of which is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.

Attached: love-hate-relationship-comic.png (1500x500, 83K)

>people this stupid actually exist

The porn thing, I can slap a hat on anything in like 5 minutes. That took time and effort of your life.


Nah, no way. I think it's the emergency slide-whistle repair person.

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guess when you don't know jack shit about politics this stuff flies right over.

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might as well post the other one i did

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And the Left dishonestly uses the concept to accuse their opponents of evil instead of argument. See "MAGA hats are the new Klan hood", "MAGA means kill the blacks", "'America First' is Nazi", etc. etc.

>Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup
Thank you. What a terrible comic

But aren't SJW the ones that dog whistle the most? The big stereotype about them is that they eat their own all the time.

I still don't get the joke.

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>What's the matter user? Are you staring at my stones?

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No. "Dog whistle" is a political term. It refers to a message constructed such that a specific subset of people generally belonging to your social group get a second, underlying meaning not intended for general audiences, often due to its offensive nature.

Humans can't hear literal dog-whistles, but SJWs hear figurative dog-whistles everywhere.

Wait never mind, I was thinking of whistle-blowing.
I'm retarded.

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I love how he thinks hyper-capitalist WASP globalist billionaires don’t exist or something.

It's funny because the maga hat dude is much more likely to be a murderer than the people in masks and hoods

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Do people actually where these hats in public?
like I've only seen them at political rally's


>But aren't SJW the ones that dog whistle the most?
That's not what dog whistling is.
It used to mean something else, but in its current usage, it's "claiming someone is secretly using coded language to be sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever, despite not actually saying anything sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever."
SJWs just straight up accuse everyone of being nazis, not "secretly imply" that everyone else is a nazi.

Porn is always worth time and effort though. I had my dick biopsied Friday and haven't missed a day of sometimes bloody fapping.

this is his only good comic

Makes sense. I don't know what I was thinking.

I don't understand if you people pretend or are really this retarded to not understand such a braindead joke.

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It's ironic that this comic implies libs are reacting to something innocuous by imagining it is a coded signal to racists when Stonetoss used to be Red Panels which was incredibly blunt with its Nazi sympathies. Stonetoss as an entity was made as a way to sugarcoat and sanitize racist Nazi memes and ideas for a wider audience than Red Panels could reach, and now that same comic is criticizing libs for calling it what it is.

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you fucking yanks make me sick

>”America First” means Nazi
I mean this one is kinda true. It wasn’t meant to be that way but white nationalists like Nick Fuentes typically use it to mean “white Americans first” or “white Americans only.”

To be fair, you must have an IQ of over 50 to understand Stonetoss comics.
This frustrates some of our more leftist posters.

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I fixed it, can I be a conservative comedian now.

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To be fair, one of those statements are true.

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This comic legitimately loops around to being leftist

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stop shilling your lame comic here dickweed

I'd like to imagine Stonetoss/Red Panels is actually Shmorky himself who is trying to get his "revenge" at the LGBT community after they ostracized him for being a massive creep.
This is the one comic that is actually good.

Lmao top tier youtuber regurgitation my dude
supremely intellectual analysis

Changing it from Stonetoss to Ben Garrison doesn't really fix it. It just makes it a different flavor of shit.

This is the only good Stonetoss comic

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why'd you use four words instead of just saying jew / rich?

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Will bernie even be alive by 2024

Facts > feels destroys this libtard comment sadly....

Because the largest common denominator of the hyper rich isn't Judaism, it's being white

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this one had qt's in it so its good too

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You realize the FBI actually tracks political terrorism in this country and he's 100% right, right?

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In some manufacturing industries like, yes.

But when it comes to anything genuinely influential on a global scale you'll find it's usually not anglos behind it
WASPs haven't been a relevant sociopolitical bloc since the early 70s

With the advancements of medicine and living conditions that are expanding every day as we speak, probably, but at that point he also probably shouldn't be president.

I think he's just being facetious

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Prison stabbings are considered right wing terrorism my dude
Using numbers extracted by hyperpartisan lobby groups doesn't really help make the point

yet most of the destructive, exploitive and reductive-to-cattle practices come from jews.

honestly the warning signs are right fucking there in bright red. they refer to you as cattle to be weakened, degraded and exploited and actively send insurgents to start immigration while viciously denying any immigration to their own homeland.

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>Pepe frog is racist because someone made a Hitler meme

Is that code for only pretending to be retarded?

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