

Attached: IMG_20190709_100717.jpg (2048x1536, 298K)

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Stan looks pretty weird without his five o’clock shadow

Is that his weenie?!

Still my husbando.

Alex what kind of show are you running here

Do you think he had his kids suck on one each

This can't be real.

must be a warm day

Could you imagine Dipper being forced to suck Stan's balls haha

they cant keep getting away with it

I would.

more like grunkle fucker


New season?

Yes, this was a still from season 3. Backgrounds aren't done yet.

So is there any other kids shows with canon nudity/lewdness?

Attached: 1559563402290.webm (888x500, 879K)

Shut your fucking face grunkle fucker

Spoiler there is a muscular white tiger named Xu (pronouced Zu) who enjoys bullying the king. Such as making him smell his pits and noogies the only reason Snugglemane doesn't try to fight back is because he finds Xu attractive. Xu also bullies Mao Mao and Orangusnake.

Here's how he'll sound (same voice actor as guy in link) youtube.com/watch?v=7XGY_fHLqck&t=68s

>Dipper and Mabel probably have seen his saggy nuts outside his boxers hundreds of times

Do you think they ever aknowledged it or just pretend they never saw anything.

fucking lel. stan is my favorite character.

Someone definitely has...

Attached: S2e5_wendy_and_stan's_adorable_relationship.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

You're a boner-biting bastard, Grunkle Fucker

Attached: South Park Canadians.jpg (316x316, 39K)

Yes. We decided to listen to the fans and have more dipper cheesecake shots.

I bet Mabel would be brain dead enough to poke them like a toy while he sleeps.

>not Soos, the guy who probably opted to give Stan a sponge bath, even if the grunkle's still clearly capable of showering himself

Attached: Soos is one gay-ass mothafucka.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

do you think dipper has seen wendy's balls?

>stanwendy is mostly popular with femanons

It’s weird.

They always secretly wondered what daddy's penis would feel like.

It’s literally wendip for girls. They self insert as Wendy.

I think I’ve seen a greentext on /o/ where an user during his teen years lost his gf because he poked her dad’s boner while he was asleep and she walked in on the act

That greentext comes from here as far as I'm concerned

Bunny Maloney

Attached: yw6N6gF.jpg (500x375, 36K)

Based Phil Rynda giving us hairy, saggy old man testes

Attached: philface.png (1920x1080, 646K)

This is why Stan is my favorite character.

Attached: 4c2.png (900x600, 621K)

reminds me of my dad

The two are rebels without a cause who have great chemistry together. It's not that hard to figure out.

Besides, women usually like older man way more often than men like older women.

Attached: 00a28eed9977fa344d42932847594722--stan-gravity-falls-gravity-falls-comics.jpg (474x300, 24K)

I want to see Ford's balls in a official drawing too

They're near identical twin's, right? Would it even look any different?

Attached: S2e20_Stan_and_Ford.png (1366x768, 1.02M)

So wait, what is this even?

Official rendering made by official Disney artists. Gives some credence to the rumors of the Disney porn vault that apparently exists.

If only we listened to Freud before it was too late.


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Toriel wtf

She was young and needed the money.

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